Resolution 171-1987 ...., Jeff Fisher, Director Extension Services RESOLUTION NO. 171-1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND MARINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONCERNING THE BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT KNOWN AS REEF MOORINGS, KEY WEST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby authorizes the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute an Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Marine Construction Company, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the Boating Improvement Fund Project known as Reef Moorings, Key West, Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of April, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ATTEST:DANNX 4 KO~GE, ~lerk . . ,~, ~ /~.i),~ E . r ; .-' ~~, \.~~~. Attorney's Office ( . 8Y A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on the day of 1987, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called the "Owner," and MARINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, hereinafter called the "Contractor." WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project known as the Reef Moorings of Key Hest, Monroe County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits to do this work, 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall conunence within sixty (60) days from the date Owner provides Notice of Proceed and shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days from that date. Notice will not be given until all necessary permits are obtained. 3. Further, the parties agree that if the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Owner to Contractor on or before July I, 1987, that this Agreement shall become null and void. 4. Further, the work to be performed under the contract is contingent upon receipt of appropriate grant monies from the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. In the event this grant is denied, this Agreement will become null and void. It is also agreed that the Contractor understands the rules of the Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund and will comply with said rules along with the rules and procedures instituted by the Owner to ensure orderly progress of the project. 5. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of this contract the sum of Twenty-Two Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($22,440.00) upon completion by the Contractor and acceptance by the Owner, subject to terms and conditions of paragraphs one through four above. 6. The attached Sped fications and Plans, together with this Agreement, form the contract, and they are as fully a part of this contract as if herein repeated. 7. The Contractor agrees to hold the Owner harmless in all respects concerning the installation of the boat moorings. In addition, the Contractor will defend any and all causes of action or claims stemming from its installation of the boat moorings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest: CLERK MARINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: ~Ld I_ . Peter~~ ~/l~ 4? ~J ~ 1 #awi("e{," 3~ // ~" "' rr- en"" ~~t 2 A PROPOSAL TO PLACE BOAT MOORING BUOYS AT SELECTED REEF SITES OFF KEY WEST: A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT F't-f.-?sented by: Jeffrey A. Fisher, Monroe County Extension Service Director and Boating Improvement Fund Liaison in cooperation with the NATURAL REEF STUDY GROUP - REEF RELIEF Febt-uary 1987 -_4_;';:~;"':';"'~;"'..'._.:".:,-__;... ......_. ......_~_.. __n__. _.,...., -., _. . -- ,. .. ,.,,".--- ..-......--.----.-.""--~. -----","&... ...-.-.----~__._~...""'"4A, I ~.ITF.:[IDUCT I ON There is no doubt that anchoring in the coral by vessels visiting the reef IS causing a broadbased deterioration of our 100+-mile long natural reef tract. The deterioration is corroborated by numerous dive shop owners, boat captains, sport divers, enrtvonmental agencies and the federal sanctuary staff at both Looe Key and Key Largo National Marine Sanctuarv. In fact, both of the national marine sanctuary areas have instituted a boat mooring program for reef protection. While declining water quality and natural catastrophes (such as hurricanes) can bear some of the blame~ it is widely held by all who use the reef that their own practice~ i.e. anchoring in the coral~ is a major factor in the deterioration of our t- ee-F s. The simple facts are that: a) the Keys reef system IS North America's only such r~source, b) the majority of visitors to tl'-1I2 ~:::eys come at leCl.st in part for" a Iv1ater" e:-:peripncE' (fiShing, snorkeling, diving, sailing), ci the focus of these expprisnces is the reef and, d) the visitors renresent the most important industry in the Keys. In 2ddition the fundamental ecological questions of environmental health are obvious. Thus economically and ecologically~ the reef system is Monroe County's single greatest resource. ~ ~. There is both observational and photographic evidence of anchor damage. While we can do nothing about water quality over the short-term, we can provide alternative anchoring methods, backstopped by educational efforts. The second page of the enclosed letter from the Manager of Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary attests to the need and targeted nature of our proposal. IMPLEMENTATION It is proposed that a demonstration project of 60 boat moorings be selectively placed at the following sites: Sand Key Western Samba Rock Key Eastern Dry Rocks Western Dry Rocks Pelican ~~ L~ r- ~ 10 10 5 ~ -~ Tatal 60 The systems would be built according to the work of John Halas, the designer of the moorings used in the National Marine Sanctuaries. It is hoped that the fundings would be obtained from the Boating Improvement Fund, and the project is contingent upon that source at this time. It is not the intention of this proposal to request County tax dollars for the construction phase. However, it is estimated that approximately $10,000 would be needed annually to maintain the moorings. An integral part ot the permit process is to account for the maintenance. .~I. The most acceptable source of maintenance would be to get the commitment from a local reef interest group~ i.e. Reef Relief~ and through a contractual arrangement with the County~ this organization would be resconsible for the financial burdens of buoy maintenance. A letter of intent from Reef Relief~ a non-profit corporation. is enclosed. It has been estimated that each mooring costs $500-51~000 to construct and place. A maximum cost would therefore be 60 moorings x 51~OOO = 560,000. A more realistic figure would be approximately $45~OOO. This would come from the Boating Improvement Fund and continuation of the project would be based upon approval from DNR for Fund use. In addition to the actual moorings~ an educational brochure would be written and distributed to all dive shops~ motels~ and marinas along with media news releases. The brochure would give locations of the moorings, information on how to use them, and some scientific information on the nature of reefs and their fragility. At present, the funding for the brochure is proposed to come from existing Extension Service budget and money raised in the private sector by Reef Relief. Additional educational events would be planned and conducted by the Extension Service In cooperation with Reef Relief and the Natural Reef Study Group and possibly the Center for Environmental EducatIon. FOllow-up would involve a photographic survey and a questionnaire to select users on mooring function and reef health. 4. SPEC I F I ern IONS COUNY OF 1'1ONHOE KEY WEST~ FLORIDA EE~~IEI~QIIQU2_EQB_IU2Ie~~QIIQ~_QE_~QQI_~QQ81~~2~ ~Q~8Qs_~Q~~It~__E~Q8IQQ Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners~ Monroe County, Key West, Florida All bids will be opened at a meeting betweeen the County Attorney, County Administrator, Clerk of Courts~ and Extension Director~ or their representatives, for the above reference project. 1. E:lb~g :: None 2. Construct mooring buoys according to specifications 1abelc~d "buo'./r::." and install at thf? locaticms so i.ndiC2.ted. Installation shall be done with the supervision of local contacts selected by the Extension Director. The mooring system to t.H~ US:.E-:!d i~~ th~ "Hal.::~s SystE~m" of the l<f~V Lc:'lrgo National Marine Sanctuary. .,. ....:. . ~s8IIEIGeIIQU: (A l Bidder will certify tQ_th~_~ict that the plans and specifications of the project will, if carried out by the contractor, result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards, in which the facilities will be structually sound, safe and suitable for their location and i ntc.nded U~5e. (Bl Bidder must also ~~ctif~_~gmplQtiQQ of the project in accordance with 3(Al, and in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate pl~rffli 1:.<:::.. (C) Bidder will ~Qctif~_lg~2tigQg of installed moorings by latitude and lonqitude upon completion of the ,,'jCJt- k . - -..---. -- <=' ..J. (D) Bid shall specify numbers of days required to complete actual construction work in the bid proposal. E:~8!::nI9 : The contractor will obtain all appropriate construction and environmental permits in the name of Monroe County and Reef Relief. The Board of County Commlssioners reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until contract is in effect allowing for new dates~ whichever comes sooner. Performance Bond required in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 255. If your bid or proposal exceeds $25,OOO~ it will be necessary to post a Performance Bond. You must make these arrangements with the Clerk of Courts. 6. MOOF:INGS 8~~~g8_1~916bbBIIg~ A stainless steel eyebolt is placed in a drilled hole and secured with quick-setting hydraulic cement. Tho;;:: hol e shoul d be approximately 10 cm diameter by 45 cm deep into bedrock. ~Qt!E:Q~~~I~ Pol','pt-opylene t-ope <3/4" \,'Jith U'v' inhibitors) is shakled to the eye by splicing into a loop with a nylon reinforced plastic hose surrounding the loop. A heavy duty tie wrap is The shakle will be placed at the length of the splice. stainless steE'l~ ::>f.el'f-lockin.;] and 10mm or 1:::::/32". The line leading from the bottom to the surface will be 3 meters longer than the mean high water depth. It terminates with another eye splice loop. Approximately 2 meters below this loop a .25 kg lead is crimped around the line. An 18-inch diameter spherical polyethelyne buoy filled with polyethelyne foam is used. The buoys must be treated for U/V e:-: posure. Each will be marked in clear block letters "F:EEF t100PI NG "3nd numbered COnSl?Cut i vel y. The buoy will have a 3/4 inch P'v'C pipe through the middle with tapered reducing busr', i ngs. {.~ ~:;hort lin<2 (3/4") is pa~;sed through the buoy .3nd an eye splice is placed at each end as close as possible to the buov. The loop attached to the downline is large enough to pass around the buoy so that is can be installed and removed while the downline is in olace. (~5 rTIetJ?F" pi:::k--Ltp linf?~ 1.....lith a .5 m t10"3(;'? incc;rporatf:?d in the line j'F:t 1::H?for€:? the tc'rmln,~ting eye ':::plicc.~. is ,:~ttached to the short line running through the PVC pipe. 7. ~~!::i;;t:1eIl~ 2 01 I'Cl. TrIlOf"I\D~ JOK. J II lONliU "- -1 nc DUnt f# ""TU I! i/ _nCTM IlllSE '~ '\'"OF20l ;;. I'Cl. T1'llOPYUN!: , I lOPE 111m El1: SI\..a; AT IlCII illIG O. anu::DlT ) ....tD1 S\IIlF..a; _nllA111.Y If. ICIl U.<ll TO pup eITIA '(Of'[ ,_ F\.OoIIn..; TO T>E: _..a; _IllS sue< llA rot. LOOPS [.....,.;ED TO 8lO\I 1lCI..IL m UlICO un_ ""'IC[ SNlCtVAll'f If JOHfC._ C11: sPL I ex 1l,T>t \oos[ _OCUD TO nc [yt'OU _.. u,.46 0. I 2 0. 5T'I~SS SflU nnOLT 4. 01 I It 01 COO[ INTO T>E: nDlIOCX --- ."-'lllU IlII1! ~IC CUUIT Figure ,Mooring Buoy assembly. Mooring Buoy Description The mooring buoys in use at LKNMS are a unique design evolved over the last several years by the sanctuary biologist, John Halas (KLNMS), which incorporate many innovative features. A 15' x 3/4" yellow uv-treated polypropylene line is used for the pick-up line. This line has an eye spliced into each end, and a 24" section of garden hose placed near the pick-up end. The garden hose acts as a chafe guard when boaters attach the pick-up line directly to their vessels. The spliced eye in the buoy end of the pick-up line is large enough so that the line can be attached or replaced without using tools. The buoy is a round white plastic buoy, 18 inches in diameter, made of uv stabilized plastic. A 3/4" di- ameter PVC pipe runs through the center of the buoy. The drop line to the anchor passes completely through the buoy where it is attached by interlocking loops to the pick-up line. A small piece of lead sheeting is wrapped around the drop line several feet below the surface to prevent the line from floating. An eye is spliced into the lower end of the drop line with a section of garden hose to pre- vent chafe. A stainless steel shackle attaches the drop line to the anchor pin. The anchor pin is an 18" stainless steel rod with a ring welded to the upper end and a cross bar welded to the lower end. A hole is bored in the hard substrate with a hydraulic coring auger. The hole is deep enough that the lower end of the ring is below the lip of the hole when the cross bar bottoms out on the bottom of the hole. This prevents side loads from developing on the anchor pin. The hole is packed with a mixture of cement and plaster to permanently hold the anchor pin. .-...........;-.""'... , _ ~-J.oJI... -.........,... .-..I ~.. STI\\NLESS STEEL EYE80L\~ 7F 316 STAI~LE.S~ /;----." / \ \ \ ~ "D'A~m~ ~j \ \ // " / I 11' ~"'1 f>TOU:.. ~ u: .' WUb l~ I .. Yz '''.Oct:; :s" .1 ~ - c..O~S1R.UCIE.D OF '" ~I(j, sr"-IWLES<,; STEEL - 10TA.l OF 8' P\I!:c.~s -------- - ----- ------~--_._~ .-.--.---.-- ---. ------- -----.----.----.-..--------..--.--- -- _._--_._--~----_. .-------------.-------.--- - - ---------- BUOY LOCA.TIONS q. ~8lHL~gy 7 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 10"H 810 52' 47"U and 240 27' 10"H 810 52' 44"W S buoys bet.ween 240 27' 10"H 810 52' 44"U and 240 27' 15"H 810 52' 45"U e buoys bet.ween 240 27' 06"H 810 52' 36"U 240 27' 07"N 810 52' 43"W 5 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 11"N 810 52' 32"W ~.:._~8n~Q 2 buoys bet.ween 240 28' 49"H 810 43' 12.5"W and 240 28' 53"N 810 43' 10"U 1 buoys bet.ween 240 28' 58"N 810 42' 30"U 240 29' 00"N 810 42' 30"U 2 buoys bet.ween 240 28' 45.5"N 810 43' 03"W 240 28' 45.5"N 810 42' 45"W BQg~_~gy 3 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 21"N 810 51' 36"W and 240 27' 18"N 810 51' 36"W 3 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 24"H 810 51' 19"W and 240 27' 25"N 810 51' 21 "w 4 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 15"N 810 51' 33"W and 240 27' 16"N 810 51' 2S"U g8~IgBH_QBY_RQgK~ 3 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 53"N 810 50' 24"U and 240 27' 52"N 810 50' 27"U 3 buoys bet.ween 246 27' 34"N 810 50' 48"U and 240 27' 37"N 810 50' 48"U 4 buoys bet.ween 240 27' 35"N 810 50' 33"U 240 27' 32"N 810 50' 42"W ~g~IgRH_QBY_BQgK~ 3 buoys bet.ween 240 26' 42.5"N 810 55' 42"W and 240 26' 47"N 810 55' 42"W 2 buoys bet.ween 240 26' 40'H 810 55' 34"U and 240 26' 40'N 810 55' 38"W egblg8H 5 buoys bet.ween 240 30' 00" N 810 37' 42"W and 240 29' 57.5"N 810 37' 52"W 04__,.................~..._... . ,_~:........ F "'__ ....-. - :......i....~ Tli~\ -\I\Lt\s \"\OO~\NG - f"ICCRltJC., ~UC;y: 4(., (.,n I ~ .".) C'lIAMEnJ.:. ~~',re ~e.T"'iL~ t1J1.,,,,c:..-';l.l..'1VilE:. nI'\NL:.. FUAM r:.L.U"-O A ~*Ol. 1/4 lC.(, lI:Ao wale.. ~ 1" "T6 lfs;p ~~ ~.."- c::.::vM ;:'U>>.'\"ItU:' 'U) .5V""oS A(.e. t:UR...NC,. !oL....CA<... -nCle.. 2. em r:-,. L" ,>~,-,p Ylr. o.a". ~\~ ~.... l.().......,4L 1'\-II\Nl ~vn~ ~ WA~ i:>..!U1'C. t~ ~~,..t.1 ~'~t.lLc::.~ .J:t'~ ...~ t4:>t...r (.,~. i!..;;.~ 1 . I-t ""''U\w" L"..\...f" t\uc.... ......."".. ,0(,..-) \\JU\1 1-\::, . r"\t?L \.1 '-- ,e) ..... 'fJ 1((. G.> bf-lr::. -:~ -- 5m"I2.~ n."'/"'l!..I'lLr~ ~:, I L:lI, l:. ~.r'U(~ ~"":'y.JI'''' ....~ E'J"- ~&.U(~_ . ~____"""'''''''g~ AT :'''.'In .......~--:_-. - -~- '0'__ '.---. --r- ......~:s- P'~''''cl:T';I:_ H(;.c.. lU l'l' rUk:t.l:- ~.""".:t.~(. r...N I"y. u~-r I."\~ rJ ,'1 L....--:, ~ . I~ -----------..-.oc:~ t:1.Ct..oO:.. '. ~: I' NATURAL REEF STUDY GROUP AND REEF RELIEF Lois and Phil Arcuni Key West Power Squadron 13 W. Cypress Terrace Key West, FL 33040 296-8443 Frank and Janie Busby P. O. Box 4263 Key West, FL 33041 294-0011 Bruce Etshman Reef Relief 1223 Royal Street Key West, FL 33040 294-6995 Terry Horton 3312 Northside Dr. #509 Key West, FL 33040 294-2571 Vicki Impallomeni 1621 Josephine Street Key West, FL 33040 294-9731 Craig Quirolo Reef Relief 1223 Royal Street Key West, FL 33040 294-1891 Jeff Stotts 1409 Flagler Avenue Key West, FL 33040 294-6918 -- '~.l.. . d~ee efle To: Jeffery A. Fisher, Monroe County Extension Service Director and Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Craig Quirolo, President, REEF RELIEF~ From: Date: January 6, 1987 Re: Reef Mooring Buoy Proposal As YOU know, REEF RELIEF was formed in July of 1986, in order to create public awareness of the drastic need for a reef management and conservation program for the Florida Keys Coral Reefs. We are committed to the project of achieving installation of reef mooring buoys on our most frequently-visited reef locations. The project necessitates a maintenance program for the mooring buoys, once installed, as well as a monumental public education program. We want "Coral Consciousness" brochures distributed to all reef boaters and divers. This is to inform you that REEF RELIEF is excited at the prospect of having Monroe County assume the role of installing the reef mooring buoys. Subject to final approval by our board of directors, we willing to assume maintenance of the reef mooring buoys installed by the county, as well as preparation, printing and distribution of educational materials regarding reef usage by boaters and divers. (305)294-1891 1223 c::Roya~ !J(E.Y 'WE.~t, 9Co'Lida 33040 Jf State of Florida DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GRAHAM Governor GEORGE FIRESTONE Secretary of State JIM SM ITH Attorney General GERALD A. LEWIS ComptroUer BILL GUNTER Treasurer DOYLE CONNER Commissioner of Agriculture RALPH D. TURLINGTON Commissioner of Education DR. El TO~ J. GISSE~DANNER Executive Director MalJory Slone man Douglas Building 3900 Commonlloeallh Boulevard. Tallahassee. Florida 32303 LOOE KEY NATIONAL MARINE SANCT'lARY Cia S/.,HiA HO;>JDA STATE Rt:CKiATION AREA RT. 1, S'':'X 7.12 SIG Pjf~E KEY, FL 33043-9658 Jeff Fisher Monroe County FL Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 January 13, 1987 Dear Jeff: As discussed with you in our telephone conversation on January 12, 1987, I have completed my review of your draft proposal for the Key West mooring buoy project. I have the following corrections to suggest for the text of the proposal. 1. Page I, second paragraph, change Pennekamp to read "Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary." 2. Page 6, under COMPONENTS; the line we use in the sanctuaries is 3/4" polypropylene with ultraviolet inhibitors. The U/V inhibitors are added to the line to prevent degradation of the line in the sunlight. 3. Describe the stainless steel shackle as a self-locking style. The shackle size we use is slightly larger than 3/8" (10 rom or 13/32 in.) 4. It is important to accurately describe the stainless steel eyebolt that is inserted and cemented into the hole cored into the bottom. I have attached a detailed drawing of the eyebolts used at LKNMS and KLNMS. It is also important to specify #316 stainless steel material. Key West Welding & Fabrication makes our eyebolts. 5. Material used in the construction of the 18" buoy must be stabilized from U/V exposure. I have attached a brief description of the buoy system used at LKNMS for your reference. As you are aware, John Halas has written a paper on the subject of the buoy system. In your solicitation for bids in this project, I would duplicate Halas' specifications as closely as possible. "It shall be the policy of the state to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty..... -Florida Constitution. Article II. Section 7. The Real Florida - -- January 13, 1987 page 2 As manager of Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, one of the heaviest used coral reefs in the lower keys, I cannot over-emphasize the benefit of a mooring buoy system to coral reef resource protection. As I look back at our accomplish- ments at LKNMS during the past six (6) years, installation of the mooring buoys has to rank as the most beneficial achievement in coral reef protection for the Sanctuary. The mooring buoy system at LKNMS is only 2~ years old and already we have observed improvements in the health, quality and quantity of corals in the Sanctuary. Installation of mooring buoys, in my estimation,is the singular most bene- fical measure available for protecting coral reefs from unnecessary impact due to anchoring. Education and interpretation would have to rank as the second most effective approach. Both methods have been identified in your proposal which in- dicates you are certainly on the right track. I wish you good progress on your project. f I can be of any further assistance to you and Monroe County regarding this project please feel free to call on me at 305/872-4039. Billy D. Looe Key anctuary Manager Marine Sanctuary ." cc: R. Lopez D. Riley J. Halas . '" &:.....<<........... '.. .o.c..