Resolution 068-1985 .. RE.$~cutl~N N~. 068 - 1985 IDHEREA.$, the B~ARD ~f t~UNty t~mml.$.$I~NER.$ ~f m~NR~E t~UNty, fC~RIDA, has receiveD an application from Henry A. Amaon, anD IDKEREA.$, in compliance with .$tate .$tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant would like to provide improved boat mooring facilities at his canal front residential property. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant proposes to excavate a boat slip along the shoreline of his property. The proposed boat slip will measure 40 ft. long, parallel to the shoreline, and 15 ft. wide and 6 ft. mean low water (MLW) deep. Approximately 190 yd3 of material will be excavated, virtually entirely landward of mean high water (MHW), in order to create the slip. The applicant's estimate of 1,200 yd3 of excavation appears to be very high. No information on how the proposed construction work will be accomplished is provided with the application. Information on how the spoil will be disposed of is particularly absent. No information on how water quality will be maintained while the project is under construction, has been provided. The project site is located in the Rock Harbor area of Key Largo in the Key Largo Ocean Shores Subdivision. Most of the subdivision is oriented toward single family residences, however, sections of it are developed with business and multi-family residences. The majority of lots within the subdivision are canalfront. A network of three canals runs through the subdivision. The canals connect to the Atlantic Ocean within John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park at their eastern end and Rock Harbor, also within the park, at their western end. A private canalfront residence occupies the lot which borders the west side of the applicant's property. Boat mooring facilities are provided for this residence by a large boat basin on the side of the canal. To the east, the applicant's property is bordered by a vacant lot covered by a mixture of buttonwood trees (Conocarpus erecta), sea daisy (Borrichia frutescens), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulascastrum), and knot grass (Paspalum distichum). The south side of the applicant's property is bordered by Lorelane Place which provides overland access to it. To the north, the applicant's property is bounded by a canal. Both the waters within the canal and in Rock Harbor and the Atlantic Ocean, at the end of the canal, are designated as Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). The waters of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park have the additional designation of Outstanding Florida Waters, (Chapter 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code). Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision has been the location of several recent projects permitted by the Department. The most noteworthy among these is Permit Number 44-34296, issued on April 23, 1982, to Mr. Robert Krieter which authorized the dredging of one of the three canals within the subdivision. Resolution No. Henry A. Amoon Page two The applicant's property consists of a 70 ft. by 120 ft. canalfront lot with the long axis oriented perpendicular to the canal shoreline. The ground is quite flat on the lot at an elevation of approximately one foot above mean high water (MEW). Substrate on the lot consists of a very thin layer of crushed rock fill over Key Largo limestone bedrock. High points in the bedrock shows through the fill at many locations. The canal was excavated through the bedrock adjacent to the applicant's property, in a manner which resulted in a near verticle but very jagged canal wall. Depths within the canal typically run around eight to ten feet MLW. A signi- ficant tidal head difference exists between the Atlantic Ocean and the Rock Harbor end of the canal. The result of this head difference is relatively high current volocities within the canal. The high current velocities and generally good flushing characteristics of the canal, have in turn resulted in favorable water quality conditions. The flora on the lot can be divided into three general cat- egories. One of these categories is the canal edge, dominated by a row of buttonwood trees which typically run around 15 ft. high with an understory composed of sea daisy and sea purslane. The remaining two categories of flora account for the remaining area of the lot. In both of these two areas, the lot is covered by numerous but widely spaced buttonwood trees, along with one or two Florida Holly trees (Schinus terebinthifolius). The distinguishing character- istics that separates the two areas is the ground cover. On roughly the eastern half of the lot, the ground cover around the trees is dominated by sea daisy. On the northern half of the lot, the ground cover is dominated by the fringerush Fimbristylis spathacea and Sporobolus domingensis. The difference in the ground cover on the eastern and western halves of the lot appears to be caused by the western half having been mowed periodically in the past. A few scattered patches of sea purslane were observed on both sides of the lot and an area vegetated by knotgrass (Paspalum distichun) runs along the road. The remains of what appeared to be a very old wrack line (i.e. at least several months old), was located in the central portion of the lot. Construction related activities are likely to result in temporarily elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, particulate organic compounds, and turbidity in the waters surrounding the project site. The applicant has not indicated any plans to utilize any controls that would result in a reduction of this impact. Without proper controls, the strong currents in the canal are likely to carry the pollutants, generated by the construction activities, far and wide. Once the boat slip is complete and in use, it will facilitate a more intense level of use of the canal. Increased discharges of toxic metals, hydrocarbons, detergents, organic compounds and miscellaneous debris can be expected to result. The magnitude of the increase of these discharges is not expected to be very great and the strong flushing currents in the canal are expected to keep the levels of these pollutants at acceptable levels. Resolution No. Henry A. Amoon Page three Although the application does not state where the spoil generated by the proposed work will be placed, it seems likely that it will end up on the applicant's lot. Spoiling on the applicant's lot will tend to destroy the wetlands which presently cover much of it. Additionally, the operation of construction equipment on the lot, while the slip is being excavated, is likely to scarify the wetlands on the lot. It is therefore likely that a secondary im~act of the proposed work will be damage to or loss of the wetlands on the applicant's property. With the loss of the wetlands will also be the loss of the associated functions of primary production, habitat and pollution filtration. In the case of the project site, these functions are represented moderately well. BE It RE$~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~f C~UNtY C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E C~UNtY, fC~RIDA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen reao into the recoro ana ou1y consioereo pursuant to f1orioa $tatute 253.124 hy the Boaro of County Commissioners of ffionroe County f1orioa, this ~ oay of /Y/ CI rc.h , 19 <i 0- at a regularly scheou1eo meeting. B~ARD ~f C~UNtY C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E C~UNtY, fC~RIDA BlI ~~'AG-vv:... ~\ ;t), _~~ mayor ~~ ($ea1) AUest: ~i~~ ~ f ~ ~/ t~ a/~,. / CUClen C. l'ro~y, County Attorney (30512944641 .BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~~l; ~"~~,~~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 rP)~(C~ I?'1Gt~mJ' V I !,;." \ -..1 '..' .1 L '. '..!I. m./ r?, ,-I . :; I ~ ' 5i,~1 '1: L\ - j FEB 20 10 " . '~v.) COUNTY ATTY. I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and irr~ormation is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution(HENRY AMMON) ~ 3. Application for Permit(Excavation & Boatslip) ~ 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map ~ 6. DER Assessment ~ County Biologist recommends conditional approval. Please note conditions on page two (2) of Robert Smith's report. Also, applicant already has permits from the C.O.E. and the F.D.E.R. By~.Q~ Date d.-/f-J>s M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: January 30, 1985 TO: Jeffrey Doyle, Ph. D. , Director FROM: Robert Smith, Biologist R~ SUBJECT: Amoon, excavation, boats lip LEGAL Lot 16, Block 14, Key Largo Ocean Shores Subdivision Key Largo ZONING: RU-l INTRODUCTION: This application for excavation of a boatslip, which involves greater than 100 cubic yards, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (b) (4) of the Monroe County Code. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application for the excavation of a boatslip involving 190 yards of excavated material and which will effectively extend navigable waters should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to section 19-111 (b) (4) of the Monroe County Code. All of the excavation will be landward of the Mean High Water Line (M.H.W.L.). The site in question was inspected on 12-20-84 and resulted in the following: the parcel does not fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (S.P.Z.) as defined by section 4-18 of the Monroe County Code. The lot abuts residential lots on the south, west, and north. To the east the property abuts a subdivisional canal. The lot was sparcely vegetated with Florida Holly (Schinus terebinthefolius}, buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus), Batis, sea oxeye daisy, (Sesuvium portulacustrum), and a few scattered red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle). This type of vegetation indicates that the lot is in a transition upland-wetland zone. The lot was cleared without benefit of permit. An after-the-fact permit was issued on 1-2-85. The applicant proposes to place all dredge spoils on the upland portion of his property. Exactly how the excavation will be per- formed, ie. from the upland or from the canal, is unknown. Currently the adjacent property owner has a similar boat basin. III. EVALUATION: The anticipated long term impact on the environ- ment should be minimal. Due to the good flushing action of this canal, the impact of increased hydrocarbon load (fuel) should not present a problem. Since the subtidal vegetation present is minimal it is expected that little difference will be exhibited by the exca- vation of this boat slip. The short term impact will be one of temporarily raised levels of turbidity. ~ This could be controlled with the use of tur~idity screens if properly employed. -1- Jeffrey Doyle Amoon, excavation, boatship January 30, 1985 IV. RECOMMENDATION: The biologist recommends approval. Conditions: 1) 2) Turbidity screens to be employed. The boat slip shall not exceed -5' ML~. V. OTHER: The applicant currently has permits from the Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation (F.D.E.R. #440914715), and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (A.C.O.E.) Enclosures: 1) F.D.E.R. permit and bioreport 2) A.C.O.E. permit 3) Plaris- 4) Application MONIlOE COUNTY . PLANNING, BUJLDlNO , fDNING L _ AIlTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION F( CA V A'I'IOPf, T818 DiCPOetl' OF PILL. OR STRUCl ~ ACTIVITIES IN TF. WA1'D8 OJ! WETLANDs OF MONROE COUNTY. --- 1\ Property owner. name & mailing ac:IdnwJ. 2) Date 3) Phone number HENRY A. AMOON UJN.\'l. 12th Ave. Miami, Fla. 33128 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing addre~., phone & certification number. 1-305-324-0600 5) Lt'gal dCtirription of property: Section, Township. Range, ~, key~ _ L1\RGO 16 Subdivision, .!:.ey !...~go Ocean Shore Lot, Block, 14 Street, road or mile marker, mile marker 100 Lorelane Place (if acreage) ZOlling. 6) ! icscribe the proposed act.ivity, methods of construction & amount of materi81 (in cubic yards) to be excavated or disdwrged, Describe purpose & intended use of proi;f' f\. (l ~ d 15" At .l. \)" - ~ M: ~ II -\ ~ fo.'" -r. ~ l 'tal/... '~H. P a.. . \ C\ ~\';. dredged/excavateq ri ~~-1..{(t - fiHed/deoosited loe' -0- ~ AT -0- ~ , ___c.y. c,y'lr -___C.y. __c.y, waterward landward \. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M,H.W. of M.H,W. of M.H.W, "Ii luml' of material 7) !\ame, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way, F. C;\STRO ;'1. BROWN 190 Lorelane Place, _}82 Lorelane -P lace, Key Largo 33037 Key Largo ,33037 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: 11. S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS, APPLICANT H. AMOON ( see attachment h) If llpplication has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A 9, List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. U.S. ARMY CORPS. OF ENGINEERS ( see Attachment ) This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sds of drawings, on 81;'2 x 11 paper, .howing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, druwn to scale. h) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vortical seawalls on man.made bodies of water.:. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. --.--- Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. TlH' granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or fl'dl'ful law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. I ~., Signat . O~p~iican~~~:t ~ , . .---...-. Date For DeDartmtmL ~_~~ ' ~~~JJ..fJ ~-1~ IWOn .~..... ~wvu . --. 1161 ad '-k 4(;,01 Fee & l'8O" ,t Approved by Ass't Director -.. --- - . -..... .....- - ~-.,. .. ( ... " ft DRAWINC SHEET ]\l l' .- X / 5 -,- 11\/ G _ c. /I N e ! .~ ' uAl IlIA I'M e /:> I r . 70 k=f7" 1~ II' J ~___ ~o ~f:;'~ -'--~1' Deflt. / ' Co I'VI e ~'':d L 0 L..., T,'P< s:h'r' "f? h ~ ( G,f T I 'NT~ CoRAl ~r:Jl.k !:ol/I) I ,. -~.. ... , -I)" PURPOSE: ~ /( / /i I / !to:": ! I '~IJ ~< _ __A~L--f / I Ff ~ S-, ro;: c' ; l\ "'^.' $Ti "" ;1 i. ,,"~i- {- {o '..1 I ; " ~C>/"'!J ,:'C"A /2/) , ., r\ ,. \ ~ - ~ f ~'" .' r,I" ,-e9} ---,<, <. -(, L "-- r ( . ~ .."C /. i (' / . ________{~ ~.~: ~~''"' r,""..- . A B....' ~/.."" (JT ('~/~c, j Cl/",; '-C-r'-.".~;I' '''..:J"J:. .. .., r ......' /- '- -, . , ",,",.' 4 0' .~ /)- ,x. '- I 1L~,~,.' .. '=-..i 1,'.-;;: ! .I OATUH: Adjacent Propert~ Owner~: 1. ';:" ,,~. " ,..., 1.'''\:/ ,. A>....'- .-::.~:;' I ~"\ L /. I 1~/-4 r- '< V '/' ". T .. " U i';"';' 1=:.- (,'C c K"rt y L/"7~" IN AT 2. V. 't {I/ ~ /J, /3R-c. w,V / S~ 2.. COUNTY or L~I?f: ;;~,.,.1;: ?kc. ~ ". . h~Y L~" OER ror. 11-1.20J(I) Effective November JO, 1;;2 SHEET APPLICATION BYa or L-.----- I ! j ! STAn: DATE '. DRAIUNCi SHEET I' . .. :.': ~, ;"'1tf IV ..........!/'-"'- '_ __ _. .... lff. - -' vAili= / I"iL:.t -Z:.. , .." I _r -' -~ ........-- ~ ~~...: ( ~ cTlc,-. ~ j/ 'F Ji - / p~t1 fD~.: /) _.. - ---.-' '-~-r t:. t' ': .'l..{ 'P.(;IC ~ - - - ~1' , il ,~o: f::.c I'I.Dtlln / ,,' 6 ',t I,' X'~~7 ' ,.~- /" - ...- - iJ - '~\.. t: ' /4? .~ U f 072:. ",-- 7 /> 1-'.: ,-,'.-'Q:o' /t' /,.;-, .''''~''i/ -rrP/".....,...- PUR F : 5 E : t: ("," ~ $~'J, ','" i-' C" ,. ,'( I''')' ,. DATU"': '- L.t': ,4'". -.. ,: ...,/~ ..../ ,< c'.' /'I" C (,..1 " " ;" ." 't.. ~-"'.,.. ~ .'-'j':'. :IO'! .,,'.,. -.1 1. .A;::jacent Property Owners: IN ::P,:,.,,.,& t''''''=:..... .. AT COUNTY OF i11Cf{P'o~ S T A TEf-ln "APPLICA lION BY I 2. -- DER Fora 17-1.20)(1 Effectiye NOYe.ber JO. 1982 -- SHEET OF DATE ,.,..- -, ----.-. ------~--_.__._- --- .01- . t ' , ' '. -' '." ":', '.' ,'" '.' " ", ''', ' I~Thi~ noticEiof~ut~o'rizatiori'inust'b~' i....:, I~CO~SPi~UO~Sly.,disPI7~ed<at the/sit~ .CJf'~CJrk:t .' . United States Anny Corps of Engineers \3 NDJ6v\B~Q... 1984 A permit to CDt-.\~mvC\ ,..., eo",.,...~\...\P IN. 1\~ A'(a(\=IC.th-L.. \0b.IE:.Q.vJo.~ at LC51 lie Loef:.LA"lc~C:&-~ K~ lhlcCl0 . ~ON,?OE.- CCUNlo( J FWl2cOh. on I~ N.DV 19~ ENG FORM 4338. JutS1 lEA 1145-2-303) EDITION OF JUL 70 MAY BE USED (Proponent: DAEN- CWO} '- ,- /" ,,/ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION . , BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J, TSCHINKEL SECRETARY SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE 7451 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GaRDA, FLORIDA 33950-9359 PERMITTEE: Henry A. Amoon 123 N.W. 12th Ave. Miami, Florida 33128 PERMIT/CERTIFICATION NO. 440924715 DATE OF ISSUE: January 24, 1985 EXPIRATION DATE: February 1, 1987 COUNTY: Monroe LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: 25 0 05 I 0 1 "N . 800 26' 20"W SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 33 61S 39E PROJECT: Boat Slip This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule(s) 17-3, 17-4 & 17-12. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawings(s), plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: to excavate approximately 1,200 cubic yards of material landward of MHW for construction of a 40' X 15' X -5' MLW boat slip on a manmade canal contiguous to the Atlantic Ocean (Class III Waters), an artificial navigable waterbody in Section 33, Township 61S, Range 39E, Monroe County. DER Form 17-1.201(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 1 of 5 Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life . r -- , r::... .,.,.~ " i"'a~{~' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL ! ~ i' ., . ....- l( __. '_......,.___.".._. ()[:-: :;0 FLA 9, u, . : CIliINCH Ofi" " File No.: 440924715 County: Monroe Date: 11-14- 8 4 Applicant Name: Henry A. Amoon Address: 123 N.W. 12-Avenue, Miami, Florida 33128 Agent (if applicable) : None Address: Location of project: Section(s) 33 Section(s) , Local Reference: Key Larqo Water Body: Atlantic Ocean Nater Classification of Project Area: Township 61S Range 39E Township Range III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 10-31-84 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as'defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical 'facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project~ D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) AMOON, HENRY A. #440924715 Monroe County - Key Largo Page Two A. The applicant would like to provide improved boat mooring facilities at his canal front residential property. _ In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant proposes to excavate a b9at slip along the shoreline of his property. The proposed boat slip will measure 40 ft. long1 parallel to the shoreline, and 15 ft. wide and 6 ft. mean low water (MLW) deep. Approximately 190 yd3 of material will be excavated, virtually entirely landward of mean high water (MHW) , in order to create the slip. The applicant's estimate of 1,200 yd3 of excavation appears to be very high. No information on how the proposed construction work will be accomplished i~'provided with the application. Information on~ow the-~pciil will be disposed of is particularly absent. No information on how water quality will be maintained while the project is under construction, has been provided. B. The project site is located in the Rock Harbor area of Key Largo in the Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision. Most of the subdivision is oriented toward single family residences, however, sections of it are developed with business and multi-family residences. The majority of lots within the subdivision are canalfront. A network of three canals runs through the subdivision. The canals connect to the Atlantic Ocean within John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park at their eastern end and Rock Harbor, also within the park, at their western end. A private canalfront residence occupies the lot which borders the west side of the applicant's property. Boat mooring facilities are provided for this residence by a large boat basin on the side of the canal. To the east, the applicant's property is bordered by a vacant lot covered by a mixture of bottonwood trees (Conocarpus erecta), sea daisy (Borrichia frutescens), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulascastrum), and knot grass (Paspalum distichum). The south side of the applicant's property is bordered by Lorelahe Place which provides overland access to it. To the north, the applicant's property is bounded by a canal. Both the waters within the canal and in Rock Harbor and the Atlantic Ocean, at the end of the canal, are designated as Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). The waters of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park have the additional designat.ion of Outstanding Florida Waters, (Chapter 17-3.041, Florida Administrative Code) . . u AMOON, HENRY A. #440924715 Monroe County - Key Largo Page Three Key Largo Ocean Shores subdivision has been the location of several recent projects permitted by the Department. The most noteworthy among these is Permit Number 44-34296, issued on April 23, 1982, to Mr. Robert Krieter which authorized the dredging-6f one of the three canals within the subdivision. C. The applicant's property consists of a 70 ft. by 120 ft. canalfront lot with the long axis oriented perpendicular to the canal shoreline. The ground is quite flat on the lot at an elevation of approximately one foot above mean high water (MHW). Substrate on the lot consists of a very thin layer of crushed rock fill over Key Largo limestone bedrock. High points in the~e9rock shows through the fill at many locations. The canal was excavated through the bedrock adjacent to the applicant's property, in a manner which resulted in a near verticle but very jagged canal wall. Depths within-the canal typically run around eight to ten feet MLW. A signi- ficant tidal head difference exis~between the Atlantic Ocean and the Rock Harbor end of the canal. The result of this head difference is relatively high current volocities within the canal. The high current volocities and generally good flushing characteristics of the canal, have in turn resulted in favorable water quality conditions. The flora on the lot can be divided into three general catagories. One of these catagories is the canal edge, dom- inated by a row of buttonwood trees which typically run around 15 ft. high with an understory composed of sea daisy and sea purslane. The remaining two catagories of flora account for the remaining area of the lot. In both of these two areas, the lot is covered by numerous but widely spaced buttonwood trees, along with one or two Florida Holly trees (Schinus terebinthifOlius). The distinguishing characteris- tics that separates the two areas is the ground cover. On roughly the eastern half of the lot, the ground cover around the trees is dominated by sea daisy. On the northern half of the lot, the ground cover is dominated by the fringerush Fimbristylis spathacea and Sporobolus domingensis. The difference in the ground cover on the eastern and western halves of the lot appears to be caused by the western half having been mowed periodically in the past. A few scattered patches of sea purslane were observed on both sides of the lot and an area veget~ted by knotgrass (Paspalum distichun) runs along the road. The remains of what appeared to be a very old wrack line (i.e. at least several months old), was located in the central portion of the lot. G AMOON, HENRY A. #440924715 Monroe County - Key Largo Page Four D. Construction related activities are likely to result in temporarily elevated levels of dissolved organic co~pounds, particulate organic compounds, and turbidity in the waters surrounding the project site. The applicant has not indicated any'plans to utilize any controls that would result_ in a reduction of this impact. Without proper controls, the strong currents in the canal are likely to carry the pollutants, generated by the construction activites, far and wide. Once the boat slip is complete and in use, it will facilitate a more intense level of use of the canal. Increased dis- charges of____toxic metals, hydrocarbons, detergents, organic compounds and miscellaneous debris can be expected to result. The magnitude of the increase of these discharges is not exp~cted to be very great and the strong flushing currents in the canal are expected to keep the levels of these pollutants at acceptable levels. Although the application does not state where the spoil generated by the proposed work will be placed, it seems likely that it will end up on the applicant's lot. Spoiling on the applicant's lot will tend to destroy the wetlands which presently cover much of it. Additionally, the opera- tion of construction equipment on the lot, while'the slip is being excavated, is likely to scarify the wetlands on the lot. It is therefore likely that a secondary impact of the proposed work will be damage to or loss of the wetlands on the applicant's property. With the loss of the wetlands will also be the loss of the associated functions of primary production, habitat and pollution filtration. In the case of the project site, these functions are represented moderately well. . o