Resolution 006-1987 Commissioner Gene Lytton RESOLUTION NO. 006 -1987 A RESOLUTION INDICATING MONROE COUNTY'S CONCERN RELATING TO THE PROPOSED U. S. COAST GUARD ABANDONMENT OF NAVIGATIONAL DAY MARKERS IN THE GULFS IDE BACK COUNTRY OF THE INTER- COASTAL WATERWAY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF MONROE COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Section 1. A grave concern is hereby expressed by the Mayor and County Commission of Monroe County of the proposed and contemplated abandonment and removal of all navigational aids of day markers throughout the Gulfside back country of Monroe County in the Intercoastal Waterway from Big Spanish Channel to Key West. Section 2. That such a removal as is contemplated would lead to a potential environmental damage and/or destruction of sea grass beds and marine habitats which would be caused by vessels transitting unmarked waters. Section 3. A grave concern of this body has arisen relating to the preservation and protection of the life and property of all concerned in the area to be effected. Section 4. That in furtherance of the possible harm and damage created by the perspective abandonment as expressed herein all agencies and officials involved should be so advised and it is hereby the direction of this Resolution that the Clerk shall transmit copies of this Resolution to the Honorable Elizabeth Dole, U. S. Secretary of Transportation, the Honorable Lawton Chiles, U. S. Senator, the Honorable Bob Graham, U. S. Senator, the Honorable Dante Fascell, U. S. Congressman, the Honorable Bob Martinez, Governor of the State of Florida, the Honorable Larry Plummer, Senator, the Honorable Ron Saunders, State Representa- tive, the Honorable Paul A. Yost, Commandant of the U. S. Coast Guard, Rear Admiral Howard B. Thorsen, Commander, 7th Coast Guard District, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Environmental Regulation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the "~J day of January, A.D., 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk (7,,,, ; B Y \l"/"";'(~"'~~ t~";.~t c1 / o( ,I .,/ ..1' .~, '-':;..;';~' ,,"l !~ ,....... .-;t"J? ~<"- It,." ,It",:' 1.~'"f-4 . .' ':;~'..:#'"t..::~4/i.a-.-~.~~~~ i.':.-.:.f .,...-,., ~"'.." . ,- - -~- 3' I · ." LlL, ~ iJ~ er -' AP VE AS TO FORM /\ A LEG 'L SUFF~/EIVCY. (!:f-;:::,~ BY Attornev's omce 1 2