Resolution 048-1987 Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 048-1987 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE COUNTY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 13-101(E) OF THOSE REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations on February 28, 1986, and said plan and regulations became effective on September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, Section 13-101(E) of the Land Development Regula- tions provides that the Board of County Commissioners may correct typographical and drafting errors in the Regulations at any regular meeting without posted notice or public hearing provided that notice of such corrections are transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of the adoption of such corrections; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The land use district map designation of all those parts of subdivisions shown as RU-1-M and RU-2 on the Monroe County Zoning Maps immediately prior to September 15, 1986, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby designated as ISM and ISD respectively. Section 2. This Resolution correcting scrivener's errors and omissions described in section one shall be construed nunc pro tunc to February 28, 1986. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to provide notice of the adoption of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of adoption, and the correction be appropriately noted in the permanent records of Monroe County relating to the Land Use Plan and Maps. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ~ f. Attest: /2i '//~,/)L CLERK ~ APPRt!VEfJ AS TO FORM A LEGAL SUF~ICIE~ BY Attorney's Office 2 ./ r II STOCK ISlNIl Maloney's Subdiv1sion Stock Island - Part Block 48 lots Z, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 20, and 21 RU-2 BIG mPPITT Similar Sound - Sect. A - lots 2 - 4 and Part tract A RU-2 Boca Ch1ca Ocean Shores Blocks 17 & 16 RU-2 ROCKlAtI} RocklandVlllage Block 2 RU-l BAY POINT Ray Point Amended Plat RU-2 Bay Polnt A~~ded Plat Block 4, Lots 1-5 RU-Z ctnIJEKEY Cutthroat Harbor Estates 1st Addition Block 7 RU-Z Cutthroat Lake Estates RU-Z SUM:RLNIl KEY Un1dentif1ed subdiv1s1on north of 1l1ghway - SUlllllerl~nd,~ey - located in 526, T66, R 28 (2nd and 3rd StreetY RU-Z IWRIJ KEY Breezeswept Beach Estates Block 1 RU-l BIG PINE KEY Port Pine Heights 2nd Addit10n Block 24 RtJ-Z Port Pine Heights 3rd Addition RU-l MIIIlLE lImOt Mended Plat - Middle Torch Key Estates Block BLots 1-16 and 42-58 RU-Z BIG PINE KEY Pine Channel Estates Sect. One RU-l Koehns Subdivision Block 1 RU-2 Eden Pines Block 1, Lots 15-24, Block 18-19 RU-Z EXHIBIT "A" . ..~ /' ... f - . . l. ' .f .1' 1/ Tropical Bay RU-2 Tropical Bay 3rd Addition RU-l~ Tropical Bay 2nd Addition RU-2 Refuge Point (Unidentified Parcel) 519, T66, R30 RU-2 Jolly Rogers Estates Blocks 17, 18, 19 RU-2 8ig Pine Shores Block 1 RU-2 fC) NAflE KEY Bah1a Shores Amended RU-2 MMAnD Property off of SR 931 in Marathon 521, T66, R32 RU-l Sombrero Subdivision Block A MM 48 1/2 RU-Z Sombrero Beach Village Block 1 Lots 1-12 RU- Z Puerto De 11 So 1 d Subd I v is f on RU..l Sea A1re [states Blocks I, Z, 6, 7, 8 RU-Z kEY VACA Fla~1ngo Island Estates RU-l~ KEY mUM Key Colony No.2 Block Z, (lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 - 10) Block 3, (lots 2-6 and 9-11_ Block 4, (lot 3) Key Colony No.4 Block 2, (lots 3-6, 12-9) Block 3, (lots 19-20 and 2.8-23) Haya1ian Village RU-2 com PllJll Coco Plum Beach Blocks 8, 9, 10. 11, 16, 17, 18 RU-l~ GRASSY KEY Grassy Key - unidentif1ed property MM 58 1/2 RU-Z IU:K kEY Harbor Is 1 and .. Duck Key RU-I-M ), ./ f .- , j . . Jf, / 1 . Plantation Island Duck Key Sectfon 3 RU-l~ UIIER MTEClMJE Unfdentified property MM 73 3/4 520. T 64 R36 RU-l~ Unidentified property MM 74 S20, T64. R 36 ~1~ WItIlLEY kEY MM 85 1/2 524, 163 R 37 RU-Z PLANTATU" KEY Indfan Harbor blocks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 RU-l~ Indian Waterways blocks 4, 5, 6, 7 RU-l~ KEY L.ARm Port largo Fifth Addition RU-Z Part of L.argo Ocean Shores RU-Z Port largo Fourth Addition lot 212, 312-320 RU-l Part of Port largo Fifth Addition RO-Z Port Largo Fifth Addition RU-2 largo Sound Park RU-l~ South Creek Village RU-l~