Resolution 117-1987 . .....' Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 117 -1987 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VARIOUS PROPOSALS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE FIVE-COUNTY CONFERENCE HELD IN FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, ON FEBRUARY 13, 1987; REQUESTING BOTH SENATOR LARRY PLUMMER AND REPRESENTATIVE RON SAUNDERS TO USE THEIR BEST EFFORTS IN THE UPCOMING 1987 SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE TO ADOPT SAID MEASURES AND TO COOPERATE WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS OF BROWARD COUNTY, DADE COUNTY, PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND MARTIN COUNTY IN SO DOING. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, participated in the Five- County Conference which was held in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on February 13, 1987, and WHEREAS, certain officers of Monroe County, Florida, have been involved in the preparation of and the adoption by the conference of certain legislative proposals, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and County Commission of Monroe County, Florida, deem that it is important and beneficial to cooperate with the other four counties in said conference and the duly elected Legislators from said counties, and WHEREAS, Senator Larry Plummer and Representative Ron Saunders should be made aware of these proposals and are hereby requested to use their influence and best offices in promoting these proposals in the Legislature, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Monroe County, Florida, hereby approves and supports the matters adopted by the Five-County Conference held on February 13, 1987, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by adoption. 2. That the cooperation of the officers of the five counties referred to herein: Broward, Dade, Palm Beach, Martin and Monroe, be requested to use their best efforts to coordinate and pass legislation in keeping with the attached recommendations of the aforesaid conference. 3. That the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to Senator Larry Plummer and Representative Ron Saunders. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of February, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk /~ ~L, R ~Jf ~tt' APNWI/ED AS TO FWiM ;:;L~~' ,/ ~~'" l~tt~jrn()~! S f'lu;e LEGISLATIVE AGENDA The following items have been adopted by the Southeast County Commission group as being matters that should be con- sidered by the Legislature at the upcoming session. 1. A flexible financing program for infrastructure needs of the five counties. Infrastructure needs need to be addressed by the State as an adjunct of the growth management law adopted by the 1985 Legislature which creates new financial needs for each county, and the same should be addressed by the State to aid the counties in meeting these requirements. 2. Fundin methods for 'ustice s stem facilities. Two years ago an optiona sa es tax was a opte in certain counties by referendum to help pay for criminal justice facilities. The need still exists, and a method or methods should be found to aid in the financing for construction purposes of additional justice related facilities. The 1987 Legisla- s of medically must be provided to withdrawal of Federal 4. Funding for comprehensive drug ~revention/abuse treat- ment. The counties are in support of fun ing for comprehensive drug prevention/abuse treatment. 5. Fundin for State's Article V res onsibilit. In 1986 the State Legis ature appropriate , statewi e, mi ~on for juries and witnesses, $4.3 million for witness fees and $2 million for conflict cases. This is grossly inadequate, and in one county, Dade, last year it exceeded $20 million for these Article V costs. The State should bear this burden and meet it head-on with an appropriation in each category sufficient to defray these costs. 6. A fair, adequate and equitable distribution of funds for transportation. For years, under the new system and orga- nization of the Department of Transportation, there has not been an fair, equitable and adequate distribution of funds for trans- portation needs. The reassessment of this method of appro- priation should be undertaken, and those counties should be more fairly and equitably treated in the allocation of funds for road construction and/or maintenance. 7. Trauma centers. The trauma center concept as a life- saving technique is still not fully developed by medical science and is undergoing great growing pains. Being recent medical innovations, there are no State laws or code that control or regulate this human requirement. The Legislature should be requested and pressed to develop comprehensive legislation for trauma centers and then provide for the expert support of the same as well as the monetary funding for it. 8. There should be a sales tax exemption for resource recovery equipment. Since the Legislature in 1986 provided for repeal on the first of July of this year a number of sales tax exemptions, the same must be approached by the 1987 Legislature as to whether or not these exemptions should be addressed. It should be respectfully encouraged of the Legislature to preserve the exemption on purchase of resource recovery related equipment. If not, all local governments are going to sustain a severe adverse impact. 9. 10. 1m act fees should be determined b Since impact ees are re ative y new ~n Fori a an must 0 ow rather stringent constitutional guidelines, the counties that are involved in assessing impact fees should be the sole determiner as to what they are and the amount that represents each fee. Impact ordinances should be conceived based on each local govern- ment requirement. No restriction should be based on imposed on impact fees by local government so as to offset service delivery cost. Each county should be urged to pass an ordinance address- ing impact fees. 11. The South Florida Cultural Consortium is in need of funding. Being one of the fastest growing consortiums for the arts and culture, it is in dire need of monies to support it. The sum of $400,000.00 has been suggested for the lower five counties and that sum should be appropriated by the Legislature for this purpose. 12. Use of funds Since the State lottery passe re eren um, Fori a voters approved the institution of a State lottery. This means of raising monies can be very helpful to the school system, and it should be utilized for other than classroom necessities and used for things such as public libraries and other educational facilities. Drug educa- tion for our youth also could be defrayed through this means. 13. The Drug Forfeiture Fund is limited to revenues there- from to be used for s ecial non-bud eted ur oses. The Legisla- ture s ou e encourage to expand t is use w ereas proceeds from this fund may be utilized for law enforcement purposes for certain drug prevention uses and educational programs. There are a number of additional items that are being discussed by the County group, but no official action has been taken as of yet. This is a compiled list of the things that should be supported by all five counties officially.