Resolution 380-1986 Art Skelly Director of Airports RESOLUTION NO. 380-1986 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND FIVE 66666 CAB COMPANY, INC. FOR A GAZEBO AT THE KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That said Board hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute a Lease Agreement by and between the County of Monroe and Five 66666 Cab Company, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, for a gazebo at the Key West International Airport. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J'I:J day of ,7Jp.~P__J:u!..r , A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,< .. c'.' .. -",i" /~;. . :f., '\''-_ ,,": ."-.o,, ~~~, _4'1,'..J'!:- t. ,:. ~.; .~,,=-,' '\ J' ,,_ " __,-' _) I' - ~ '~~~'~-'-.Y~~"~"~~"-;"">" if~a By '"I' "./ 'J ..;),/ / (;/'/ !iliyor/Chairman ,.' ',. ,',," .",':-..' ., (Sea 1) Attest DANNY L KOLHAG . E, Clerk L?J../~.~~ er ' APP. VED AS TO FORM BY A GAL SU~FICI~;~ I Attorney's Office ~.:- , T.FASF Ar,RHME~JT THIS LEASE N;REEMENT made and enten'd into on the d,1Y of , A,D, 1986, by and hetweell (he COUNTY OF MONROE, a political subdivision of the State of Floridil, herC'inafter referred to as Lessor. [Ind FIVE 66666 CAR COMPANY, INC" whose principal office is locatpd n( :\8/,0 North Roosl'vplt Boulevard, Key West, Florida 3J040, hereinafter r,'ferred to as Lesspe, 1 N CClN~aDER^TT()N (,f ('IH' llIulu"l COVt'Il,lIltS. promisl's and premises herein contained, the parties hereto a~ree as follows: Section 1, Description of Premises and Use, Lessor herehy It'ases to Ll'SSl'l' and Les~;l'e hires from Lpssor pn'mi ses for th,. purpost' ofinstnlling one (1) (;:Iz('bo as hereiuilfl','r d"scribl'd at the Key West International Airport. owned and operated by the COUNTY OF MONROE. in 10c:Hion G-2 as shown on the attached sketch which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, Section ?, Term of Lease. This lease shall begin on the 1st day of October, 1986 and shall end Oil Septt'mbl'r 30. 1987, Sl'ction 3, Rent. The Lessee shall pay to tlH' Lessor th" total rellt for the term of this lease Two Thousand Dollars ($7,000,00), plus 5% saIl'S tax, in lawful monpy of tht' United States of Amprica, in advance, upon execution of this leasp, If Lessee terminates thi s lease prior to the end (' r the term h,'rf'of, Lessee shall not receive any rpfund, Seeti on 4. SiJ21.' 1'1)(' L(',,~;cp is h['r"b'/ ,I',ranted the ri ght to install ()Ill' (I) i,a7.ebo in the area as ~;tat('d in :;..ction I, The Lessl'e shall submit to th.. Ll'ssor a detailed drawing of the gazebo setting forth all wording to be placl'd on the gazl'ho, including mat"rial to be uspd in the COJl::tTuctiO!l thereof, colors, and any other matter relatinr, thereto for approval by the Lessor prior to installation of the same, The gn7.ebo shall be constructed in :1 profpssi(Jnal mannL'r :md installed at: tbe location d(>signatpd herein in accordance wi('h tIlL' instructions of Lessor, Section 5. Maintenance, The Lessee shall maintain the gazebo in good order at all times during the term of this lease and if Lessee fails to do so, Lessor shall give Lessee ten (10) days notice of this failure to comply and upon Lessee's failure to comply in maintaining said gazebo, Lessee does hereby give, grant and authorize the Lessor to remove said gazebo at Lessee's expense. Section 6, Waste and Nuisance Prohibited. Lessee shall not commit or suffer to he committed any waste in the demispd premises or any nuisance, Section 7, Taxes. Lessee shall pay, before delinquent, all personal property taxes assessed against said gazebo, Section 8. Terminati on and Repairs, Les:",e shall at tho terminiltion of this lease remove any gazebo installed 1wreunder inunediately upon termination and Sh311 repair any dnmage ciluspd by said removal. If Lessee fails to remove said gazebo upon termination of this leasp, Lessee does hereby givp, grant and authorize the Lt's:;o!' the rii'.ht to remoy,' :;ilid )'/1:"e!", in !H'!l;llf of Lessl'" at Lessep's pypensl', IN WITNESS WHEREOF. t!1P parties hereto have caused these 1'1'es('nts to lH' ('xecut,.d t!ll' day ilnd ypil!' first ;Il1(lYI' writtl'n, r:OllNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA Rv .---- --~fiiv()r7(11ilri~n~-- ( SEAT,) Att'l'st: Clerk FIVE 66666_CAI\ COMPANY. INC. ~<,o- _~_,:.:;::::;.;;.,_.'c'c-.--~ - ~~ - '" B' y- - President (SFAL) Attesr: '} ~~(~/Se!IJ , crptary t;:;;~t41 t .., ..~...'O$e'!J' ,~.,'., -' -~.~p.:lW,-- ...._ II' -..' ol.- o U .0 l\l U a<ll 111 Q) >-x i::'~ ~(/) Q) ~ ..c: .~ I-<IL. .....N 1 , CC ( i ...., I i"~ I : ~ /' ~ u. eo: ~ b v . / r----- , " '. I_~ : o 0('0' _: _ l." I ;: y tX ';]. j ~ <(.~ v II · ., - I '<t 'x..!.;1: o 80 ..:I: (':'\ ,,' /s 0- :2 tu <? /80 . v 0 . L:~ll~O :J lL -:<: ~~ 0' ~ 0 . ~" <' 0,- , E 'c!-l I- ~ u.., uJ . ::> . u ' r! . ~ ../ ~_: t . ~ .' '" .cl. ::i ." -1 ,., :!.. .( /. _'_ ?-l, ..---- - I 1 . . j . . !.! f5 0 .... ' fJ ow, ~ \J"'\ :j "," .~.. I,,' ,,0 -1 <: 2. c> I'; r= r.' < '.' !., .2.': i . ~:<( I: Ii z 1-; I- co: ~-. '-J..J ~ I .' '~w; i. I [:j ~ . , I I .... I. , I ,. I. " , ' ..' I, t. I ! . 0, I' " I::' , I / ~_... II