Resolution 128-1987 Mayor Jerry Hernandez RESOLUTION NO. 128_1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND FLORIDA KEYS CHILDREN'S SHELTER, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute an Addendum to Lease Agreement by and between Monroe County and Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3.&1> day of /?1A~C.H , A. D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) At tes t :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk /} ~..e ~--~. .cP.,t. CLERK . APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY <..u-t' Attornev's Office ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM TO LEASE made by and between MONROE COUNTY (hereinafter known as Part of the First Part)t and FLORIDA KEYS CHILDREN'S SHELTERt INC.t a Florida non-profit corporation (hereinafter known as Party of the Second Part)t and WHEREASt the parties agreed that the agreement entered into on the 4th day of Marcht 1986t would be amended by an addendum to said lease agreement as follows: 1. That the description of the properties contained in paragraph 1 of the lease agreement is amended to read as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND IN SEC. 8 TWP. 63S t RGE. 38E t PLANTATION KEY t MONROE COUNTY t FLORIDA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: From the reference monument at the intersection of the right-of-way line of the southbound lane of SR-5 (U.S. 1) and the NE corner of Lot 12t Randal Adams Subdivision as shown on Plat Book It Page l10t go N 88013'00" W a distance of 882.12' to a pointt Thence along a course S 1047'00" W a distance of 81.93' to THE POINT OF BEGINNING of said parcel; Thence continue S 1047' 00" W for a distance of 143.07'; Thence along a course N 88013' 00" W a dis- tance of 131.09'; Thence along a course S 02002'00" W a dis- tance of 63.0'; Thence along a course S 00003' 52" E a dis- tance of 291.06'; Thence N 02002'00" E a distance of 198.0'; Thence along a course N 89056' 08" W a dis- tance of 160.0' back to THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING. 2. That paragraph 1 of said lease agreement is also amended to read that said lease commencing on the 4th day of April t 1986 t shall be for a period of 25 years and that subse- quent thereto the Party of the Second Part shall have the right of five (5) consecutive 5-year options. It is understood by the parties that to exercise said options at the expiration of the lease term shall be done in writing at least three (3) months before said lease or said option expires in giving notice to the Party of the First Part of said exercise. 3. That the lease agreement shall be amended by the addition and agreement of the parties hereto that this lease agreement and the addendum to the same may be assigned by the Party of the Second Part with the consent of the Party of the First Part. 4. Attached hereto is a sketch entitled "Proposed Plot Plan" and that the area designated in said sketch and marked in yellow crayon shall be an easement granted to the Party of the Second Part by the Party of the First Part so as to afford access to said property. Said easement is further described by attached legal description marked "LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ACCESS EASEMENT FLORIDA KEYS CHILDREN'S SHELTER. That in making this easement available to the Party of the Second Part does not preclude the use of said easement property for any other proper County pur- poses. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do add and affix their signatures to this document on the day of , 1987. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ( Seal) Attest: Clerk FLORIDA KEYS CHILDREN'S SHELTER, INC. By President (Corporate Seal) Attest: Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM ANDLEGALSUFnC~NCy. qy 2 -t."h"*=-- -+" ~?' \ t ) ) :s. l> ~ > , ~ ?< ~ ~ t. ~ ~ I'" II """ t? ..-.------ 4- tt'l.,J\ ""~ \f~ ~ ." ...l_- I - v 'd -.J r ~ ~ ~ S 1> ~ ~ {' "'" -( 1I::l ~ ,\ " -~ +-~ N :N \) (> tI (> t C It'' \.." - z..-;-, ~<J1 (J~ t:I f't1 rt1 (1 cJ {P .~ =0 -\ ~ ) ~) -:. I ( f 1./ I( I '\- --1 I- i i _J H (fl' " , . ".'~;. ,:. -~--~/' -'''''..,....L~~ -',J J .,..-/ ~Z'-{I . ;:;::l~ po- > \)1:.;;::c, 0' fZ -\ r- ~ r Q ~ Il" '"" (;;' f] b l:. -I, -~ , ?':)" 1 I rn i\ ! ...1\. ! 2 '" , i ~ o~ ' ~..---J . I o ~- -l't..::l c. (J> " ~. YIC, T I tl (,. 0(: I \/t, "'IA'1 -+- . s c" I -.. -I -- . B z. . ;;:. 10. 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I I l -~ .... - .:.7.......,J...-..;:;..;__.....r...;.wirw;,.w'.~""~..-::-~....-.~......~._ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ACCESS EASEMENT FLiJ n I DA K BY SelL[ LDH E;N '~; SH KLT Eli A parcel of land in Section 8, Township 6) South, Range jS East, on Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida being r'lore l'articula,rly described. as follows: Commence a~ the intersection of the Northwesterly right of way 1 i n e 0 f ~)t ate 11 0 a d No. _J and the ~; 0 u t h 1 i n e 0 f Hi g h Poi n t li()i\.d, r3aid point ll'dng further described as tho Northeast eo r n e r 0 f Lot 1 2 ass h 0 H non the PIa t 0 f RAN D A LAD Jdl ' S SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 110 of the public records of M(>nroe County, Florida; thence run Nor t h 886 1 J' 0 0" W est for a d i s tan ceo f 6 0 6 . 6 8 fee talon G said South line of Ifigh Point Road to POINT OF BEGINNING; thence run South 1" 47' 00" West for a distance of 82.0 feet i thence run North i..Wc 1)' 00" West for a distance of 115.44 feet; thence run South lc47'00" West for a distance of 25.0 feet; thence run South 88Cl)'OO" East for a distance 01 lhO.Lj.Lf feetjthencc run North lcLt7'00" East a distance of 107.0 feetj thence run North 88" 1)'00" West for a distance 'ji' 25.0 fuet. to the POINT OF BEGINNING.