Resolution 028-1985 Edward L. Stickney, Director Public Works Department RESOLUTION NO. 028 -1985 RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AMENDING THE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE BREWER COMPANY OF FLORIDA, INC. FOR KEY COLONY BEACH CAUSEWAY PROJECT. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, previously entered into a contract with The Brewer Company of Florida, Inc. for the purpose of making roadway improvements, and WHEREAS, after the contract letting it was requested by Mayor Samuel J. Feiner, City of Key Colony Beach, to install 80 bi-directiona1 (white) reflective pavement markers on the bike path next to the 4" white side of roadway stripe on the causeway only, and WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, has issued Change Order No. 1 to cover the installation of 80 bi-directional (white) reflective pavement markers under said project and submitted said Change Order No. 1 to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for its approval, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board of County Commissioners hereby approves Change Order No. 1 to that certain contract entered into by and between Monroe County, Florida, and The Brewer Company of Florida, Inc. for roadway improvements to the Key Colony Beach Causeway. 2, That said Board also approves and authorizes the adjustment to be made in the Contract Price and Time as contained in said Change Order No.1. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . ... dJ. ~. By ~~..; ~ ~.J\".'-.1~,\- Mayor/Chairman / (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk ~.Ji. ~~~ &:C A~P. VED AS TO FORM . ~ A .~(JAL. SUFFICfE)f~,:J.'.' r" BY )'-"'-L~<----- C!-..I. - L <,-4 Attornev's Office / J '\ v!!,O.!~UL V,hv~.. HU. Project Title:" ~ ldway Improvements Key Colongy Beach Causeway Job No. 401-002 Contractor: The Brewer Co, of Fla, Inc. Contract Date: October 26, 1984 To: The Brewer CQ,-of Fla, Inc, 9800 N~1 106 str,. Ml ami, 1-1 33170 You are directed to make the changes noted below in the sub' By: Attest: Date: Title: lic Works Nature of the Change: At t~e ~eque~t of May?r Samuel J. .Feiner. City of Key Colony Beach. install 80 bl-dlrectlonal (whlte) reflectlve pavement markers on the bike path next to the 411 white side of roadway stripe, per enclosed sketch, on the causeway only. Cost at $5,00 each to be paid for by the city of Key Colony Beach, Agreed Key Colony Beach Samuel J. Fei The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Pri Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Time Including this Change Order: $116,120,80 400,00 116,520,80 120 o l?O Prepared by: R, C, Peper II. 1)../, ~ 4- Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. as Monroe. ~typnsulting Engineers BY:~'~~ H, Lee Swanson. P.E,. Proiect Manager /~~ ; ;/ : f . /"- Walter BrEwer Jr, Title: Vice President. The Rrpwpr r:o of I='la, INc. Date: The Abo:a=epted: Attest: - Date: / ~ - /9- 84- GC/#18 --:::::-- " ~ :>, ~ ~ ~~ \I) ~ ~~ ~\!) \J '-' ~~ <~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~t <:' ~~ ~ti~ \JV) ~\q 1JJ -- ~~~ "" ~tl(~ ~ ~ .......... :>.- tlr:~'" . \ ~ ~\-. ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~:\ .....~~ >., ~ ":""\ ~,,~ b ~ ~ ~ . ~'"' ~ . <t ~ ~ ~" 41 ~ tJU) ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ C( ~~ '=" ~ ~ ~ <)~ CQ"'- Cf)..... )..,c:( '-- D ~~ "- <=~ ~ 00 ~):' ~ 0<: " :-...:.. ~ ..... "'~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ <J) ~~ ~~ ~v l.4.J ~ti ~() <:) ~" ~ -.... '-.. ~~ \I) ~"'u. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ..... -.... ~~ ~ ~ :>;:~ 1: ~~ 't- ~ Description of Work Required Install bi-directional white reflective pavement markers, as per accompanying sketch, just inside the white stripe on the roadside edge of the bike path. Start at station 14+10 and install reflectors at 40' intervals offset from and equal distance with the amber reflectors set in centerline of the roadway. The white bi-directional reflectors should start at station 14+10 thru 20+40. Skip the bridge and start again at station 23+00 thru 47+20.