Resolution 370-1986James R. Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 370-1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS 1-A, 1-C, 3 AND 4-A, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN 1) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 1-A AND THE STOCK ISLAND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., 2) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 1-C AND THE SUGARLOAF KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., 3) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 3 AND THE CONCH KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE SQUAD, INC. AND 4) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 4-A AND THE LAYTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSING VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE PERSONNEL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS 1-A, 1-C, 3 AND 4-A, as follows: That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors, hereby approves and authorizes the Chairman of the Board of Governors to execute an agreement by and between 1) Special Taxing District 1-A and the Stock Island Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., 2) Special Taxing District 1-C and the Sugarloaf. Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., 3) Special Taxing District 3 and the Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc. and 4) Special Taxing District 4-A and the Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part thereof, for the purpose of reimbursing Volunteer Ambulance Personnel. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Special Taxing Districts 1-A, 1-C, 3 and 4-A, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the /Gt day of 1986. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. I'OLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS 1-A, 1-C, 3 AND 4-A d� e/ BY - CHAIRMAN Arrllrpp4: '� Wire AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D. .19 _ between Special Taxing District No. _ 1-A hereinafter referred to ar the "District" and the Stock Island Volunteer Fire DeparttiLentl_Inc. Volunteer Fire Del, trtment or Volunteer F; re Depar l i tent and Arth,�l_anc e Crrl;: (whatever the case may be), hereinafter referred to as the "Department", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non, -profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protection and rescue facil- ities to the people and property of the same in Monroe county, and '.WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescue protection is for the furtherance of the common good of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, Ore Department aforesaid and the Speci.ai T;ixitig District No. I -A , through the Board of Gount:y Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the governing body, have agreed and provided by ordinance for the various departments to reimburse its volunteer personnel and chiefs from funds strictly within the budget of the various special taxing di,t:ricts, and WHEREAS, the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing district:; are available and arc, on coTl,;:ant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various l.i.fe- savink activities, and tvHERF.AS, these parties now desire to formally agree for '-he reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating, to said se-- vice:; and the various volunteer depa:tmeill:; do aNrer thereto, now, therefore, BE IT UNDERSTOOD that in consideration of the covenants avreed to heroin and other ,,,00d and v:;lctable considerations, the parties hereto do ,ts;ree as follows: 1. That the various special taxing,, districts :;h 11 utilize the services of the volunteers both firefighters ru;d I -or rescue pi: -poses ;rnd that for said services a reimh,rrsement 10 volunteers shall be in the stun of S50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being understood that t:he various chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be reim- bursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budget- ed funds, herein with a maximum of _20 volunteers and I clti(,L; who shall he reimbursed tinder this agreement. That insofar as the variorts specia'. taxing district-;; have in their budget for the fiscal year 19 86-87 funds avail- able for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall he done upon passage of this ordinance when and if id volunteers ;)ave entered into this ;agreement. 3. Monroe County and/or the special taxing district:: currently maintains and slialI provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the duration of this agreement. 4. Each of the volunteers of they Departments described hrrc�i.� shall furnish and keep in full force and effecr a policy of liability insurance on his private vohicle(s) in such -Imol,tnts of .overage as aro required under. Florida law. ^!onrc�e Coup; v andror the special taxing districts ::hall keep in full force rinci effect ;t policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by the County ;ind/or special trax:ing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shrnll also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only cluri_ng such times as they aro operated in response to a call for the emergencv service:; of the Department. Such period of opera- tion shall he deemed to begin at the time a volunteer eaters a priv..,te vehicle for the purpose of responding to a cell and to end at such time as the volnntoer returns to his home or, in thy, c;- e of a volunteer who makes an intermediate stop can his w to iris home, to the first location to which he drives rift-cr t ), completion of his participation in the omergcnc;,� services rhr:t were the sabject of the call. 5. The Department shall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by N the Department and used in providing emergency services within the District. Said policy shall he in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shrill also name the Monroe County Board of. County CommiYsioners a:; insured. 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall reuse the volunteers to be deemed or held to he agent:: or emplovees of Moi-,rue County or of the special taxing dist_ri_ct-s. Mont-e County avid the :pcci,il taxin}> <l;.striits sl�a11 hare• no lial,i'.it r responsibility in connection with the subject of this agreement other than thc, payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided in paragraph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the special taxing di-stricts assume no li9bility for, and each of the volunteers agrees to hold said County and District harmless from, inv and all. clairi�; th ,t= may arise from the actions or the inaction of the volunteer, whether in the co?lrse of his volunteer efforts or not, and that are not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- pr:iph 4 hereof. Further, it- is the understanding and intent of all parties to this; agreement_ that the provisions of this para- prlph do not alter the legal relationships of the parties exist- mIIIodiatc'ly prior to its execution with rer,;o-d to the poten- tea! vic_ariour; liability. The purpose For the inclusion of this par,'vraph is to memorialize the exir;ting understanding of the ies. No eompens;ition sha11 he paid to the volunteers by Monroe ..onnl�� or the special taxing districts except the re�imbursemrnt provided in tiles ap,rec,ment or in a1,y eaten, ion or written modi- f4Catirn 01 tili: agreement. The County does hereby affirm that the governing hoard did approve on Lhe --- day of ------- ----- A.D. i9 this a;reement and did direct and autheriz.e its l:residing officer to enter into said api.-eement. S. That the various special Lraxing districts acting as volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is set. forth in ;rdinzince No. _ _— did affirm that a duly constituted meeting of the governing board of the same on the day of 3 __ , A.D. 19 , the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution thereof directed. 9. That ;,nch contract or agreement entered into by the various special taxing districts and th; operating corporations known as Departments shall. also be ex cuted by the volunteers prior to the r(coipt of reimbursement. A signed roster of all volunteers and all chiefs shall be provided for the Financt, D(,r)artment. "he ;ignature and agreement of he indi-vikluals ;I: - prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said agree- mont. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this agr,-,r,- ment 6n the _ day of V _ _ _ 19 (S(-a]-) Attest: --- - -- C roc iSe"!1) At tos, . 7 --'sLL Secretary � 0 SPE'CIAT, TAXTNG DISTRICT NO. 1-A By VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE CORPS (whatever the case may be) ---------- >T r e ; 1_ crE� n t ------ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D. 19� between Special Taxing, District No. 1-C hereinafter referred to as the "District" and the Sugarloaf Key Volunteer. Fire_DeparUient, Inc_ Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corp.,; (wh,3t('ver the case m;iy be), here inrifrer referred to rs the "Department", WITNESSF.TH : WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a ;ion -profit incorporation for the purpose of providing, fire protection ;md rescue facil- ities to the people and property of the some i_u Munroe CeI�inty, and WHEREAS, ;uch fire protection and rescue protection is for the furtherance of the common good of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the Department aforesaid and the Special_ l';rxirw District No. 1-C , through the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the governinf- hodv, have agreed and provided by ordinance for the varirurs departments to� reimbur:;e its volunteer personnel. and chiefs from funds strictly within the budget of the various special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective spacial taxing di_strict:^ are available and are on constant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various life- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expen;;es relating to said ser- vice:: and the various volunteer departments do ;ivre«> thereto, now, therefore, B1: IT UNDFR1 1'1700D that in consideration of the covc-nants agreed to herein and other good and v;rinable collsidc•rationr, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. That the various special taxing districts :;hall uti.li.ze the services of the volunteers both as firefighters and for rescue purposes and th,,t for said services a reimbursement to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being understood that the various chiefs of the specialtaxing districts shall he reim- bursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budget- ed ends, herein with a maximum of 40 volunteers and 2 chiefs who shall bo reimbursed under this agreement. 2. That Snsofar as the various speciril taxin,, district: have in their budget for the fiscal veer 19 86- 87 funds iivai ]_- able for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. 3. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts currtntl.y maintains and shall provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the duration of this agreement. 4. Each of the volunteers of the Departments described herein shall furnish and keep in full force and effect a policy Of li_ability insurance on his private vehicle(s) in such amounts of coverage is are requ_i_red under Florida law. Xonrotr Co:lnt_y and/or the spacial taxing districts shr+l l in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance can all emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or special taxing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shall also, provide secondary, or back-up, cover.agr on private vehicles only during such tinges as they are operated in response to a call fcr the emergency services of the Department. Such period of opera- tion shall be deenicc' to begin at the time a volunteer eaters a private vehicle for the purpose of responding to a call and to end at such time as the volunteer returns to his home or, in the case of a volunteer who makes an intermediate stop on his wav to his home, to the first location to which lie drives after the, completion of his participati_ori in the amerp;anc,� services that were the subject of the call. 5. The Dep;irtment shall keep in full farce and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles otinied by the Department and used in providing emergency services within the District. S'11-d policy shall he in the amount of at least $i,000,000.00 cor,!bined single limit and shall also name the Monroe County hoard of'County Commissiuners as insured. 6. Nothing, contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to bo-: deemed or held to be agent: �r employees cf Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County and the special taxing districts shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with the subject of this agr(c!7:ent other than the pavment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided in paragraph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the special_ taxing districts assume n:) liability for, and each of the volunteers agues to hold said Couc,ry and District harmless: from, anv and all claims that may arise from the :actions or the: inaction of the voluntee!-, whether in the course of his volunteer efforts or not, and that .ire not covered by tt-,e insurance required Linder the provisions_, of para- gr;;ph 4 hereof. Further, it is the understrcndinp; .end intent of all parties to this agreew(MI that the provis:ions of tliit-; para- graph do not ;Iltcr the les;nl_ relationships of rlce parties axi�t- irl inlluediItely 1) r to i_ts execution with rc:yilyd to tiv pc,ten- tial vicarious liability. The purpose for the inclusion of this paragraph is to memorialize tho existing understanding of the parties. No compensation shall be paid to the volunteers by Monroe County or the special taxing di-stricts except the reimbursement provided in this agreement or in any extension or written modi- fication o- this agreement. i. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the _ _ day of _ , A.1). 19 th"�; agreement and did direct and aut.horizo iCs presiding aft icrr t, enter into said ;tg,recnment . 8. 1'11;it i1w v;trioiui special t;tsin�; c'.isir_ict:; _tiny; ;ts volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as i_s sot ford: in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly concti.t:uted m�etfng of the governing, board of the same on the day of 91 A.D. 19 , the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution thereof directed. 9. That each contract or agreement entered into by the various special taxing districts and the operating corporations known as Departments shall also be executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of rei-mbursement. A signed roster of all volunteers and all chiefs shall he provided I -or the Finance Department. The signature and agreement of the individuals as pre scribed in this section is a couclition uruccd�nt. to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said agree- ment. :N WITNESS .HEREOF', the parties herct-o executed this agr(,(r- meat on the _ day of , 19 (Seal) Attest: t � e:, . At -test: cret.ir,: i SPECIAL TAXTNG DTSTRICT NO. 1-C By- ai-rman VOLUN"l JI FTRF, DF.PAI2's'^1b:N'I' OR V01,UI:TEE,R F'II:E DFPAF1'M..?,"' AND AMMIT ,i?'ICF, CORPS (whnC'e�ver 0case lie) AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D. 19_ between Special Taxinp, Dist:r'ct No. 3 hereinafter referred to ;is the "District" and the C(_nch Key Vol nit_eer Fire Department and Rescur. Squad, hi Yc Department or Volunteer Dire 1)eparta,.tent and Ambuiancc, Corps (whatever the case may be), hereinafter referred to as the "Dep,:artmen t" , WITNESSETH: W11F.REAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose: of providing fire protection and rescue facil- ities to the people and property of the same in Monroe Cuunry ;and WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescrae protection i:; for tho furtherance of the common good of Mourne County, ;:nci WHERI'AS, tl,e Department aforesaid anti the Special 1'::.in}, Di_strict No. _ 3 through the Board of County c„nuni ssi,n,ers of Monroe Count-v, Florida, as the governing hodv, h;,vc a��r� � ,i _,(I provided bV ordinance for the vru-iou,; dela,vAtmenr.s to reimhut. ;c' its volunteer personnel and chiefs from funds strictly within the budget of the various special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing di.str.iets are available and are on constant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various life- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agret. for the reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said ser- vices and the various volunteer department;; do agree thereto, now, therefore, BE IT IJNM-.RSTOOD that in consideration of tha:' covenants :w,reed to herein and other good and v:,luable considerations, thr parties hereto do agree as follow!;: 1. That the various special taxint> districts :;1,11 ntili;.e the services of t.lae volunteers both ;it fi-rc'fit;hters and for rescue purposes and that for said services a reimbursement to said volunteers shall be in the sum of. $50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being understood that the various chiefs of the special ta:fing., districts shall. he reiiri- bursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budgi t- ed funds, her -'in with it maximum of 25 volunteers and 1 chiefs who shall he reimbursed under this agreement. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have in their Midget for the fi-scal year 19f3G -87 funds ;ivail- ,ible for the rt,irabursement provided by this agreement that the shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and .if said volunteers have entered itito this agreement. 9. Monroe County anti/or the :;pedal tax.iri}% (Ii::tric+:s currently maintains and shill provide Worker's Compensation In;urance for the volunteers specified herein for the (1ur;ition of tlii:; agrcen:cnt. 4. F.ach of the -volunteers of the Department.,, described hr­ein sh,il.1 furnish and keep in full force and effect a policy of ticibility insurance on his private vehicles) in such an,i,unt:i of cc,verahe nre required under Florida law. Monroe County and/or the special taxing di-stricts :;h, 11 in full force and e ff e,,t a pol i ev of l i ail i i i t •,' insurnne e r,n a l l cu,crgency vehic•icr: oeencd by the County and/car ;:pcciai t•i�;inl. districts and used by the Department:,, which policy :.hall provide secondarv, or back-up, cave rage on private vehicles only during such timt,:i as they ;ire operated in rc:;ponse to a call foi the eit-goncy rervicer: of the T)en,zrtmcnt. Such opus tion shall be deemed to bell in at the time it volunteer enters a private vehicle for the purpose of responding to a calf and to end at si:cii time as they voliinte^r returns to his home or, i.n the case of r: volunteer who makes an ill termediatc' stop on his way to his home, to the first location to which he dri.vo:; after tilt, completion of his participation in the emergency services that wore the subject of tale call. 5. The Dep.,rt_w,nit shall keep in full force and eff(_1 a policy cf li.ibility insurance on all emergency vehicles c,wncd by 2 the Department and used in providing emergency services withi-n the District. Said policy shall be in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name the Monroe County Board of County Commi-ssioners as insured. G. Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to he agents or emplovc-es of Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County :,nd tasinp, (listr-icts shall have no tiabitity or r-;J)onsi:,ility in connection with the subject of this a);re,•m, nt other than the payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided in paragraph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the special taxing districts assume no liAbility for, and each of the volunteers agrees to held s;iid Co ;r.ty and District harmless from, anv and at] claims that m,!v ar_re from the ;ict:ions or the inaction of the volunteer, w1wt1er in the tours,- of his volunteer effort-.- or not, rind that arcs t!„t covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- her.eof. :'ur, her, it i.s the underst;cndinr and intent of all pa -ties to t,hi.s agreement that the provisions of this; p;tr,,- y: wh do nor-ilt,,r Lilo lenl relritionshi-p:; of the part-i(� exi: t- ing immediately prior to its execution :.it) rein,.ird i_u tl!,r I,uren- vic;, i„uo-; '.i.;hi]ity. 'rile purl)ur0 for the incl,t::ion nJ rhi:: p;:r�yranh i-s ncntorializc the cxi:.ti1) stnndi1)V of ilia p.;rtics. No compens;!tion shall be paid to the volunteers l,v M()r!roo Ce - I:.y or the s;;,ecial taxing districts except: th, reimbursement prOV-1e1 in this nl;reement or in any cxtousi on or writ ten nu;(ii- fic-ition of this; agreement. 7. The County does hereby affirm that the governing hoard did approve on the clay of. A.U. 19 reement and did direct and authorize its presng officer to into said agreement. 8. That rite various special taxing districts actiny, as volunteer fir„ and/or rescue departn;euts ae r.et 1 ort h in Ordinance N4)------- _ -- did affi rm that duly const i tut ed meetink� of th,_ voverning board of the .,ame on the day of 3 - ------ -- — -- A.D. 1"_--- , the term:; of this ngr(!,-ment w;;_, npnroved and the ---i,tion thereof directed. 9. That each contract or agremPnt entered into by the various r;pecial taxing districts and the operating corporations known as Departments shall also be executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of reimbursement. A signed roster of ;ill volunteers and all chiefs shall Le provided for the Finance Del;;i anent. The signature and ngreei!wnt: of the i.ndi-victuals as prescribed in this section is a runcii.tion precedent to the di_sbursemt_nt o I any reimbursements provided for in said aKr-ee- menr. IN WITNESS W1F.REOF, the parties hereto exrcuted L h i s agr( merit 'on the lav of, 19 (Seal.) Av"n t, __ _-_.__ (Seal) Attvst: � I 4 MUM, TAX i Nt; 1) I STR I CT N). 3 By ( ai.rman VOLUNTEER FIRE, DEPARTMENT OK VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMRIIT,ANCE CORPS (whatever the case may he) AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D. 19_ between Special Taxing District: No. 4-A hereinafter referred to as the and tl,e Layton Volunteer Fire Lartmont, Inc. _ _ Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer Fire Depart:,wnt and Amhulrnce Corps (whatever the case may be), hereinafter rol'erred to as the "Department", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further crgani-ed into departments as :a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protection and rescntr facil- ities to the people and property of the same in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescue protection is for the furtherance of the common good of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the Departmenr aforesaid and the Special Taxing District No. 4-A_, through the Board of County Commissioners of D?onroe County. Florida, as the governing hody, have agreed ;and provided by nrciinance for the varintts dep;irtm: nes to rcianlnrrse its volunteer personnel ;and chiefs frnn, Grinds str�rtly within the hudget of the various special taxing districts, :.and WHEREAS, th-, various firefipjiter.,; and amhulancc per>()nnol in the respective speci;rl taxing districts ar(, available and are on constant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various, life- saving activities, and W}iF.RFAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expanses relating to said ser- Vices ;and the various volunteer departments do agree thereto, now, therefore, BE IT UNDERSTOOD that: in consideration of the covenants ai;reed to herein _ind other Pond and val,rable considerations:, the parties hereto do ay,rce ;.s follows: 1. Th;.t the various special taxing districts shall utilize the se. -vices of the volunteers both as firefighters and for rescue purposes and that for said services a to eaid volunteers shall be in tae sum of $50.;O per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being understood that the various chiefs of the special. taxing districts shall he relm- burled in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the bud-t:- ed funds, herein with a maximum of 12 volunteers and 1 chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this agreement. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have: in their bud,,et for the fiscal year. .1986 - 87 fund;, avail - aide for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. 3. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts currently maintains and shall provide Worker's Cnmpe.nsation Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the duration of this agreement. 4. Each of the volunteers of the Departments described herein shall furnish and keep in full iorce and effect a policy oL liability insurance on his private vehicle(s) in such rnnount; of coverage as are required under Florida law. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full foree and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by the Countv and/or special taxing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicies only during such times n, they are operated in response to a call for the emergency service:; of the Department. Such period of opera- tion shall be deemed to begin at the time a volunteer enters a priv, ::-..e vehicle for the purpose of responding to a call and to end .it such time as the volunteer returns to his home or, in the. ,—se of <i vol-,rnteer who mnikes an i_ntermcrliate stop on his way to his home-, to the first location CO Which he drives after the ccriple_i_on of hi:- participation in the emergency ,Services Ui,�t were the subject of the call. 5. The Department shall keep in full force and effect a Policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by 9 the Del„ortment anu used in providing emergencv services wi_thi_I r-he District, Sid policy shall he in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name the Monroe County lioard of County Commisrsi_oners as insured. 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall. cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to be agents or employees of Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County and the special taxing, districts sh;.ill have no liability or responsibility in connc,ction with the subject of this agreemartt other than the payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance a:; provided in paragraph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the spacial tnxin}, districts assume no liability for, and each of the volunteers agrees to hold said County and District harmless from, any and all claims that may arise from the actions or the inaction of the volunteer, whether in the course of his volunteer efforts or not, and that are not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- graph 4 hereof. Further, it is the understanding and intent of all parties tc, this agreement that the provisions of thi , para- graph do not ,alter the legal relationshi;,s of the parties exist- ing inmediately prior to its exacuti_on with regard to the poten- tial vicarious liability. The purposa for the inclusion of this paragraph i:; to memorialize the existing undorstrandinh of the parties. No compensation shall be paid to the volunteers by Monroe County or the special taxing districts axcept the reimbursement Provided in this agreement or in any e%t7ension or wri_ttcn modi- fication of this agreement. 7. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the day of , A.D. , this agreement and did direct and authorize it-!; presiding officer to enter- into said agreement. 8. That the various special taxing districts acting as volunteer mire and/or rescue departments as is set forth in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constituted meeting of the governing board of the samo on the day of 3 -1 A.D. 19__ , the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution thereof di-rocted. 9. That ,nch coni-ract or agrecront ont.(-red into by the various special taxing districts and the operating corporations known as Dep;{rtments shall al.:;o he executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of reimbursement . A sip,ned roster of ail volunteers and ill chiefs shall he provided for the Finance Denrjrtment. The signature and agreement of the individuals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said agree- ment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this agree- ment on the -__-_ day of 1 19 (Seal) Attest: - - - (Ser.. ) Attest. Secre ,"_v _---- -=- a SPECIAL. TAXING DISTRICT NO. 4-A By_ ______ !:T1ar:rman VOLUNTEER FIRF DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE CORPS (whatever the case may be) 1z—re s i.