Resolution 150-1987 James R. Paros EMS Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 150 -1987 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING RULES FOR IMPLEMENTING AND SERVING AS THE FORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Section 11, Ordinance No. 006-1987, Monroe County, Florida, the Board adopts the rules attached hereto and incorporates the same by reference as the rules implementing said ordinance and that said rules shall serve as the formal operating procedure for the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of March, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By W~~ JIt. or a1.rman '/ . ( Seal) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Attest: -- -!lJ;. <L-1/~ ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. /) / u- 41/ flY ~ p----: Attornev's Office / RULES EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL PURPOSE - '!he purpose of the Council is to act as the advisory body to the County I s emergency medical services program in perfonning its assigned program plarming and developtent activities. Reccmnendations by the Council are advisory and are not binding to the Board of County Conmissioners. RESPONSIBILITIES - '!he responsibilities of the council shall include but not be limited to: (a) Reviewing and comnenting on County EMS plans, budget requests and policies which affect those persons, services or agencies providing emergency medical services and regulated by the Board of County Comnissioners. (b) Participating as an advocacy body to improve county-wide emergency medical service systems. (c) Recording minutes for all council neetings and filing them with the County Emergency Services Office. MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF OFFICE - '!he rrembership and terms of office shall be those established by Section 3 , Ordinance006-1987, M:>nroe County, Florida. Reasonable efforts shall be made to avoid possible conflict of interest involving voting rrembers. OFFICERS - '!he Advisory Council shall elect a Vice-chairman and a Secretary, who shall serve terms of one year concurrant with the tenn of office of the Chairman, who is selected by the Board. Duties of the officers shall be those which usually apply to such offices, and other duties as assigned by the respective program administrator. CXJtM[TrEES - 'lhe Advisory Council may establish and maintain such standing and special comni ttees as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the coucil. MEEl'INGS - '!he Advisory Council shall rreet in accordance with those requirements established in Section 9 , Ordinance006-1981 Monroe County, Florida. RULES OF ORDER - '!he Advisory Council shall conduct its business in accordance with "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition" in all applicable cases. BY-LAWS - '!he Advisory Council may write by-laws to rreet their unique requirements but not such by-laws that may conflict with this rule or Ordinance 006-1981 M:>nroe County, Florida. Council by-laws shall be approved by the Board of County Comnissioners.