Resolution 092-1987 ~- Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 092-1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE PRIORITY LISTING OF COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL GAS TAX; SETTING FORTH DIRECTION TO THE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AS REGARDS CERTAIN ROADS IN VENETIAN SHORES SUBDIVISION; DIRECTING CONTINUED IMPLEMENTATION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE SECOND INTERIM PRIORITY LISTING OF FY 86-87 WORK PROGRAM PROJECTS CREATED HEREUNDER AND SETTING FORTH A PROGRAM FOR UPDATING THE MONROE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM INVENTORY AND PRIORITY ANALYSIS PRIOR TO FISCAL YEAR 1987/88; AMENDING AND READOPTING UNAFFECTED PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 129-1985 AND NO. 260-1986. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, on May 10, 1985, this Board did duly adopt Resolution No. 129-1985 setting forth a two year work program for Fiscal Years 85/86 and 86/87 for Monroe County Road System Construction and Reconstruction projects to be funded by the Constitutional Gas Tax portion of the Monroe County Transportation Trust Fund and implemented by the Monroe County Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of said Board on August 22, 1986, Resolution No. 260-1986, which amended and readopted unaffected provisions of Resolution No. 129-1985 and was intended as a first interim amendatory change to the two year work program for the balance of FY 85/86 and portions of FY 86/87 was adopted; and WHEREAS, under the statutory authority cited in said Resolu- tion No. 129-1985 and its amendatory Resolution No. 260-1986 it is now the intent of the Board to effect a second interim amendatory change to the two year work program for the balance of FY 86/87 for certain projects that will extend into FY 87/88, all in order to mandate direction to the Monroe County Public Works Department for the immediate future until such time as an update of the overall Monroe County Road System Inventory and priority analysis can be performed prior to FY 87/88; and WHEREAS, in accordance with that certain order on stipula- tion to settle lawsuit by Richard J. Fowler, Circuit Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Monroe County, Florida, for Case No. 85-200l9-CA-17, styled VENETIAN SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff vs. MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Defendant, dated November 19, 1986, Monroe County is required to maintain certain streets within Venetian Shores Subdivision and rebuild a portion of Venetian Shores Boulevard, all located on Plantation Key; and WHEREAS, under the authority granted to this Board of County Commissioners, by and through ~125.01(q), Florida Statutes, a special referendum election has been scheduled on March 3, 1987, for certain included property owners within the Venetian Shores Subdivision for the purpose of creating a Municipal Service Taxing Unit, which, in the event such referendum passes, will become responsible for retiring the debt incurred by the County for the resurfacing of Palo De Oro Drive within Venetian Shores Subdivision through the payment of ad valorem tax assessments; now; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The priority listing of projects shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and entitled "ADOPTED PROJECT PROGRAMMING FY 1986/1987", consisting of two sheets for the Upper Keys, one sheet for the Middle Keys, and one sheet for the Lower Keys, shall be implemented in the general numerical sequence shown by the Monroe County Public Works Department unless and until the Board may amend such priorities and/or add or defer projects thereto/therefrom by amendatory Resolution hereto at some future time, and, to that end, Resolution No. 129-1985 and its existing amendatory Resolution No. 260-1986 are hereby amended as to the work program set forth thereunder. 2. The listing of projects within Venetian Shores Subdivision as shown on Exhibit Page A-2 attached under "Plantation Key Roads I" and "Plantation Key Roads II" shall be implemented by the Monroe County Public Works Department only upon successful passage of the special referendum election to 2 create the Venetian Shores Subdivision Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the same is now scheduled for March 3, 1987. In the event such referendum fails to pass, the Public Works Department shall delay commencement of these projects until such time as the County has received further direction from Judge Fowler as regards Case No. 85-200l9-CA-17. 3. The Monroe County Public Works Department is hereby directed to continued implementation, subject to the above restriction in paragraph two hereof, as provided for under and pursuant to the statutory authority cited within Resolution No. 129-1985 and its amendatory Resolution No. 260-1986, of the Fiscal Year 1986/87 work program shown on the attached Exhibit "A", until such time as the Board of County Commissioners changes such Work Program by amendatory resolution hereto after receiving an updated overall County Road System Inventory and Priority Analysis prior to Fiscal Year 1987/88, inasmuch as no such overall update has been performed since Fiscal Year 1981/82. 4. All the unaffected provisions of Resolution No. 129-1985 and its amendatory Resolution No. 260-1986, are hereby readopted and shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of February, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:g~,j..? May airman (SEAL) Attest: -/2L.- ~f~L flY 3 ^ ! lJ r;- oo 0) .-j ...... co co 0) .-j ~ <: I::J ~ ~ C) Cf.l - ~ Cl Z - :?E :E <: ~ Cl o ~ ~ E-< C) ~ ~ o 0:: c... o ~ E-< O-t o o <: ~l u :S to 1::"0 o :;:: ~ C).c:: ;:::l+J !:JIJ') ~ ~ o.c u+J '+-l ~ 0 "O~ 'i: .... ~.!::l '0 ". &i~ '00 a;! 00 o P=:-8 f5 5, ',~ '+-l ~ 4',' .~ ~::s:l :~ E-< ~ ... 0.. .~ ~ 0.. 6:;Cl::J ~E:~ o .... .... ... :: ~~ o 0 ~u k >.' ',: +J .... 3 ~J OQl U I.. ~~ 0'0 2: g op=: ::E ~ I:: o e.> ~ Cf.l !J Ml ~ ~ <: ::J 0:: ~ i:l::l ~ o ~I r '!) <l) 'D-' :; i .;~ 7J c;'l ~ 01 .u ~ () CIl c: o :;::;1 () ::l "-' +-' rf) c: o U ....... c: on Vl Q) o (l) :0 * rf) ctJ ~ .0......0 OUlO ,,-,00 ~O,:j c: o .~ ~_/..I <.., () Ul (l) o ...... () c.) ....., o "-' O-t "0 (l) ...... ctJ..c: E 1;'.0...... 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