Resolution 371-1986 r ....._ -_ J, James R. Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 371-1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-C, 3 AND 4-A, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN 1) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT I-A AND THE STOCK ISLAND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., 2) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT l-C AND THE SUGARLOAF KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., 3) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 3 AND THE CONCH KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE SQUAD, INC. AND 4) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 4-A AND THE LAYTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. , FOR THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSING VOLUNTEER FIRE PERSONNEL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, I-C, 3 AND 4-A, as follows: That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors, hereby approves and authorizes the Chairman of the Board of Governors to execute an agreement by and between 1) Special Taxing District I-A and the Stock Island Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., 2) Special Taxing District l-C and the Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., 3) Special Taxing District 3 and the Conch Key Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc. and 4) Special Taxing District 4-A and the Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part thereof, for the purpose of reimbursing Volunteer Fire Personnel. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Special Taxing Districts I-A, l-C, 3 and 4-A, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the /ti:l} day of lJ-.ce/!'f h"r 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-C, 3 AND 4-A (SEAL) Attest: DANNX L. KOLHAGE, 91erk 9'( / . ..',u~( JJ J} CHAIRMAN .. .," ". - .. '.~ ." ", - ~ ~ '.i:2a.L ~ ~/ iO L LERK I I I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT. made and ent0.red into this ___ day of A.D. 19 hetween Special Taxing District No, I-A herein;tfter referred to a~; the "Di ~t d,ct" and the Sto~Island VQIUl)tecr Fire ~~tL..ln.G...,___. Volunteer Fire D('partment or VoLunteer FLn' Departl']l'nt alld AlIlhul;lIll'e Corp:; (what<lver the case may be), herein;tfter referred to as tlH' "Department", \-11 TNES SETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organi~ed into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protpction and rescue faei 1- ities to the people and property of the S<I\nP in ~1onroe County, <lnd WHEREAS, :il1ch fire P1"oto('tion and rescllc protection is for the furtherance of the cornmon good of 1-1on1'ol' County, and \..'HEREAS, the Departlllent afore:;aid <Inti tllf~ SPCCiill T;lxi ng District No. _.2="~, through the Board of Count\' Conuni:J~.i(Jll('rs of Nonro(' County, Flori d<l, as the govern i ng body, have itgl'Cl>d ;md provided by ordinance for the variow. departments to n'illlbun:e its volunteer personnel and chiefs from flmds strictly within the budget of the various special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing di.strict:; are available and an> on constant alert dS firefighters and voluntt'l'rs in various j j,fc- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for 'he reimbursement of volunteers for expen:;es rt>}<ltir.g to said ser:- vices and the vdri(1l1~, volunteer department.:; do agrt'l' t hen't 0, no'^,. therefore. BE IT UNDERSTOOD that in cOllsider:at:Lun of lh., cov'>tlc.nts a~~reed to fwrr:>tn and other good and ":l]u<lble consid(,l'ati.cn~;, tll'~ parties h('r,~to do agn?e as follows: 1. That. t1w various special taxing di~;trict" shall uti] ize the services of t:he volunteers both ;]~ firefight,'rs i1l'd j'or rescue purposes and that for said services a reimbursement to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50,00 per month, not to exceed th,~ budge ted funds, wi th it he inr, unders toad tha t the variou,$ chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be reim- bursed in the SliM of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budget- cd funds, herein \...ith a maximum of 20 volunteer:, d n cI _-.1__ cLiefs who shall he reimbul:sed under this agreement. 2. That inlwfiJr as the various special taxing districts have in their budget for the fiscal year 19~-!2- funds avail- able fer the r,!imbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. :3. Monroe County and/or the ['pecial taxing districts currently maintains and shall provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the voluntf~ers specified herein for the duration of this agreement. 4, Each of the volunteers of the Departments described 1wrein shall furnish and keep in full force and ef[pct a pul i C'j of liability insurance 011 his prlval,' vphiclp(s) in such :lmO\lIHs of coverage as are required under Florida law, l'Ionroe Count.y and/or the '>peciill taxing districts r'},;lll. kcerJ in full force and eff,'ct a policy of liability in,;uranc(' nn al1 emergency vehi c lcs owned by the County ;md/nr specj a I tax i ng district~ nnd u,;ed by the Departments, whj~h policy "hnll al so provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only during such times as they are operate.1 in response to a call for the emergency sl~rvices of the Dppartment, Such period of opc:"a- tio:, shall be deemed t,) begin at the time a voluntpcr enter:.; a private vehicle for the purpose of respondin~ to a call and to eno at such time as the volunt('pr ret',lrns to his home or, in Ihe case of a volunteer who makes an intermcdinte stop on his wa" to his hODH' , t(l the fir"t lOCi/lion fa \~hj('h hC' dl'jvP'; :ift,.; t!H' COl',p~etion of IllS participation in the emergency s(c'rvices th;,l were the subject of the call, 5, The Department shall keep in full force and effect a policy 0': liability insurance on all emel'f,eney vehicles owned ny 2 the Department and used in providing emerger.cy services within the District. Said policy shall he in the amount of at $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name least the Monroe County Board of County Comrni-ssi,)ners as i.nsured. 6. Nothing contained in this ilgrcemcnt shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to be ngenLs or employees of MO',!'ue County or of the spt"cial taxi,ni~ distrLcts. Monroe County and the special taxing district's ninll p;lve r:0 liahilitv or responsibility in connection with the ~;ubject of this agrcl'mcmt other than th.' paYTr.9nt ,)f the reimbursement provided in parag!-;:ph he1'eo1' ;!l1d tlh' turnishing of insurance as providf'd i.n paragruph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the special taxing districts asswne no lfllbility for, and each of the volunteers agrees to hold >;ai<1 County and Di,;tr"ict harmless from, <lilY and all cla;\'l;; th:tt may arise from the .:Jctions or the inaction of the v<,[\lnteL'r, wh('thC'r in the course of his volunteer effort~ or not, and that :,JI:'e not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of p~ra- gr~ph 4 hereof. Further, it is the understanding and intent of al ~ partit=s to this agreement that tl1<~ provisi ons of Lhi s pa1'a- pr-aph do not alter the legal relationships of the p,1rtips exi,;t- ing immediately prinr fo its execution wi th Tl'I'.ard to the poten- tLll vicari(lu~~ liability. The purpose lor tlw inclusion of tilis paragraph is to memorialize the exi'~Ling under,;tnnding of rhe p;'rties. ~!,~ compen:;,ltion shall he paid to :he voluntel'l-,; hv MOT!!'(JP C("I11t:)' or the special taxing districls (,XCt~p!' th,. n':lIlbUr';c:lllt'llt provided in thi~ agr{~pmE'nt or in any extension or \vritren modi- fication of this agreement. 7. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did ;,pprove on the __ day of _,_______n____,___, A.D. 19 . this agreement and did direct and authorize its presiding officer to enter into said agreement, 8. That the vnrious special taxing di,stricts acting as volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is set forth in Ordinance No. __,_____ did affirm that il duly constit:uted mLeting of the governing board of the same on the day of " 3 ~ ....~ , I"D. 19_, tht' terms of this agrer;ment was approved and the execution thereof dlrected. 9. That each contrOlct or agreeMent entpred into by the variou's special taxing districts a.nd the opprating corpor.1tion~~ known as Departments shall also be executed by the volunteers pr Lor to the receipt of reimbursement. A signed roster of all vn]unteer~; dnd all chiefs ~,b;jll be Plovided for thp Fillince DL'[l.' l' tmen t . 1'lw signature and agreement of ,he il1divlduals or' prescribed in t11is section is a condition precedent: to the disbursement of ,my reimbur.sements provided for in said agree- men:' . TN WITNESS 1m r';REClt, the purtle:> lll'J'f;to executed lhis ugr."'- ment 6n the day of , 19 SPECJM. T/,XINC; DISTRICT NO, ]-A Bv . .------r.FiiT~man'------'- (Sei1l) A t t e~' t : --.'---cTc'u------- VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AIm AMBULANCE CORPS (whatever the case mny be) ^ By JJtirrtti:'!c "'=r.Ci~4 ~J.(Yvvt.= l'rl'Sl(lCI~t. (Se,ll) At r., s t : " (' ,/,)', ~-\ ," ~ -~__..Q.:U..;:"....-, y 'u-~a. ><. . ~ecreti1ry .'~ : ' - E . ...--"......T '.-'~. -. '-,' . , J ,- ~ . - . , .' .... . ., . . , ~ (l~ .-- c -...-. .~ 4 II , I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~___ day of , A. D. 19 between Special Taxing District No. l-C hereinafter referred to as the "District" and the ~garloaf Key'" Volnnteer Fire..!2,::~brent, Inco____ Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer Fi re Departl~I('nt ilnd Ambll] ;111<.'e Corp:; (whate'.:"r the case may be), hereinnfter l'l'ferred to ns tIll' "Department", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation [or the purpose of providing fire protpction ann reSClle faci]- ities to the people and property of the samp ill Monroe County, and WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescue protecti on is for the furtherance of the common good of Monro.' County, nnd I-lHEREAS, the Department aforesaid and tl1(; Special Taxing Di:,trict No. .~, through the Board of County Commissioners of ~l(1nroe County, Florida, as the governing hody, have agrped and provided by ordi rwnce for the various depnrtm(~nts to I<,imlllll's!' its volunteer personnel and chiefs fl'om funds f;trictly within the budget of the various special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, th2 various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing di.strict~; are availahle and are on con s t a:1 t a leI' t: as fire f i gh tel'S illld vo 1 un tt't,J' sin v ,11' j (Jus 1 j,fe- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expcn~;es relating to said St'r- vices and the v<1rious volunteer departments do agre!' tlwret 0, nOH, ther(, fore, HE IT UNDERSTOOD that in consideration of tllP covenants agreed to herl!Ln ,1nd other good ancl valuable considel'ilt'ions, t.1I,o parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. That the various special taxing districts shall utilize the services of the v()lunteers both as firefi~hters and for ~;";:;':,;..,_^;'-::~..w--.-. rescue purposes .:lnd th"t for said services a r"imbursempIII to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being unrierstood that the variou,s chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be reim, bllrsed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budget- ed funds, here in wi th a max imum 0 [ 40 vo 1 IIn teers and 2 chi.!fs who shall be reimbursed under thi ~i ilgn'en1C'nt. 2. That insofar 11S the various spl'cLll taxint, districts have in theil' budget for the fiscill VI'i1r 19~-~ fund~, avail- ilble for the rl'imbursement provid('d by this agreement th,'t tll(' s[,me shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. '3. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts currently maintains and shall provide Worker's Compensation Insurancc [or thl' volunteers specified lwrcin for the dUl'i1tion of this agreement. 4. Each of the volunteers of the Dep..n:tments describC'd hprein shall furnish and keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on his private vehiclp(~) in such anmunts of ('overage as an' required under Florida law. ~lonroe County an%r the special taxing districts "hall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all l'n:eq~ency vehicles O\;n,'d by the County ano/nr specinl taxing di,;tricts and llsed by the Departments. which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only during such timp" as they are operateo in respons" ('U a call [01' the emergency services of the Department. Stich period of ol'l'ra- ti on shall be deemed to begin at the time a vullmtce]- c'r,tl,rs a private vehicle for the purpose of responding to H call and to end at such time as the volunteer returns to his home or. in the case of a voluntf'er who makcs an intf'rmcdiatl' stop 011 hi s W:1V to hi s home, to the first location to which he drivp" after th(' cOl~pletion of his part icipation in t11C' emergpncy s('rv} cps thilt were the subject of thc call. 5. The Department shall keep in full force and effect a policy of lia:)ility insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by 2 the D~partment and used in providing pmergency "",rvices wi thin the District. Said policy shall he ill the amount of at least' $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name the Monroe, County Eoard of County Commi~siLlners as insured. 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to be agent[,' (,r employees of Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County and the [;pecial taxing districts shall have no li;Jhility or responsibility in connection with the subject of this agreempnt other than the payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided in paragraph 4 ;lert'of. Monroe County and the special taxing districts assume no liability for, and each of the voluntpers agree,; to hold said County and District harmless from, any and iJ 11 claims that may arise from the actions or the inaction of the vo]unte('T, \01h,.tl1('r ill the course of his volunteer effort s or not, and thilt <.He not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- graph 4 hereo[. Further, it is the understanding and intent of all parties to this agreelllent that the provisions of t'hi~: pdra- g:"aph do not alter the lpgal relation,;hips of flw par-tip,; cxi~;t- ing inunedintely prior to its execution with r'Tart! to thl' !,oU>n- tial vicarious li.ability. The purpose [or the inclusion of this paragraph is to memorialize the exiBting understanding of the parties. No compensation shall be paid to the volunteers hy t1onro(~ County or the specinl tnxing districts except the l"f.irabursenll'nt provided in this agreement or in any pxtension or \4ri ti:en modi- ficntion of this agreement. 7. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the __ day of ____ A. D. 19 ,this agreement and did direct and authorize> its presiding o'ficer ! <.) enter into snit! agreement. 8. [hat the various special taxing district:; d<~(illg as volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is set forth in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constituted meeting of the governing board of the same on the '__ day of 3 ........., , A.D. 19_, the terms of this agrepment was approved and the execution thereof directed. 9. That each contract or agreement entered into by the var'ious special taxing districts and the operating corporations known as Departments shall also be executed by the vol\lnteers pr ior to the receipt of reimbursement. A sigllPcl roster of all volunteers and all chiefs shall he provided for the Finane,' Department. TIll' signature and agreemellt of t1w inuiv idui.l J s a~; prescribed in this section is a conui tion precedent to t.he disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said agree- ment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties IW1'l'to executed this ag)""'- ment '6n the day of , 19 SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. J-C -.~-_._._----- ._~_.__._-- By '--(';11i .trma n-- - __u ( Seal) Atrest: '------(1'.-rK,-..---- VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER F mE DEPAHTt1,:N'1' Al\D AMBULANCE CORPS (whatever thl' case m;l'i he) ~~ l\V , --,--- -'r [,-: ;;TJ(.i i t'--- (Sr<;l) _c_~..st: /' C~. / , .. "~-' .' (( , C, Cc ~._--~---- - ._._- ~)ecretary ,JJ .d. ~v,t 4 I ! I I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEHENT, made and entered into this __ tiny of , A.D. 19 between Special Taxing District No. 3 hereinafter referred to a~ the "Di strict" and the Conch Key Volunteer Fire Depart:Irent and Rescue ~d, Inc. Volunteer Fire Dep,lrtment or Vulunteer Fire Departrll'llt and Ambulance Corps (whatever the cose may be), hereinafter TPferred to as thl' "Department", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protection and rescue facil- ities to the people and property of the same in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescue protection is for the fUY'therance of the common good of Monroe County, ;lnd wm:RFAS, the Department af()resaid and the Sped .11 Taxing District No. 3 , thrnugh the Board of County Commissi,'ners of Munroe County, Florida, as the governing hody, have agreed and providpd bv ordinance for the various departments to t'f'imbur!;p its volunteer personnel and chiefs from funds strictly within the budget of the various special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing districts are available and are on constant alert as firefighters nnd voluntef'rs in various life- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said ser- vices and the various volunteer departments do agree thereto, now, therefore. tiE IT UNDERSTOOD that in consideration of the covenants a{~,el'c1 to heJ't'i.11 and othpr i',()()d ,1nd v:ilu3ble considerations, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. That the various special taxing districts shell 1 \1ti li;'.e the services "f the voluntc'ers both as firefightprs and for rescue purposes and that for said services a reimbursement to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it being understood that the various chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be rcim- bursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budget- ed funds, herein with a maximum of 25 volunteers and 1 chiefs who shall he reimbursed under this agreement. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have in their budget for the fiscal year 19~ -~ funds avail- able for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. 3. Monroe County und/or the special taxing districts currently maintains and shdll provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the volunteers specifieci herein for the dur:l tion of this agreement. 4. Each of the volunteers of the Departments described herein shall furnish and keep in full force and effect n policy of liability insurance on his private vehicle(s) in such amounts of coverage as are required under Florida law. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or speci[II taxing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only during such times as they nre operated in response to n cnll for the emergency services of the Department. Suctl period of opera- tion shall be deemed to begin at the time a volunteer enters a private vehicle for the purpose of responding to a cilll and to end at such time as the volunteer returns to his home or, in the case of a volunteer who makes an intenaediatc' ~;top on his way to his home, to tht' first locati.on to which he drives nfter the conpletion of his participation in the emergency services that were the subject of the call. 5. The Department shall keep in full force and effect' a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by c, '- the Department and used in providing emergency services within the District. Said policy shall be in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name the Monroe County Board of County CommiS"Sioners as insured. 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to he agents or employees of Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County and the speci3l taxing districts shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with the subject of this agre~ment other than the payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph I hereof 3nd the furnishing of insurance as provided in paragraph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the special tBxin~ districts assume no liability for, and each of the volunteers agrees to hold said COlmly and District harmless from, any and all claims that may arise from the actions or the inaction of the volunteer, whether in the course of his volunteer efforts or not, and that are not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- graph 4 hereof. Further, it is the understanding and intent of alL parties to this agreement that the provisions of this para- graph do not alter the legal relationships of the parties exist- ing immediately prior to its execution with regard to the poten- tial vical-il1lt:, 1 iability. The purposp for the inclusion of this pnra?raph is to memorialize the existing understanding of the parties. No ('ompens;~tion shall be paid to the voluntpers by Monroe COllntv or the special taxing districts except the reimbursement provided in this agreement or in any extension or written modi- fication of this agreement. 7. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the ___ day of A.D. 19 this agreement and did direct and authorize its presiding ufficer to enter into said agreement. S. That the v:lrious special laxing distrLcts acting "s voluntepr fire and/or rescue departments as is set forth in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constitulPd me~tin~ of the governing board of the same on the day of 3 , A. D. 19 , the rerm~; of this ngreement was approved nnd the execution thereof directed. (1. That c,1ch contrDct or agrc('nent entpred into by the v.lrious speci.11 tDxil'g distrjct~; dlTd the operating corporations kno"m as DepartJTwnts shall al~,o be executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of reimbursement. A signed rost('r of all volunteers and all chieff; shall he provided for the Finmlce Dep.1rtment. The ~~ignatl1re and agreement of the individuals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement oj i11,Y reimbursements provided for in said agree- men t . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this agree- ITIept on the day of , 19 SPECIAL TAXINr; IHSTRICT NO. 3 ~-~_.._._.__..- By "-'-ella i J'man- -, ----- --- (SI-'<1,l. ) At t e ~, t : - - ---~-cTp(:-k-------- ---- VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AM13lJLANCE CORPS (\vha tever the case may he) / ') j .:. ,/ .' /' Rv--.:.~~~~ ~(fa)},-,;," Ire S l.den (Seal) Att.'st: \ I . -- , I" '\t. l:-r'J.... t \11 \(~)_~, 1^,~__ Secrctilry ~ ~."."-"".' ~.. . .'- ..- ----- _.- - - '. ." 4 ) I I AGREEMENT THIS AGREE~1ENT. made and entered into this day of . A.D. 19 between Special Taxing District No. 4-A hereinafter r~ferred to as the "Di strict" and the Layton Voluntee~_ Fire DcpartIrent, Inc. _____,____, Voluntl'er Fire L1cl'ilrtment or Volunteer Fire Departl'll:nt and AmbuL;lIcc Corps (what<:ver the case may be), hereinafter rL'fprred to as the "Department", WITNESSETH: 1,..IJIEREAS. the vJrious special taxing distTiets have lwen further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providini; fire protf,ction and resclle [.::lci 1- ities to thL' people ;l\ld property of the ~;atlJe in Monroe COUllty, and WHEREAS, s\1ch fire protection and rl'scue protection is for thl' furtherance of the common good of Monnw County, and WHEREAS, the Department aforesaid and the Special Taxing District No. 4-~_, through the I)oard of County Comrnisc;ioners of t'lollroe County, Florida, as the governing hody, hAve agrel'd :lI1d pl'ovided by ordin:lnce for th(' Vilrl011S dep.1ltlnl'nts tll !t'imbllrse its volullteer jlL'rsonne1 and chi0fs from funds ';l.ri,ct1y within the budget of the various special lJxing di~tricts. and ',"HEREAS, th,- vari ous firefighters :tnd amhul ance peTS,mn[> 1 in the n:speetive spl'cial taxing district:; aTt' avai Llble and are un constant alert :IS firefightt.rs and volunteers in various 1i1l'- saving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said ser- vices and the various volunteer departments do agree thereto. now, therefcre, BE IT UNDERSTOOD that in consideration of the COVl'nants a~)'l'ed to nprein and other p;ood and valuable consideration~;, the parties hereto do ap;ree as follows: 1. That the various special tAxing districts shall utilize the services of the volunteers both as firefighters and for if>SCUP. purposes alld that for said services a r(~imhllrs(!mpnt to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50.nO per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds. wi th it being unnprstood that the variolls chiefs of the special tating districts shall 1)(' reim- bursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, lIot to exceed the budget- ed funds. herein with a maximum of 12 volunteers and chiefs who shall he reimbursed under this agreC'ment. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districr:~; !HI"" in their buc1get fot" the fiscal year 19J?ii_,-,JJ1, fund~; aVdil- able for the reimburser.lent provided by this agreement that the same "hall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered into this agreement. 3. Monroe COllllty and/or the special taxin!', districts C\It"rentl)' maintains and shall pruvidl' '.'0rker';, C0mpc'nsation Insurance for the volulIteers specified herein for t]le dur;,tiOll of this ar,reement. 4. Each of the volunteers of the Departments described " herein shall furnish and keep in full force and effect ;] policy of liability insurance on his private vehiclp(s) in such all1(l1,mts of coverage as are required under Florida law. Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full force and effect a policy of 1 iability insurance on all L'rr:t.'rgency vehicles owned by the County and/or spccicJl taxing dist;-icts and used by the Departments, which pol icy shall al so provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only during such times as they are operated in response to a call for the emergency service~; of the DepartnlPllt. Such pc'riod of opc'ra- tion shall be deemed to begin at the time R volunteer enters a private vehicle for the purpose of responding to a call and to end at such time as the volunteer returns to his home or, in the CilSt' of a volunteer who makes an interm('diate stop on his way to his horne, to the first locat ion to \Vh i eh he drives after t 11(: C'()m~letion of 111;i participation in tIll' ('mergcllcy services 1 hnt were the subject of the call. 5. The Department shall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by 2 the Department ilnd used in providing cmergcncy sc-rvices within th> Di ~;trict. Said policy shall be in the amounl' of at ledst $1,000,000.00 combined single limit and shall also name the Monroe, County Board of County Comrni.ssioners as insured. 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to be agents or employees of Monroe County or of the special taxing districts. Monroe County and the special taxing districts shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with the subject of this agreement other than the payment of the reimbursement provi.ded in paragr~ph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provic1f~d in paragriJph 4 hereof. Monroe County and the sped al taxing districts a:;sume no lr~bility for, and each of the volunteers D~rees tu hold said County and Distl'ict harmless [rom, <lIlV and all claims that lllilY arise from the actions or the inaction of tlH' volunteer, whether in the course of his volunteer efforts or not, and that are not covered by the insurance required under the provisions of para- grarh 4 hereof. Further, it is the understanding and intf?nt of all parties to this agreement that the provisions of this para- graph do not: alter the legal relationships of the partips exist- ing bunediately prior to its execution with regard to the pnten- tial viclrinus liability. The purpose [01- t'he i.nclusion of tltis pnragr3ph 18 to memorialize the existing understanding of the parties. No compensation shall be paid to the volunteers by MonToe County or the special taxing districts except tlw n;,imburseml'llt provided in thi:; agreement or ill any ,'xtcnsion or Hritt'(,n modi- fication of thiS agreement. 7. The County docs hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the day of ____ , A.D. 19 ,this agreement and did direct and authnrize its pr~sidinR officer to enter into said agreement. S, Th,1t the various special taxing districts acting LIS volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is set forth in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constituted me"cing of the governing board of the same on the ____ day of 3 ""'\r.~.. , A.D. 19_, the term" of this agreefTIcnt was approved and the cx~cution thereof directed. 9. That p:lch contract or agrN'I1:,'nt entpn'd into by the various special taxing districts ,md tlw operating corporati (ms knol.'TI as Departments shall also be executed by the volunteers pl-ior to th" receipt of reimbllrseml'nt. A signpd roster of all volunteers and all chiefs ~;h<Jll he provided [or the Finance D"jJartment. The signature and agreempnt of the indi,viduals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said ag,ree- merit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this agree- ment on the day of , 19 SPECIAL TAXJN(; DISTInCT NO . 4-^ 'By ----'-'Crl:~n------'- (Sea 1) Attest: -- -------ClelT --- VOJ~NTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AlW AMBULANCE r,ORPS (whatever the case may be) ;. Ey <I~ ~ ct'~k , -- -~W=-r-T rre S lUl (Seal) ^ t t ,. s t : ,,-' -----.---.. y;/~/, ~-/ /~Z~ <? ~, " / ~~_.._--~ / . PC ,,~tiiry ~ea,ll 4