Resolution 340-1986 - -~." Jeff Fisher, Director Extension Services RESOLUTION NO. 340-1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PROJECT APPLICATION CONCERNING THE PROJECT KNOWN AS BIG PINE SHOAL MODULAR ARTIFICIAL REEF PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves a State of Florida Department of Natural Resources Project Application, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the project known as Big Pine Shoal Modular Artificial Reef Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held day of November, A.D. 1986. on the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~~ <l~/} H N (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNy L. KOLHAGE C1. k , er ~.L ~~, jJ./ A,pl='r1OVED AS TO FORfl.!! AIVD I\-,"L SUfF1CfEf;CY. , (';')l A.~fi.:lrn.9{'.'\ o{ri(_'~-:o. -------.-.... .. ~ p.O. box 917 big pine ke~, florido 33043 --.~.::' ~ A:'4:(L~:I:~'.:t,." . ../!...... I' ;'..> ;:.'l~"'I' \"'-)~':-'.'-"J ...~.:/I :" - o::.l~:." "':;";.; ~"'..".:..' .:.:r....... '."-;-'~"'. '.."~' \'~.0'~~" ~~)....- ..,.//....v <l.~~:L.J..... ,...1.,.'. "- .r---.', ...v."Vh"/~";~(r: '''~~.i::':.j-~'/A''/-'''''':;:':,~~'''~' .. I"".'~':.,.;.~".,~.-. .~"".......l.,/",~..,tJ: ./1l":j:;4:J:. .,' " .(/'.16.~ <".' , t rrr .' '''': '.1' I " ':.;, ,M~/%,~.-4 i:<V(,~ . 4 ," t '\ooI~.z::,_.' n, '. ,,_. . ,.. 1-.. .",' ',: '-t ....-:,-0., '~,:..,,:,, ('- J', .J' Y'~.!(r--I . ."... ',".j- -\ ", ".J'.'. '.~~. . ..~l~: ~:. ..., ;. , ../ '~.l~;\:;''':\~'l'~,~_j ;-~ ,"" ...,"" :...~..."'........_.-;..'1.. !': :.......-.ou..r~,... . i$ .........:l.:t,.""'.fn' __.t..!~ ....~..., ',I'~,h" ." .....1.. \. '..W - ,:".' ".' ._....IT 'j"' ~ ,,,", " . . ..... '. '.... '.:J~ '. ~'V I.'." ." .J,.....'.. .f'...'.... I. . . 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October 30, 1986 Dr. Virginia Vail Florida Dept. of Natural Resources Division of Marine Resources 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32303 Dear Dr. Vail, Please find attached an application by Monroe County and the Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association for financial assistance under the Florida Artificial Fishing Reef Program. You should soon be receiving a letter from Mr. Jeff Fisher of the Honroe County Cooperative Extension Service, explaining the circumstances of the delay in obtaining Monroe County concurrence with this applicati~n. The signed copy of the application will be forwarded to your office as quickly as possible. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in your artificial reef prog~am and look forward to your response. Please contact us if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ~/~ Curtis Kruer President/Director CK:yk att. cc: Jeff Fisher Board of Directors . .... ,. ., // ;/ . , .. FLORIDA DEP .A..R:ruENr OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MARINE RESOURCES Ar~ificia1 Fishing Reef Progr~ Projec~ Application Section 1: Idenc1ficacion' 1. Type of Project: x Proposed Ne~ Artificial Fishing Reef ~pansion ot ~is~ing Arcificia1 Fishing Reef THIS BLOCK fOR OfFICE USE ONLY \ Dace Application Received Applic~cion Number Assigned 2. . . Applicant rdent:ification~ Monroe County Board of County Commissioners & . A. .. Name' of Applicant:: Florida Keys Artificial Reef Assoc., Inc.. B..,. Street- or P.O. Box:: l:'.0. Box 2545 C. City: Key West, FL Zip Code: D. Name of Designaced Liaison Officer: E. Telephone Number: Area Code: 305 33041 Jeff Fl.sher Phone Number: 296-9786 3 . Name 'of Proj ect:: Big pine Shoal Modular Artificial Reef Project Locacion .of Project:. Sita: (At cencer of Proposed Reef Site) Long. 81 1 q , , ') 0 W Lat.. 2433'.50 N Loran Coordinates 13984.7 & 43507.2 Location of Assembly Area: FDOT R/W adjacent to west end of old Bahi~.~ond~.Uridge and Monroe County property with deep water access l.n same area. 4. FL~ancial Assistance Requested: . A. Estimaced Total Cost: ot Project B. Estimated Transportation Cases: C. Estimated Adve:tisin~ Costs: D. Esc~eed.Engineer~g Cases: $ 20,000 $ 18,000 $ 1,000 $"' 1,000 5. :Tame of. Governing Body Head (Please T:rpe) . . FLORIDA DEP ARTI-1EtIT OF NATUR..U. RESOURCES DIVISION'OF ~~INE ~SOURCES Art:ificial Fishing Ree-f Program Part: B: Acceptance of Conditions" and Stipulacions (To Be Comp leted and Signed) . I Je... ~ >>.......~..J ~... I ~. . r epr es en t: ing ,. Monroe COun ty Board 0 f County Commissioners do he:reby certify that the governing. body of the County of Monroe , duriIlg regular session of the governing- body, did discuss the conditions and stipulations of this application and did agree to such conditions and stipulations as presented herein. 1. Ii approved for funding the grantee will make the completed arcificial fishing reef availabla to the general public without regard to race, creed, sa~, color, national origin or locacion of the users residence. 2. To pr9v~de access to records and grant rights to audit any books, documenes and papers, or the grantee for inspection by the: S tate of Florida.. Depar01leIl-C: of Natural Resourc~s for this. proj ec.e duri.'1g che proj ect: period and for three years aiter final payment has been made by che State. The grantee shall also require a local contractor or vendor receiving and award to agree in writL'1g to the application or this provision where such pertains to the contractor's .. Big Pine Shoal Modular . . c records relacl.ng to the Art; fi ci [11 Rppf prO) ec.t. 3. The County of Monroe shall hold and save the Florida Depar01lent of Naeural Resources, harmless fr~ liability of any naCUre or kind, including Casts and a~penses, for or an account. of any or al.l. sui.cs or damages of any character 'tolhat:soevEU resulting fr~ injuries or damages sustaLned by any pe=son(s) or property by vir-me of the perfoI'!Ilance of the Big Pine Shoal Modular artificial reef project consC=Uction. 4. It is understood thac the above staced condicions and sCipula- cions will be included as par~ of a projec.t contracc if this applica- cion is approved for funding. Monroe County !Ill en t PleaSe Type JI- J <[# <is~ - or Head of r.nv""""';1"l<7 tll"\AU , . . . . " ... .. " ':"'\_-- ~.' . -! -' . : . . " ' ,~ I nORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATUR.-\L RESOURCES DIVISION OF ~JRI~ RESOURCES Artificial Fishing Reef Progrmn Project Application Section 3: Ques~ionnaire \,1 1. How much man:mwer do you anticipate will be needed. for completion of chis project: Give answer in man days, ie~, 8 workers for 25 days is equal to 200 man days. Number 124 man days 2. Does this project pOSsess any unusual or unique feacu=e or is a particularily noteworthy innovation, strategy, concept or approacn evident in the project proposal? If so, ~q?la~ fully and attach response to the ques~ionna1=e form. 3. What is your total budget for artificial reef cons~ction during chis fiscal year.? $ 64,000 (Grants and Donat ions) What is your e.""'Cpected total budget for next: ,fisc.al. year? $ 51,000 (Grants and Donations) 4. Do you have. a master plan f~r rec=eation and does ~he'plan include data pertaining to salcwater fishing and more specifically the con- struction or artificial fishing reefs: (Attach response ~cluding copie~ of appropriate pages from your plan) 5. Do ,you have an Advisory Board for salcwater fishing matters and has your Advisory Board commented on this project application? Yes No X (Attach ccmmencs' f-:om Advisory Board) 6. Do you have either favorable or unfavorable camments rela~ing to chis proposedprojecc fr~ citizens, organizations, clubs, etc. If so, at~ach copies oE all such comments. 7. Have you conduc~ed or do you anticipace conducting d~and or use- pressure studies rela.ting to recreational sal~,Jaterfishing? Ii so, atta.ch data fram study or give the ancicipated complecion date for a."lY stUdy you may cur=encly be conducting. Response: ~-1e':anticipate demand and user group studies and will seek'input from FDNR in designing these studies. r'; ';'i -'i ~ r1 I' ~ '1 ~ .,i , :j J I: .Ii , ': ;, I . ~ " , . , -" 'i ~ 1 : ;~ I ~ ) ., 1 I i L ! ;1 !<j !i! Ii ~ :'1 :,1 I ~ ~ SECTION 3 (Continued): 2. The Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation formed in 1980, and consists of a 10 member Board of Directors. The Board is composed of representatives of the 10cal commercial and recreational fishing industries, the diving industry, and biologists from state and federal resource agencies. Projects performed by the FKARA are summarized on the attached table, and include the creation of many acres of new hard-bottom habitat in shallow and deep waters of the Florida Keys and the sinking of a number of vessels up to 287' in length. The FKARA firmly believes the future of productive artificial reef construction in Florida is in well- planned and specifically designed and engineered pre~fabricated units, placed in appropriate locations to provide conditions favorable for sustaining, en- hancing, and increasing the population of marine life. Increased fishing and diving related opportunities and a viable means of relieving stress on natural reefs are benefits provided to the public for many years into the future. Num- erous recently published articles, as well as the Japanese experience in pre- fabricated, modular design, strongly point to the need for research and develop- ment of designs suitable for compatible use in American waters. (Bohnsack and Sutherland, 1985; Sheey and Mathews, 1985; National Artificial Reef Plan, 1985). The attached two sheets are designs prepared by Terry Thommes of Big Pine Key, FL in conjunction with plans of the FKARA to become involved with research, design and deployment of pre-fabricated units in waters of the Florida Keys. Mr. Thommes is a licensed contractor, and is knowledgeable of various materials and their fabrication through his work ~s a sculptor. He has sought th~ advice of marine engineers, and researched available literature in creating the designs illustrated. Waters of the Florida Keys provide prime opportunities for research and contain abundant and diverse fish and invertebrate populations, due to a sub-tropical location. froposed is the placement of two each of the pre-cast concrete modular units at a deep water (90'-100') and shallow water (15'-25') site in the vicinity of the Big Pine Shoal marker, approximately 5 miles offshore from Big Pine Key, FL, adjacent to the Florida Straits. The FKARA intends to solicit input from FDNR and Florida Sea Grant, as well as Scientists knowledgeable in artificial reef function for appropriate methods of pre- and post-project survey of fish populations. Based on results and knowledge gained during construction and de- ployment, a future direction for an expanded fabricated reef program in the Flor- ida Keys can be developed. The FKARA and Monroe County believe the strategy and concept embodied in this proposal, with financial and technical assistance from FDNR, will provide valuable information and research opportunities for improved methods for design and construction of artificial reefs elsewhere in Florida. There is considerable public support for an active, progressive artificial reef program in Monroe County. This support has increased in recent years from media coverage and expanded utilization of existing artificial reefs by fisherman and divers -4- . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED AT PART l6B-32.04(2) OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF PROGRAM CONTROL CODE (a) Reef Construction Plan A total of eight of the illustrated pre-cast concrete modules will be placed in waters off Big Pine Key in the summer or early fall of 1987. Two of each type of unit (high profile and low profile) will be placed at an existing deep water site and two of each will be placed at a nearby shallow water site off Big Pine Key. Vertical rise at the shallow site will be restricted by required vertical clearance over reef, but will still allow for a comparison of low profile and high profile reefs in shallow water. Units will be placed on flat, firm, sandy bottom, and will be separated by a pre-determined distance. Two staging areas are available at the west end of the Bahia Honda Bridge near Big Pine Key on public property with deep-water access. Both sites have previously been used by the FKARA as stagin~ areas. The National Artificial Reef Plan (1985) provides the following guidance ~n regard to concrete materials in artificial reef construction: "Concrete is an excellent material for fabricated artificial reefs because of its high durability, high stability, and because it can be cast into a variety of shapes. ldentical or compatible units can be manufactured individually, and displayed in a stacked or otherwise fitted configuration to form reefs of considerable size or vertical profile. Con- crete reef material constructed in Japan and Taiwan have demonstrated the utility of concrete." and ~n regard to plastics: "Plastic and other synthetic materials are potentially very useful for artificial reefs with specialized designs or objectives. Po1y-vinyl chloride plastic (PVC) tubing is ex- tremely adaptable for design purposes, and structural Com- ponents are exceptionally easy to assemble. As raw materials, plastics and other synthetics have excellent durability characteristics." The planned design is a combination of both these materials and specifics on methods of fabrication and construction can be provided. (b) Specific location map: attached (c) Environmental permitting: The existing deep water reef site is authorized by Corps of Engin- eers Permit #8lT-0989 (12/16/81). This site will be expanded to in- clude a suitable, nearby shallow water area. Both sites are located outside of State waters. (d) Justification of need: The rapid increase in size of the fishing, diving, population in waters of the Florida.Keys justif~es properly increase the available hab~tat for mar~ne -5- and boating efforts to life and to provide References: (d) Justification of need: (continued) means of relieving stress on unique natural reef systems. Research and development of fabricated units as artificial reefs is the only long-term means of accomplishing these goals. (e) Project cost identification: Transportation, engineering, and advertising costs to deploy eight of these units, are estimated to be approximately $20,000. Construction costs for eight units using available scrap pre-cast pieces, some donated materials, and some vol- unteer time, is estimated to be about $30,000. Additional funding will be sought from other sources to conduct pre- and post-project surveys after this cost is determined. A variety of 10cal sources, including Monroe County Tourist Development Coun~il funds will be pursued for construction costs. (f) Project area planning: No adverse effects on the environment are anticipated due to the nature of the project design and materials to be used. The Big Pine Key area is a rapidly growing part of Monroe County, with a large fishing and diving community. The project site is readily accessible from Bahia Honda State Recreation Area and the Ohio Key campground. With the open design used ,and the heavy weight of the individual units, there should be minimal, if any, effects of current and wave action. Reef stability should be excellent and anchoring is always an option, if necessary. The modular units will have a positive effect on existing fish- eries by increasing the production of these areas. Larval re- cruitment and juvenile grow-out of a number of important species of fish has been documented at other nearby artificial reefs constructed by using concrete bridge rubble to create patch reefs on sandy bottom. Protective habitat for transient adult forms is expanded thereby, increasing the size of adult populations of.. ~mportant commercial and recreational species in these areas. A number of species of snappers, groupers, porgies, jacks, and grunts, as well as cobia, snook, hogfish, permit, bluefish, barracuda, morays and many reef fishes are known to be present at nearby artificial reef sites. Bohnsack, J.A. and D.L. Sutherland, 1985. Artificial reef research: A review with recommendations for future priorities. Bulleting of Marine Science 37(1):11-39 National Artificial Reef Plan, 1985. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, N.O.A.A. Tech. memo. NMFS OF-6. 39 pp. pIus appendix and H. Mathews, 1985. An evaluation and comparison of Sheey, D.L. f d ete Japanese prefabricated designed ~rtificia1 ree s an scrap concr culverts at th~ee sites off Flor~da. Bull. Marine Science lr(l):401 (abstract). -6- FKARA' 1'. cr. Box 917 Uig Pinu Key, FL 33043 Ju l)' 1986 FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REfF ASSOCI^TIOH REEF SlJHHAR't' liEF. NU. HAM, ;1 llY illEST FH>lUNG lWl"-\HOff ARTIFICIAL REEF CO~lP ASS HEAD I NG FROH r~EAREST NAVIGATIONAL AID ---."--- ---- - - -------------------- LOHAN OFPTH MATERIALS AMOUNT Of DATE HAlf-RIALS PLACED BOTTOH PROFILE OR WHAT YOU WILL LIKELY SEE OU YOUR FATHOHETER ----------------------.- 1120 froll Whi stla 13922.2 180' 213' Nevy Cable 1427 Ton6 I~ov . Ve66a l profile rising Buoy A, 1.7 ty.j. 43639.7 Layer V06uel ~ 19B3 off bottolll 60' 1080 from Whi6tle 13923.0 184' 100' Steel Bar9a 420 Tons Oct. Bottom profi la 14' Buoy A, 2.0 NH 43637.8 1QbA 1983 1050 from Whistle 13923.7 180' 260' Vessel 700 Tons Sept. Bottom profile 21' off Buoy A, 2.2 "'H 43636.4 L,S.H.R. 1983 hurd Bend - ------------------------ .2 KEY WEST GULFSmE 350 froll '1 Bell ARTIFICIAL kEEF Buoy Northw66t 3.0 NM B.1 W4 from Key Wlllit -.---------------------------------- 13933.5 32' Steel I-Beams ~679.1 and rubb ltl ... --------------- 13932.3 32' 120' Steol barge 43679.1 13933.B 43678.8 13933.4 43679.1 32' Sma L l boets 32' Concrete & steol from T rumun Annex Hurinu & Mallory Square --------------------------- 60 TonG Sept. Bottom profile a' 1983 480 Tons Doc. Bottom profile 10' 1963 1 Ton Oct. 1983 Bottom profile 4' Humorous patches scattared in areD of 13 CAYKAH SAlVAGE 5.2 kH SSE frolll 13923.4 66' 187' F ru ightllr Apr. About 30' of vertical Hk,'TfH Key Wost 43638.7 hu II , re!;tin9 1985 relief off Gandy bottom ASiTiFICIAl HHF, upright Ildj acent to CONal ruef J;EY \kSf ------------------------------------------- ---- ;4 CUI-o.IOR App rox. 25 NN due 13972.3 52' Superatructure 220 Tona June Verticel rise of NmTiCIAl IIt:EF , north of Key Wust 4:1651.5 frolll CAYHAN 1005 opprox. 26' frail sandy HY \i~'T SALVAGE MASTER bottom 187' Gtlltll vessel ...------------.------ ...----- '5 AABUCAH Sl1lW..' 2740 from '24 13968.2 40' Concretu & stelll 600 Tons April Severlll largo patches AHnF ICIAl. ru:a= Herker, Looo Key, 43548.6 froAl center f.OC- 1963 of bridge decking and 4.2 NH tion of old Nileo concrete rubb La rising 30302.3 Channel Bridge 1200 Tons Sept. 10' off e sundy bottom 43548.6 (300 If] 1985 3000 Tono Jen. 1986 ,6 BIG Plt.E AUTlF Ie lAL IHF . ... - -- -- - - ------------------------------------------------ 1BOo from '22 Hurker, 0.7 t-lJol 13934.6 123' 43506.8 72' Wood shrimp boet PArA JOE 60 Tons Sept. 1983 Bottom profile 20' Gond und rubb III 17 UAHIA t i.O.;()A AHT lfICIJ.L IU:J.F --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -...----------------- ;0 7-44ILE onmce AUT IF lClAL HElF .----------------- 2.6 NM and 1900 from ctlntor of Bahiu Hunda Oridgo 2420 from Sonb rero Light, 3.2 NH 11 paLch 30' rOllfs in al'eu of 43497.2 30349.6 14006 .8 115 ' 43460.4 14007.3 115' 43459.3 120' section of old DlIhill Hondll Bridge, 300 briduo ducko, old pipuLinu, huavy stflol, LarOIl concrute rubb Le 3000 Tons July 1985 Largoat patchas at 43497.1/30349.5 and 43407.4/30349.5 Petchas runga from 6'- 12' tn verticbl rellllf from sond bottom [Divers should taka cuution hare dUll to nuturo of matertal us~ Concrete G steol 4500 Tons froll1 old cuntor span of 7-~1 it a 9rtdge July 1982 NUlI1erOUB GOcttons BOO Tone of steal buroa Jan. 1904 SlIveral piles of swtng opan staol wtth . mexi.ull1 vertical relte of opprolC. 3D' surrounded by GCllttero concr6tll & steol rubbl ritiillU 5-10' off e fl a lamdy bottoll1 ... .. ~ . , J f I I ! OA K.EYS ARTIFICIAl REEF ASSOCIATION REEF SUtW4ARY - PL.. liEF . NO. NAkE COMPASS HEMlING FROM NEAREST NAVIGATIOML AID LORAN DEPTH MATERIALS BOTTOM PROFILE OR AMOUNT OF DATE WhAT YOU WILL LIKELY MATERIALS PLACED SEE ON YOUR FATHOHETER . -.------------------------------ fA HARATID... ARTIFICIAL flt:EF 2150 fro/A tl20 14034.0 115' 189' froighter 1300 Tons Har. Retitino upright, 50' Hurkor, 1.2 NH 43403.4 TtIU~EnOOL T 1986 verticlll rise 14033.7 115' Concretu & Bteal 2250 Tons Nov. A serios of scattered 43403.9 frolll old Vaca 1982 bridga docks & pilings, Cut Bridge rising off a flet sandy bottom 5-.10' ------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------- !10 fAST Tumu: f:hCW.. ARTIFICIAl REEF 910 from Bone- fish Towers, 6.0 NM 14047.0 31' 43305.2 --------------------------- -------------- '11 LOw.; K.i:Y Approx. 2.8 NH 14054.3 26' Concrete & GtulJl ARTIFICIAL naF WSW of Tenllf:6fiuu 43365.0 from Channel Reof Fivo Bridge ( 1 000 If) ------------------------------------------- ------ 11 :-> ISlAHOOAOA 700 from 14093.~ 110' Cone re to & Gteol AHT IF ICIAL IlffF Allioetor Light, 432!J2.6 from Snllk~ CrlllJk 2.6 tlM Bridgo 6000 Tonu In p rog- reSB Approx. 60 barga loads of b ridgo rubb Le deposited in 10 modules with verticlIl rise of 10-15 ' --- 1050 Tons Sept. Several petchoc of 19B1 concreto & steal with 10' profile off a flat sandy bottolll Vertical relief of up to 12-14' on sand botto Placod adj aGent to ctuul burge Vertical riae 50' froD bottom Largo patch .Ith up to 16' vbrtic~l profile I 1 :J KEY LAra> AU TlF Ie IJJ... ilEa: Purmi tted .-------------------- . 1.:11 '-' UdU tic u l Hi III J I 1 ~ ~A) ~" )1 CDNtf\€.1t: SAA[,.~~ ,. \V ~ Vt& (~Xt'~f\(M~N1AL) r ~ _n_ro:~I.2.' " ---fi PVl PlY! ~ U~t (f~ LAN 6! ~Mt OD.D~O . \JrfH ~l~Nb RINbS Elo~ Vlt;,W ~~ l1t l?:~CJ;'lt.7.8' MAIN ~u~ . D~SI~~D ~O~ 15-40' t>i::'?t1-\ L. zs ' ... 0 .. l.z!~t ~. ~- --'-.-0_- _____ 0___..__ I ~ LI~'(If{" ~1Jl&S (J €J,.UIuJ~ o z~. V,\fl,.leD 4.... toH PV~ o ~"~~ '--... 0 ~(. o ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ..1 .,. fRON( ~\~W tt-..,!:" I ~ 0.. o ~lpr~ -Jl T .. o 0 It II ROUH'P ~I.eri ~ ' z' , 10 UN rf <SJ7,c.. 35 h)C f) u,,c to 'D .. t~51bN'D fO Af(~..( PGLA"'c... i' EPlTOM f15~ .. -(j) U -5t.f m WAi~( ~D'- J 00' W nl\ '" -":r~' V~tAt. Rrs!' r f\'Nl.' -, (g) fJa.' f ^"i' /",." 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