Resolution 262-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 262 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING RATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 - 2005 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Collection of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $117.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $117.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $117.00 per annum. Section 2. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Disposal of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $134.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $134.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $134.00 per annum. Section 3. The Board hereby adopts the following tentative rates for Recycling of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $41.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $41.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $41.00 per annum. Section 4. The total tentative rates for FY 2004/2005 are: 1. For each single family home - $292.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $292.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $292.00 per annum. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the fourteenth day of July A.D. 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner McCoy yes yes yes y~s yep. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~(~ Mayor/Chairman DANNY L. ~HAGE' Clerk G~/~ Deputy Clerk ,....;) 'q c::;:) % c::;:) -- 0 c:: ..r::- r :z: ,., <- fT"I ~p" c: CJ r- ." fTl_. N ,F 0 no,. 0:"_ :::0 c::~' " z;-' C / " :::0 _("")r" :x fT"I :<~~ r ~ ..;> D .., c;') .. ,~ ITI (:) :.::J C7' r..::,