Resolution 036-1985
Rand Winter, Public Defender
RESOLUTION NO. 036 -1985
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman of the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to
approve and execute a Business Lease by and between Stephen
Salzman, as agent for Sheldon Salzman, and the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being
attached hereto, concerning office space for the Public
Defender's office in Key Largo, Florida.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chairman of the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of
said Board held on the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1985.
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BY ,,':c,,- ~ -t A_ j,~ '-j
Attorney's Office
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THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this
day of
,19 85
STEPHEN' SAlZH\N, as agent for S!lEUXJH Si\I2.l1l\l'J,
, hereinafter called the lessor,
party of the first part, and the BOAED OF COUNTY COl-ITrrSSIONERS
of the County of Monroe :lIlrl ~-:j:dp of Florida,
hereinafter called the lessee or tenant, p,:nLy 0 f the ~;cc()nd part:
WITNESSETH, That the said less(1J' do'.';; jhi" (h~" ]ease unto said lessee, and said lessee
does hereby hire and take as tenant under said ],":;o;r,/" noom or Space
10 and 11, Damaron Building, HUe Nclrker 9912, Key Largo,
1-lonroe County,
situate in
Florid:', jl) he u::cd :ll1d occupied by the lessee as
~l1d [n/" no nlh('1' purpo"es or uses whatsoever, for
the term of five (5) years
clause ten of this lease beginning- th~
19 84 , and ending the 31st
at and for the agreed toto.J rental of
Dollars, payable as follows:
, ,~uhjcr:t :mcl conditioned on the provisions of
1st (by of November
d:':,- nf October
F01:ty-cigl1t Thousand ($/48,000)
, 19 89
Eight Hundred Dollars ($800,00) ]1et- lInncll, paycllJIe with thirty (0)
days of each due date, COllllJCllcillg on tJw first clay of Novernber, 1984,
until the 31st day of October, 1989,
all payments to be made to the less()r Ol1 the fir,:! d:I,I- or ":;I'h :llld e\'P/"y month in advance without
demand at the office of Steprten 32l:::X:1::2:1, ~'lc. c;, D;IJ~dn_m 1>:i1c1iu(:;, in the City of
Ke:{ ~2:;"';O, Floricb" (11' at sneh nihpl' pl:\('(' :1]]r1 to sllch other person, as the lessor
may from time to time designat(~ in writin,'.
The following express stipulations and (,"Jld ji j()ll~ ;;)'(: made a part of this lease and are here-
by assented to by the lessee:
FIRST: The lessee shall not a"','il~n thil' 1<."1"", '1"" ,ed"j,': lI:ICI'I"'''li,.', or any part thereof nor use the same,
or any part thereof, nor pel'mit the S;l!l1e, PI' 1',11 >- riP" l i,,' ""':, :' i", I' "<I I'll;' :1'1,' oth'~r purpose than as above stipu-
lated, nor make uny alterations therein, Ill',] :111 ;',:<li: jo 11"'1. :", ',';1 :i"lIt 1.hl' v:rittA'n consent of the lessor, and
all additions, fixtures or ill1prov"nlf'IJtc I'chich n',,\ ;'.' I: 'I,]" I".. ,,,, "I':I""pL nlC'-.-ahle oUice furniture, shall be-
come the property of the lessor and rePl:1iJ1111'rJT! II,,' p"".11; ," /".", th.'rcof', :ll1d be suru'ndered with the prem-
ises at the termination of this lease.
SECO~D: All personal prupert:: 1,j"",'d '''' ],,,",,,,1 ill ;',,, I'l' :ilj C,' :1I",V(' dc""~rihed shall be at the risk of
the lessee or owner thereof, and Ir:'s"l' I:!,"JI 1:1>1 iJ' 1;"1,1,, j'", :>11.' ';,'111:":" 10 ,"Ii,) per~onal property, or to the
I('s,'ee arisinr,- from the bUf'l,tiw: or I",'I:i,,,: pi ':,;l'" 1 1" " P!' f ''''11 III,:: :let .,f n,'gli)!('J1('(' of :lilY co-tenant or
occupants of the buildinr,- or of al1,' .,11"" '><'1, 'II" 'I"
TII!lUl: That the tl'n.'utt, h:,11 1"" ",II," '''' 'I !I' ,:",'I"""If'I~- .....ilh all ,'falllles, ordinances, TIdes,
ord('rs, re(~'IIat.iolll; and rl'fJt1il'r'llll'nl' pI II,,' 1"",1..,,,: :'1", ",I, "I: (;"'('1111111'111 alld of :lIlY :111<1 all th,'ir Depart-
1l1(,lIts arid I:llr('all~~ nppli('ald(' to ~~:lid ''fI'!!I:l':', f,)! 'il,. 11'11 ,-lj"!I, IQ-I'YI'llli"Il, :lllrl :dl:tt"nlflllt of lllli:-,:llll'(lS nr
"Ihl'[' gl'il'l'aru'l's, in, upon, or ('111111""1, I i':1 'Ii';" ',1'1' <lII"'W 'I;,) 11'1111; :llld shall ab;(\ promptly comply
wit.h find eXI'l'ule all rull's, I1rders :In,' 1" ,"iI"'!;.'11'" 11'1' """'1,, :11 1I11,)"l'\\,ri(cl's Associalion for the prel'l'n-
tinn of fir{'~:, at._____________O\\'Tl ('list and ('.~i"~1J ( _
FOTJ1Cnf: III th(' '~\'{'I>I nil' PI""';" !':t1! I", "1'."">1 , " "'11:11'1",,) "I inillrl'd 1>,1' fin; or olh"r cac;ualty
dlll'illt::' the 111'(' of tllis agrl'l'1I1"1It., ',1,111 1,1" I :""," ,,'I I,.. ,"'" j,', ,I "1111'11,,"1:11111', (11"11 till' ]r,ssor shall hal'e the
ri,l:hl. to l'l'ndl'l' said prl'lllisl's ("11;1111'1),:.. 1,\ I'''p"il ;'1,;" ,,;',,'! ,. ,',", , II'l'l'"rl'''Ill, Jf "'lid 1't",'mil'I'I' are not: rendered
t"nanfahi.. wiUlin "lid time, it "hall j", '";li",,,,] ',',ili, .,it", 1'1"'11: Ii, ",111 t'J (,Illlt','1 t.his leas!!, and in the event of
su('h cancellatilln the rent shall UI' paid 0111,1' f(, lh,,' dll'" "I' "'1"11 1';", "" "'F'",,,,y, T},e cancellation herein mentioned
shall he evidenced in',
FIFTH: The prompt pa:,mellt. of 0.., 1"'l1t f". ",',i:l 'iI'. ll'i" "1'''11 (/((' d;>Ir'" named, and t.he f:lithful ohsf'rv-
arH'e of till' rll]l's and rf'l;uht.i')n~ printl'd ~Jp"" [hi, I.", ", ;\llll \'::,i,'}, 'II'" J"')'(,h,I' nlll1]c a part of thi~ covf'nant, and
of slI('h OUlf'r and further ru]('," or r"I~ldatIO)I.. ,I:' n"IY j" I,,,, '" 1'1 "I 111"01,, hy u", I(',;:;or, are the conditions upon
which the ]I'(lse is made and accl.'Jlted and all,' fllilllrl' on 1),,, 1':'1'1. "I' II", J..sel'l' t.o cl)mply with the terms of said
]I'ase, or any of, said rules and rq~lIlat.iI)Tls no\\' in w'! 'I."!'I''', "I' \',I,i,l, nJllY hI' 11l'l'caftcr prl'serihed by the lessor,
shall at the optIOn of t.he l":<;snr, work a ['If'f"lfUI'" 01 1111:; ('o,d "",'I,, 111111 all of (I", ng:hts of' the Jessee hereunder,
and thereupon the lessor, hIS ag'pnh or aftlllney:;, el'llll },Il\" ti", 1 i"lil I" ,'ntr'l' ;"aid I'rl'llli,ps, and remove all per-
sons therefrom forcibly or otherwise, and tLe ]('C"", I},il .:,::
to terminate tenanc:" rind also wrli\'es :1n,' rind :ill ](','a! P"
pl'essl,' agrees that in the event of a \'i,dati"n ,,1' "1'0' ,,1' '
now in existence, or which may hereaflel' l,e li",d'~'. 1,"i,J
said premiscs and di"possess lc<sec \\ithc'IJt !col:ld noli"I' '"
'I: '::;li'""" any and all notice required by law
li:l:'.~ ~ II P';'(\':,_'r 1)(\<::~C'::.,-~j()ll of said rrell1ise~, and ex-
" ; I; ,r 'hi,; k:'"". or of said rules and regulations,
!", ',;, :"" lit "I' all.(!l'ne\',', lll;lV immediately re-enter
i" i~I:' :~'ll :11'1 ilf :lllY l(,,~:.~tl'pnh.'('(;dings \\'batso~ever.
r ' ~: 11 I
srXTH: If tbe lessee shall all'1lJdnn "I' \".,;.t(' ;] <!'I" Ih., "nd of the t"rm of this lease, or
shall suffer the rent to be in anTal'S, Uw le,''''r 1I1:t::. "t." ,,,,' i":I, :'l':'il.h caDccl this lease 01' he may enter
said premises as the a:::ent of the 1e",'("', b:' f,It",,. '11' "Ii" ': I', "", ,,,ill'': J;;1"]e in any way therefor, and relet
the premises \\'it.h or without allY furllitIJl'e 11]:11 111,::,' I,." i I :t . """,;: of tl;.~ l"O',;('e. at nH:h price and upon
such t.('rms and for ~\rch dnralio:J Ill' tilllf' 11' '1,,, I", ,I,;, ;\:,d : """;\'" lhc rent t.hl'l'efor, applying the
same to the payment of the rent dne by 1.1" '(1 )'1'" "Ill ',,,,' it' I., !, (, . "'11:>1 L"I'f'ilJ r'l'l)vid(~d shall not be realized
by lessor over and aoove the eXl'cns"s II) ]",',','1' ill "I!,'h 1,lli ",I), "('dl;lll pay any deficiency, and if
more than the full rental is realized 1(''''1)1 \' 111 J '1', "\ ''',I ; ,"':'," "f dl'I1Wlld.
:::;r:VE;-":TII: Lessee :l!!:n.'.'~ to )1:1V t-h" '" 1 of co'l, "., I y~~~l,~t""l(,\"~ f"f' ~ ~
X:XX;lO(}~;<:"",;';:':X:;;lY'::=Ul,~,~,,:x};.rL':XJ:I'" covcout Lessor mst~tutes sm
agams reaCl and/or uciau t ot essee ot the terms of this leas
OOOCKXXX}:xx;{.,':l0{;OC";}-~=O'.7~'C-~C'=QOCOOOC~XXXiG\iXxxXXX:XX~X~X!K~a t
, ;:;XKX.xXXXxxx.'Q:x.'zxxx;'J:J{}.}'.:oc~::.QC .
, , rXJctX];:;00CCQ;-::G-:;o:xxx"'cO;)Y-JG-cL"'QQCo~
l.':" ' XX>:K.!{10G>~::}:)U'~;{".:::UCY~~~;Q'C::=-Y>.J~!...X""}G{X!,=OOrxY~
. i.L ~qQ::~'{X}C{}Q{:'L'{!.::'.:]~x;~-:'(}~.::[j()l;C<~~'C"'i:XYJ~~
, , }....I.'{.X:XXXXX1~~d;...y0.~}~::~X;'~~'C~){}Q~~
~{};Xj):X.I~ }r:l.'~'x..:YX.""c't~--;z.XX}{x..:\QU
It being further underst.od and aC'I("'r1 j 11l~ 11.,' 1., "" " ilJ J; 1
the winter season: namely, November finit. I,) III 'I," fil ' h:, 'I' " 11
Ioc' 1('~J1Jirr'd t.o \'acat.e ,aid premises during
f hr: :,]'0','" p;nrlf,raph.
ELEVE~TH: The lessor, or an,' of hh "f:"'>+ '. .,l,'dl i",',.' 'I' t t.', f'liff,'" '"id pl'C'mi~'es during- all reason-
able hours, to examine the same to mab: 'iU,'/J rel',li",:J 11;t.: I;" nr '1:''')''';io~1' I'" Illa:: be dcemed necessary for the
safety, comfort. or preservntion thereof, OJ' of ;:l'd ],11;1':;1:<", ''I' to '''c!,il,i! ";lid pr(,Plises, and to put or keep upon
the doors or windows thereof a notic(' "FOn l~r':i;r' :;1';",\, t;, i' ',':']';n flirt.:: (:1()) days before the expiration
of this lease, The right of entry shalllike\',i"e e~ci..t for 1:""1"111" ,.r )"'Iw,\'ill!; placards, I,ii.;ns, fixtures, altera-
tions, or additions, \\'hich do not confol'lll fll Ihi; :l"f""I1,'II', "I' I,' ,11" I'll"':; "lid rel;lllations of the building.
T\\'ELFTH: Lessee hereby accept; l~l(' prr)ili"",; ill II,,' f",,',I";"1I I!',':\' :11', in at (he hl'f;inning of this lease
and ngTees to maintain said premise" in th" ":lIne ('nn.iili"li. "',I, " :ili,1 1''')':;1' a< thpy are at the commencement of
sait! term, exceptin,!.; only reasonable W('ar ;lnd (e;)1' :lI~i ill:: frll'" "", q tll"l"".f 11nder t.J1is :lgreement, and to
make good to said le~sor immediate!,' up(1n d"'1l'lnd, illl,~ .1"1"'''' 1!1 ','.'1lf'" ;l)I]"11:11I1S. or electric lights or any fix-
ture, appliances or appurtenances of ~aid prellli,,"', or "I' ,", 1"';:';'iI:', ":111 ,("I by :IIIY act or neglect of lessee, or of
any person or persons in the employ or 1I11flror the (!oIlL,.,) ,,1' I],.' I'
TIIIRTEE!\TIT: It is expressly :lgrc('rl anrlllllfk::,l,It.d I!, ilJld 1,,'I\'.'c"n thc pal't.i"" to this agreement, that
the lanrllorrl shall not be liable for any dall1;l:~'r 01' injllry I,,'.' \,,;11"1'. ".,!:i,'J, nny h(l "ustilined hy t.he said tenant or
other person or for any other d:lm,'lge 01' illjury re"llll.illl' f' "Ill II", (':l!!'I"''11'''''', nrf;]i;,pllee, or improper conduct
on the part of any other tenant or ar.;enh, or employ,,(", "t' ,.:: 1""'0'1 or fill' breakage, leakage, or obstruction of
the water, sewer or soil pipes, or other Jeak:l:;e in 01' :11.111:1 U,,, it! ]'q;]diill;.
FOURTEENTH: If the less(~e shall h(','('I11(' ino].,'f'l]! "I' if j"1111:rllfd,',' ]'I'ocl'('dillgs shall be begun by or
against the lessee, before the end of ":lid l('l'n1 (he ]r,,','il' i, h',e!,.': in'''.()(';ddy ;llllllfJrized :I,t it.s option, to forth-
wit.h caneel this lease, :IS for a deL'lull" L('~IiOI' nl:l,' (']""1 I,) ;Ii""';'( 1'1'111, 1'1'11111 Sllch rccei\'er, trustee, or ot.her judi-
cial oUicer during t.he term of their OC'CUPIIIlC,'" in til"ir fi'!u,'i;ll'.': ("'I;)I'll,\' witJlout e[[f'cling lessor's right.s ag con-
tained in this contract, but no receiver, trus1f'e or nU1f'r ,i',dj,'i,tl "ffi,',,1' :,hall ever h:l\'e any right, title or interest in
or to the above described property by virLllf' qf tl,i" ('I1nll':lf't.
FIFTEENTH: Lessee herelJ\' wain's and renr)llrJC",; for him' "If and fllmi]y any anr! all homestead and ex-
emption rights he may have now, or herearf('J', und(']' or 1",\' ...iJll1p "r Ihf' ('f)JFtitnlir;n and laws of t.he State of
Florida, or of any other State, or of the llnit('d ~I:tl,~", ;., ;';c;.iw:t fl," p:lYll1ent nf said rental or any portion
hereof, or any other obligation or damage thllt m:I,' af'f'l'!lf' nl1t!('r Ih" t'0rlllS of trlis agreement.
SIXTEENTH: This contract sh;il] hinr!1he les',or nn,] it;; 1l""j:.;Il" or "uCt:essors, and the heirs, assigns, ad-
ministrators, legal representatives, executors or Sll('ee';;OI" ,I" ti,e Cll"",~ lll:IY be. of the lessee.
SEVENTEENTH: It is understnor! :Ind :11;)'('e,] bct"'.'('0n Ih1' pal,ties hereto that time is of the essence of
this contract and this applies to all terms allr! condili('jl" ('onhin1't! Lcn'in.
EIGHTEENTH: It is understood an,l Ilgleed be\o.l('fn I,ll(' parties herelo that. wriLten notice mailed or deliv-
erer! to t.he premises leased hereundf'r "hall ('orJctitldc 1'1Ifrici('lIl: ""Iit:f' tn the lcs:'ee and \\'ritten notice mailed or
delivered to the office of the lcssor shall con"titIILr: sufficient nolif'" fo UI<' Le,'sor, 10 comply with the terms of
this con tract.
NINETEENTH: The ridds of till' J(',: 0)' UllrI.,1' fill' 1'''1'('1:'';11;': h,lill,,' (,uIlllllafi\'!" anr! failure on the part of
the lessor to exercise prolllptly ally ri,~ltI" I~;vf'n 11I'II'lllfd.,,' ,:"'", If''', "1"'I;de 10 forf"it, any of the said rig-ht.s.
T\\'ENTIETH; It is furt.her unrlf'1','foo,] 1l11<1 ;I!:I"l'rI J,,'j\\"'.'rJ 11,(, J';trti,'s hel'l'I.o that any charg-cs against
t.he lessee by the lcssor fOI' serviees or for \'.'011; dflll" 011 Ille pr1'lIli"f'" hy order' of the ]esspe 01' otherwise accruing
under this contracl shall be considered ;IS r1'nl. dl1e Illld 1!J;tll 111' in('!Jl<lPd jn any lien for rent due and unpaid.
T\VENTY-FIRST: It is hereby und"l'd(wrl ~rJd 'll're('t! thllt all,' si..,'ns or ndvertising t.o be used, including
'awnings, in connection with the prel1Ji:;es l<'a,-,'!d },.:reunt!er ,"h:tl! I", lil':';I submitter! t.o the lessor for approval be-
fore installation of same, which approval I11US t )X~ given in writing.
1\venty-second: Lessee agrees to coopcorate in every respect in providing
estoppel letters to subsequent (J<;.mers and/or mortgagees in the event of resale
or refinancing.
The Addendum and Exhibit "A" att.1c!lcxl here t:o are incorporated herein and
made a part of this Business Lease .cmd shall bave the same force and effect as
if appearing within the body of SOUl..'.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p:lrties herelo h:l\e hereunto executed this instrument for the
purpose herein expressed, the d:1Y and year al1o\'c ''-TittCIl.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence or:
-_ (Seal
As to Lessor
- "'-- --...___nn____ (Seal
As to Lessee
---------.---_ (Seal
I'byor - I3mrd of County Ccmnissioners
of Honroe COlll1~L Florida (Seal
__ _ J
11f'/":70\lED AS TO FORM
-~,.,..- . ...\. - .....
/lttornoi"s Office
County of Honroe_
Before me, a Notary Public in and for s;1irl State ;1n<1 r:O!lllty, jJ(or:;OJwlly came.
.-- ---------~. --_._~--_.__.~-_.- ---.----..,.
to me
wcll known and known to be the person
'''"ll('<1 ill 1.1". r"r,,/:,,inl~ 11''1'''', nnd
a('kl1owled~ed that___,..,.,___, ___excl'ut"d the ,;:llllt' (III' fill' I'IIQlll"(' fllI'rein expressed.
IN 'WITNESS \\'HEREOF, I have here'unto set my ]""Id aud ;,rrix('d my official seal thcn,___
day of
. 10,
My commission expires_________,
J'\olal'y Public, Stale of I"lorida at Large,
'j //1\ IW/i'lllllflll pnparcd by:
, IdJn JJ
tr:1 ~
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.-+ .
~ :II
l~l ~ >
~ tn n
~ n tn ai
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.-+ 0
tn ~~.f1 :II
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[., U Ii 1-: II \) !_' r I
TWENTY-THIRD: The Lessee covcnants to deliver up and
surrender to the Lessor possession of said demised premises at
the expiration of this Lense by L:p"I' of time or otherwise, in as
good repair as the Lessee obtc:in0c1 ,~~01:lE a t the comlTJencement of
this lease, excepting on ly 11n turn 1. \';0<l1, decay or clamage by the
elements occurrinp, without: Ihe fnult of the premisps, or by act
of God or by insurrection, riot, inva,~ion or by Jllilitary or
usurped power. In the event the Lessee shall remain in
possession of the said prel'li,,)e,~ after th(~ expiration or termi-
nation of this lease for any cnl1:;e \\'hnt:;oevPT, the Lessee shall
then be considered a tf'11ilnt ilt ",j,l], ilnd by sufferance, and no
such holding over or retention of possps~ion or occupancy shall
operate as an extension or 1:'r'I1('\-"nl of this lease in any manner
TWENTY-FOURTH: The L '2:'ce ('(""Cl~;lnts that no nuisance or
hazardous trade or OCCUPCl1ioll r,hn Ll be permitted or carried on,
in or upon said premises, no (lct or thing shell] be clone or
permitted and nothing sh011 be kept in or about said premises
which wi 11 increase the r i 8k or h;l /:a ul of fL=c, and no was te
sha 11 be permitted or comm:i, t to c1 npon or ~11lY domilge done to said
premises. The Lessee coven~ltll::~ to P~lY to the Lessor upon demand
for injury to said premises or !:o the builcLLng of which said
premises are a part, which injury "hi111, be c2used or suffered by
the Lessee or the Lessee':; .1,'jOJ1ts, ~;(;rv;]nts 01= €'mployees. The
Lessee further covenant::; not: to r,'f)l]111:Ct (}l1Y bu:;iness or permit
any business to be conducted or 1'0 do or permit any act or thing
contrary to or in violation of tlic 1m;:; nf the United States of
America" or of the S tZI te () r 1"1 ur (,: ,I ()l' I) r t 11(' Onl j nance s of the
County of t-10nrol', in or ahoul :::'id pl'('llIi::I':; or the building of
which said premises are a Pill-I:.
Lessee further coven"11ts t:l1:Jt: U;p 1 cn:;ed prpmises will not
be usecl for any purpose thn t- \.:i11 C,"111:'(\ ;lJ1Y person or persons to
congregate in tbe halls of t1)(' 1,11 i ldi 111', (if \11lich the leased
premises are a part, or \.;IJicb ,,'I)ll1d (';JU:~(" noise to emanate from
the leased premises \.;hic11 dc)(':: or mi>>;I11 rPilsoJ].1bly dif;turb any
adjoining tenants or pen;un,; U:: in? rh' hnl1 s of the said build-
ing, and the Lessee further cOV(,ll;'l1l:~ that Le:JsC'e will conduct
its business within the leased prelnises in a quiet, proper and
orderly manner, cmd that nn~T fnilllY'c l'll the p.1rt of the Lessee to
so use the premises in the conduct of its business shall be
considered as a violation of a material covenant of this lease.
T\\1ENTY-FIFTH: It is lllutnl1v 3QTec:cl that this lease cannot
be changed, altered, modified or'ex~rnded, except in writing and
only signed by Lessor and Lessee. Po oral change, modification
or amendment shall be valid.
TWENTY-SIXTH: Lessce' np,rec's to il)c1ulmify CJnd keep harmless
the Lessor from all losses, c1<"1111:1)',1',;, lL:bilities nncl expenses
which may arise from the use or ()CCllP:l1ICY of s;d d premises by
Lessee, or which may ari~e from nny acts, omissions, neglect or
fault of Lessee (including Les~;ei";; (I[;cnts, ;,ervants and
employees or invitees) or arising from Lessee's failure to comply
with any law, rule or regulation.
TWENTY-SEVENTH: That in i:'clc1i tion to the several covenants
contained in this lease, it 5:; 111\.1 lun 11',' c()\lcnnnted i:lTld agreed
that the rules and rcgul(ltjoll~; arpc'rt:lillini: to the said building
and ""hich are annexed hereto ;18 pnrt hereto, marked Exhibit "A",
are agreed to in all of their tf?r1l!f;, and said Lessee agrees to be
bound by the same, and a lso CO\'-C'I1~1111:::; to be bound by such further
rules and regulations as Jl1r\V be m:lde by ;~c.'id Lessor from time to
time after written notificilt:ioll c1urin5~ this lease, deemed by it
to be necessary for the safety, c,C!re, cleanliness and the
economical management of the prel1Jlscs and for the preservation of
good order tlleroin. All',' rni lilli' (111 1111' 1"'1'1 nr' chI' J.c:~see to
co IT1 ply Hi the <1 c 11 a lJ d (,VI' I V I (> III' ,'! : II i " I (';j :; (' (I l' I.J i t h ;111 v of t 11 e
rules and regulations nOh' ill c;'i:;IJ']H1C, ;15 flfon>said, shall at
Lessor's option constitute i1 hrf ,Jell (If tld Co lease and entitle the
Lessor to all of the remedic:; prnvi dccl in this lease.
TWENTY-EIGHTH: Lesr;ec r~hnll h;lIlL' I:hr.:' right to <1ssign this
l(->;:1se, provided the Les:;o1:' giVi.'c: il:; \:ci ttC'n consent, which
written consent shall be: \1ithhc'](/ llTlI-CnC;onably, nIL other
provisions to the contrary notl'?j ll'st;n:ding.
TWENTY-NINTH: It is c;~prc,';c;ly ;Ji~;:r'Cc1 anc understood by and
bet~.;een the parties to th:!_:l AgrC('I1H'llt that the landlord shall not
be 1 iab 1e for any damage or inj 1'ry ".'hi c 11 may be sus tained by said
tenant or any other person or for all\' property damage caused by
any reason. The landlord shnl] only lwl-c'dsonablc for maintain-
ing the roof to be in ;1 1('(1)( frc(' conch cion cltld the tenant agrees
to be responsible for all other rcp;lj rs to the leased premises.
THIRTIETH: Additionnl !~C'llt - T;l;:C';: Tn the event that the
<1mount of real estate tn;:l; ilnd :ls~~("':;l"_'JlI:s. or ;lllY other govern-
mental charge, general, ;-,peci:l1, onlill;Jry or cxtraorrlinary,
hereinafter collectively calJcrl t~~:PB (but not including income
or franchise taxes or ;:lll? oLl1C'r ta:-J's imposed upon or measured by
the landlord's income or profi U;), pllich m;~)' no';.! or hereafter be
levied or assessed against t h ('1 n II d 11 [l ell,',' 11 i c h the building
stands, including but not- ],iPliLcd to [:1", pnrking CIrca, walkways,
and setbacks, and upon the b1111 dilli; (hi,t'ejnafter collectively
called the "Real Property") nttr;Lut:.cJhlc to Dny calendar year
during the terms shell 1 be ,r;n'iJ!:Ct- tkill 1h", mIlOllnt of taxes on the
Real Property attributable tu 1I11' 1':1"(' Yr'il)-, dB herein df~fined,
then the Lessee shall pay to thr' Lc:,:~or, ;1~; additional rent, an
amount equal to Lessee I s propor [--'Lell (;':~ d0'fined herein) of such
increase. For purpor;(,,8 of this P;l}':I[':rnph the taxes attributable
to a calendar yeClr shall bl> the L;,;-:I'S pnyable during said
calendar year and the amOUll t of ::UC11 t;1::C8 :~hel1l not include
penal ties or discounts. If thp :~!lI()un1: of taxes for any cn1endar
year during the term shall b(, less than the 2wount of taxes for
the Base year, then the LC';;:;or ;::hnll P;Ij! to the Lessee an amount
equal to Lessee's proportion 0 f :;uch df?Cn'Cl:~e. The Lessor shall
take the benefit of the provisi()ll:; of ,:1T1Y s1:::1tute or ordinance
permitting any speci<1l assivnTTlCnf- 1:0 b0 paid over a period of
time, and the Lessee shall be obJ:ip,r'rl to pel}' emly its propor-
tionate share, determined <1S afore::;l] c!, of the instClllments of
such assessment as shall beco[ll() due and payable during the term
of this lease or any renewal thereof.
The term "Lessee's proportion"
ani n c rea s e 0 r de c r e <1 s e in ten: e :J a s
premises bears to the rentable <1rea
is defined as the year 19U4.
:~ ha 11 mean tha t proportion of
the rPllt<1ble area of the
i= [ b 'ld" "13 Y "
O~ 1:1e Ul lng. ase ear
It is expressly agreed and understood that Lessee shall be
solely responsible for reparatiolls pertaining to electrical,
plumbing, air-conditioning/he.1tinr~ c;ysteliw and/or units. Lessor
will be responsible for structurnl problems only.
THIRTY-FIRST: This lease mnv he terminated by the Lessee
upon the following conditions:
1. Written notic(' (lr il1Lelll'joll III r-cYJninnh' silid leelse
shall be given to the Lc:::;n]' not II':;:) Lh,lll One lIundred Twenty
(120) days prior to such tcrrnina{~ioll, ,'1nd
2. \vritten confinn:lt:ioll ::kdJ hr. ,rrj\lcn to the Lessor th<1t
the Lessee has obtained aclequ:lt<' offico s1';lce in a governmental
EXJl ll; ('[' "N'
1. The sideHalks, entr;ln('('~" pnc:';;~gcs, courts, vestibules,
stairways, corridors or l1;:Ills ~;h:lll not be obstructed or
encumbered by and Tenant or uscrl ~or ony purposes other than
ingress and, egress to and frum thr> dc:~c'~ibec1 premises.
2. No awnings or other pro'jr'ctiollS shall be attached to the
outside \'1alls of the building \'/5tl1011L the prior written consent
of the Landlord. No curtnins, hJind:~. ~;hndes en- screens shall be
attached to or hung in, or u~;ed in Cr'flJ'cction 1/15th, any window or
door of the demised premises wi LllUllt the pri0r Hri tten consent of
the Landlord. Such aHnings, pTojec1ion3, curtains, blinds,
shades, screens or other fi)u~llrcs IliUc.;t be of quali ty type, design
and color and attached in the llillHJ'2r approved by the Landlord.
3. No signs, advertisements, llcltices or other lettering
shall be exhibited, inscribc:d, painted or affixed by any Tenant
on any part of the outside or insic1n of the demised premises or
bui lding wi thou t the prior \'1ri t LC'll con s en t of the Landlord. In
the event of the violation of the fnTcgoinp, by any Tenant, Land-
lord may remove same without nny li;l!Jility and may clwrge the
expense incurred by such reJr1O'ln I tel the Tenant or Tenants viola-
ting this rule. Interior :~igm; Oil cf(;cc.; and any directory tablet
shall be ins c l' i bed, p (l i Jl t C cl ;:, n c1 ; 1 r r i :': (' d ;1 t t: h p ex pen s (> 0 f the
Teni1nt and shall be of ;:1 :;L:r', (()lu)' ;llld ~;L~lL(' ncceptable to the
Landlord. All signs must con[<'1"I I~u the Code of Ethics and
Statutes governing your profc::;;hm.
4. The sC1shes, sc:sh d(lln.", ::1:" l;p,ht;;, \vindm'1s and doors
that reflect or adT'lit: lir;11t ;l1lc1 ;Ii]' illt,) IJJ(' hn1lf;, passClgeways
or other public places in t he' hl1i I rl; 111', ::lUI II not he covered or
o b s t l' U c t e cl b y an y Ten.:111 t, nor :; 11" 11 :i II :' hot tIe s, par c e 1 SOl' 0 the l'
articles be placed on the ,'Ii t](j(".~: 'i 11,,-,.
5. Th0 water flnc.1 1/.'clsh cl(1::(":~ ;Ind otl1('r plumbing fixtures
shall not be used for any PUTPCc"':: (ll:hcr 1:h,ln those for v1hich
they were constructed, and no swccpinps, rllbbish, rags or other
substances shall be thro,..7)1 therein. /\11 cLlTIwges resulting from
any misuse of the fi):tures SI1,'1 J 1 be borne by the Tenant \'1ho, or
1;\.1hose servants, employees, vi:d 1.:0r8 or licensees shall have
caused the same.
6. No Tenant shall mark, pC:1int, drill into or in any way
deface any part of the demised 1'l'E'ITi::cs or the building of which
they form a part. No boring, cutting or :-; tringing of wires shall
be permitted, except with the prior written consent of the Land-
7. No bicycles, motorcycle:) or Clnim,1ls of any kind shall be
brought ,into or kept in or about t11(' premises, and no cooking
shall be done or permitted by <lny Tf'nnnt on said premises. No
Tenant shall cause or permit (lilY lJTll1S11;1l or objectionable odors
to be produced upon or permeate ~rom tile demised premises.
8. The premises shall nut J)(' w;cd [(1T r~;lmbling, lodging or
sleeping or for any immcq',d or~ Lllf'(,:] pL1rpo:~p:~.
9. The Landlord may retnj 11 :1 pel;;:: kf>y to the leased
premises and be allo1/7('u ac1rni t:t:mcr tl!c'rr'!:o at all reasonable
times to enable its representative to examine the said premises.