Resolution 237-1985 RE,SfDCUtIfDN NfD. 237 -1985 WHEREA.$, the BfDARD fDf t~UNty tfDmmI,S,SIfDNER,S fDf mfDNRfDE tfDUNty, fCfDRIDA, has receivea an application from HfD~ KEY PARtNER,SHIP , ana WHEREA,S, in compliance with ,State ,Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceaure to reaa the fOllowing Biological Assessment into th~ Recora as follows: ~". The appli~ant proposes to construct a commercial marina on his property, including a ~ry storage shed, a 50' x 25' boat ramp, and a 42' x 24' forklift plafform for boat launching. Also proposed, is excavation of 2 areas immediately waterward of the ramp and platform locales, 64' x 25' and 22' x 24' respectively. Maximum depths of -4' MLW are designed for both areas. A total of 205 cu. yds. of material will be excavated, 120 cu. yds. waterward of MEW. This total also includes a 40' x 25' circulation cut through an existing spit at the western pro- perty line (to a depth of -2' MLW). An existing dock will be removed and a new docking facility constructed to provide eight slips. Said dock will consist of a 68' x 4' access ramp and a 100' x 4' docking area with a 44' x 4' terminal "T". The dock is to terminate in 4.5 ft. (MLW) depths. In addition, eight (8) associated mooring piles are proposed on 12.5' centers. Baffleboard type structures are to be installed along the end of the dock for dissipation of wave energy. Details of the proposed launching structures consist of the following: A 50' x 25' areal surface of concrete will be deposited for the ramp construc- tion. The forklift platform (35' x 24' concrete dock) will support 2 wooden finger piers (20' long) at the waterward end. The project site is located on Hog Key within the western limits of the unincorporated City of Marathon. This Gulf-front region is characterized by intensive development, primarily for commercial interests (e.g., fish houses, marinas, motels, dive shops, restaurants, etc.). A limited residential population is present near the western border of Marathon, the majority in mobile home parks, private clubs and condominiums. The shoreline exhibits severe discontinuity as a result of previous dredge and fill activities. Numerous canals, basins and finger fills are present. Surrounding waters of the Gulf of Mexico are designated as Class III waters of the state. Effective May 8, these Monroe County waters were classified as Outstanding Florida Waters with the Florida Keys Special Waters boundaries. The Fanny Keys are located northeast of the project site; Boot Key is to the south and Knight Key to the west. Knight Key Channel is the proximal major navigational waterway utilized for access between the Gulf of Mexico and Hawk Channel. Said channel is crossed by the Seven Mile Bridge. A small marina basin is located to the west of the project site and private residences are located to the east. Specific site features include an irregularly shaped parcel of land exhibiting approximately 120 1.f of water frontage. A small spit of land which terminates as a boulder jetty extends approximately 130 ft. waterward to the northwest. Said protuberance roughly runs along the western property line. The southern portion of the jetty at the junction with the mainland (proposed circulation cut), is vegetated by 4-7 ft. tall red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemose), with a ground cover of sea purslane and beach carpet noted. An old pier extends in a westerly direction from the base of the spit (on the adjoining property). Resolution No. Hog Key Partnership Page Two The remainder of the subject shoreline exhibits a relatively gentle slope with little erosion evident. Scattered buttonwood, Brazilian pepper and Australian pine are found along the shoreline, as well as some boulders. On the uplands, a dry storage shed is currently under construction. Crushed limerock fill has been previously placed out to the edge of the mangroves along the western property line. From the MEW line moving waterward, wrack accumulation is severe following extended durations of northerly winds. A firm sand/rock substrate is noted in the shallow littoral zone (out to MLW). Past the MLW line (sublittoral zone), depths increase more sharply, ranging from 3' MEW (at the landward edge of the proposed dredge areas) to 6'(+) MEW at the waterward end of the proposed dock. In shallower areas, 1-3' of accumulated organic matter was noted. A relatively barren substrate was encountered throughout the entire basin area except for the jetty periphery and a submerged 85' long ridge that roughly bisects the basin (parallel to the jetty). Lush algal growth (specifically Caulerpa, Halimeda, Penicillus), scattered coral colonies and prolific finger sponge growth was noted along the ridge and jetty borders. Numerous fish associated with these areas (especially prevalent at the jetty) included french angels, parrotfish, grunts, sargeant majors, damselfish, beau gregorys, barracudas, gray snappers, majorras and pinfish. No grassbeds were found within the project area, however, lush grassbeds are found outside of the project limits and to the opposite side of the jetty. Controlling depths of 4 to 5 ft. MHW were noted at the natural contours. The customary channel is located to the northwest of the project site. Short-term impacts of significance include the elimination of 1000 sq. ft. of wetland vegatation (circulation cut site) and the disruption of a 2128 sq. ft. area for ramp and boat launch (forklift) facilities. Resultant temporary increases in turbidity can be expected. Also expected are significantly elevated levels of suspended organic materials. Creation of the circulation cut should aid in a flow-through surface water flushing pattern and a consequential reduction in debris and organic matter accumulation. Such activities should result in a net benefit to water quality. No significant long term adverse impacts are anticipated as a result of the project. The more productive habitats (jetty and ridge) should remain intact throughout the project construction. Increased boat usage will probably result in an increase of hydrocarbon wastes, fuel products, trash and inorganic compound discharge. Under the provisions of Chapter 403, F.S. and F.A.C. Rules 17-3, 17-4, 17-12 and 17-13, the project is recommended for permitting approval. The following specific conditions are suggested: 1. Turbidity screens shall be properly utilized during all construction activities affecting state waters. 2. Excavation of the circulation cut shall be performed after other dredging portions have been completed. 3. The central submerged ridge and rock jetty (outside of circulation cut limits) shall be preserved and remain unaffected by construction activities. 4. No liveaboards shall be allowed at the permitted facility. 5. No fuel pumps or fuel storage shall be permitted at the subject structures. On August 2, 1985, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Hog Key Partnership for dredge, fill, boat ramp and forklift platform, subject to receipts of copies of permits from the Department of Environmental Regulation and the Army Corps of Engineers. Resolution No Hog Key Partnership Page Three BE !~ RE$~C~ED BY ~RE B~ARD ~F C~UN~Y C~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UN~Y, FC~R!DA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reao into the recoro ana ouly consioereo pursuant to Florioa $tatute 253.124 by the Boaro of County Commissioners of ffianme County, Florioa, this 2nd oay of August , 19 85 at a regularly scheouleo meeting. B~ARD ~F C~UN~Y C~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UN~Y, FC~R!DA . ~ ~\ - By ,\.0. t\~..JI +N" ~~ ...... ~ IllAY~R ($EAC) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L2Ji~4~i j)C Clerk of the Circuit Court! I Cuclen C. Pm y County Attorney (305) 2944641 _BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer. District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 o<~v~!: ~R~~,~..~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report 1./ 2. Resolution (HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP) ~ 3. Application for Permit (Dredge & Fill for Boat Ramp, Forklift Platform) ~ 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map ~ 6. DER Assessment ~ Date 7-/5-85 By~.Q~ ',en 01-0 ' 4... \J c.. i V c.. JUL D ',- \..J '!) I~O' . ...-. 1"1 ;'J,"i" ~ ",/' . OJ .' , "~- ..' .;1'1' PLAN t'ii, .G DE M E M 0 RAN DUM BY To: Kermit H. Lewin, County Administrator Acting Director, Dept. O~Polanft~g~ and Andy Hooten, Biologist ~ ~ Hog Key Partnership Zoning From: Subject: Date: June 24, 1985 LEGAL Section 8, Township 66S, Range 32E, Hog Key, Monroe County, Florida. Zoned BU-2. INTRODUCTION This application, for the excavation of greater than 100 cubic yards of fill from below the mean high water line, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission pursuant to Section 19-1ll(b) (4) of the Monroe County Code. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION Hog Key Partnership proposes dredge and fill activity for the establishment of a dry boat storage facility on Hog Key, on the north side of US 1, just entering Marathon from the Seven Mile Bridge. This partnership recently received a Zoning change (July 26, 1984) from the Monroe County Zoning Board so that they could pursue such a use of the property. The proposed activity is located on the old site of the ferry landing on Hog Key. The applicants wish to construct a boat ramp, a fork lift platform, a wooden deck of dimensions 150' long with a 34' "L" shaped terminus, establish 8 mooring pilings, create a 25' wide breakwater composed of pilings and tires, and excavate fill for the creation of a circulation cul- vert. Such activity will require permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State Department of Environmental Regulation. The applicants are presently involved in that process. ) . Lewin/Hooten Memo - 2 - June 24, 1985 The historical use of the property has left its marks on the natural environment. The existing basin presently collects copius amounts of detrital wrack, a condition which has left water quality in the basin poor and has prevented benthic settlement by most of the common algal and grass species. The applicant proposes to improve water quality conditions by the creation of a circulation cut to the west of the basin. Such a cut would remove a small area of fringing black and red mangrove. This cut is where the excavation volume involves decision by the Board of County Com- missioners based on Section 19-1ll(b) (4) of the Code. EVALUATION Impacts to the actual basin area will be minimal based on the activity proposed there. The ramp forklift loading platform, and dock will result in little alteration of the existing shore- line. Those construction activities are well within development guidelines of the Monroe County Code and Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element (CZP & CE). Construction of the circulation cut would result in an area of mangrove removal; however, the benefits of improved water quality derived from increased circulation within the basin should be greater than the loss of photosynthetic productivity from the fringe. Furthermore, it should be noted that this fringe of mangroves is a secondary colonization on a small spoil bank created from the original basin dredging. It is my opinion that this proposal is consistent with the Monroe County Code and CZP & CEo RECOMMENDATION Conditional approval. 1. Turbidity curtains be utilized during all excavating activity. 2. The applicant complete the project with the proposed land- scaping plan, submitted by Randy Cooper on May 15, 1985, in order to reduce terrigenous pollutants from the operation into adjacent waters. ^1 :LO) 198,:: 1\ f'CP:'SE-~J-;u'r.\ ,.,JaDe (0je-A-J3 ",/1;( d\\~e.G*: . ,<^e0c~r -to, '" A:~ ~S~~;t SArC-,- JeJ.I-,:~SC ,5(WN6. CO\!~ "OD( c.C.tF-S - lOXE1"Gl"-6 _ arM~cc\.l V-lS U (.b~c..\n ("AlifJ:) AN~ S '" sc'v\'-Vo,--;) y ~A::: . S '{"eAv'" ( ~E..A.. PC'''.0 ~ J>..~E- ') . ~l{ 20'-'0 V -:-(0 ",l ( .' Sl ,A\(i AJA EC u.,,~\s I O~li (~:S~/\IArJ r \~) \S,A\V---<'O'S UVI --C-'{"I C.5~- ~J ~l0t, v,:ls -1w-r-e.E-t A~.o J5t-1~ 0:k~'1': iY=-- ~J \ \ l. "" l (, ( S=-.. I\Jd~, ~ A(O~ \1(-:cY A- s -to SlAI \ ~-'-'f ~ l(-j rorF:":-Y'I\..h~(r\ '- A..'o6..' U ~^lc\~e-1y' ,(~,' 5l^,~ 0::.:" (,lnA/0bj) /'~,{(~,;\ J:rOI.~'--ifX, ~I~ t A. -to'\" h.'~:5 ,:\CW.:, \ ~ AI~)A~ 0;::' ~'\ n ': {OSA. r(:: ~ lEX AN ~ Ucw:00.- cC-IeY. 'W\.IC~ E-K\C:t, AJuO \i1\-'ej s-c. - ?1 fiN -~{C,~-IUj ----~, ': MONROE COUNTY ~ ~ PLANNING. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Hog Key Partnership P. O. Box 696 Marathon, FL 33050 4) Contractor or agent's name. mailing a'!dr('ss, phone & certification number, Glen Boe & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 34G6 Marathon Shores, FL 33052 2) Date 2/15/85 3) Phone number (305) 743-5545 D '., \. " . 'I . .~\/ .- \ 51 Legal description of property: Glen Boe, P.E. Cert. No. 17300 (305) 743-9121 Part of Government Lot 1 Zoning. 8 66S _~J-L-_ (if acreage) BU-2 Key, Hoq Subdivision, __ Spction. Tawnship. Range. Lot, Block, Street. road or mile marker, 1090 Overseas Hwy., Marathon 61 Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards I to be excavated or discharged, Describe purpose & intended use of project. See attached Remarks. volume of material 120 xcavated 85 landward of M.H.W. c,y, filled/deposi ted o c,y. 205 waterward landward of M,H.W. of M,H,W. c.y. 7) Name. address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. (1) Florida D.O.T. (2) Joe's Seafood, Inc. 3490 Overseas Hwy. 2771 N.W. 24th Street Marathon, FL 33050 Miami, FL 33142 8 al List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: N/A bl If application has been submitted for this project (or one similarl in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A 91 List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Florida Department of Environmental Regulation This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8Y2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. bl Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water, $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein, I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application. and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate, I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities, All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of is type of facility, Q./ ~ :l-~ , -S'~ Date For Department Use Onlyl d/15: (TO 3 9 7Wr, Fee & receipt. d' ;).:5.~S--6-~ Person acceptmg application & Date Approved by Director Cost of JJ/'rmit EsUmntpd <,os!. of construction F"LORiD/1 BA.j OOUfID 1 /--l1ocK J s.ttt '<~ o ScAtt~r?~ D (j/ . J30u,LnJ'R.S ~ o \J l' " ~l . h,./ ~ ~ WooD '\. J)oc.K.. J ~ "1i! /) J I I I ~ f } Jr. BOI\T 6\o1t~&~ 5~D ....>,~.vr".'. ,. ~:.t-:,-/>; . ',;j I;,," 'iJ'.;;J'" "l~t"r . ']". ~" . r ' ,~ " Hog Key Partnership Boat Ramp & Docks REMARKS The Applicant is constructing a sma11-b,oat dry'storage shed on his Hog Key property. To facilitate the use of this shed, " he is seeking authorization to install a boat ramp, a hau1- 'out berth, a pier and eight mooring piles. He also wishes to i ns tall a small structural b rea k w ate r to protect the . .' pro j e c t fro m c hop g e n e,r ate ~ by s t r 0 n g nor t h win d s. ( I n a d - dition to the structures, the Applicant wishes to remove a portion of an ex;sting"jetty. The jetty now acts as a debris trap. If a section of the jetty were removed, the debris ", . trap would be eliminated. ,'Authority for some minor dredging " ' at the ramp and haul out berth also is being sought. The. prpjectwill be built using both land-based and barge-mounted equipment as appropriate.' , Spoil material will be placed on theA'pplicant's Ui)'l'~i~d a'nci,' aft~r!dewaterirg, wql be,used in fhe gradi ng of the grounds. )\Prio~to th..e star,t of' c.on- ' s t r u c t ion, t u r bid; t y cur t a i n' swil f;( be'" 'a e pr~'y e cl to i sol a , ". ",~lj': .,:,', ;;;:;";'~J1iI?1~> ':>::'{>:";:;-",,,:;': '(.:; l' ~_: :~~(~;~\ .~._; ,?'~ the site from surrounding waters/"\'They 'wn 1 be'left - ,', '''.' ' , . ,',;, .' :;,/1" ;>,,' : until all construction-induced turbidity has ~ubsided. Ish ;\ -. .. (2) <-I,( (3') ; 41 i '. ;<;,"t' "~, ADJACENT OWNERS FLORIDA D.O.T. 3490 OVERSEAS HWY. MARATHON, FL 33050 OWNED BY APPLICANT JOE'S SEAFOOD, INC. 2771 N.W. 24th STREET M I MlI, F L 3 3142 /\" ~;:,'!:;'?;\ { ....t.. ,'1,1,. F LOR I D A ;v'~;:~~ B 1'-' PROJECT LOCATION NOAA CHART NO. 11449 SCALE 1:40,000 LAT: 24042'34"N LONG: 81006'44"W ~ ~ . <<." IV .~ ~ -- -- u.S. 1 R.O.W. ----I.. _..... -.-- .... -- HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP BOAT RAMP & DOCKS 0 100 400 i. . I d L l '.~' 'SCALE 111 = 200' LOCATION & VICINITY SHEET 1 OF 5 .r.251 J. e._.G._ . . 'PILE/RUBBER BREAKWATER <~~;~ lftti;4'i~'F j 34 I . 0::"::: gg 0+ ~ 3.1 ~ .-/0 PROPOSED CUT C I R C 'u LA T ION f ~'j ~:' ,. .' ~ g 31i-1 eP'1V .. S', "on _~~1bJ . DOCKS SHOWN IN DASHED LINES ARE EXISTING. ALL OTHER WORK IS PROPOSED. HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP BOAT RAMP & DOCKS o 25 I I I I I I 50 I 75 I 100 I PLAN OF NEW WORK SHEET 2 OF 5 SCALE 111 = 401 HATCHING PROPOSED TIRE , FI NGERS I Ll ,', '\"", ' , , \ \'" () I '.' 'I , ' . \) \' <', \.) I' It1." I ,','-t/;; " \. J J \' I. ',' !;) "..~~\i'I(>,/~" <;J~ . /"\ / ~ (.:/\ / ,\ *, (.' > ,) \ ".111 . \ I' (' , , ) . " ~ -',-, 6}_/8'. - F5":: -';- ,I \ f:' \1, G L E NB 0 E &/ iA ~ SD C ::<: :1 N C . P.O. aox, ,~406\\:~\' '. MARATHON SHORES. FLORIDA 33052 (305) 743-9121 .' .. . <!:S,;:...;:I"c. '1-; ;~~ 1'\:\'~,{)~~)" ~;,;1t! l;' SECTION A-A: PROPOSED BOAT RAMP -- TOP +3.5 HATCHING INDICATES PROPOSED DREDGE ,I:'; 251 MHW , '+1.5 ;.;0.0 251 '-"i' ~CTION B-B: PROPOSED FORKLIFT PLATFORM 351 181 /" .:::.:'...: ~:::. :.: ': ,':. ::':'':::'.:':.:,..:.,:~ '. '.;:~,~':':"":,, ;:. ::'::,:;::: .;~!~ . . . .." CONCRETE DEC K & PILES ---.. ,'. '-:\'.', PIER PILE +3 +1. 5 MHW , , O. 0 ML W HATCHIt~G INDI- CATES PROPOSED DREDGE SECTION C-C: . PROPOSED DOCK . ~ 1461 ,}q- SECTION D-D: CIRCULATION CUT ALL PILES, TIMBERS & DECK TO BE CCA PRESSURE TREATED MHW +1. 5 ~1 L W 0 . 0 -2.0 ;ff.~2 ,," ---=-t 40 I \. \)\:~~~~7' - ) , (' '. ,) ) ~ \" ) I ' ~ (/ . I / (< \ / \' " r.J HATCHING INDICATES :' "'/ I..~..\~ ",III PROPOSED DREDGE ' ~\':~ "~ ;/ ' " \ ~ -:-/f-'S- HORIZONTAL SCALE 3/32" =11 GLEN BOE &"/ASSOc',/'!'NC. o 5 10 15 20 P. O. BO'X~/3406 <\:','." ~1ARATHON SHORES',' VERTICAL SCALE 1/8" FLORIDA 33052 o 510 (305) 743-9121 DATUM: MLW HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP BOAT RAMP & DOCKS SECTIONS SHEET 3 OF 5 .' ,. 1611 * 16" ll,'," IT..,, 61 ,GUIDE PIERS TO BE CONSTRUCTED ':OF CCA PRESSURE-TREATED PILES, TIMBERS & DECKING. ' 1211 DIA PILES 2 x 8 STRINGER SUPPORTS '-3x 8 ,STRINGERS , - ...:"1". -, ~.,."" , o N c ... - IJ') M 1211 PS cOr~f)';-PILES .,---~ J ~EL~~ , 'REINFORCED CONCRETE DECK FOR FORKLIFT HAULOUT ~ \"', REINFORCED CONCRETE RAMP '......(::',',',...' ... . .. .'~ . f.. . . ',.,. '" --- o ....... --..... . ~,.j- " . ' (; ..,. : t 25' HOG KEY PA~TNERSHIP BOAT RAMP & DOCKS o 5 10 15 20 .) " ,,' , GL EN BOE.& ASSq~\l I.'. ,'l(N,C . P. O. 80)(,13406 <\'i'\>,I, MARATHON SHORES .'; \'l '-, FLORIDA 33052 (305) 743-9121 IIi.d RAMP & HAULOUT PLAN SHEET 4 OF 5 SCALE 111 = 10' , .. .. . . .,~;~..~;...:- ~.~' ~ ~';: PLAN -' ~," ;'''~<~':~'~~;':l :......r~.~l CROSS BRACES TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL PILE PAIRS IN "L" SECTION. PILES 9" BUTT DIA. DECKING 2 x 8 STRINGERS 3 x 10 'I S T R I N G E R SUP PO R T S 3>J \ " t t U, ,'..'" i W A V EAT TEN U AT 0 R S \.)4i ,;(', ,2 ". "/ /' <( / " \ I' (,' f ", , ' - GLEN BOE' & A'~SOC.. 'fNC'4" , P.O. B 0 >; 34 d 6 I /:j ) 0 'i ' MARATHON SHOR~~ r" ' , FLORIDA ,33052" (305) 743~~n21 () ;)f/l~ "i \ \ \' ... -f o 12.5' o o ,',j ~':;~,:{F'~;_:, . ...,"," ;'r' , ,,",,' 4 I WAVE ENUATOR TIMBERS TO BE ATTACHED TO DOCK WITH 1" DIA. GALV. . BOLTS. ALL OTHER BOLTS TO BE 5/8" DIA. GALV. ;f' SECTION A-A en t- en - en z o . wen I.IJ c::: c::: I.IJ _ t-t- c( 30 " ~z , c(c( I.IJ c::: en a) I.IJ .....I .....1- c(o.. c:: ' ::J 0 t-O uo ::J3 c:: t- u. eno .... ( 0 \ , I ~.... - " f 0 \ . " I -".... \ 0), r .... ,....,! l 0 \:'. "J Lt) - ,.." N I 0 1 ,_I '-, fO' \.... / " \ 0 ) ,..; ,';., PLAN SCALE 1" o HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP BOAT RAMP & DOCKS = 10' 15 20 DOCK DETAIL SHEET 5 OF 5 SCALE i" = I' 234 . \ .~ . -l. -<". ~.~~~._. ~ fnJ~@ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL County: Monroe Date: 6-6-85 File No.: 441000615 Applicant Name: Hog Key Partnership Address: PO Box 696, Marathon, FL 33050 Agent (if applicable): Glen Boe Address: PO Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 Location of project: Section(s) Range 32E 8 Township 66S Section(s) Township Range ~ -~, ..... Local Reference: Marathon, FL Water Body: Knight Key Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters,: III Aquatic Preserve: NA Outstanding Florida Waters: Florida Keys Special Waters :On site inspection by: T. A. Kranzer 5-15,5-17,5-28 Date of Inspection: 6-10-85 Original Application: Yes~ No ,Revised Application: Yes No X Date: -Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if . applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) . ') l . .. HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP #441000615 Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a commercial marina on his property, including a dry storage shed, a 50' x 25' boat ramp, and a 42' x 24' forklift platform for boat launching. Also proposed, is excavation of 2 areas immediately waterward of the ramp and platform locales, 64' x 25' and 22' x 24', respectively. Maximum depths of -4' MLW are designed for both areas. A total of 205 cu. yds. of material will be excavated, 120 cu. yds. waterward of MHW. This total also includes a 40' x 25' circulation cut through an existing spit at the western property line (to a depth of -2' MLW). An existing dock will be removed and a new docking facility constructed to provide eight slips. Said dock will consist of a 68' x 4' access ramp and a 100' x 4' docking area with a 44' x 4' terminal "T". The dock is to terminate in 4.5 ft.. (MLW) depths. In addition, eight .( 8) associated moor ing piles are proposed on 12.5' centers. Baffleboard type structures are to be installed along the end of the dock for dissipation of wave energy. Details of the proposed launching structures consist of the following: A 50' x 25' areal surface of concrete will be deposited for the ramp construction. The forklift platform (35' x 24' concrete deck) will support 2 wooden finger piers (20' long) at the waterward end. B. The project site is located on Hog Key within the western limits of the unincorporated City of Marathon. This Gulf- front region is characterized by intensive development, primarily for commercial interests (e.g., fish houses, marinas, motels, dive shops, restaurants, etc.). A limited residential population is present near the western border of Marathon, the majority in mobile home parks, private clubs and condominiums. The shoreline exhibits severe discontinuity as a result of previous dredqe and fill activities. Numerous canals, basins and finger fills are present. Surrounding waters of the Gulf of Mexico are designated as Class III waters of the state. Effective May 8, these Monroe County waters were classified as Outstanding Florida Waters with the Florida Keys Special Waters boundaries. The Fanny Keys are located northeast of the project site; Boot Key is to the south and Knight Key to the west. Knight Key Channel is the proximal major navigational waterway utilized for access between the Gulf of Mexico and Hawk Channel. Said channel is crossed by the Seven Mile Bridge. . ~. HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP #441000615 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three A small marina basin is located to the west of the project site and private residences are located to the east. C. Specific site features include an irregularly shaped parcel of land exhibiting approximately 120 l.f. of water frontage. A small spit of land which terminates as a boulder jetty extends approximately 130 ft. waterward to the northwest. Said protuberance roughly runs along the western property line. The southern portion of the jetty at the junction with the mainland (proposed circulation cut), is vegetated by 4-7 ft. tall red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa), with. a groundcover of sea purslane and beach carpet noted. An old pier extends in a westerly direction from the base of the spit (on the adjoining property) . The remainder of the subject shoreline exhibits a relatively gentle slope with little erosion evident. Scattered buttonwood, Brazilian pepper and Australian pine are found along the shoreline, as well as some boulders. On the uplands, ~dry storage shed is currently under construction. Crushed limerock fill had been previously .placed out to the edge of the mangroves along the western ~roperty line. . . From the MHW line moving waterward, wrack accumulation is severe following extended durations of northerly winds; A firm sand/rock substrate is noted in the shallow littoral zone (out to MLW). Past the MLW line (sublittoral zone) , depths increase more sharply, ranging from 3' MHW (at the landward edge of the proposed dredge areas) to 6' (+) MHWat the waterward end of the proposed dock. In shallower areas, 1-3' of accumulated organic matter was noted. A relatively barren substrate was encountered throughout the entire basin area except for the jetty periphery and a submerged 85' long ridge that roughly bisects the basin (parallel to the jetty). Lush algal growth (specifically Caulerpa, Halimeda, Penicillus), scattered coral colonies and prolific finger sponge growth was noted along the riclye and jetty borders. Numerous fish associated with these areas (especially prevalent at the jetty) included french angels, parrotfish, grunts, sargeant majors, damselfish, beau grcgorys, barracudas, gray snappers, mojarras and pinfish. No grassbeds were found within the project area, however, lush grassbeds are found outside of the project limits and to the opposite side of the jetty. .~ . J HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP #441000615 Monroe County - Marathon Page Four Controlling ,depths of 4 to 5 ft. MHW were noted at the natural contours. The customary channel is located to the northwest of the project site. D. Short-term impacts of significance include the elimination of 1000 sq. ft. of wetland vegetation (circulation cut site) and the disruption of a 2128 sq. ft. area for ramp and boat launch (forklift) facilities. Resultant temporary increases in turbidity can be expected. Also expected are significantly elevated levels of suspended organic materials. Creation of the circulation cut should aid in a flow-through surface water flushing pattern and a consequential reduction in debris and organic matter accumulation. Such activities should result in a net benefit to water quality. No significant long term adverse impacts are anticipated as a result of the project. The more productive habitats (jetty and ridge) should remain intact throughout the project construction. Increased boat usage will probably result in an increase of hydrocarbon wastes, fuel products, trash and inorganic compound discharge. . '., '.-.;., ;( HOG KEY PARTNERSHIP #441000615 Monroe County - Marathon Page Five E. Under the provisions of Chapter 403, F.S. and F.A.C. Rules 17-3, 17-4, 17-12 and 17-13, the project is recommended for permitting approval. The following specific conditions are suggested: 1) Turbidity screens shall be properly utilized during all construction activities affecting state waters. 2) Excavation of the circulation cut shall be performed after other dredging portions have been completed. 3) The central submerged ridge and rock jetty (outside of circulation cut limits) shall be preserved and remain unaffected by construction activities. 4) No liveaboards shall be allowed at the permitted facility. 5) No fuel pumps or fuel storage shall be permitted at the subject structures. .----;- '''' ., .. \~-u,,-__ ERRI KRANZE ta IL, c _u_ , ENV. SPEC. TAK/dvo DATE: June 20, 1985 ..~ ~.1 ~~ . READ: AJ ~~.. 1..5 "i du ~ ft GARY SH FFER