Resolution 258-2004 Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 258 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE MIRIAM BERNSTEIN WHEREAS, Miriam Bernstein, a long time resident of Key West, passed away on June 11,2004; and WHEREAS, Miriam Bernstein helped her late husband, Benjamin Bernstein, follow their dream of developing south Stock Island; and WHEREAS, It was this vision of Miriam Bernstein in partnership with her late husband, that resulted in Lincoln Gardens, the Safe Harbor Industrial Complex, and the Shrimp Road and Front Street areas; and WHEREAS, Bernstein Park on Stock Island was named for Benjamin & Miriam Bernstein, due to the large part they played in its creation; and WHEREAS, This pioneering couple's first project was the El Patio Motel in Key West in the early 1950's; Miriam remained in Key West to continued her community involvement even after her husband's death 31 years ago; and WHEREAS, Miriam Bernstein left a precious legacy of many friends, a capacity to share her wisdom and advice, and her love of life; and WHEREAS, Miriam Bernstein is survived by her sister, Sylvia B. Marke, of New York City; her sons, Jordan M. Bernstein and Roger M. Bernstein; her grandchildren, Robyn Bernstein, Stuart Bernstein, Melissa Bernstein, Erik Bernstein and Oliver Bernstein; and two great-grandchildren; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby memorialize the County's great appreciation for the service Miriam Bernstein gave to the community and for her love and concern for people and hereby express to her family their regret and deepest sympathy for the passing of the late Miriam Bernstein. Section 2: Hereby adopt this Resolution as a permanent record of the high esteem and respect in which Miriam Bernstein was held by her family and by her community. Section 3: County Clerk is hereby designated to forward a copy of this Resolution to her son, Roger M. Bernstein and family to express the Board's sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, F~ida, at a~eting'l of said Board held on the 14th day of July, A.D., 2004. 0 c: ~ r= 2: ~, c.. ~r':' c:: P1 Mayor Murray E. Nelson yes ~C r- CJ Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice yei': ~~. ~ 6 ..', ':"',: /':~-::'-~:~:';', Comm~ss~oner Dixie M. Spehar yp. c: ~ ~.. :::0 ".' /\'/~f!:,";\i.,commlssloner George Neugent y~s .....nc:: ~ :::0 C,,~;~~~(f:'fl,;tm;";one' Ch,de, "Sonny" McCoy ye. t~ V? ~ \~({' N,:;,), Cf,;tL KOLHAGE. Cle,k ~~~~~~~~~ciJri:~F~~~~~~NERS C> '=0 "0,~ /:' ~ I ;J .fJ!~ ~ .~ - -~:~~~~~~~"r 1\r;OR~ ~:y:,;cha;rm~ ( SUZANNE A. HUTTON ,'\SSI.~~~'.~fl~!I~~~.~~_~~.,...