Resolution 132-1987 /~ Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 132 -1987 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 367-1986 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF MONROE COUNTY TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL TO PERFORM CERTAIN STUDIES AND EVALUATING NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, previously passed and adopted Resolution No. 367-1986 on December 16, 1986, and WHEREAS, said Board now desires to rescind said Resolution No. 367-1986, and WHEREAS, the County has received certain funds from the 1986 session of the Legislature; and WHEREAS, the County seeks technical assistance in completing the tasks identified in the memorandum of agreement with the Florida Department of Community Affairs dated November 8, 1986; and WHEREAS, the South Florida Regional Planning Council hereby agrees to provide the technical assistance needed to complete the necessary studies and evaluations; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: as follows: 1. Resolution No. 367-1986, passed and adopted by the Board on December 16, 1986, is hereby rescinded. 2. The Mayor is authorized to sign and execute, on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, an agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference, with the South Florida Regional Planning Council for certain studies and evaluations necessary to better implement the Monroe County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Development Regulations for a total cost of $139,000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of March, A.D., 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) At te s t DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ Jf airman -I2L~~.~.L er ' APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. 8Y 2 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE This agreement is being entered into by and between the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) and Monroe County (County) to provide technical assistance in completing a part of the comprehensive land use plan revisions authorized by the County and the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). VHEREAS, the County has' received certain funds from the 1986 Session of the Legislature through DCA to refine its comprehensive plan. VHEREAS, the County seeks technical assistance in completing several tasks identified in its Memorandum of Agreement executed with DCA on November 8, 1986. VHEREAS, the SFRPC hereby agrees to provide the technical assistance necessary to complete the tasks herein described. NOV, THEREFORE, THE COUNTY AND THE SFRPC DO MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLO\lS: I. Covenant for Service The County does hereby retain the SFRPC to perform the services described herein and the SFlPC does hereby agree to perform such services under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. II. Availability of Funds Payment of state funds pursuant to this .,reement are subject to and conditioned upon the release of authorized appropriations from the Area of Critical State Concern Trust Fund. III. Definition, Scop~ and Quality of Service (A) Intent of the Agreement The SFRPC agrees, under the terms and conditions of this agreement and the applicable state and local laws and regulations, to undertake, perform, and complete the six tasks listed below which will help ensure successful implementation of the Honroe County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Land Development Regulations. (B) Scope of Services and Schedule of Deliverables The SFRPC agrees to complete the six tasks listed below at a total cost of $139,000: (1) Reassess and refine, using field collected data from each habitat type, the Habitat Bvaluation Index (HBI) found in Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Monroe County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and prepare in report format a submittal to the County Co..ission for adoption consideratloni ae-late.-thaa-the-ii.st-six 2 ..R'h-~"a'e-.f-the-M.R~ee-Ce..ty-G..,~eheftsive-baR4 Vse-Plaa-aad-...d-le.ele,..Rt-leCHlatleRst (2) Reviev the environaental perforaance standards established in Voluae 3 of the Monroe County Comprehensive Land Use Plan's Land Development Regulations to establish appropriate mitigation altenatives for adoption consideration by the County Commissionl d~~iftl-'he-see.ftd-six-.eRth-~,ea'e-.f-the MeRFee-G.~Rty-G..,~eheRsive-LaRd-Vse-PlaRt (3) Develop, in conjunction with the South Florida Vater Management District, Depart.ent of Bnvironmental Regulation and the County, a stormvater runoff ordinance for adoption consideration by the County Commissionl 4~Fiftl-the-(iF8t-siH-.eRth-~,date-.f-the MeftFee-G.~Rty-Ge.pFeheRsi.e-Laftd-Vse-PlaRt (4) Prepare a survey of archaeological, historical and cultural sites for adoption consideration by the County as landmark designations Re-lateF-thaR-the see.Rd-six-..Rth-~,date-.f-the-M.RF.e-G.~Rty G..preheasive-Laad-Vse-PlaR -- the County and the SFRPC asree to request the assistance of the Florida Department of State in this effort; 3 '-'~ (5) Prepare a report for adoption consideration by the County Commission 4yriftg-the-aeeeRd-aix-..ftth-yp4ate ef-the-MBftree-GeYAty-Ge.preheftalve-baft4-Uae-Plaft which revievs the status of live-aboard vessels and includes recommendations for corrective action; and (6) VithiR-six-.eftths-ef-the-effeetive-4ate-ef-the-Meftfee GeYRty-Geapreheftaive-LaR4-Yae-PlaR,-the-GeYRty-vill i.pleaeRt, Develop for Co..ission review and adoption, in cooperation vith the Department of Environmental Regulation and other state and federal agencies, a vater quality monitoring program to ensure that the individual and cumulative impacts of development, especially vastevater treatment systems, commercial vater dependent activities and live-aboard vessels, do not degrade nearshore vater quality. The County viII invite the Cities of Key Vest, Key Colony Beach and Layton to participate in the development of this vater quality monitoring program; sampling stations for these Cities shall be included in the program and the cause of any vater quality problem(s) shall be identified and corrective measures are to be recommended. 4 IV. Consideration As consid'eration for work satisfactorily performed under this agreement, the County agrees to pay an amount of $139,000. This is a fixed fee agreement. V. Hethod of Payment The total expenditure authorized under this .,reeaent is $139,000 and no amendment shall result in a greater expenditure. The County agrees to pay the SFRPC upon submittal of the proper documentation, as follows: (A) Initial payment of $50,000 to the SFRPC upon the signing of this agreement; (B) A second payment of $50,000 upon the submittal and the County's acceptance of a" mid-term progress report on the six tasks identified in section III B{2.)- of this agreement. The progress reports are due no later than Mareh-li, June 30, 1987; (C) A final payment of S39,000 upon the submittal and the DCA's acceptance of a final report demonstrating completion of all tasks is due no later than J~Re-39, December 31, 1987. 5 IV. '-- ? Receivables and Acceptances If all required receivables, prescribed in the scope of the services above, are not sent to the County or are not co.pleted in a manner acceptable to the County, the County shall vithhold further payments until they are completed and accepted. The County has discretion' to approve or reject the receivables submitted to it pursuant to this agreement. Vithin fifteen (15) working days after the County receives a receivable, it vill review the receivable and respond in vriting to the Executive Director of the SFRPC, either approving the receivable or rejecting the receivable and specifying the reasons for rejection. The SFRPC has ten (10) vorking days after notice of the reason for the County's rejecting the receivable to correct and resubmit the receivable or receivables. "Acceptable to the County" means that the vork products and tasks are completed and submitted as a professional product the contents of which are consistent with the scope of services. VII. Audit Requirements (A) The SPRPC agrees to maintain adequate financial procedures and adequate support documents to account for the expenditure of funds under this agreement. (B) These records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection, review, or audit by state personnel and 6 VI II . other personnel duly authorized by the County. "Reasonable" shall be construed according to circumstances. but ordinarily shall mean normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.... Local Time. Monday through Friday. (C) The SFRPC shall also provide the County with the records, reports or financial statements upon request for the purposes of auditing and .onitoring the funds awarded under this agreement. The Executive Director shall be responsible for all docu.ent submittals. All correspondence concerning this agree.ent shall include the Director of Planning of the County and the Executive Director of the' SFRPC. For the purpose of this agreement. the County Planning Director shall be the County's responsible party with t~e SFRPC. Public Records The SFRPC shall allow public access to all documents. reports, papers, letters or other material, subject to the provision of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, prepared or received by the County in conjunction with this agreement. It 1s expressly understood that upon receipt of substantial evidence of the SPRPC's refusal to comply with this provision. the County will have the right to terminate this agreement for breach. 7 IX. Subcontracts (A) If the SFRPC subcontracts any or all of the work required under this agre..ent, the srapc agr..s to include In the subcontract that the subcontractor Is bound by the teras and conditions of this &lreeaent with the County. (B) The SFRPC agrees to include in the subcontract that the subcontractor shall hold the County bar.less against all claims of whatever nature by the subcontractor arising out of the perforaance of work under this agreement. (C) The County and the SFRPC agree that both parties are bound by the memorandum of agreement found in Addendum A, unless otherwise modified. (D) Both parties further agree that any State institution or agency may be subcontracted with directly to perform the work tasks authorized by this agreement. x. Contract Term (A) This agreement shall become effective on the last date of signing by the parties involved. No cost may be attributed to this agreement prior to that date. 8 (B) All activities performed pursuant to this effort shall be completed on or before JWRe-~g, Dec.-ber 31, 1987. The agreement shall terminate on the same date or upon the last payment to the SPRPC, whichever coaes first. !f1 The County will hold the Council harmless if after diligent attempts no subcontractor can be found that is willing to complete a portion of the Scope of Services and Schedule of Deliverables within the timeframes outlined in Section X(B), or for the amount allocated. XI. Modification of this Agreement Modification of the provisions of this agreement, including any extension of the termination of this agreement, shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly signed by the parties hereto, and attached to the original of this agreement. XII. Terms and Conditions Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to require SFRPC performance on any of the tasks described herein if the funds specified in this agreement for that task are not available from the DCA. The County likevise finds that nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a commitment for future funding. 9 This agreement contains all the conditions and terms agreed upon by the parties. Attached to this agreement is the following: (1) Copy of executed memorandum of agreement between the County and the DCA entered into on November 8, 1986 (See Addendum A) . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Mayor DATE: ATTEST: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk 'SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL BY: Chairman DATE: ATTEST: 10 APprW\IE[) AS TO FORM AND L. [GAL SUFFICIE"~. . 8Y&~t:,~ ~ Attame OffICe