Resolution 326-1986 Hawk's Cay Investors, Ltd. RESOLUTION NO. 326 -1986 RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ROADS ON INDIES ISLAND, DUCK KEY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 3:00 P.M., Friday, December 5, 1986, at the Marathon Sub-Courthouse, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of November, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~~ ayor a~rman ( Seal) At tes t: lJ4Ji:NY ~ J{OLHAG~ ~lerk ~PPR 'D AS TO FORM No ~~ Sl.JPFICIENC~ ./ 't 8Y~ ~. Attorney's Office ' ~', --a..t. ~I j)~ - '---' , , All that portion of Golf Course Drive lying Southwesterly of Duck Key Drive; the Northeasterly 573.96 feet of Golf Course Drive; all that portion of Tam O'Shanter Drive lying North of Greenbriar Road; all of Fairway Road; all of that portion of Greenbriar Road lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of Lot 5, Block 8 extended Northerly; all of Greenbriar Circle; all of that portion of Pebble Beach Lane lying Northwesterly of Green-briar Road and Southeasterly of the Southeasterly boundary of Lot 8, Block 7 extended North- easterly; all of Harbor Drive; all of Putting Green Court; and all of Country Club Road; all the aforesaid being shown and delineated on INDIES ISLAND, DUCK KEY, Section 1, Part 1, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. PH IL 'IPS & TRICE SURVEYING, INC. !,~~ I~ ~~ Jac/ M. Phillips ' r ~ Professional Land Surveyor Florida Reg. Cert. #1410 January 30, 1984 EXHIBIT "A" Key West, Florida ',-- PET I T ION (ROAD ABANDONMENT) TO: The Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida HAWK'S CAY INVESTORS, LTD., by and through the under- signed attorney, petitions the Honorable Board of County Comm- issioners of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a copy of which is attached hereto, to wit: (correct legal description of portion of roadway to be abandoned is attached as Exhibit A) HAWK'S CAY INVESTORS, LTD., is the sole owner of the real property described in the survey attached hereto as Exhibit B. Attached to this Petition and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit B is the survey of Duck Key with the property owned by Petitioner described in desc~iptions 1 and 2 and that portion of Duck Key Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with yellow lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above described portion of Duck Key abandoned as it is for rehabilitation and development of the property which necessitates street abandonment. That the abandonment of said road will not take away any other property holders right of ingress or egress to their property. That the 1985 taxes on the land owned by HAWK'S CAY INVESTORS, LTD., have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible and pay for all costs of advertising and recOJ,:dil!':i fee::; inCULCeu. LelaLive tu this request for the abandonment of said roadway. Petitioner further agrees to furnish this Board with letters of no objections from the various utility companies prior to final hearings on this matter. '~- WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully request the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to grant this Petition. Respectfully submitted, f-r Sworn to and subscribed before me this c:1.7-JV day of September, 1986. ~LJ~ /2V /'(- ~ if NOTARY PUBLI ( My Commission Expires: 'or4~f P'uEiHt S-TATE' OF nORIDA NY COM~ISSICU EXP. APR 15,1990 80NO~O TKRU GENERAL INS. UNO. C I , lLLLt. S~~@~~cio/~ ~ Jfrux>>y'u>><a/ed f!lJ. tJ fJ8(UO.J 77 .916'(}5 O'~ JI~~ 5~ ff~ ,9,9(}7(} (1(}5) 352-2#,91 22 October 1986 Mr. Jim Cohee, President Hawk's Cay Investors, Ltd. Hawk's Cay Resort Marathon, FL 33050 RE: Road Abandonment Dear t;1r. Cohee: The existing routes for electric lines must remain in order to serve Hawk's Cay and other portions of Duck Key. Any relocation of the electric lines necessitated by the redevelopment plans of Hawk's Cay should be paid for by the developer. In addition, easements will probably be required for the relocated faciliites. With the above stated reservations, Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) has no objection to the abandonment of several roadways as shown on Drawing C-368, sheet 1 of 1, dated June 20, 1983, and approximately described below: 1. All of the westerly portion of Golf Course Drive from Duck Key Drive, 2. All of Tam Oshanter Drive and Fairway Drive, 3. The easterly portion of Golf Course Drive beginning approximately 231.04 feet from the centerline of Duck Key Drive. 4. All of Harbor Drive, Putting Green Court, and Country Club Road, 5. The southeasterly portion of Pebble Beach Lane beginning approxi- mately 189.6 feet from the centerline of Duck Key Drive, 6. The easterly portion of Greenbriar Road beginning approxi~ately 371 feet from the centerline of Duck Key Drive, 7. All of Greenbriar Circle. Portions of the above referenced drawing is attached illustrating the abandoned roadways. This letter speaks only for FKEC. Other utilities should be contacted. Sincerely, D~~J Dale Hannold Engineering Supervisor J DH/kl ENC. ", c c : C . Ru sse 11, C . P a u 1, File ( 3 ) dJ~~ O'wned~ 41 )0. ~OU'hf . !:T. .ICTION ~ S '" it.,. ; . Ind bel"". : '.11...... . 'Abr tar r the toc.- continue S.U h._ .'.nce .f .., roC' . o' ". <<,- ftC. lIo..,h . polnt.1 .nce .nd . US.OO het atence of It rol' . bovndu'r '" 00. W..t. It 1] (0C' . ..,.. o o G --==-- ~ ; ~ d . ,~ s tI #J !l 10 10 "' /I ~ ~ \I Iq b 12 __u i ::.:.::-----~i~ .. . ~ . Iq . y II! 13 ~ :t IS ,<0 0 ~-..:? 18 10 o :, o tJ IS " .. 10 0 1<0 .: -----nri.o o . "f I!I 20 \. <<t.., f.... "" Ill,,: " ~ o 6J ~~ HoelL I" lJ If; I ': , ~ IJ IJ 1/ <.!J . ...~ .... .. ~~,' ~...,.. to:.. . ... -, - .-1& J '.. .( i :2 I , 11 .., .( "'1 J" '" U ..q , . EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT made and entered into this 23rd 19 86' . day of October 7 HAWK'S CAY INVESTORS. LTD. - JAMES J. COHEE. PRESIDENT Grantors, of Monroe County, State of Florida, do hereby grant and convey unto the FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC., a non-profit Florida corporation, its licensees, successors, and assigns, Grantee, for one dollar and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 0 right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, inspection, and replacement of the electric transmission, distribution, telephone lines, and cablevision lines, and circuits of the Grantee, its licensees, successors, and assigns, attQched to poles or other suppo~ts, together with guys, crossarms, and other attachments and inci- dental equipment thereon, and appurtenances, over, on, and across the following premises, belong- ing to the said Grantors in Monroe County, State of Florida, in the following location: See Legal Description attached Together with 011 rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use, occupa- tion, and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted, and all rights and privireges incident thereto, including the right from time to time to cut, trim, and remove trees, brush, overhanging branches, and other obstructions which may injure or interfere'with the Grantee's use, occupation, or enjoy- ment of this easement and the operation, maintenance, and repair of Grantee's electrical system. The Grantors herein warrant that they are the owners of the property described aboye in fee simple, and they, the undersigned, warrant that they have authority to grant this eaSElment. ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our names and seals the day and year first above written. . Signed sealed and delivered in our presence: WITNE 'v...u (SIGN) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this day before me, on offrcer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JAMES J. COHEF known to mo to bo tho person described in and who executed tho foregoing instrumont and acknowlodgod before me that he executed the same. WITNESS ~ hand and official seal in the County and State lost aforesaid this ~t>A-I day of . <<.J~ ,19 ge.. NOTARY p;Jn:c. STATE Ci f:"C'RI:>A. MY COMMbslON EX?Ii,cS ~EC. I:J. I :J69. 80HDEQ 7JiRU, NO,ARY PUUL.IC UNC;':RWJlITERS My commission expires: - Prepared ,By - Nome & Address; Sandra Kav Barrett, M.A. : Route Lt. Box 1062 Summerland Key. Florida 330Lt2 L~GAT , . DESCRIPTION , I Parc 1 A: All f Block 1; Lots 1 through 6. inclusive, and Lots 10 through 19, inc1 sive, and the Easterly 31.46 feet of Lot 20, Block 2; Lots 7, 8, 9, Bock 2; all of Block 3;' all of Block 4; all of Block 5; all of Block '6; L ts 1 through 7, inclusive Block 7; Lots 6 through 25, inclusive Block 8;. a 1 of Block 9; all of Block 10; all of Blocks 11, 12, 1.3, 14, 15, 16 a d 17; all located on INDIES ISLAND DUCK KEY, SECTION 1, Parts 1 and 2, a cording to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82, of t e Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; LESS: BEGI at the Northwest corner of the said Lot 7, Block 2., and run thence Nort 660 561 East along the Northwesterly property 1 ine 'of Lot 7, 111.,25, feet~ thenc~ bear South'230 041 fast, 120 feet to the ~outheasterly property line lof Lot' 9; thence bear South 660 56' West, along the Southeasterly property. 1 i ne of Lot ~, 111.25 feet, to }he Northeasterly ri ght of w~y line I of' Duck Key Dnve; thence bear North 230 941 West, along sald asterly right of way line of Duck Key Drive, 120 feet back to t~e" Poin of Beginning. . P arc 1 B: , A pa cel of land in a part of Duck Key, Monroe County, Florida, said Duck Key ~eing in Section 21 and a part of Section 20, T.65S, R34E, and said' parcel of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as fall ws: '. Comm ncing at the easterly end of the Tom's Harbor Viaduct on U.S. Highway No. , run thence (1) easterly along the centerline of said Hi,ghway, a dist nce of 1469.65 feet to a point; thence (2) with a deflection angles of 8 051' and a southeasterly direction for a distance of 2235.43 feEt to a point; thence (3) at right angles and in an easterly direction for a di tance of 183.42 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; from said point of beginning continue _bearing east rly fOl~ a di stance of 135 feet to a point; thence at ri ght angles and tn a southeasterly 'direction for a distance of 175 feet to a point: thenqe at right angles and southwester,ly for a distance of 135 feet to a pOint; thence at right angles and northwesterly for a distance of 175 feet, back to the point of beginning. Parc 1 C: A, pa cel of land lying in Section 21, Township 65 South, Range 34 East and djacent to INDIES ISLAND DUCK KEY. SECTION 1, Monroe County, Florida, as r corded in Plat Book 5 at Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe Coun , Florida, and being more ,particularly described by metes and bounds as f llows: ' BEGI at the intersection of the center1ine of Greenbriar Road with the ~lY boundary line of Block 13 of the foresaid plat extended South 0606' 00" West; thence continue bearing South 06056' 00" West fora di sta ce of 35.42 feet to a point; thence North 500 561 45" West for a distarce of 204.68 feet to a point; thence South 390 03' 1511. West for a dijtance of 134.03 feet to a point; thence North 500 56' 45" West for a di tance of 325.00 feet to a point; thence North 390 03115" East for a di tance of 205.00 feet to a point; thence South 500 561 4511 East along a ch in link fence and extension Southeasterly thereof for a distance of 3 5.00 feet to a point; thence South 390 03' 15" Hest for a distance of 1.97 feet to a point; thence South 500 56' 45" East for a distance of 1 7.01 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary 1 ine of the aforesaid Block 13, thence South 0605610011 West along the aforesaid Westerly bound ry line of Block 13 for a distance of 35.42 feet back to the Point of Be inning.. . .. .. @ Southam Bell R. E. Leon Oiltrlct Manager.Olstributlon EngIneetIngl Aaalgnment 8SOO B. W. 180 Street. Room 231 Perrine. Florlda 33157 Phone (305) 252.5111 July 13. 1984 Fl1 e No. 1 N25. 1 Mr. James J. Cohee President-Hawk.s Cay Suite 100 150 East Sample Road Pompano Beach, Florida 33064-3597 RE: Letter of No-Objection for portions of Golf Course Drive. Tam O.Shanter Drive, Harbor Drive. Putting Green Court, Pebble Beach lane, Green Briar Road. Dear Mr. Cohee: Per your correspondence dated June 25, 1984, we have reviewed our present facilities in the affected portions of the above mentioned right-of-way. We request that a 12 foot utility easement be provided, the center line of which parallels the route of existing overhead facilities presently supported by Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (F.K.E.C.) poles. We have indicated these facilities on the sketch you provided. We have no Objection to the Petition for Acquisition provided the requested Utility Easement is properly recorded as requested. Our procedure is not to write to the County, but to write to the petitioner so that he/she can provide this information to the County. If any further assistance is required please contact Mr. Michael McWhorter of our Marathon office at 743-5146. Yours truly, District Manager-Distribution Engineering/Assignment Attachments A RnL5CVTH Company Attachment 1 '\ '( \"..> \ c.?\.. ~~~~\f\e{\-s,...~\~\ \... --'~::..:.:..:.:=.:::..=.=..:-"------ ., . --=== 1.~~ _ O'J€.~Wi;\\.) ~~~e..~:h~~~__~~c,,~),s)~~~,~ - '- ,-. -.-..--....--...--. #'--'. --- ..-.... --~X\~\'''c, \.,(\\\\\'( C?O\..e. C'"u..~(.)o~\ \~c, ~QL(\'",e..~<:\ ~\.\. ~@\...e.?Y\O\\~ c:.?o.~\....e~ ~---- --------- ------ ,"-' G'~~(\Q\..\~ ,.''f, ".. """ : I I ' I j+-'.' &~ - -- (p --'~ i I f-<----'_._- -' I ' \? ---.----H \'2 '~,\\\,y 'C."'~me\\, ~eC:l'^\q,C?\.) ~'< ~ '\0:\, c:.o, ,. ~. " . 14 ' I - , 1 : ~ , ill' [ : d : i j,i I "I' , I' :I Ie' f ~. 1 1 I f I ; t :.~ : ti ~ i I f ~ ! f !! i ; P ! f l J~ ;' f,li'f Ii:"'!! ,t!!~r ." I F 't;,..~id~,qll~ . ~ 1 r I :: i ~ i :: r . ; 2 ~ .. - , t JY I' " f I ? if; 1 ~ ! ! ; I ; i d ~ I ~ r..c:; " I f'.;ipiq oo:i'f!' ' i':. · ~ i . , ~ : - . ~ ~ ~ if f I I" . tqfl~:n'l;qnq:l"W" 1=' :ti::i,:-l =i 0;( , If;~i;l!:;;::;i:d:i "{ , : ~ J i P Ii J': f E :I I ;: f r i d,c;; ~! . ~ : (I ~ · i ! : I dE r 1 . ~1 L. . ! .~.d i',rJ1;t(" .It ' . I " .. : . ~., .... . '" : , I .. .. ; :; ., "-,' " .. . . .. *" !'l ~:- _ Hiii . ... ~: :' li'~ __1 : iil: -r '.1- . f' ' i fl;! i i [~i ~ \ ' :,:i ~.I. W~ = if' ;'1 .. :'.~.'" ... 1\ to CIII.c.t" (. ... ,.r. 0 ~ . .... :? ,.:: r. ,_0 f- .,./~ r: E ;/. ~ . , I .' (/1 / i" ; if> (11 '\01' III (9 1> ..... Iii ;A @ ~i -" .r8'3. I ;B;; 8A i: ~~ ~~ (I: ('I' ~~ /:' ' ." I ~~ .' ~ <1 ~~ .. ~o gc: ,I '. ~ ~ ~.o ,~~ . ., 1 g~wr .A': I ~ ~ , // ;.' , .' " :J...' ), . ".'",. . _ I ;, .l', D ~'. . ~''-'~' \ ;\ _ __,__~l..r-- ......'. I' ...' ......: \ ~ I '\ \ ':'1 \ ' . . c ~ .'" . ..:. ... i i 'r-::'~ I - ~! .~! ~~~ ~ I . I tj.' : '1 ".il{ ~; ,;.....~l}.,., ~ ~ ' ' : ' . i : [fJ'.: ~ : 1 ;, ~ :-. ~ l ; Jr.,' f " ... . . , . ,. ' 7 ~ ~ 'f, . , Attachment 2 ~ r ORM 84 1 ~ APR, 1969 RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT In consideration of the sum of money hereinafter set out and other good and valuatle consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby aCknowledged from the Southern Bel I Telephone and Telegraph Company, the undersigned, ownerlsl of the premiaes described below, do hereby grant to the Southern Bel I Telephone and Telegraph Company its I icensees, agents, successors, assigns, and ., I i.d and associated companies, a right of way easement to construct, oo~rate, maintain, add or remove Such lines or systems of communications or related s~rvices as the grantee may requi re, consisting of: (I J poles, guys, anchors, aerial cables and wi res; 121 buried cables and wi res, cable tenninals, markers, splicing bowes and pedestals; '3) conduits, manholes, markers, underground C~bres and wires; 14) and other amp I ifiers, boxes, appurtenances or devices upon over and under a strip of 'and genera' 'y descrited as fol lows: 17 feet wide across the fol lowing lands in Monroe County, State Of Florida See Legal Description attached - Exhibit "A" and, to the fu'lest e_tent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at a", over, along and under the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property, The following rights are also granted: to allow any other person or company to attach wi res or lay catle or CO"d"it ...:thin the right of way for commu~ications or electric poV\'er transmission or distriblJtion; ingress and egress to said pre"';ses " al I times; to clear the land and keep it cleared of a" trees, undergrowth or other Obstructions within the easement area; ~~ trim ana Cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leao;n9 or dangerous trees or 'imbS outside of the easement area ~jch might interfere with or fal' upon the I ines or systems of commun;cations or power transmission or distributior.. The receipt of Ch! and 00 I IDe 00' lacs .$ 1 nn I is hereby aCknowledged b~ the unaerSig"ej, To have and to hold the above granted easement unto Southero Bel I Teleohone and TelegraPh Company, its suc:essors and assigns forever. " WI" '" I ~;'~. ";~:;;:;,~;;~~';;~~;,~ ~i~O~:~~.,i;:.;:~ :;':7::;: ";;,: : ~ "t"" / ,) Jil1/ BONOeo "",,'u r:OT^RY PUIILIC U,.OERWfllfER8 1- ---7 . ~- Signed, sealed and del ivered 'f- in the presence of: L- ) / // / /~' / - I I ___ fr.L E ..-1./(/ u: J_ u I~ llit< / / (" I 7 tli;"/VI" ~d- 2/7 'uc (/ '-. .....r. (()~t ~3, L, ~ , L. ~ . HA Wi{'SGx\Y IlWESllms, LTD Hamp of Corporat ion Attest: / Corporate Officer By: / T it Ie: / I I JameslJ. Cohee. President All that portion of Golf Course Drive lying Southwesterly of Duck Key Drive; the Northeasterly 573.96 feet of Golf Course Drive; all that portion of Turn O'Sh~ntcr Drive lying North of Greenbriar Road; all of Fnirway Hoad: all of that portion of Greenbriar Road lying Northcnsterly of the Northeasterly 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. 1, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book and delineated on INDIES ISLAND, DUCK KEY, Section 1, Part and all of Country Club Road; all the aforesaid being shown easterly; all of Harbor Drive; all of Putting Green Court; Southeasterly boundary of Lot 8, BloCk 7 extended North- Northwesterly of Green-briar Road and Southeasterly of the Circle; all of that portion of Pebble Beach Lane lying boundary of Lot 5, BloCk 8 extended NortherlYI all of Greenbriar CPillLbrPS · TnlCE S"nVEYlNe, lNC. .-L.k. !~.:....-, ,JeWI M. Phill ip:J f ~ Professional Land Surveyor Florida Reg. Cert. 11410 January 30, 1984 Key ~est, Florida EXHIBI'r "A" rI Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority <7 ;'<,Cl tf--- ... " /:~ ""'~ ,,~I'.; ,'/" Post Oti;ce Box 1239 _~ 11 00 Kennedy Drive ??;l Key West, Florida 33041,1239 ,,'~ \J~, t-.., '" ~ Telephone (305) 296,2454 "~ "~ ~ ',\l , ~~",,\~J7: ~~ ~. ,'.. "c;)g,~ ~\.~~t!' ',' ~ ef;7' ~ ,--\}, ' ~ c::pV~ " ' Octobe::' 2~, 1986 Sandra Kay Barrett, M. A. Route 4, Box 1062 Summerland Key, FL 33042 Subject: Abandonment of Right-of-Way on Duck Key for Duck Key Club, Ltd., the developer Dear Ms. Barrett: The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority will have no objection to the abandonment of the right-of-way described below, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A minimum 20' wide easement centered along the entire route of all existing water lines in the proposed abandoned areas shall be granted to the FKAA by the developer. Easement shall be in a format approved by the FKAA and shall be recorded prior to abandonment of the right-of-way. 2. All existing customers whose water lines may be in the abandoned areas shall be guaranteed service according to FKAA requirements by the developer. 3. Any future removal or relocation of water lines in the abandoned areas shall be done at the developers expense and in accordance with FKAA requirements. The right-of-way to be abandoned is described as follows: All that pfjrtion o:c Gol f CourE:;:~ l.}riva lying Southwesterly of Duck Key Drive; the Northeasterly 573.96 feet of Golf Course Drive; all that portion of Tam O'Shanter Drive lying North of Greenbriar Road; all of Fairway Road; all of that portion of Greenbriar Road lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of Lot 5, Block 8 extended Northerly; all of Greenbriar Circle; all of that portion of Pebble Beach Lane lying Northwesterly of Greenbriar Road and Southeasterly of the Southeasterly boundary of Lot 8, Block 7 extended Northeasterly; all of Harbor Drive; all of Putting Green Court; and all of Country club Road; all the aforesaid being shown and delineated on INDIES ISLAND, DUCK KEY, Section 1, Part 1, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 82 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. J, J. Pinder Chairman J, Robert Dean Vice-Chairman William T. Mills Secretary/Treasurer Bernard L, Schattner Executive Director Sandra Kay Barrett., M. A. October 22, 1986 Page 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY )~ f{/t!~~.tJ -A-Jl-''--t.1.~' --./}. '/ . /~ - Emory pierce Staff Engineer EP/mb