Resolution 363-1986 Lizbeth Kern, Executive Director Hospice of the Florida Keys, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 363 -1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND HOSPICE OF THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC., TO ALLOCATE $75,000 TO HOSPICE OF THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC., FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87, TO RENDER SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN REGARD TO CARE OF TERMINALLY ILL PERSONS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: The Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Hospice of the Florida Keys, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, to allocate $75,000 to Hospice of the Florida Keys, Inc., for fiscal year 1986-87, in regard to care of terminally ill persons. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of December, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Brf~ 1~/}, R/CHAIRl . ---' . " .' ,.- .,'" . ,...':.',.....',",.' ""..""" . ,," (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNX L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~/~,tJ~ ERK BY l\ G R E E MEN T WIIERFM:;, UH' BOARD OF COl1N'rY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, I'LIJRIDA (thp Bozlrd), and HOSPICE OF THE FLOR]DI\ KEYS, INC. (the Corporat ion), d('~-~ i rC' to f:,nter into an ,lqreemt'nt wtH~re i n the Board of ('ounty Commissioners contracts for service" fr(Jm saiel Corpora- tion in providinq tIll' mpdicCll, psycholoqical, physical und social Ill'eds of (e,'mill;ll Ly ill persons and th,.i)' rami 1 i,'s and to mobili ZP It-hl'r communi ty r{l~;()llrc('~; to fllC'pt sllch r1f'(\d~-; for t-hp ('1 t- iZ(ln~, of ~1t)nrol' County, FJ ol'i(i.., and WHERE1\S, the Board of County Commi ssiom'rs of Monroe County, Florida is vested and charged with certain duties and responsi- bilities relatinq 'co the health and can. of the citizens of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, such servicps have been invaluable to the citizens of Monroe County, Florida, and \vHEREI\5, such ~,ervices wi 1] promote i ndependl'nce and home carl' for terminally ill persons, and WHEREAS, it is proper and fittinq to enter into an aqreement !-C'!' ~;t'rvi('('~~ t(~ ht' r('nderC'd in the:,' fnrt-hrnnlj Ill} YP,1l ] l)Hh-R7; nU'\I', t hl' l~e t orc', TH I~, I\GREEMENT made betwe('n the [H)I\RD (11" COUNTY COMMT S5 TONEHS OF ~10NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, and HOSPICE OF TIlL FJ.OIUDA KEYS, INC., ('ach in tile consideration of thl' promise'S m.-Hll' ca"h to tlH' otl'er, do agree as follows: The said floard of County Commissioners of Monroe Count.y, Florida, in consideration of said Hospice of the I"lorida Keys, Tnc., sullstantially and satisfactorily performing and carrying out the duties and obligat.ions of the Board as to rendering services to the citizens of Monroe County, Florida, in matters of heaLth and edu- c~ti.on in rpq~r(l i-f) the care of terminal_~y i11 persons, ~(lreCS i-o= 1. I'dl' I"" t1l(' Sd id HOSPICE OF TilE FLOH1flA KI';YS, INC. the Sllm of Sl'v"nly I"iv(' 'l'hollS,lIlt! l)n]Ji1rs ($7'i,()()II.OO) fnr till' fi';I'dl y,'al- ] 986-87 1"<) I"'rf,,nn sllch ~~..rvic(>~; 10 '"he ei t i ""ns of Monro(> C,)unty as an~ hC'j'(.ill outlined, L, 'I'hl'; :;11111 will bt. fl,-lid monthly conunc'l",illlj Oe(:obcr t, 11)8(" ,IS hereinaft<'r 5('1 forth. I\no tilL' said Hospice of the Florida Keys, Inc., for the con- ,;id,'I'dtion nilmpcl, covenants ,1nd aCjrees with I he Board of County ('ommissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to substantially and satisfactorily perform and carry out the duties of the said Board In iJroviding the medical, psychological, physical and social needs of terminally il] persons ilnd their families and to mobilize other community r-t'SO\l!'('('S to IlH'ct such needs For tilt' ci tizcns of ~1onro<, '''Ollnty, j'lor idd. In flll:ther' r'onsicl"l';ltion of said I in;lnci,11 r','nllm0rdtion, Ill<' ';,lid Hospicp of III(' '''lorid<l Keys, Ine, ,1'1,1'<'<"; to IJrovid,' a cl";1r financial audit trail to allow for full accountability of funds received from said Board. Certified monthly financial and service load reports will be made available to the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to validate the delivery of services under this contract, The monthly financial report is cluC' in the office ()f the Clerk of the> Board of County CommissionC'rs of Monroe County, Florida, no later than the 15th day of the follow- ing month, After the Clerk of the Board pre-audits the certified report, the Board will reimburse said Corporation for its monthly expenses within 30 days after the receipt of the monthly financial rppot-t. lIowev('r, the tot,l] of said monthly I'"yments in the a'l'lrc- '1,,11' sum Sh,111 not exceed the total amount of $75,OOO,()O, IN \"ITNESS \"IIEREOF, the Board of County Comm issionel-s of ~1()nroe County, Florida, has caused these presents to be signed 1 n I ts name by tIll' Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and by Hospice of t'hl~ Florida Keys, Inc. hus causpd these presents to I,,' ,;ill!lpd in its 11,lm(' by it,; ('ol~porat'i()n nin,,'lo!' "nd Pn':dd,>nt ,,!, tl](' Hoard, all dS of the clay of , A. f), 198b. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONHO!, ('OIINTY, n,ORTDA fly i.'-i\:vrj'jY/c'T,i\, I:M1\N (S!:AI,) ,\ttcst CLERK 2 Signed, sealed and Delivered In Our Presence: ') _) I <. J<:r:~ ~ <~~)i i-hP} ~~ ~~~;J----- ) ,c _Li:.f4::~ /l/J!~')" J('--_ WltneS5~ , /) (, (/ IIOSPICE OF THE FLORID1\ KFYS, INC. ~ ./ By _,_~V2~<~ Executive Director y4~L ) I , ( I ! ( " }