Resolution 052-1987 Billy Wagner, Director Civil Defense RESOLUTION NO. 052 -1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY UTILIZATION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board is hereby au- thorized to execute an Eligibility Application for Public Agencies Federal Surplus Property Utilization Program, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /7. r#.e~ ~~~R~_ ~~_ Ill., . jb BYc1;;~9ZCH~;~~;/ 0 (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L!L ~~ IP.~ C ERK ' .. - _.__ h" ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY UTILIZATION PROGRAM Legal Name of Applicantt1onroe County Address Key '''lest, Florlda 33040 County Monroe Area Code 305 Telephone Zip ;.I.Y4-4b41 Date Agency began Operation ... N/A 1. Check type of Agency: (See definitio~s on reverse side) c. d. Conservation Economic Development Parks & Recreation Public Safety Museum f. g. h. 1. State Agency County Govt. City Government Indian tribe, group, band, Pueblo (State Reser- vation only) Other ~-~- X ---- a. b. e. j. 2. Attach a narrative which describes the program and services offered. Also attach evidence that the applicant.is a public agency. 3. How is the activity funded: (Show percentages) a. Tax-supported (other than by grant) 100% b. By grant and/or contributions c. Other _(specify) 4. Attach completed Assurance of Compliance with GSA Regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI 0:: the Federal Property and Ac.."1linistr3.ti"e Services Act of 1949, .as amended, and Section 50'; of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 5. Attach an Authorization Document completed by the Governing Boare or Body designating one or more representatives to act for ~~e applicant acquiring property from the State Agency, to commit the expenditure of funds, and to execute the State Agency's invoice/ issue sheet, includinc Te~, Conditions, Reservations, and Re- strictions that the State Agency or GSA ~ay establish cn the property. DA':'E: SIGNED: -.. TI'!'LE: .. . FeR S~AT~ .~GE~;C"! us:;: J~te .=\pproved: Date Disapp:::oved: Co~ditional ~li~i~ility Directo:::: . . Nondiscrimination Assurance Assurance to be executed by authorized representative of donee activity prior to receiving donations of surplus personal property from the State Surplus Property Agency on and after Octover 17, 1977. Assurance of Compliance with GSA Regulations under Title VI~f the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949', as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended, Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Discrimination, Act of 1975. County of ~1onroe , hereinafter call th[~ "Donee," hereby (Name ot Donee) agrees that the program for or in connection ~.,rith ;.,rhich any property is donated to the donee will be conducted in compliance with, and the donee will .co::1ply with and will require any athet' perSO;1 (any legal entity) who through contractual or other arrangements with the donee is authorized to provide services or benefits under said program to comply with, all requireoents ioposed by or pursuant to the regul.'!tions of the General Services Administration (~1 CFR 101-6.2, or 101-8) issued under the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the ~ F2de=~1 Property and Aoinistrative S~rJiccs Act of 1949, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation .'\.ct 0:: 1973, 3S :mended, Title L"'{ of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, ~nd Section 303 of the Age Dis- crimination Act of 1975, to the end that no person io the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, or age, or that no other~ise qualified handicapped ~erson shall solely by reason of the handicapped, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any progr~ or activity for which the donee received Federal assistance from th2 Gener31 Services Administration; ~nd ~er2by Gives Assurance that it ;vill inmediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreecent. The donee further agrees that this agree!:lent shall be subj~ct in .111 respects to the provisions of said re;;u1..:1tions; that this agrec!:1Cnt shall obligate the donee for the period dur-i:1g which it ret.:11.ns m_"7lership or possession of any such property; that t::e United st:ltes s:.a11. have the right to seek judicial cnforce:nent or t:1is :lgreernent; dEG, the agree:nent shall Je bi,-ding upon any successor in int2~est oi tje uonee and the word "~onee" 3S used herein i:1.cludes anv ,r:;t~,-.:~: su(:cessnr 1:1 :':1terest. Dated County of Monroe Jonee :'~y -r~S-:C'_'\!1~: '-~~~~!~:-::J.:1 cr t~:e 3c3.rd or ccrJ?.:1!".3.blc~ .:'.1::::-:o:-ized official) County of Monroe Key West, Florida 33040 Jonee ~ailing Address . nefini tions . Public Aaencies 1. Conservation: Means a program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes' involving directly or in- directly the protection, maintenance, development, and restoration of the natural resources of a given political area. These resources include but are not limited to the air, land, forests, water, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, minerals, and animals, fish, and other wildlife. 2. Economic Develooment: Heans a p;ogram 0::- programs carried out or p::-omoted by a public agency for ~ublic purposes which involve directly or indirectly efforts to improve the opportunities of a given political area for the successful. establishment or expansion of industrial, commercial, or agric~ltural plants or facilities and which otherwise a:"si~t in the crc.::ttio.:1 of long term employment opportuni ties in the area or 1) r i:<',.:1ri 1J' bene fi t the u.'1emploi'eC. or those with low incomes. 3. Parks an~ Recreation: Means ~ program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public pu::-poses which involve directly or indirectly the aC1uisition, development, improvement, maintenance, and protection ot park and rec::-eational facilities ~or the residents of a given politic31 area. Such facilities include but are not li~itcd to parKs, playgrounds and achletic fields, swimming pools, sol!: (;our~L.:S, nature :acilities, and nature trails. 4. Public Safety: Means.J. program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes involvi~g, directly or in- directly, the protection, safety, law enforcement activities, and cri~inal j~stice system of a given political area. Public safety programs may include but are not limited to those carric~ out by public police depart~ents, s~eriffs' offices, the courts~ penal and correctional insti~uticns including j~venile facilities, State and civil defense org.J.~i~~tions, and fire departments and rescue squads including volunteer fire departments and rescue sq~ads suooorted in whole or in oa::-t with oublic funds. 5. :>1usewn: Means a public or nonprofit. facility ,.hich is attended by the public free or at a nominal charge and which provides museum services including the preservation and exhibition of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific objects. 6. State, County and Citv Gover~mental Acencies: Surplus personal orooertv accuired thro~ch ~he State Acencv must be used bv the .. - ....... ... - .. . ?ublic agency to carry out or to promote =or the residents of a given political area one or mere public purposes. While the Act lists certain specific public pur?oses s~ch as conservation, economic development, education, parks and ~ecreation, p~lic safety, t~is en~~er~tion is not e:~clusive and is not intended to orec:ude the acauisition of dcnabl~ surol~s ~ersona~ ~rooertv bv a"oubiic ~sency.for other publi~ ?ur~cs~s. ~ach pUblic ?rcg~~~~is conducted ~. Gesignated depart~ents, .~gen~~es, cr ot~e::- instr~~entalities of~ t~e State 3nd/or local governments. ~ .. I . Ir:d.:i.a:1 T~i::::e, 32~d, GrGL:~, ?t:eblo, C!:" Co~~t::1it.~]: :or ?a~~ici?a~ion i~ ~~e =ece~~l S~~p~~s ?~c?e=ty o~lv if ~oc3ted C~ a St2te ?~se~~I~~~2~. May be ce~ti:iec. Dc~atio~ ?rc;ran ~VEY OF PROPERTY NEEDS, RESOUR~ AND UTILIZATIO~l CAPABILITIES The Stat~ Agency for Federal Property Assist3nce, to more equitably serve the needs of all participants, requests the belo~ information and stipulates thac the data submitted will be used only for the purpose of facilitating the fair and equitable distribution of property and for no other purposes, Public Law 94-519, October 17,1976, amends the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 194' and mandates that the State Agency will provide for fair and equitable distribution of property within the State based upon relative needs, resources and ability to utilize available personal surplus property. This survey will"be used to make those determinations. Your cooperation in supplying the requested data ~ill be appreciated. 1. General Data A. Type of Agency: 'Xv 1 Public Agency Private Nonprofit Institution B. Resources A'/ailable: 1. Funding source xx T~{ appropriated funds ! Fe(cral or State Grant ~. .... Tuition or charges fer sc!:'..iccs[::=::J 2c:1ations or contributions .... ~. SC3tement cr relative fin.l:'.cial :1~ilit:: C\)\1dg~t limitations, inability to purch.:lse from coctnercLll scurces, e:~t:::- :lordinar? economic problems. etc. The County of Monroe seeks to obtain surplus property in order to maximize efficiency in the provision of services to it's citizens, while reducing the cost to the public. Monroe County is ranked first in terms of cost of living in the state, but is ranked 21st in per capita income. (See Reverse) ~:ote: Other factors may be considered i~ the distribution of available property such as, per capita inco~e of residents of area, assessed property values, economic ranking, and other data as pubiished in the Statistical Report of the D~parcnent of Revenue and other similar report. c. ?opul:ltion served: Approximately 63,188 year round residents (1980 Censu~ D. Capability for repair and waintenance of property : Repair and maintenance will be performed by reqular county forces. Abi!ity to utilize requested property (State~ent of utili.tion potential, ongoing need, temporary need, reserve backup, etc): Monroe County is unique in the state in that it is 120 miles in length. Thus services must be duplicated in the various departmental servce areas. For example, while our population is only around 63,000, Monroe County must maintain fire fightinq facilities at at least 12 separate locations (not including municipal service areas). . e II. Specific Needs Indicated major items not generally available in the agency distribution centers such as. but not limited to, aircraft and components; vessels and components; vehicles and components; construction equipment and components; heavy construction materials; material handling equipment and components; generators; compressors; musical ins truments; machine .tools and components; scientific equipment; photographic equipment; printing equipment; refrigeration equipment; transportation equipment; shop equipment; computers and components; reproduction equipment; major it~~s of electrtnics; and other specialized items of property. Ttf'm DescriDtion ~ar.rative Justification (Purpose) Any equipment or mater el which is available will be reviewed by the various county departmE nts for usefulness. It"is therefore impossi1f1e to complete this form n terms of what items 3.re being souqht. ... I I I . I - I I III. Shinning Instructions Shipping arrangements will be specified by county staff as needed. c::J Direct Pick-up at federal ~olding agency L---J Pick-up at Agency distribution center- ~ Ship directly by common carrier Date County of Monroe Eligible Organization C~rtiiying Official '.. -.."..... . . J\U'rnORIZJ\TION DOCUHENT WHEREAS, the Florida State Agency known as the Division of Surplus q.~ Property, Department of Gener~l Services, by authority of the Federal Property and Administrative serv~ces Act of 1949 as amended, makes available federal surplus personal property to public agencies for Fublic purposes, and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educa- tional institutions, and NHEREAS, County of Monroe , hereafter referred to (Applicant Organization' as the applicant, is desirous of utilizin~ t~e services and resources of this Agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies th~t property is needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes and for no other purposes, and liHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for educational or health purposes including research and for no other purpose, and WHEREAS, the Applicant agrees tha~ all items of property shall be placed in use for the purposes for which acquired within one year of receipt and shall be continues in use for such purposes for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and i~ t~e event the property is not so ~lacec. ~n use, or continued in use, t~e donee shall. ir.1nedia tel v :"lOt.if:! ~::e St.a t.e ;\_qency, and -< ret'.1r::1 said ?roperty to th(; S t.,~ ~_~~ .'\"~;L~ nc\. "'I" ....... .) ci:-ected, and ... . .. . . . WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees to abide by all additional periods of restriction placed on property by the State Agency, that is, 18 months on all passenger motor vehicles and other items of property with a unit acquisition cost of $3,000.00 or more, except '", for such items of major equipment on which the State Agency desig- nates a further period of restriction as indicated on the distri- bution document, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further asrecs that during the period of restriction, it will not sell, ~rade, lease, lend, bail, encumber, or otherwise dispose of such property without prior approval of l~ the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and in the event property is so disposed of without prior approval of the Gener~! Services Administration or the State ~gency, the Applicant will be liable for the fair mar~ct ~~lue or the fair rental value or such property as deterDine~ b'J th~ General Services Ad~inistra- tiO:1 or the State Ageeley, ace WHEREAS, the Applicant further Qgrces to r0mit promptly to the State Agency ~or all fees assess~d on ~ll ?ropert~ acquired for service and handli~g expenses, \'illEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Applican~ requests that eligibility be established to ?artici?ate in the Federal Surplus Property Donation Prog=am, a~d .j",~ .: _._.._----._-~-~._.'-""""".._--~_...,,~.~-,...~....,.-.>.,.,~_.........~.............'.,.....-. ..- -,,~.,..',...._..'".... . . ~ .. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County of Monroe (Applicant Organization) hereby certifies that he has read a.nd understands the above. '. ... (Date) (Signature) (Address & Zip) (Title) (Agency) (Telephone) Persons authorized to sign for and receive property and commit the expenditure of :unds: Colonel Larry Meggs, Monroe County Sheriff's Department (Print) Major Rick Roth, Monroe County Sheriff's Department (Print) Captain Robert Wilkinson, Monroe County Sheriff's Department (Print) Reggie Paros, Monroe County Emergency Services (Print) Frances Morris, Monroe County Emergency Services William A. Wagner, Jr. Monroe County Civil Defense Bill Lowden, Monroe County Civil Defense Louis Latorre, Monroe County Social Services Sheila Malloy, Nutrition Program Director Dent Pierce, Monroe County Public Works Dept. l~ ? ~E P "......'i.E:) 7::' ~l '--'. Bill Lowden ~) 1.2ase .!!~ in:-. 305/294-9581 APPROVED AS TO FOR~ /o1(.'D [EG/k surF/C'Er,ICy' j~/ / :' I (j ?HO~':E ;