Resolution 044-1985 RESSQ)cutlQ)N NQ). 044 -1985 WHEREAS, the BQ)ARD Q)F CQ)UNt~ CQ)mmlSSSS1Q)NER.$ Q)F ffiQ)NRQ)E CQ)UNt~, FCQ)R1DA, has receiveD an application from ~:ICCESS BQ)UCHER anD WHEREAS, in compliance with SState sstatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the fOllowing Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant wishes to enlarge and improve boat mooring facilities. Additionally, erosion will be controlled and a debris trap partially eliminated by filling and riprapping a small section of the applicant's shoreline. Both of these improvements will be made to the applicant's Trailer Park property. The first of the two goals will be accomplished by extending an ex~s~ng 114 foot by ~ foot (456 sq. ft.) dock by adding an additional 80 foot by 4 foot 2 (320 ft. ) section. At the new end of the dock a 48 foot by 8 foot (384 ft. ) "T" section will be constructed. In total the enlarged dock will cover 1160 sq. ft. of water surface 704 sq. ft. of which will be new. A 50 ft. long by 15 ft. wide triangular area of seafloor will be filled in order to achieve the second goal. The area is entirely waterward of mean high water (MEW) and will require an estimated 100 cu. yds. to fill. Boulder rip rap will be placed along the waterward edge of the filled area to protect it from erosion. A line of moderate size mangrove trees along the 15 ft. side of the triangle will be left in place. The dock will be constructed out of pressure treated wood. All construction will be done by hand using no heavy equipment. Fill and boulders will be brought to the site from borrow pits over upland roads. The project site is located near the southwestern end of Key Largo (Tavernier) on the Atlantic Ocean. Adjoining the site to the east is an undeveloped parcel of land which consists of both upland and wetland. This parcel of land forms a natural point which sticks out several hundred feet to the southeast of the project site shoreline. A small (1.5f A) Trailer Park adjoins the western side of the project site. A boat basin was created along the shoreline of this Trailer Park by building fill breakwaters out into the ocean for 150f feet. The northern border of the project site is formed by U.W. #1 (SR 5) which runs from the northeast to the southwest in this area. The Atlantic Ocean which is in the vicinity of the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) lies to the southeast of the project area. The project site consists of the applicant's shoreline and the near shore waters. The applicant owns the Driftwood Trailer Park which maintains approximately two (2) dozen trailers on the 21 A. of the land. The Trailer Park enjoys approximately 200 ft. of ocean frontage. Near the shoreline, the land consists of upland which was apparently created by filling shoreline wetlands over 10 years ago. The shoreline now consists of crushed rock fill protected by riprap. As a result of the fact that the shoreline projects out to sea on either side of it, the project site tends to act as a debris trap. The debris trap effect is strongest in the western corner of the shoreline. Resolution Gilles Boucher Page Two Vegetation along most of the shoreline consists of few mangrove seedlings. At the west end of the shoreline, a couple of moderate size red mangrove trees (Rhizophora mangle) are sound. The near shore sea floor consists of flat limestone with very little sediment in depressions. This exposed rock area extends out to near the present end of the dock (114 ft. from shore) where the depth is 2.5! ft. MHW. Vegetation in this area consists primarily of attached algae. Starting near the dock end, a 6 inch to 12 inch layer of sediments cover the seafloor. Growing on this sediment is a turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) bed. Mixed in with the seagrass is Penicillus sp., Halimeda sp., and a thick cover of filamentous blue-green algae. Depths in the vicinity of the proposed dock end are approximately 3.5 ft. MHW. Construction related activities can be expected to cause temporary elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds, and particulate organic compounds in the nearby waters. It is not expected that the proposed construction techniques will cause a very severe turbidity problem. The proposed filling will eliminate 375 sq. ft. of littoral zone marine habitat. The area which will be eliminated is at present a debris trap and can be considered to be a low quality habitat. Extension of the dock will result in the shading of 70! sq. ft. of seagrass bed. The shading can be expected to eventually result in the death of the seagrass under the dock. It is not expected that many more boats will use the enlarged dock than are presently using the dock. As a result, the boating related impacts will probably remain similar to those presently occurring. BE It RES~C~ED BM tHE B~ARD ~f t~uNtM t~mmISSI~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~uNtM, fC~RIDA, that the above BiOlogical Assessment has been reaD into the recorD anD Duly consiDereD pursuant to floriDa Statute 253.124 by the BoarD of tounty tommissioners of ffionroe tounty, floriDa, this 8th Day of Februarv ,19 85 at a regularly scheDuleD meeting. B~ARD ~f t~uNtM t~rnmISSI~NERS ~f m~NR~E t~uNtM, fC~RIDA . ... d.1 _ By ~;~~~.Nt.~~.l~ t>-~ (SEAC) " .Ie. - ~ Cuclen t. Pro y tounty Attorney .~ONlOE COUNTY At\.",... .. '..ANNING, BUILDING I: ZONING DEPARTMENT _ -___.lIT APPLICATION FO ~XCA VA TION, mE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN.TlI WATERS OR WETLANDs OF MONROE COUNTY. ' , /" 1) ~~perty ~wnerJl name 4 mailing address ) { / r/ j < &0.. ~A--C h .e,/L. :--: 0, ,(-:: 0 ~~, .~. 71 . ,I p, J (J If r1/ ( f7 tG r:'"' I p. g 3 01 u 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & eertifi91!ion::9umber. 1: (';' \ U M fY\ '(?' e .J 8 J-" 0' I r /' (! ) 71j- Q I ._' I.', (l '\ ~. I" '7 9 b :'.'; (Jol<. , 0f'VO!/V991 . , .... r ~ ;1' f J ( .,.' r( F (/.) "7 <: <) -J () l'\ ~ ., , 5) Legal description of property: "~ 4.~' Section, _ ~ '_ Township, _. . .,. 3 i Range, 2) Date rd (0 - ~1' 3) P?ne n~/ r r;"" ).-, - aU J' ~ . Key. [/Ifc."t:;,U Subdivision, 15/1'111/("/ r."r ,("Pt, /,J/"('f..f. Lot, I o~ , Block, Street, ;oad or mile marker, 9:).I.r 7 ty{ If., kJffj ( IY) IY1 1) of) '" I @ Zoning, (if acreage) 'l.? v, ~- p ()) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amoult of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project./=, " I volume of III a terial : qredl!'ed/excavated c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. Hr' ~ filled/deDosited l Ot) c.y. waterward of M.H. W. landward of M.H.W. c.y. ~J Name, address & zip code of adjoi?ing property o'1'ners whose propert.y aff~onts wa~e~ way.~ _ ., . " ',~';, ".~J '1'\'''i(', -Ic,d,"",;? '~\tc,~' /,,,,,). /~r.-I-/,:('1';.5 ("r:."".~/-r"J",r:-',.! ' . . , ' , ' . I" , ... . I f'~ -< ,. , # ,.f',>., .. '" ,- ,,! ' -.......... ,.r?,", .J'~'./ -.. ,,' : :' (' I.' '': : y'./\. f- rr ~-. t) ~i:::> r'" f 1 ~ .' /~,1 ~ 1 /. _ /- ~ ." R a) List other p(.rmits issu('d and/or applied for. include applicant's name, for this site: h) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. .. " ~ ~p"'Je O'l" h.", h,IJIIC"..;t~ fh~f'I'~ CaJ,tNlC.J ([) &&"'oV <!ou-<7t2A-(Ir'<<;' flAl(."- ~ r .s Au/(;d,; c." () { ~ - dr w " ;. 1 ..... 4 ~ ;.' ,. ~ t' ;.,; (Jfl """.v t:IlCN 1- ~T 't'lv"a"'..(ft.- M,'dw.,,.) PAfl,k. l!o...AJ"-t * /l?cM-t~<l. .Jf4le F/~ Anni.(..#J."", b,/ CI.,c<.o; <'>.<oI"l/1)<'~ Fc..;. "(T' 0. -d It?.) 8.',. (' A..',z. S ",<,I "'V cr- -v 0 ~~ 4'-J..J-~' v ~\ ~ c...... ..... "---' 4 N.' ----r ~ 'f.r' ~ V ~ ~ (- ~ '1', ~ ---"" \ "C,v 0 - -; ,) "- '1 0.. ~ "l' - ~' V '" <> ~ " 0:- '-....- OATUM ADJACENT ~(RTY OWNERS; <D 0 (','~^, Cc,0e ii.:',~. It-,, @ T S,qi.4, ,l/(/PfZ. .) ",' .-. "-. ~ & fr:' + ])0 (l L () -1'1- 6d-- :::, / r 31" I S'o I ~ ,. ,. t .., ~ ~ fb "" P .. .- ...- ~ ;00 -- !. (" IN 0 (><?"l,.) {no,.;l _ 4T t~.Je~iJl(la - O,z, t:./w;)lJJ f'ArJ<- COUNTY 0' f1I to ~ R...' .. STA n: t:: / q '",-ICATION IY (1/'111( Slln!l11fl2-1. Pc. C .fI,~ '80<4()."'1..- 1- AT 1-of:.~-V ...:: ,- --. ---. >. --. -:,. ~ f~ ~;' ~ ;., r ,-,q '\ j' :i i:&.s:I ~~ ~:.. '~~. u.:._J I I. '.,' ~ ; : I " CE.'1 '";:1 f! '\. f~'=-: - ;-:.,~r ~ ! l)olnlMI Off :'~E . .--....c:7_._-..___.....___.,~ ......_---._ _ _---..... \~j '~ blllJ It - J' -.)- 3 -:Y- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No.: 440596695 County: Monroe Date: 11-17-82 Applicant Name: Gilles Boucher Address: 92157 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, FL 33070 Agent (if applicable): Clyde P. Summers Address: PO Box 1333, Tavernier, FL 33070 Location of project: Section(s) 27 Township 62S Range 3RE Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Key Largo - Tavernier Water Body: Atlantic Ocean Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 11/8/82 Original Application: Yes~ No__ Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes No Date: Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevan~ historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (...Rev. 6/79) ...,..~ ..Aid ""_'''_'~llI~'.-.........:~''''',,,,_''''''~'''''l''~''..''''.~''''''hW''"~~_ofSAIcAilott~!'4.o1of~~' .-.-: - --..---->< 'f' '._-,''-::''''.1., BOUCHER, GILLES #440596695 Monroe County - Key Largo - Tavernier Page Two A. The applicant wishes to enlarge and improve boat mooring facilitiE's. Additionally, erosion will be controlled and a debris trap partially eliminated by filling and riprapping a small section of the applicant's shoreline. Both of these improvements will be made tc. the applicant's Trailer Park property. The first of the two goals will be accomplished by extending an existing 114 ft. by 4 ft. (456 sq. ft.) dock by adding an addi- tional 80 ft. by 4 ft. (320 ft?~ section. At the new end of the dock a 48ft. by 8 ft. (384 ft. ) "T" section will be constructed. In total the enlarged dock will cover 1160 sq. ft. of water surface 704 sq. ft. of which will be new. A 50 ft. long by 15 ft. wide triangular area of seafloor will be filled in order to achieve the second goal. The area is entirely waterward of mean high water (MHW) and will require an estimated 100 cu. yds. to fill. Boulder riprap will be placed along the waterward edge of the filled area to protect it from erosion. A line of moderate size mangrove trees along the 15 ft. side of the triangle will be left in place. The dock will be constructed out of pressure treated wood. All construction will be done by hand using no heavy equipment. Fill and boulders will be brought to the site from barrow pits over upland roads. B. The project site is located near the southwestern end of Key Largo (Tavernier) on the Atlantic Ocean. Adjoining the site to the east is an undeveloped parcel of land which consists of both upland and wetland. This parcel of land forms a natural point which sticks out several hundred feet to the southeast of the project site shoreline. A small (1.5+ A) Trailer Park adjoins the western side of the project site. A boat basin was created along the shoreline of this Trailer Park by building fill breakwaters out into the ocean for 150+ feet. The northern border of the project site is formed by U.S.-#l (SR 5) which runs from the northeast to the southwest in this area. The ~tlantic Ocean which in the vicinity of the project site is desig.nated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) lies to the southeast of the project area. ----_.- \., . '"-" , . ,~. BOUCHER, GILLES #440596695 Monroe County - Key Largo - Tavernier Page Three C. The project site consists of the applicant's shoreline and the near shore waters. The applicant owns the Driftwood Trailer Park which maintains approximately two (2) dozen trailers on 2+ A. of land. The Trailer Park enjoys approximately 200 ft. of ocean frontage. Near the shoreline, the land consists of upland which was apparently created by filling shoreline wetlands over 10 years ago. The shoreline now consists of crushed rock fill protected by riprap. As a result of the fact that the shoreline projects out to sea on either side of it, the project site tends to act as a debris trap. The debris trap effect is strongest in the western corner of the shoreline. Vegetation along most of the shoreline consists of a few mangrove seedlings. At the west end of the shoreline a couple of moderate size red mangrove trees (Rhizophora mangle) are found. The near shore sea floor consists of flat limestone with very little sediment in depressions. This exposed rock area extends out to near the present end of the dock (114 ft. from shore) where the depth is 2.5+ ft. MHW. Vegetation in this area consists primarily of attached algae. Starting near the dock end, a 6 inch to 12 inch thick layer of sediments cover the seafloor. Growing on this sediment is a turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) bed. Mixed in with the sea- grass is penicillus sp., Halimeda sp., and a thick cover of filamentous blue-green algae. Depths in the vicinity of the proposed dock end are approximately 3.5 ft. MHW. D. Construction related activities can be expected to cause temporary elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds, and particulate organic compounds in the nearby waters. It is not expected that the proposed construction techniques will cause a very severe turbidity problem. The proposed filling will eliminate 375 sq. ft. of littoral zone marine habitat. The area which will be eliminated is at present a debris trap and can be considered to be a low quality habitat. Extension of the dock will result in the shading of 70+ sq. ft. of seagrass bed. The shading can be expected to eventually resuit in the death of the seagrass under the dock. It is not expecteg that many more boats will use the enlarged dock than are presently using the dock. As a result, the boating related impacts will probably remain similar to those presently occurring. I '..../ '--" . BOUCHER, GILLES #440596695 Monroe County - Key Largo - Tavernier Page Four E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend Departmental permitting authorization be granted this application. . SPEC. READ; DATE: DEB/dvo \...:) \"...../ Gilles Boucher # 4 4 0 5 9 6 6 9.5 Aerial photograph of project site taken on 9-1-82. Note the shoreline pocket formed at the project site. Also note the seagrass bed which begins near the present end of the dock. The extended dock will be somewhat short of the end of the breakwater to the west (left). .... MIa. '"-" _/ Gilles Bouche:... #440596695 - .~- - -.-----.------- PHOTO #1 view of the present end of the dock. Island in background is Tavernier Key. PHOTO #2 rhe dock viewed from its water- vard end. The area at the left )f the base of the dock is pro- )osed to be filled. '-.-' ... \.../ ..... Gilles Boucher #440596695 PHOTO #3 Seagrass bed in area of pro- posed dock extention. Note the heavy cover of algae. PHOTO #4 The area which will be filled. The mangrove trees in the background will be preserved. Note the heavy accumulation of ditritus. . ~ +~~~~~~~~~~++++~.~~..~.~..~......~++~~.+..+.~++++~~+++++..~++++.+++++.~++++~. "--./ "'- G I '{ Ie) !3 0 U ~h ell" 4 't '+0 l) Cf (, ~ q l) ftJcfoy,.'!A O",'~,'hf,',? II /Y:/'IJ- ../ ;.-' \ '- (- I ~ I -' I I \ \ '\ ~ " -. 1" .. :.- - . :',\'--' -- .Ii' ','~ @) -'\1 I T i!\ \ I ....,! I I' ~ I ! : \ , I~ I ! 1 I \ I \~ \ ' ~ ~ , \ I - i \ I I " -- -- ' J 0 ro ... t-> ~ ,rc. ,~ ~ ~ e ('~ .-\ 'P 'ZI .- ~:> ~ ..0 t' 1 - '^ \ I ,\ , y: I . .' " . I I . . , . . ~ , \ , , L .......- -' f' .:..:. .:,.:..:.,:..:,.:,.:.,:..),:.o),:,.)-:oo)o)~.)o)~oOo"'O)':'O)':'<00:.<.+0)0) <.0)<0':' <o.)o)<o.:.(..><o<o+O:":":'O)O:oo,..:..:.oOo.+oOo+<-" .++O+++++<..+++o)...+.~':..~+++co' ~f ~ I \ ~ \ \' ~ " '-',- -~ (305) 2944641 rr-~ O,~v~!: ~R~~,~~E ."-1,.,-"1.-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez. District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (Gilles Boucher) ~ 3. Application for Permit (Fill) ~ 4. Site Plan ...........--- 5. Location Map ".....- ~ 6. DER Assessment Date I-~ 1- 85 BY~' o~ The Biologist recommends conditional approval. Please note conditions listed on page two (2) of Robert Smith's report. MEMORANDUM Date: December 10, 1984 To: Jeffrey Doyle, Ph.D., Director Fran: Robert Smith, Biologist /__ .'-- Subject: Boucher, Fill Legal: LJts 10 and 11, Key Largo, Section 27, Township 62S, Range 38E Zoning: RU-5-P I . INTRooucrrON: This application for the placement of fill in tidal waters should be reviewed by the Board of County Comnissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. II. PRillEel' pm SITE DESCRIPl'ION: The applicant proposes to place 100 cubic yards of fill in the fonn of riprap and associated clean backfill. All of this fill will be placed below the Mean High Water Line (M.H.W.L.) and as such pursuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code necessitates review by the Board of Co\IDty Corrmissioners. The site in question was inspected on 11-1-84 and resulted in the following: The lots abut the Atlantic O::ean to the south, U. S. Highway 1 to the north, residential property to the east, and a trailer park to the west. The parcel does fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (SPZ) as defined in Section 4-18 of the Monroe Co\IDty Code. Vegetation present on site included red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) , Australian Pine (Casuarina sp.), and sea purslane (Sesuvium sp.). Although the area to be filled contains no significant vegetation, areas further offshore have turtle grass (Thalassia testudium), penicillus sp., and Halimeda sp.. The area to be filled consists of silt and associated organic debris only. The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment on an area of approxima.tely 375 square feet. The backfill will all be placed land- ward of this revetment. No indication of how the applicant proposes to contain the fill behind the revebnent has been provided. III. EVALUATION: The project as outlined should have a relatively minor impact. The area proposed for filling is primarily a basin of silt and organic debris. If the riprap were to be wrapped with filter cloth and turbidity screens employed, then little turbidity should ensue. If the applicant does not utilize these measures, then turbidity will be a problem. No mangroves will be renoved as proposed. No significant shift Jeffrey I)) Page 2 December 10, 1984 in biota should ensue from the project as outlined. IV. RECCM1ENDATION: The biologist recomnends approval under the following conditions: (1) Turbidity screens to be employed during construction. (2) Riprap to be woven with filter cloth. V. arHER: The project as outlined could necessitate permits from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (l'..C.O.E.). The Florida Depart:nent of Environmental Regulation has issued a permit for this project (see enclosure) . Enclosures: Application Bio Report and permit from F .D.E.R. Plans