Resolution 188-1985 Edward L. Stickney, Director Public Works Department RESOLUTION NO. 188 -1985 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CHANGE ORDERS NO. 4 AND 5 AMENDING THE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND MONROE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONCERNING THE MONROE COUNTY JAIL EXPANSION PROJECT. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, previously entered into a contract with Monroe Construction Company for the purpose of making improvements to the Monroe County Jail facilities, and WHEREAS, Monroe County desires to issue Change Order No. 4 increasing the contract amount by $14,806.43 for the installation of Lexan and Viracon type glass in various areas of the new jail per requests by the Florida Department of Corrections and the State Fire Marshall and Change Order No. 5 increasing contract amount by $4,950.00 for the installation of an increased size Fire Pump necessitated by the addition of the third floor and submit said Change Orders No. 4 and 5 to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for its approval, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board of County Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes execution by the Mayor of Change Orders No. 4 and 5 to that certain contract entered into by and between Monroe County, Florida, and Monroe Construction Company for the purpose of increasing the contract amount by $14,805.43 for the installation of Lexan and Viracon type glass in various areas of the new jail per requests by the Florida Department of Corrections and the State Fire Marshall and to increase contract amount by $4,950.00 for the installation of an increased size Fire Pump necessitated by the addition of the third floor. 2. That said Board also approves and authorizes the adjust- ment to be made in the Contract Price and Time as contained in said Change Orders No. 4 and 5. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of June, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B ~~~::::>;~ ~ ~ y \.. .... -~- ayor ha~rman (Seal) Attest :P~NX L. KOLHAGE, Clerk />) / ~/ ~?" h~" :u ~^L I er r7l/P~~ I?' , I VED AS TO FORM GAL SUFFICIENCY. , . BY Attorney's Office 2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 (Revised) ~ob No. 04-016.00 Pi=O}eet TiUe: r~onroe County Ja i 1 Expans i on Contractor: ~ Monroe Construction Company Contract Date: ~~ay 16, 1985 To: j~onroe Constructi on Company P.O. Box 1118 Tavernier, Florida 33070 You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contr~c\i/' O. _.. . ~CJ:.~ Attest: . By: h(A);..Q~g~~ Edward L. Stickney, Director Date: Title: j'P.onroe Coun ty Fub lie "'orks Dept. Nature of the Change: 1. The addition and installation of 3/4" Lexan to Door No's. 112 & 113. 2. The addition and installation of 1 3/16" "Viracon 136" clear laminated bullet resistant type glass to Room No's. 106 (1st floor control room) and 104 (2nd floor control room). The addition and installation of 1/4" l'lire Glass on vestibu'le side of Room No 's. 125,126,128,129,130,131,133 and 13t:. The above changes were a result of requests by Percy Folsom, Florida Depart~ent of Corrections, and Bill Schlussler, State Fire ~arshal to provide maximum security and requested fire ratings at the above described locations. . , .., ,) . The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) ~~ Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) ~ Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Time Including this Change Order: $ ?,nS8,487.00 14,80b.~3 2,1r,3,293.41 481 days -0- ~.81 days Prepared by: Robert Zuccaro Date: j~ay 31, 1985 Post, Buc , as Monr By: Robert Zuccaro er The Above C~es are Accepted: Attest: Y2..1i~;l~d2~v:"~ ,,:.-'""-'~ Cle ' C -~/-g? Title:"Hator/Chairman of the Board of County ommlSSloners ot Monroe county, Florida Date: GC/# 18 i 't.: -:" ~ .. CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 .lob No. 04-016.00 PrO}ecl Title: Monroe County Jail Expansion Contract Date: ~ay 16, 1985 Contractor: - Monroe Construction Company To. Monroe Construction Company . P.O. Box 1118 Tavernier, Florida 33070 You ~e directed to make the changes noted below in th~~.~ Attest: . . By: ~ yJ~y~~ Date: Title: Monroe County Pub 1 i c \~orks Dept. APpriCTo Corre Form , By: Attorney for Monroe County Nature of the Cbange: 1. Increase the size of the Fire Pump from 50 HP to 60 HP to accomodate additional pumping requirements to service the additional third floor (after initial contract was executed). Contract price shown below is for installation of the pump and associated electrical work. The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (IDWIHi~~) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (~~~~~~*~) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Time Including this Change Order: $ 2,103,293.43 4,950.00 2,108,243.43 481 davs -0- 481 days Prepared ,by: Robert Zuccaro Date: May 31, 1985 Post, Bu as Monr By: Robert Zuccaro er Attest: - .... ~ cO ~~~".tJ~"-...~~~ Date: Title: Hayor/Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida GClli1P