Resolution 214-1985 ..~ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morales Petitioners RESOLUTION NO. 214- 1985 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing no objections were made to the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described street, alley-way, road or highway as delin- eated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A portion of the dedicated street of HILSON COURT, as shown on the Plat of HAMMER POINT PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 241 of said Hammer Point Park; thence run South 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West for a distance of 37.36 feet; thence run South 00 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 239; thence run along said northwesterly line of Lot 239, and the northeasterly prolongation thereof, North 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds East for a distance of 65.06 feet; thence run north 48 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds for a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby ordered to publish notice of said meeting and adoption of this Resolution in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. 7 Il} ;/" PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of July, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ar/.. t-l~/ 1./. ' --/,;.-11 t/ . ,.!... UiJl?J ,/ ~-J" Mayor/Chairman By (Seal) Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk iJ B . , l-.: " '. ;,Ir , ",;-. ,.<' " ;~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of County.Commis- . .'. sioners, will hold a publ_i~ hearing on July'-Z, M8S=at-a;.e Tavernier Elks Club, Mile Marker 92~, Bay?ide, Tavernier, Monroe County, ,Florida, at 8: 30 A. M. for the purpose of determining whether or.not the following describe-d street, alleyway, road or highway shall be abandoned: A portion of the dedicated street of HILSON COURT, as shown on the Plat of HAMMER POINT PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: :; ,~' ". Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 241 of said Hammer Point Park; thence run South 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West for a distance of 37.36 feet; thence run South 00 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 239; thence run along said northwesterly line of Lot 239, and the northeasterly prolongation thereof, North 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds East for a distance of 65.06 feet; thence run north 48 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds for a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. . . Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decided to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and eviden.ce ~pon which the appeal is to be based. DATED at Key West, Florida, this 13th day of June, 1985. DANNY L. KOLHAGE ~ Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida "( SEAL) , . .' '~.",::} . ',:,.. \ :l; "t'.. " ~,",i . . J. ~ . , ' , .11.. <:~ 'I~r" .:~ ;'''''''. '.,Ot ~~. "" .f ,J>: ,;'" Tt "', ~ f. " >;,.: ,~: .(." ..,. . " . , , August 24, 1984 TO: ~:ONnOI:; COUHTY CmU1I3SImL~H::::'; ;'le. the undersigned, hereby' submit this petition so that Vincent and j'~artha f';orales (Lot ,/240, Hammerpoint Park) may obtain the road they request through the abandonment procedures of ~;onroe County. By no'means does the road ,hinder our ability to enter onto our property (Lot iI239), 7 '')' -',' .Il{/, }17'A.1'" f;l.~.L~~_(2 F'. if.: Michaels I', . . ,.., / c.,.t1. r:;~L~ 7)'/ // A. Kelley / ,/' /'~' L'&r__~' r- '" " . ,~ ; , , '~ '.' :":.., .,\,t. }:~: ,f.~~'~ . ~:j , , ',).'. '(' ." . " ' ,...i' . August 24, 1984 '. " ' TO: EONROr.; COilliTY COr'HUJ0IONli:ns -I, the undersigned, hereby'su'Qmit this petition so tilat Vincen.t amLJ:artha Horales (Lot #240, Hammerpoint, Park) may obtain the road they request through the abandoment procedures of Monroe County. By no means does. the road hinder my ability to enter onto my property (Lot #241). /: ! f;:; 1''1 , <fA C<, " . Sally Scott :I v . 1 j... !A.-L' " . ,J ',;;~P,ROFESS;ONAL LAN-'". I~V~;~:O~ If;'~{~';P'O..~ 73 " .T~V~R~I E.~. P.L;A. .' I"FJ'~''''''': " .;::.' ,',:;', ":":" 33070 ~~;\~,'~.\:: '..' '.:"~":,'~:.>::.,' '" '~"" :. , ~ I" ,. I , ',:/>'PHONE i.. (305), 8S2,.,:H529 ";". ,. i I.' ...~, 1: ' .. .,',..!:..'}.. . ;.. .'...'.. ':" ; 7 , t.~<.: i '....ovi;t...;J;, .~...... ~.' L~~ of .'~ "':"Y'~I '~: '..,\~'. tj .,' '" ',,' . '':''~ ~~ " .... .... " .. t . . . I } ..":-"! LOTIS :jc r. :0(: ten <1 nd liCJ u nd fJ ;. E: on 1)1..... t-".). ~ ,., '. ,\' " ~ ...... " , ~. : :J . .\ .. . ...:. , , ~., t ,..... ......,.-.. J' \ :;: i..:.... .. , , ~ :' ' PB. 6' : " ':'L.()I r:~,'."~" ,',. . /'. I'" " .I . ,.,: Z~ A r(: 'ot~~~.' . 7/.~.. J. "':'.. :i: .; ~ ::.~'~.;:\ . ., : -~. ... .). . I .' 0"". ~ ~ , ' ", ,:, "! ". ." ~ "~" " sw: ,CYJ'?I!.:' .... Or Lor' '.. I..... ,J .:. 1:4/." ' 'I?a# ',' '}:}?" :~.r~'~~lii[ ( 4:; ." .... -..^. , '.~ ,t . , '""" 0, . ~'. 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NO. 5Z4;i/1 FB. ~O. 5"1- SCALE:., ..i~ :...... . . ." ..... , . ~9!~\ EL'EVATIONS ,:'SHOWN'.'THUS @ REFER .:~~:~~~>~: SEA ::'LE;VEt,."OATUM, : 1929' ADJ.. BM~ ',SKI' .',1' ELE . ~,'I" . r<HERE8Y CERTIFY THAT :THE SURVEY' AS SHOWN MEETS THE REQUIREM ENTS OF. CH. 21- HH- 6 OF THE ~1;l;~~!'4I~TR~T'V~.~~Cp'P~.~:' "~/~:"t"~_ ~1;~;' j :~~':'i"\"L,\'l'>~;" ,;~::,:"~:'. :';><v HAL '.THOMAS . F:I..A. ,R.L.S.~0:-3925 ~""i1t:':~.~':,;\{~.}':~:~~~:\;~\~ 4~1?/'~"<!~f;{r'" :,' ,:~,:.n ',!:"., . ~:,;~ '''-,::.y:{'.. ., . A~ 8 .. REV. OESeR: " , .,. .~ "":'. ~:I' .) TO U.S.C. 8G.S. REF. > 'f <It .' ;f,-; l -, "". -. -::...,~ ....~ . - ~ --' ........'..:....(..' HEREON FLOR IDA . ~" ./...:. .,J'___' .. ~ ' .- ..... , " .~, ~ rMAN~ II, UlllMI'~ & ^",,<:. R.ECISTI!IU!D LAND SURVEYOR . , POST OffiCE Box 279 , , TAVllaNlRa, FLORIDA 33070 ?'of 2 TElEPHONE: (305) 852-5529 IJEGAL DE.'';CRIPTION SU-5249A " ; A portion of the dedicat~d street of HILSON COUR~, as shown on the Plat of HAMMER POINT PAI~, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 of: the public records of ~lonroe County, }'lorida, 'being more pa'rticularly described as' follows i Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 241 of said Hammer Faint Parki~hence ru~ South 41 degrees 55 ~inutes 12 seconds West for a,distance of 37.36 feetiThence vun South OO,degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 239iThence run along said northwesterly line of Lot 239, and the north- easterly 'prolongation thereof., North 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds East for a distance of ~5.06 feetiThence run North 48 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds West for a distance of 25.00 feet tp the Point of Beginning. (. 1:' ~: ~ .( Containing 1280 square feet. ~ ' v. .....'.. . .". ... .c . ., i',~ ., ""f" ; . . 'J' , " , '" ~. ' \~." .~ ,\', , ":,:);~/;h,?:;, ." -, ...... . .i ~_.~ '<' " August 2l~, 1984 llMI"'S MiD ADDHI:S3j~ Oft' ADJ^C'~l~T fHOl': '1\'[1 (J\t,lwm.,; TO LOT liZ/tO: LOT IIZ39 I'ir. F'. i'l. r;ichaels &. _,J1r. A. Kelley 127 Hilson Court Hammerpoint Park Tavernier, Florida ))070 1.01' #241' r-:s. :)"!-lly :) cot t . 1)5 Hilson Court Hammerpoint Park Tavernier, Florida JJ070 .' '. . I~. <:' :.f. 'j.:'- +~~~t,' /!~-:. t(~~ I".' .. -' .:\' "It - :". ~' " ;',' : , ,~ ..=.,.. . October 22, 1984 TO: II,ON HO;~ COUnTY cmllHSS ION ;;;m,; \ie, the undersigned, are t)1e abutting property ownerso:fmeplu}'I.';.1.Ly l'ir. and l'lrs. Vincent l.jorales desire'. to have abandoned. Ve -nave n6- objection to the abandonment of this property. (Lot #240)- .",_ . ._J;' /"( .-"1~~ . 0 !~. VI. Michaels ../} (:-<::::) '> . .' . . . . .. October 22, 1984, ,TO: r';OImO:~ COUNTY COrIlIIJJIOIj;;;ilJ /: " I, the undersigned, am the abutting property owner of the property lir. and I'lrs. Vincent Morales desire to have abandoned. I have no objection to the abandonment of this property. (Lot #240) ~I .. li~v' Sany Scott I (Lot #241) . i'. . ~~.> :;.~ i", _f 1 " , ., . ,.,,' ~'\ .' , . ,;:,:. ".,:' . . . .~~':t' ..~ ..,.}'. . . . " J .~: .~ ~, .. .. ., . .. ~ ~ ---- "t', ~'i; .. , ,. " .~ .' '..:ir:; ., ,."' . ,~ ..~,.: ' .... ( . .. :- ,1 ;/\,f~. , ,';1' R. E. Leon District Manager. Dislribulion Engineering I Assignment , September 25, 1984 File: Hammer Point Park Plat File . Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morales 2430 S. W. 4 Street Miami, Florida 33135 (g Southern Bell 9500 sw. 1BJ ,Slreet Room 231 pf'rrine, Floric'a 33157 Phone (30,5) ,'52-6111 " . Please be advised that Southern Bell has no objection to the vac~tion of tha~ portion of Hilson Court, in Hammer Point Park, as, descri~ed on drawing number 5249A of the survey by Hal Thomas. Dear Sir: Yours truly, istrict Manager-Distribution ~ineering/ASSignment . . .. A BEUSOUTH Company '. - -, - -(7-- . / - ~y~ g;, eJ. f!IJ ox- .J 77 .9f6(}S @~ak Y6}l~ fY~ ff~.J.J()7(} (Y(}s) 35.2-.211.11 . ' 28 August 1984 ~~-.- r ''i. " --. ~-, - 6 '..'t . :.'r.' "-~'.:~> ~ ,~,:,,' r.lr. & tks. MOrales, 2430 S.W.4th St. Miami, FL 33135 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Morales: . . This is in response to your request of August 27, 1984. Please be advised that Florida Keys Electric has no objection to the abandonment of the easement existing on Lot 240 in Hammer Point Park, Plat Book 5, page 35; Monroe County, Fl. . A 5' utility easement existing North from the S.W. corner of Hilson Court, 37.36' and continuing N.E., 37.361 along Hilson Court to Lot 241. ., . -.. . :.10, ~lease advise me should you require any further information or assistance regarding this matter. \' " Sincerely, ., '~~:; ';,1.. " t.;_~ }',: ..1';'1' . ~f'.l~f- ~:t}:~ . ~ ./1) /} h r ;/~ ~~ Tom'Roebling Engineering Department ~;t., . TR/kl t':~l. . '~\ . ~~ cc: file 1;-... "t ;. .''.', :;;1\ . s$~ @UHU?d~ r .'. ~.I ':',~ " '., ,. ~t ~ )' ~~ i;"..: . 1,.'- ....., : t."-. Ii" '1' ,/ " X't': .- FI__ -~a Keys Aqueduct Authority //;7 P Post Office Box 1239 di'cr ' 1100 Kennedy Drive 4.- ., Key West, Flonda 33040 , k '\:J~' ['-, o. :,:> Telephone (305) 296.2454 . " ~ ~:tl '"\l " ' .... < '~'."~7~.~U. :d?"')' "'C::::::i}>[5!.;, .,,' ~/':)i;.\/h;,!,'?:';;/<::::: ... . ;;/0 o ~---.-,. August 30, -1984 County .of Monroe P.O. Box 1029 Key West, Fl 33041 Re: Lot 240 Hammerpoint sid Tavernier, Fl ". We have no objection to Mr. & Mrs. Morales to obtain the easement for this property as they will give us acess to our water meter for monthly readings. Sincerely, KO-~1 K~ Florida Keys Aqueduct "Authority Stanley W. Hole Chairman-Naples . Robert W. Padrick Vice Chairman-Fort Pierce Robert L. Clark, Jr. J. Neil Gallagher Nathaniel P. Reed.. John L. Hundley Charles L. Crumpton Jeanne Bellamy Joe Pinder Aubrey L. Burnham Ft. Lauderdale St. Cloud Hobe Sound Loxahatchee Miami Shores Coral Gables Key West Okeechobee . .. ~ August 2'~, 1 oP.lJ.. . . 'AGIW!Cl-ii'1fT TO rAY" ^0S:~SS!;;n V^LUJ'~ 01,' Ij,'Ol')~IlTY MiD CUST:.) m' AlJVr;;HTIsniC AI:n . . rUDLISHTIlG nji:Qu In?D UOTIC!':S - (Hamm~rpoint Park, Lot 1/2/W) ..; . -, \'Ie. Vincent and Martha Norales agree to pay the assessed-value rd" -the road (property) we are reque~ting and also agree tqpay J.h~ 9o.st5-of advertising and publishing the 'required notices related to this road (property). .' ~? : ,'.... /.1/ ~". '1)~;~", ~."".. ' .t~~r~ :.t<. "~t.i ' :~<. -/ J./ I{) ~ CA ~ J-.. Vincent f':orales ". ,. ". .' i,~::".. . . ~~f . .:,:!: :i~,'{ . , .: . ,~.' '" .... :~~, ,'I' , ~l~ -, ".. " . .w .," PHONE .451-3077 (~ ':.' MORAN REAL TV, INC. 104615 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY -KEY LARGO"FLORIDA 33037 .':,( ;; NANCY H. MORAN, BROKER ;.g L~~'''; "":,"',' <~~:~ :: ~~.lt, ~:,: October 26, 1984 ..;,:;.'~'~ .. > '.. ~: . . .1'". .. ,,~~. ,- .-..- .. .......... ~:t~ :'.. :X:::, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ....- , . ,~~~:~ :t: ......:-0 ., . ~..:. .~~ -I' '. . .,.... ~t~{:.. .::..~ .0.,:, ' ~{.;I' . ~l\~:' "" '\~'.P', ;f-.":' ,! ~'71 :'F:. RE: Hammer Point Park Plat Book 6, Page 35; Monroe County,. VACATED COUNTY RlGiT OF WAY t."" A~ter checking the official survey and vis~ally sited the property I find it as indicated by said survey as " a portion of the dedicated street of HILSGl COURT". ;s~' ", - ~~'.:( This property contains approximately 1280 feet and. is in my 'opinion worth ~. . '. @~~: . approx;imately $750.00 to $1000.00 and only to the abutting property oWners -'l!'."" .." .,'. . "~~~ '. Vincent and Martha Morales. ~ ",~~,"";" . .,'J.y.. ~:.t .,......... . .. ~ ; ~.. ...- " ...~. r, , .::.~ I.,. n ;",".',.' .\1'.' "..... . >(:: ", ..':~.::~. ",...... \..~... I..::...... ..~ :i...., ~. -., . ':;~.:~ ~\,i. r .... ~ " . -,,' N;:; This property has been appraised for the, purpose of acquiring the vacated County Right of Way. . . .--" "'--; t.' -/~ ;" -..:7"7'/' / / 'h':'?~:.::''''<-7~' i ,/ 1'~.~-j.:1...(.1-/' 1 Nancy lj-: r-Ioran, Broker MORAN REALTY INC. .. - ./.i\j"';' r .' I, ~~ ~ ".'li,':, Raymond :"', v~~~ \ .:li:\'~~." REAL ESTATE, INC. ':;'i~E. . ::, . f"'('I.l ,~;~., ,"~ i l -' , 't ., .~',~.~h: ~. ~! ,":' J ' 'f~\.'., '.i' ...'l1;;;~':' .il,. ' Jj~'\:i': , I}. l. l' . ,. r 'j:...~~'!'P';; . if:~~ ~';~;":~," < ?1~fJ;' ..;"",, .o;~1~:'i~~,~ " .~A~;",~ . . if it~.,.J .. .'. r <fJ~~\;f.:' . .~\~, :'" ' '~ ~:H~\;~;t; ,1;,~~t'I~ ~ ".. "p'~.f.;.J.,...,,j, , , ;.;' t"'" , :~Wtt:!:i" " · '..t,~~,,~, f;r\ '. :,'\ 4. f.'t-~:';.:r-~;.'. 'U~r1:).'':.' ,/~~'}~':~",,(;",~': . . I" \1j.... ..rt "",' . ,l~"/'-~:t:fr": , ~ ~.jl '.f~ :. .. ,/,1\, ~""~'rr'-"i' I . . ',\:!',~; It!,;" t\ JU'~..~! !~'~;i ,: J ,,",,' ~,t,: ;:)~ :",t, ,:':'~\~f::~:~;:~,;( ',..,~J~~~'i.~i,,; , ..J~~~:ji..:~t-. ~. ,;.\~;',~.~.,: "1', ,i'~~I:!I"'" \;p~;)t;~!;~~~..~:.. '.;h.,j:,~..p,: i . '.' .t(li ... . A~'i~\1i,;;', , ' . 'rt~'(;"~t~,,(::; 'l' '~~:, .,' ," '1~\;'1' ;,; ,~ , '. 'f~~::t\ ::,;".' .J \'(~'~ ..... . ':~, ~\' !"Ii. . ',: \ _.,. \.. J "I : ~ ..~~;1.J.'i:~~~. , j~''1'~:~~r~'_' I ',il~~r;<!i",i f.~~~l,l~"1.:' . ,1:<" :',,'.' . I 'I,~;:~tf' ," '\; '~'Il' ' ~ 'J 'J.'" ~ri 'f . '."1~,,:,:j: . . , 't'i..,'li~,. . \ ^'J'."j.' . ., ':,I~rl'," . ,~~",ttl'i( , 1:;.,.l..."2 .~.; r . .::!:~i t ',;",' '; . . . t;~I'~~;; ;. t.""tV' ... I "~~'I"~'~' ,'" },I' . ." tl't'l ".". ,I . 'i:~Y.',~~ ",(: .~"~.' "iIH., ',t' ,(~,)r'\:/}::;:' .~' l~~r~ .~., I . rf.~fIW :V~. i:~' ," "'I~V5'~ ,;:" OI:;~~'S' ',11. ,,' , " r,~1XLC1' '~~"" ~ ~..:l . . " ' A. '.Warner REAL TOR I rl'".. \:' "'IL Ill) il'.~ "I- o I . I, ,I' ,,- ~ I . :~;t " m RIM lOR · ",if COVE.R THE WATERf~O~,l,~,..'f~ t . t~, :'.~.. 'fr' . t . .1 I f ~.; :.': :.~;~.~.!~. /:: : .~. .:~. ,'J> " April, 24, 1985 I:' ., ~-'-'---. :.' .... ., APPRAISAL LE'ITER .~ ~~ ....1. ... '. i ~"; ,,'''' I ~ ' i \ 'd ';::'. it' ;'/t ::, :~',~. i.,' "J f I , i r' To ~ it may~:' " ' . . ,t. . '1' ,~ . Leg~ Description:.:See a~tached Item A " Property is located at the north end of Hilson Ct., on west side and part of paved road, in SUbdivision nown as Hamrer Point Park, in Tavernier Fla. The '. sulxiivision is app~tely 65 miles south of Miami, Fla., and. is ~a M:Jbile Hare' Park with canal!;" that: lead into Fla. Bay. 'There are schools, shopping and chu.rchesnear1?:t;,"",. ' . '; ':.:....' .~., I ~ .~. f, 1'" . ,.' '.'_~ !" ."- " ,-'.~ ", " , . .,. , . f,' ,:.~ , I , ,}, The, lot size ,ip 4f~.cuXl contains 1280 square feet, it is. adjacent to . lot 24Q. <,," ., .. .' ". Figuring.a cost of., $2.50 per square foot, Fi~~.a cost of $LSO per square foot , ;,;.':0.,; .,(aw~.~ ' ~20 ..," " ) ': " r, r.; " ~,,-.~' .'. , . '..'. To~,'"apprai~ '0' ..' ,"t .",.., \ . value of lot would be...~.$3200.00 for paving, value \t.QU1d be. 780.00 " ,~I j .I:': ;.,J . ~\.1ef'.,. ~'........................... .................. .$398D.OO I '",,',' , ,. , .t;. , . .Respec~ly sul:mi.tteq",,' . pp. ~~~. '?-i1t/ ~.-;;ry Rayn6fi A. Warner,. $I'. ' , Realtor ' '::. . , :1 i 0, ~:'.' .",' ". ;c:. ,':. 'I' .', ,f . :~~ . I " ,.,1' ~ f., T ," ',n , .' , ", .~:-. ';.' ',' :':," 'r. ',d , .;. ,. , '. , .' , .:/ ,,'. ! I. POST OFFICE BOX 835 . KEY LARGO. FLORioA 3303'1 . PHONE (305) 451-3US v 1~ . . I " '. : " ., ~" , , ,!',~ ~:{~.: . 1 ~ 'ot , ~',~['V., - .' /lr ' ~ .!.Ji~~i '-i'..:;,"! .--,~ . II!-' 7~~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION - STATE OF FLORIDA BOX 1197, TAVERNIER, FL. 33070 COUNTY OF MONROE DAGNY WOLFF Before the undersigned authc,ri ty personally appeared , who on oath, says that he is EDITOR & PUBLISHER of THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida; LEGAL NOT! CE that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ()~ k)4 AND SUBSCR I B~ BEFORE ME HI I S __20TH JUNE -g) A D Published: (1/13/8[; DAY D':' ..~ ):::::r.7';~,w," ~ / o~tC>I,J:f ",II-leI:. PICJ(~t> --rr"l'$ v " r?;Y 0).11 t6-/""'~~ IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING in the ,court, was Pb~J3:~ in said newspaper in the lssues of Affiant further says that the said REPORTER isl I newspaper published at Tavernier, in said Monroe Coun; Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore b' continuously published in the said Monroe County, Flo each week (on Thursday), and has been entered as seCOl class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, in County of Monroe, Florida, for a period of one year n preceding the first publication of the attached copy advertisement; and affiant further says that he has n paid nor promised any firm, person, or corporation an discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpo~ securing this said advertisement for publication in 1 said newspaper. SEAL SWORN TO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~~... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners, pubhc hearIng on July.2, 1985 at the Tavernier Elks Club, Mile ~ Baysld~, Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida, at 8:30 A,M, for the deternumng whether or not the following describ<,d street allevw highway shall be abandoned: ' . A portidll of the dedicated street of HILSON COURT, as shown or HAMMER~INT PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 0 Records of nroe County, Florida, being more particularly described: Begu)nIng the southwesterly corner of Lot 24 I of said Hammer thence nIn So\-th 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West for a distal ~eet: thence run South ()() degrees 04 minutes 48 """onds East for a 37,36 feet to a poInt on the northwesterly line of Lot 239; thence rUI northwesterly hne of Lot 239, and the northeasterly prolongation th. 41 degrees 55 mmutes 12 seconds East for a distance of 65,06 feet; nor~h 4~ degrees 04 mmutes 48 seconds for a distance of 2~l.f)O fe~t to BegInnmg. P.ursuant to Section 286.0105, florida Statutes, notice is given that deCIded to appeal any decision made by the board with ""'JlE'Ct to conSidered at such heanngs or meetings, he will need a ""cord of the p and tha~, fo~ such p~. he may need to ell8ure that a verbatim ... proceedmgs IS made, which record includes the testimony and evidence the appeal IS to be b_d, DATED at Key West, Florida, this l~th day of June, 19115. DANNY L, I Clerk of the Ci of Monroe COUI ~d e officio ( Hoard of C lJnty COIT of ,mroe Cour , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commis- sioners, will hold a public hearing on July 2, 1985 at the Tavernier Elks Club, Mile Marker 92~, Bayside, Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida, at 8:30 A.M. for the purpose of determining whether or not the following described street, alleyway, road or highway shall be abandoned: A portion of the dedicated street of HILSON COURT, as shown on the Plat of HAMMER POINT PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 241 of said Hammer Point Park; thence run South 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West for a distance of 37.36 feet; thence run South 00 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 239; thence run along said northwesterly line of Lot 239, and the northeasterly prolongation thereof, North 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds East for a distance of 65.06 feet; thence run north 48 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds for a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decided to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. DATED at Key West, Florida, this 13th day of June, 1985. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A CERTAIN STREET, AS DELINEATED ON A CERTAIN RECORDED PLAT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida, at a meeting held on the 19th day of July, A.D. 1985, duly adopted a resolution renouncing and disclaiming any right of the County and the public in and to the following described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the herein- after described map or plat, to-wit: A portion of the dedicated street of HILSON COURT, as shown on the Plat of HAMMER POINT PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 241 of said Hammer Point Park; thence run South 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds West for a distance of 37.36 feet; thence run South 00 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Lot 239; thence run along said northwesterly line of Lot 239, and the northeasterly prolongation thereof, North 41 degrees 55 minutes 12 seconds East for a distance of 65.06 feet; thence run north 48 degrees 04 minutes 48 seconds for a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. DATED at Key West, Florida, this 1st day of August, A.D. 1985. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida, and ex officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL)