Resolution 121-1987 Commissioner Eugene Lytton, Sr. RESOLUTION NO. 121 -1987 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, COUNTY ATTORNEY AND SPECIAL COUNSEL TO BRING, IN ORDINANCE FORM, BEFORE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS CERTAIN CHANGES TO THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, numerous errors of omission and inclusion exist in the Development Regulations of Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is desired to better serve the citizenry of Monroe County by correcting those errors in a manner consistent with the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Planning Department, County Attorney, and Special Counsel are hereby directed to put into ordinance form the changes to the Development Regulations set forth in the memoranda of January 5, and January 20, 1987, authored by Commissioner Eugene Lytton, Sr., which memoranda are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Resolution by reference, for presentation to the Development Review Committee, the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners as amendments to the Development Regulations of Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3~b day of ((JARCU , A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON ~--eeuNTY; lLORID4A f 't:f~ - . / yor C airman (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk J2.L ~1J/)~ APPROVED AS TO FORM 8 AND~FFICIENCY. ~ ~omo;'~~ (305) 294,4641 r~ ~~~I:&~~~~E ..J"'~ ~....-,._,__ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~yor Jerry Hemandez-Dist. 1 Mlyor Pro tern Gene Lytton-Dist. Wm. Billy Freernan-Dist. 3 Mike Puto-Dist. 4 John Stormont-Dist. 5 January 5, 1987 Mayor Jerry Hernandez 310 Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mayor Hernandez: At our regular Commission meeting in Key West on February 17th, 1987 it is my intent to sponsor a resolution, directed to the Monroe County Planning Department, concerning "recommended" changes to the Land Use Plan. The resolution will be proposed as an official act under Land Use Plan 13-101(b) & (c) with pro- visions of the 6 month review process. The proposed changes represent the most glaring omissions, inequities or injustices and are offered under Land Use Plan 13-101 D-5(b). (IV) New Issues - Logical deliberate post analysis vis frenzied reactive passage. (V) Recognition of a need for additional detail or compre- hensiveness. It is my fervent hope that a majority of the recommended changes will receive widespread support from members of the Board of County Commissioners, so that a strong message of manifest intent can be portrayed, and adoption under Land Use Plan 13-101 D-5(d) will be facilitated. All recommended changes have been subject of prior corre- spondence to which each of you has been privy. They are general- ly summarized as follows: Mayor Jerry Hernandez January 5, 1987 Page 2 DEFINITIONS: 1. Develop and insert comprehensive definition for: a. shopping center b. building site 2. Amplify definition of: a. accessory use 3. Add corpus juris definition for: a. joint tenancy - Chapter V-13.06 FREC Handbook b. tenancy in common - Chapter V-13.07 FREC Handbook ADDITIONS: 1. Develop treatment and inclusion of signs. They are clas- sified as structures (3-101 5-15). Should be designated accesso- ry use - as of right in most commercial or industrial districts as long as they conform (9-1301). Exempt from 45 day Department of Community Affairs review period. 2. Develop treatment and inclusion of fences. They are clas- sified as structures (3-101 5-15). Should be designated accesso- ry use - as of right in ALL residential districts. Standards to be developed for all other districts consistent with maximizing the principle of beneficial use. 3. Construction of Plan: Citation: 2-101. Add paragraph 3 to sub-section A. Manifest Intent: It is the intent and purpose of the County Commission that in construing this plan the broadest interpretations be given to the same to carry out and effectuate its purposes while at the same time maximizing protection of civil liberties and property rights of citizens as required by both state and federal constitutions. Any interpretation incon- sistent with the intent of this paragraph shall be resolved in favor of the citizen. 4. Burden of Proof: Citation: 2-101. Add paragraph 4 to sub-section A. Burden of Proof: It shall be the duty of any state agency or entity to prove, in its legal sense, that they County Commission has acted unlawfully, capriciously or in bad faith in its implementation, interpretation and application of this plan. Mayor Jerry Hernandez January 5, 1987 Page 3 MODIFICATIONS: 1. Tree and mangrove trimming provlslons. There is no basis for our regulation to be more prohibitive or punitive than state statute. Wherever and whenever the Land Use Plan is in contra- diction or contravention of state statute regarding trimming, remove Land Use Plan verbiage and replace with exact wording of 403.931(1) and/or 403.931(5) Florida Statutes as appropriate. 2. Transferable Development Rights (TDR's): a. Remove down-density constraints (9-305 A-7). b. Ratify definitively that each IS or CFV District lot has a 1.0 allocated density PER LOT vis per acre and thus a full 1.0 TDR entitlement (9-302 & 9-303). This will acknowledge each lot's full development right existing prior to the effective date of the plan and ameliorate, to some extent, the compensation impact consideration. c. Determine if TDR is an officially marketable item under Florida Statute. d. Background comments follow: Section 9-305 A GENERAL states: All residential development rights allocated or established in Sections 9-302 or 303 SHALL BE TRANSFERABLE IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ONE PARCEL OF LAND TO ANY OTHER, .... That is a totally false and misleading statement and is in direct conflict with 9-305 A-7 which infers transfers can be made only to a parcel of land having an equal or higher density allocation. This denies a TDR transfer, e.g. from an SS District to a Native District or from an SR District to an SS District yet the maximum net density column in 9-302 infers the ability to increase density in those districts? These districts may ulti- mately prove to be the only economically and strategically viable sites for affordable housing concentration! Having been present during all confounding hearings on TDR's I can recall no discussion concerning down-density constraints. In fact, the presentation on TDR's was so novel and confusing to public, staff and Commission that little or no consensus of understanding existed. I know for certain that the provisions of 903 A-7 were never introduced or discussed at public hearing. Mayor Jerry Hernandez January 5, 1987 Page 4 Since no quantitative figure appears for IMPROVED SUBDIVI- SION in the Maximum Residential Density chart in 9-302 and in view of the textual content of 9-303 it is the opinion and position of this Commissioner that every lot, regardless of size, in an Improved Subdivision and Commercial Fishing Village has a 1.0 allocated density PER LOT vis per acre and thus each IS or CFV lot has a full 1.0 TOR entitlement. The deed anticipated by 9-305 B-2 should be reviewed by the County Attorney for legal sufficiency. He is the final arbiter of all legal matters or issues of Monroe County. Sub-section B does not provide the mechanics for mandatory recordation of deeds or other instrumentalities which is normally the prerogative of the purchaser. Under general law a deed does not even have to be recorded. See Chapter V-13.22 General Information - Florida Real Estate Commission Handbook. Is it to be presumed that maintenance, responsibility and personal liability be transferred to the receiver even though the lot or parcel could remain, forever contiguous to the transferer? This should be expressed explicitly in the plan and incorporated in a standard clause in the deed. We do not want large develop- ers abandoning "physical" ownership once the receiving site development is completed - or does physical ownership of the lot or parcel remain in the transferer as occurs in mineral rights deeds? Where in the plan is the application of Section 9-305 discussed concerning areas of County Critical Concern? I can find no reference or allusion in Chapter 11 of the plan. It is presumed that the value of a TOR will be fixed by supply and demand principles of the marketplace - negotiation between buyer and seller. During the explanation of TOR's by our consultant it was stated that TOR's were in fact an official addition to what is commonly known as the private property "bundle of rights". I hope that statement has legal basis. The most logical, professional and best equipped for market- ing of TOR's is our local real estate industry. I would hope, after assuring themselves that they can legally broker this new and novel property right, that they would take the initiative in this respect. Mayor Jerry Hernandez January 5, 1987 Page 5 Unfortunately, no one can adequately understand or interpret Chapter 9 until it is revisited, refined and amplified. I believe this section of seriously flawed and could not, even though adopted in the body of the plan, represent the manifest intent of the Commission. Even educated and fully qualified environmental and land consultants cannot interpret at this very moment. It remains vague and too many crucial issues are inade- , quately addressed or not addressed at alII 3. Three year septic inspection (9-504). Officially consult with removal industry for data base history and establish a realistic time interval (if required at all). 4. Open Space Ratios (9-809). Present maximums of 80%+ are punitive and represent a flagrant "TAKING", except for open waters, GENUINE freshwater wetlands and TIDALLY FLUSHED mangroves. Propose 60% maximum with access and setbacks elim- inated from net computation. Chart (9-302) to be revised for OSR Column. Place period after numeral 8 in footnote - delete remainder of comment. 5. Impact Fees: (12-l01E, l2-102B, 12-103B, 12-104D, 12-10SC). Impact occurs when residential unit is occupied or commercial building opens its doors for business. This could be several months to several years between permit application and occupancy and can involve significant amounts of money up-front without benefit. Recommend impact fees be collected as an element of the certificate of occupancy process (6-107). DELETIONS: 1. Definition of Common Ownership (3-101 C-1). 2. Contiguous Property Provision (9-303). Remove final paragraph in its entirety. GENERAL COMMENT: Unit and unless the Department of Community Affairs, the county consultant or the Director of Building, Planning & Zoning can isolate and identify the ACTUAL number of such lots or parcels, this Commissioner moves for the removal of this abusive and discriminatory provision. A valid, logical density decision cannot be made without data base. It is my opinion that there is no immediately available process to discover the quantity and therefore this provision is capricious, arbitrary and punitive. Mayor Jerry Hernandez January 5, 1987 Page 6 Without reliable statistics this provlslon conceivably can punish property owners without due cause of due process by needlessly removing an exorbitant number of lots from the development pool. GENERAL CONCLUSION: These recommendations have been tracted on the Working Manual - Volume III of the Land Use Plan. Any provisions or policies in Volumes I or II inconsistent with these changes will be amended, modified or deleted as appropriate. These recommended changes in no way imply a completed review process. These are the items requiring immediate attention. I have talked and listened to environmental realists, property owners, builders and realtors for over 2 years. I can report a consensus in these changes. Hopefully the individual petitions and the results of the public hearings will add depth and dimen- sion to a growing concern for a solution to the inequity of the plan. Sincerely, Eugene R. Lytton, Sr. County Commissioner District 2 ERL:mkn cc: Capt. Torn Brown, County Administrator Mr. Lucien Proby, County Attorney Mr. Torn Koenig, Chairman, Monroe County Planning Commission Mr. Charles Pattison, Director, Planning, Building & Zoning O.~~r: &~~3~~E 130512944641 Ext. 415 District Two 3180 Overseas Highway Bay Point Kff( West, FL 33040 January 20, 1987 MlJ,'Or Jerry Hernandez 310 Fleming Street Key West, Fl33040 \ .~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Wilhelmine Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont. District 5 Deer Mayor Hernanooz: P lease refer to my Jetter of January 5th, t 987 concerning intent to sponsor resolution for land Use P 180 changes, On Page 6 under deletions. the contiguous property provision (9-301) for Urben R~icEnt1al Mobile tbne District was if1ldYertently omitted. This district fa Just 15 importent since for the present, end the fensll.ble future. it is the only gBnuine, existing... for 8ffordsble housing potential. The Lend Use PIIII did not create 8 single ..Ional URM lot cnywhere county-wide. To remove the limited existing lots from the dlvelopment pool is fool hearty, ACTION: Letter - ..... 6 - ...... ..et.... ....: 3. Contiguous Property PMlYtsfon (9-301). ft_an ftnal per..-aph In its entirety. Sincerely. /? -~ ,--' ~ "., ,.' J. .-J.... (:/~~.~~f;f''-'~ I :y, Eugene R, LyttOn, Sr. County Commis:sioner District 2 ERL:mkn cc: Capt. Tom Brown, County Administrator Mr. CherJes Pattison, Director. BuiJdino, Planning & Zoning Mr. Lucien Proby, County Attorney Mr. Tim Koenig, Chairman, Monroe County PlenningQxnmission . J' ..... '. ,.-.<-' \;\, ...-:", \ \ 2. \ \\)) . . ", C:.'~ . '.\, ( '. ,'", " ~., \ ,I C.,.,,\.} -'~ ~', (':'!;,'" '. - <~ t, ",'~<' . . "\ \" r \ , ' -' ," '. \ y' \\:., v ~, Ji, " ..~..~~, 11 , " . ~... J I' .1_,', , ' !' ~ ' ',', .' ' L