Resolution 312-1986 : , . Claire Erb for Clara Grafe RESOLUTION NO. 312-1986 RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF 4TH LANE, WINSTON WATERWAYS, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said f hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 3:00 P.M., Friday, November 21, 1986, at the Plantation Key Government Center, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: A 25' x 25' portion of 4th Lane adjacent to Lot 1, Block 9, Winston Waterways amended Plat #2, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of October, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~-7kw Mayor Pro Tern (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk , , -McL ;t?~,..&,,t- Ier ~rAD AS TO FORM/\ BY -rp~cv. Cl.i...J, Altom, ~z ".,,' ",...' :' -- .-.......-.--...- -_..._.._----._..,--~-_._._-_.~-:~~- --.-., '-'---'~-''''''''-'''--------''-'-'---'''----_.'.'--''.' '"'- TO , :.ir. C .Jlvin J. Al1'C'n . ;/ ASo,ic:tDnt County :\ ttornc\~ t - - 1, /1 CherIe, Dent Pierce Vl/ j Public i,,'orks Director V DATE Sc;)tcmbcr 8. 1 :':Jfj FROM SUBJECT Road Ab:.1ndonmcnt Petition of Clara Grafe A[tc:' making a study of the difference between the platted shoreline und the ,_'urrent shoreline shown on thc survey by Frank Uherek. R.L.S., it is e\'~ Jent that there has been very little erosion. In studying the plat further, ! 'ould also have to question the feasibility of constructing a home on .IS lot, being Lot 1, Block 9. While J do realize that at the narrowest !oint the lot is only 18 feet::, 1 reiterate that this was not due to erosion, but is rather a natural feature of the property that the purchaser should have been aware of and taken into consideration when contemplating the purchase of this lot. I do not feel that abandoning a public turnaround at the end of the street would be in the best interest of the general public. In essence it would amount to removing :?5 percent of the motoring public1s maneuvering space. as has been pointed out in several previous abandonment cases. An~ther point that you may not be aware that I feel needs to be considered is the position of our ;\lonroe County Fire Marshal. Joe London. Very recently 1\1I'. London was trying to encourage our department to change the County stancar-ds in order that the size of the turnarounds could be increased. anc the abandonment of the portion of the roadway would definitely be contrary to the concerns that Mr. London expressed. Under these circumstances, I cannot extend my approval for the abandonment uf this roadway. CDP/jp ff.."" C,T-"\@.. ';S' n~D\J~~~. I , V.'" \'1/ I!-l- , I ~ '. ~ '.. "~.I .;- . 'I: " ,\;..~ ' , I \..... . I., i ' .I / OCT 141986 COUNTY A~ - ,~ .. r-. _..._~..._,,-;....,-.~.~..~._.._......~,._-------~-_.......,~~-._--~~ x ~ ..... - ~ ,ETITION FOR ROAD .ABANO--u ,:T TO: DATE: Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida August 8.1986 Claire L. Erb, acting on behalf of Clara Grafe. Notarized" Le t ter by Clara Grafe is attached. , hereby petitions the .. . Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, t~ renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a copy of which is attached hereto. rT hRA r.RhFF.. . is/~X<< the sole owner(~) of LotOS> 1, Blk. 9 WINSTON ~ATERWAYS AMENDED PLAT # 2, Key Lar2o. Fl. PR h/~7 Attached to this Petition and made a'part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" i~ the map/plat/sketch of survey of LOT 1, BLK. 9 ,",- WINSTON WATERWAYS AMENDED PLAT # 2 KEY LARGO, FL. PB 6/27 with the prqperty owned by Petitioner outlined in black and that portion of 25'X2E)' Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with diagonal lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above-described portion of 25'X25' abandoned as it is o~!~!~ned on the attached survey because: IN ITS ~RESENT SIZE, THE LOT IS UNBUILDABLE BECAUSE OF THE ODD SHAPE OF THE LOT WITH THE 2S'X25' ROAD CUT IN ON THE LOT. THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AS THE LOT IS NOW, DENIES BUILDING PERMITS FOR A HOUSE. Petitioner certifies that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that the 19~ taxes on the land owned by CLARA GRAFE have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and pay for all costs of apvertising and recofding fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioner further furnishes this Board with letters of no objection from the utility companies, attached hereto and marked Exhibits B WI, . '.1 !i'1?~l1W~ID rf\'~ ~ ~.."- .." , U 8.., JUG 1119sa r.nIINTV--AT-TY J -.. r and a list of' ~ names and adqresses " adj al"pnt: property ;,. . owners t a .copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit c. Petitioner agrees to grant any easement necessary for the furnishing' of utilities, including without limitation electric power, water t sewer, telephone, gas, c'lble and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within : . this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by' the Board of County Commissioners through its authorized agents. WHEREFORE, Petitioner formally requests the Honorable Board , of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grant this petition. ~_.--_.._' . ~y: . .. ? .,. " STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared I /'" "> '"--"" I I l..i , v ' " , - , who ,. first being duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person described in the foregoing instrument and that he/she has personal knowledge of the facts and matters alleged therein and that each of these facts and matters are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.. Ii' II" SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /- day of . , " 'I I .-/ ..-t ,. ....J_ . v_ ~ 198~, in the County and State first above written. I /-~ ,1 r l l '.... I,-_~,. \... j Notary Public I ~ i //1.,,/\ ..../C" , J (SEAL) My Commission expires: (it,: / I :- ~') ) ( (' i -ItoiJ J J file u SU3l ...."J ,',1.1 q ,,' -,,- "'it:./ ......'.---ill 6D '---'-'-'f""'~~~'~' QUIT,CLA1M DUO R/\MCO iORM n This Qult.Claim Deed, I:H'Cllld II,i, 1') H1t,;!iART' GRAr!.~, ^ fJ:Jumn;!' ["IAN Ill.,. l'wl)'. I.. CL/\f<t\ (;H;\ J"t.;, !l J:i MU'PH f':i\ 1,.1"'''''I'''''lJlfi'''''l'j,/'''''i~ Cf.J\n1\ GHA!'I':, c/o '~!.;t1Il!:; GH^~";~r:t'~(;;(.W pop ( ) \' ~ --+~f'--'--:r-._-,- .- -~" l I r L:. . 't'r'~lt....:...lL' ~ r ... . ' ), /\ ;,&.r..l..., -n-!"~r"lT"lT, 1I r.;---+- , ~ '1",.111.1 p,,,I,,: I\\lor,.... ",..111.,,'''' ,1... 10'''"': 1<~~:~Il:fLII~~ce..'ll'~";f I::"~'!:..-!:.~? "It I I' .'nt.tll\"". ~..,d .'''h.'II' III 1I1IlJ\ltlu.~I,. .llId tIll' '1", r.."lt' .11 ill .."."-11'10 Iff (11.1"'1.111111.... \\h.....,..1 liar ,'UIIU'\! . ...h"ii'. .., uqll'I".. ell f\' 01 AUGUS'I . ..\. I) Ie, 85.1.\. " .w. . I'll 00. '~lh '1'/ II' I . 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CON:j'rT'1'U'rr.: 'rIP~ in I">;:; 'f l;:A 1 , OF T1!'~ GPANTOR WHO HI,:.'; l] 'i';:; IN AlJ~rl'Hi\I,r^ :c ~ ..." 0 7- (:) -;n .I~ n 0 ""'I,~~ f= 'J -, \..oJ :' .. - "'0 Vol t:J . , Ul 10 tiaut and to ltold lilf' .~n"lt. '''H,.,f"., 11',,1. ,,11 Will .,il/Hlll"r ,III' "PI"""'III"""'S 111I''''lIlIlu /'l'/Illl'litl(l or ill nll)'ll'is,' (lp'lI'rIClillilll/. 0111; (1/1 till' I>..ln/('. rir,/./. liI'I., illl"'ffS/. li,'". f'(Iuil)' "III/ d"in! wlll"- "".....r 0/ IIII' sai" /irsI p"rlv. ,'ill...r ill 1/111' or "'llIiI,\'. 10 II". IIlIlv prolwr 11."'. ,,,,"..fil ",,,11.../100/ of II,c. s'li.-l "'j .",,; I'"rlv /ON','('r. In ltfitness 'Whereof, Till' -",;'/ /1'" I'(lr/y ',0' ,i,;,,,.,1 Oil/I .<1'(1("" II........ 1",'wlIls IIII' .1".\. (lml vpClr [If"I 0/'01'1.' uoriUI'II. Si'IIH'''. $I'nl,." alltl .i.,lil"'''''' ill I'r"SI"I('1' of: .' ,: ,:~ p1 ~tl"A 'fy ~-;f -r?- ~J.'"'''''''''''''''' ..,(j.. '..".........." ,"......' -1 ~ ~ I 1 / .' C .. '0~:... ./(1-1#<'--,., ,(Ii ,."CD I s I'.\l t: or rl.ORIO:\, UJI":\IY OF MONEl)',; } I IIERF.BY CERTJfo'Y Ihilt on this (lay, l...iorr. ,ut, "" "I f I, ,r 11,,1\ au,huri/"c\ in til,' Slat<. a!on'\ilicl .lIld ill thr C(Il1 Illy ,ICurn.lid to uk,' ac'kn/lwkd<:/II"IlU. l'f""Il"lly ;I1'1"'drr'c! i{ rl~IIMn: r.RA p:.; I.. "lI' ~1l0W" to hI' th., l'nmn d"\lrihnl ill and wh.. "VIIII"" th.. r""',~,,i"l( i",trolllwllt i'OII HI'; at ;",,,....11,1\1(,,,, \"("1'1' l:lr ,hI!' H~; ('XI'('ut!'d Ih.. \all1C', \\ IT;.;t:SS my hand .ItHt uffiriaJ ~t'al in ttlt' (~uunt~. ~uHI Siatl-' t.~t .tf")"I's.,id thi~ --....15... r . 1 !; (!,;.~. (,f . . AUGUST .\, J), 19 85. ( J, ",,~-"(: ...CI.}J.~..... 'c. """_'.'.'" ~~r" I~ Offici,' fI....,~~ ~~ " . ~:c~ ;::"'!',.;;'. r.,. f\{otary PI'blle. State Of jJ(llIl/d~~.-t L;up.G ~ ~ DA..a.rNY J.. rG:.:L"G~: My CommissIon Cxpires r.G...r. 21.:;~~ . ~J: ~lf!tt C...t llulla.1! lIy l.....y.-r,. SOl,,,'y C"., I. : !I '/Iw In.jnllllrll/ prtpt1ml i~~': Cl.AIRE L. ERB .\.!.ImJ P.O. Bt:)X 152 KEY lARGO, FL. 130J7 r. ! . .. .-..._...~ . - -...... ~ I' ; . L: .~, -~ ":\."", .~.. .:~ ~~~''''::,,~',1 ',' "I: ..~. ~~',..l; ,:;~",,: f:".~"~t, ~1 ~:. ~ .;.":'\ .1 ;.~~::'.~~~Y.'''l''~~~,r-;~~~~:~~: ~,,'. 6'~' i' .~ _>,'l ",i~~'Jt., U~R8K "', . ,~,.,""'. .~"'''''.IfO''''. . .......... LAJtIt e"."lIYoa ~'.. ~'. . - "" .~. :. . '. ' ;.....( ." ,< ,'-',. Jl ~ ~ I -; ~..! "' . ;~" ~~ ,- I;' : ~ '1' I') t' , ..._..__....l i-. r- -' . . ~ ''2. l'~ \ '. ~ .~. ~,..'" ~ c:-':~' '.. ~,,, ~:'~-r'---' i ' " · '-" , c~".~,'" /. I QCA7/(}."'/,,rIAP"'.., .'?..........,. ) --,~~~~"'!~f ":~,. "',. ~,..., . .._~- . .' . " .' Iv () .$('. ,? :f,!. .... ~ ";': v.~.. .. ';" \. I ,2 s-' 1. ,_" fl.. .3 I, 10 I --.. '. '. ..' ~. ',,,," .- . c J I .. ". ....'~ . !. .L'(~~ 120') '105:0.' :t, t.. . ~t- f , . ..~ i- t, J..'l. t .', q f I i I ~ .;jo ... t)O .... \-i ...2 "1 J - .0 " /"'.';""":~""" ~ 1';" . :' -- ..\ ('J I . , , ( ....' . . r",.. ....'\...0 .-.- ~.' I.. ;"~.t , .. .. 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"~ ~ .\1 o ~0\ z- ..VI 00 lie --( ~:r ~ I ~ "'10:0 .b. r~" .r ot/Tl "t) ;Q . -;?Ul ~ O~\D b ,..~ - ::(1\ "')> o(fl .1:-1 ,. -< :i S >)> ~Z ~o ~ ~ :Es r~ .,.." t:,...,. ~ r=a o "T1~ -l ~ U. n~ ~> )> Ila!A """ a1Q ~ Ei.1 ~~ -~ 2::_ VI -l rr;~ o '-'!J ~v. 1Ilr':~ ~Q -l M8 ::0 ~~ =<~ UI:> It ):> Ift:.J ~~ 2;:;; ~ ,'II o c..~ Co.-,. ,.... r-t-, v ~, CD~ ~ P N 'I C ~ REALTY IB REALTOR. Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 ROAD ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE I, Clara Grafe, owner of lot 1, block 9, Winston Waterways Amended Plat #2, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 do hereby petition, Claire L. Erb, my niece, to act on my behalf in filing the petition for the road abandonment. /:,.; ~ r Y"'"l.'." ../ ~ ~'-' .)L I, .t----~c-' Clara Grafe t Notary Public My Commission Expires Notary Publ!C, l,'; ";-;" :,:'.1\~ at tarat' "v Commission EXD:;; ;,I)ne 12. 1987 (seal) . \ E;tIlIBI/ B '-- ...~' @) Southem Bell R. E. Leon Engineering Manager South Dade District 9500 S.W. 180 Street. Room 103 Perrine. Florida 33157 Phone (305) 252-5111 May 21, 1986 File: IN25.11 Mrs. Claire L. Erb Claire L. Erb Realty P.O. Box 152 Key Largo, Florida 33037 Dear Mrs. Erb: In reply to your letter of May 6, 1986, please be advised that Southern Bell has no objection to the proposed abandonment of 625 square feet of right-of-way at Lot 1, Block 9 of the Amended Plat of Winston Waterways No.2. If any additional information is needed, please advise. Yours truly, /) ..'(,St' ' /" / , --- j"7'//ti--7 ,L t .;;c ) L rt r.: Engi neeri ng Manager DRB/ls Docl73:ls A BELLSOUTH Company tl/3/T ;8 tI Florida Keys ~~~~~uct Authority fi'/ A 1100 Kennedy Drive d 1:' Key West, Florida 33041,1239 . ~~ f-... ~. Telephone (305) 296.2454 ~ \) ~~~&j~ ~~/ c::FV o ? .. May 8, 1986 Ms. Claire Erb P. o. Box 152 Key Largo, FL 33037 Subject: Lot 1, Block 9, Amended Plat of Winston Waterways NO.2; Road Abandonment Dear Ms. Erb: In response to your letter of May 6, 1984, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has no objection to the abandonment of the 25' x 25' portion of 4th Lane adjacent to the subject lot. We have no utilities in this area. GEH/mb Bernard L. Schattner Executive Director Sincerely, ~YEQ~:r:ORITY Gregg E. Harkness, P. E. Director of Engineering J. J. Pinder Chairman Kathleen Abrams Vice-Chairman GX/JIB'I 13 , ~-~~C~CC~ ~J~ f!1J. fJ. PAtuD.17 7 .916"()5 ~~ ~ 5~ ~~ .1.1()7() ~()s) 352-2#.11 13 May 1986 Ms. Claire L. Erb CLAIRE L. ERB REALTY P.o. Cox 152 Key Largo, FL 33037 RE: Roadway Abandonment, Winston Waterways Dear Ms. Erb: Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) has no objection to the abandonment of the 25 foot square portion of the roadway on Lot 1, Block 9 of Winston Waterways #2 Subdivision. The roadway covers a parcel 25 feet square, in front of Block 9 Lot 1, at the dead end of 4th Lane. It extends in a southerly direction, 25 feet from the south edge of 4th Lane, into Lot 1. A copy of the survey sketch you furnished us is enclosed showing the abandoned easement area, circled in red ink. This letter speaks only on the behalf of FKEC. Other non-electric utilities should be contacted. ~e~ Dale Hannold Engineering Supervisor DH/k1 Ene. cc: File (3) d~ ~UIned~, / '."..Iw .._,..,.,-1.., ",/,..,. ",I,. .1h,It.~ SNITCH O~ Sui/VI-V ..,t 1'-1'-7 tI.""., b,,-' It",..." I · II .."..".".. "".1.... "'Y .11_..'1- Itv"'''lI'i.'.''J ,. f"..,,_ .".1 1:."."..(;'" .,.. .,.1.. b.,,1' .~ "'1 A-"...,I"-",, 0"'/ 11.11.,c. _,; , ' ,f 7'1"1"",/ ,',' I, ,'( FIfAoNI< H {/HEA'-K '-__h_' FI.A.. .q~... E~.'N.CA.. No. II"'~ F~A.. Ra., I._c Sv/n'_vOA N.. ZIIo, Dwt.J~, 0:/.-1<; 2.. ' .. :<' , -----=~~;~-=.:---=.-.::;:""-~ ._'_..~-""'- ~ ~ F~ANK H. UHBREK PIIO.....ro...... ..or.... .110........ ...... .u."no. . In. ,'\ -.., /(", J.I:"~'~' J ~I---- f(3 . I .1 .:-1, s ~_. ~ ~ ~., ,--. I Z. "!" ! '\ ~ ;---,-~ "'-.;, ,.,,~---. ..... . !. I '~'A"::"""c-,."."'" ) ".'.' '-- -'" -:=.-- No S( ". t.:. I I . i 2>. ,2'- I \. ..3.Of . , to ~ ~ '-3 (P/..- /'20 'J IOS:O~ :t ., I ::;. -' ... , "p " I' . .. 1.:"" ) 'cp ( 1'-"'" , ~, :) ~. !-J/ ~t?l I'-J fl', II i c. --2. /- L '~r Jt.:~ ;:"..." /' I '. /1: '" Lf 0 . to., . ~: I. i':::.: I.~/'~;"". ~t<~~., :/:;.;:\~, \ : ;; : mr: ; ':, t ;".. 0' :~; ... ~..... .;~' f ... /, ..,1 "~9".."" ~. .... "." "llJ it ~\,r. \'. ...... ....".".... ,".:'. ,.< --,;------ L..,1 ,L::", \ \ "::- "'~~ SK~TCH OF SUJ!tVEY S' _ e l-,.,A ti' t.. e,z,13 r':'. m,x ,0/>--- /1q.y t...H~"C' Fl. '~c~7 '- -- DE'SCAIPTION L n or- L 0", B/oll'lc. 9 0N:0,.;"'1 "/'0 .,.J.c PI..,. o-r /lh,t J'J;"'~"~' t''':''-,''' . '." 10'(.,'-.". 1 ", ~-~., " ('; ~ (.'. ~ . I t: ..- 0' "~co"'d.r/ i" PI." eoole. (, 41'" Pft1'C C 7 01' 'the A'lll: R~t!o"..t.t: ..,c ( Mo",oe COCI""'l' FI.,."/a. E.'CV'JilO"':> <;,!-':;wn Thu~ ',_'-'-~ H...:f::r 10 U ~:.(;. & (,~ ~'N Lc..ci D.;t tlir, 194') :\D.I. To. No. ~. l',~ -;~. :):~. Fi41.D Bool(. N.. '~', -. REALlY [B REALTOR' Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 e'xll/8, / C- - LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS -;',-1,,'( Mr. & Mrs. O. Bryan 6801 NW 24th Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33313 Owns Lot 3, Blk. 9, Winston Waterways Amended Plat # 2 PB 6/27 Mr. & Mrs. R. Martinez 10620 SW 141st. Ave. Miami, Fl. 33186 Owns lot 2, Blk. 9 Winston Waterways Amended Plat # 2 PB 6/27 Mr. & Mrs. H.Shovers 5130 Darby Place Racine, Wi. 53402 Owns lot 4, blk. 9 Winston Waterways Amended Plat # 2 PB 6/27 Mr. Antonio Rodriguez P.O. Box 3451 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Owns lots 16 & 17, Blk. 8 Winston Waterways Amended Plat # 2 PB 6/27 ";':*"i't Maria A, Vichot 1420 S. Bayshore Dr. PH # 5 Miami, Fl. 33131 Owns lot 18, blk. 8, Winston Waterways Amended Plat # 2 PB 6/27 *** ACTUAL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AS PER PLAT. OTHER LETTERS ARE FROM OTHER NEARBY PROPERTY OWNERS *** As far as Maria A. Vichot is concerned, I have sent 2 letters to her corporation, Juni Corp. P.O. Box 254, Hallandale, Fl.33009 and received no answer. I then called Talahassee, fl. and found out her personal name and address. I sent 2 more letters to her home and received no answers. I then sent a certified letter to her which some other party signed. I then sent a certified restricted letter to her and after 15 days it was returned to me, a copy of the envelope is attached. In the meantime, Mrs. Vichot called me on 7/26/86 and told me that she was going to send me back the letter of NO Objection.. I didn't receive it. I then called her on 8/1/86 and she again told me that she was going to mail the letter out to me.... as of 8/7/86, I still haven't received it. Her phone number is... 577-0208. ""-- ","'-'> -~Ji;I.:..;;.a;..~II.~~-:I..:;,:;,,-.;,.......-_..-t= ....-._~ "_.."",.., , ~..:..... I:B REALTOR. Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, REALTY We are the owners of lot 3, blk. 9, Winston Waterwys # 2, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 and have NO OBJECTION to the county abandoming the 25'X2S' cut in on the property 2 lots away from our property which is lot 1, blk. 9 Winston Waterways# 2, Key Largo, Fl. Duval R. Bry 6801 NW 24th race Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33313 Of \lia Bryan 6 NW 24th Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33313 '~7 . ~ rt::5 ~t:. t:r). ~ REALTY IB REALTOR' Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, We are the owners of lot 2, blk. 9 in Winston Waterwa~s # 2 and have NO OBJECTION to the county abandoming the 25 X25' cut in on the property next to ours which is lot 1, blk. 9 Winston Waterways # 2, Key Largo, Fl. REALTY [H REALTOR. Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 To Whom it may concern; We are the owners of lot 4, blk. 9 in Winston Waterways # 2, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 We have NO OBJECTION to the county abandoming the 25'x25' cut in on lot 1, blk. 9 Winston Waterwys # 2, Key Largo, Fl. \ ,~( I '\, J ! j:- - Jt" ". :~). ' I 'Czh~I-- Henry B. Shovers 5130 Darby Place Racine, Wi. 53402 / 'Y '7 / '/'& " 2~~'f:'J._'~" ~:~-~ (:/'~_%~--/.J.~- 't:--:L-/ /. Virgi~ia A. Shovers 5130 Darby Place Racine, Wi. 53402 _ ._..~....... _ ~ . ~',".-L. , A'tl ~.rf ~___ REALlY [H REALTOR' Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I am the owner of lots 16 & 17, Blk. 8, Winston Waterways # 2, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 I have NO OBJECTION to the county abandoming the 25'X25' cut out on lot 1, blk. 9, Winston Waterways # 2, Key LARGO, Fl. Antonio Rodriguez P.O.Box 3451 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 c::::Q 1 ~ -""~~ -- -.'.... ........... ....... < '/ 01.._/ ,','J IB REALTOR. REALTY Telephone: (305) 852-9277 Post Office Box 152/ Mile Marker 94.5, Key Largo, Florida 33037 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; I am the owner of lot 18, blk8, Winston Waterways Plat # 2 Amended, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 I have NO OBJECTION to the county abandoming the 25'x25' cut in on lot 1, blk. 9, Winston Waterways # 2, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 ){l/aU-A d ~ ARIA A. VICHOT President, Director, Agent Juni Corp.