Resolution 289-1985 ~ - Jeff Fisher Extension Director RESOLUTION NO. 289-1985 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE A PROJECT APPLICATION BY AND BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF MARINE RESOURCES, AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS UNDER THE ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF PRO- GRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to approve and execute a Project Application by and between the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Marine Resources, and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a copy of which is attached hereto, under the Artificial Fishing Reef Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of October, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By . .~ airman (SEAL) Attest: DAlm'Y t. KOLHAGE, ClerK ~~ti:r~ ~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM "~EGALSUF:aENC" 2. ~, .......-;. -. ~ . ,I ~. . , . . :: ,.' " '.". ~ .' .' ,; i FLORIDA DEI' ARTI1ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MARINE 'RESOURCES j:~- ~.. , , ",', . ~. .~ Artificial Fishing Reef Progr~ Project Application Section 1: Identificat~on '" , . ~ '. ::.!~:. ~.- ". ,,(,..... , . ...:..... . \, ';.:' ~:;~;~, ' 1. Type of Project: - ::. .., , .. ~ .~: .':V'.~ - .-. , ' . j ...: ": ..~~::' 't. ~.',' : ..,', .....1 " Proposed New Artificial Fis~Jng Reef X 'Exp,ansion of Existing Artificial Fishing Reef :j . ,..' ,......f._~i~~.:.:... . .', <; '.; ~t..J,.~~.;:;~, " -.f l- ~...-..'t',<.l ~,Jo_ ';,,';:.'" '~i~f~I:' _' ..~ ,,'~i.::>" . . .' . '".-, '".'r: - ~ " ;-'.. ..,.{ '.:~:' '., . .:' ,'THIS BLOCK FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,?~;';.([,:,~t> ':.''!.: ,_",)' ",,'_,, ,'", , ::.~;, " Date Application Received , :" ,- Application Number Assigned , \ -':t' , ~..,. ;,.,... ~ -ffif';i~.~' :. .1',:\1-',;.; \ .' .' ~ . ~. . ,1 .' . f:: ., , " 2. . I Applicant Identification: . '.; -. ...;.....,:. . ';~ :.'~".f--io~i.~~-.. ,- . - ... ',' '.~: ~~~;.\~-..' . . ---k.. --- Name- of Applicant; Monroe Co. & FKARA 'B-.-- Street' or P.O_ Box; 2545 C." City: Ke~ West Zip Code: D. Name of Des~gnated Liaison Officer:: E. / Telephone Number: .Area Code: 305 -I. ' _ _..:";,' , -, I" - 33041 Jeff Fisher Phone Number: 294-4641 Ext. 160 ~.:-" . r~~ . '",:;:. ._~...,:.>, - :-~. 3 . , '-;>.,-.;.-)\.~ '0. ....... :.,.i F',:.:;~...., ",- ~:~~r.':""'-~-:-4:,: Name of Proj ect:, Marathon Artif icia1Reef . c'" " '-"-:\:;,:~:' ~,'" + ,.~- ". .~_:', - ">~~'~'Z''''r'':'''. .fjtl;~~";~-'- Location ,of~roj ec.t Site: (At center of Prop,osed ,~:e:f S:it,~~f",'.)~~a~~~~:: . I"... ..... " '.~ Lat. 24039'30"N Long. 80058'OO"W ~. ~,;- ~ :><:.' , , : '<. . .' ':i~:t~~:;' ...""'.-' ' . I!{ ~.:~:.- "Loran Coordinates 14033.7 43403.9 - ,Location of Assembly kI:ea: 2150 from -miles -S=-SE- o-f,' Fat Deer Key, Monroe Co. ' " .... '.... marker #20, 4.5 nautical;'-:'" 4. Financial, Assistance Requested: . A. Est~ted Total Cost of Project B." Estimated Transportation Costs: C. Estimated Advertising Costs: D. Est~ted,Engineering Costs: $ 20,000 $ 19,500 $ 500 $ 5. N.,=e;7 /: Gove..."'"!ling Body Head (P 1 eas e l .f~,~~4~_ St:r~a ~e of/C~verning Body Head Typ e) Monroe Co. Commission October 28. 1985 Date , ' ,.._~:.-'" ~ . I" , - , - ~ ' :.'-. " .> FLORIDA DEP ART:1ENT OF NArJRAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ~~I~ RESOURCES Artificial Fishing Reef PrograI!l Part B: Acceptance of'Conditions 'and Stipulations (To Be Completed and Signed) , . -I' -, . ,I. . . ,. \. ~:.' . - ~- .' -' , , representing;.MonrQe County Commission ...' ..- do ~e:r~b! certify that the governing. body of the ';\~',(:, ,during regular session of the governing body, did discuss the conditions and stipulations of this application and did agree to such conditions and stipulations as presented herein. - "-~L If approved for funding the grantee will make the completed .' .. artificial fishing reef available to the general public without regard ::' :,~ '.,' to race, creed! sax, color, national origin or location of the users . ". ...' . 'c', , res idence. " ,;':"" , ~~',.i;",., " " ~.'~' . ~"'<: , ;- .j>' :,.~ <;;:,;.:~:.' I . ,:' -.' ~~ . 2. To provide access to records and grant rights to audit. any,,;, , books, - documents and papers, of the g=antee for inspect.ion by the ','C:;, State ~f Florida, De:-partnent of Natural Resources for 'this- proj ect. ;;",;.. during the proj ec 1: period and for three years, after final payment ~:<~: " ";~. . __ _ t, ~'\',;-' r (::: has been made by the State. 'The grantee shall also' require a local"" . '4 .,......,. .', . cont::'actor or vendor receivi....'"lg and award to agree -'in ,,~iting to' the'f~:', application of ' this provision where :'such' pertains,tc/-the'contiact~~'s records rela.ting to the Marathon Arti-ficial"Reefproj ect. ';_:'~'~'(~"', ':':'-~~jti~;r: . '.' , '. - '. 'r:.. '.'. 3. The County & FKARA shal'l holdand.:r~~-;j:~,",. ~ ' ,. ). ~.~,: f ." . . save the Florida. Departnent of Natura.l Resources, harmless from "\:.;,.~~~~:_/ ',;,.:..'}'o, . liability of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses, for :";:.;,~ or an account of any or al~ 'suits or damages of any character whatsoeve resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person(s) or ;r,; property by virt'..le of the performance of the Marathon artificial reef project construction. 4. It is understood that the above stated conditions and stipula- tions will be included as part of a project contract if this applica- tion is approved for funding. Name of Local' Goverr.ment \ i Governing Body Plea~ Type October 28, 1985 Date . r"<""!" . . _.--~.' - ~ . ,. ... .I . .. 'nORIDA DEP ARn1ENT OF NATt1RAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MARINE RESOURCES ....~<~.~....: Artificial Fishing Reef Program Project Application Section 3: Questionnaire ,; ~;;:;.~ ~~',"~ 'i~~jf' '/~'.f~J.l'.t;~~..~. " , , . 1. How. much manpower do you anticipate will be needed for completion of this project: Give answer in man days, ie., 8 ""rkers for 25 days _- is equal to 200 man days. Number: 50 man days 2. Does tHis project possess_any unusual or unique feature or is a particularily noteworthy innovation, strategy, concept or approach _ evident in the proj ect proposal? If so, explain fully _and attach . response to the qu~stionnaire form. 3. What is your total budget for artificial this fiscal year,? $ 2,000 total budget for next fiscal year? $ 2,000 . . , 4. Do you have a master plan for recreation and does ~e-pIan include- data pertaining to sale-..ater fiShing and more specifically the con-,\ _ struction of artificial fishing reefs: .(Attacll response including .;,:;,< copies of appropriate pages from your plan) -,i,. "". - - - __ 'l1ftc':';:' 5. Do you have an Advisory Board for saltwater fishing mattersand"5f . .~. ~..~~, has your Advisory Board commented on this project: application? ' \:_" (Yes) FKARA No (Attach comments from Advisory Board)." 6. Do you have either favorable or unfavorable comments relating to _ this proposed project: from citizens, organizations, clubs, etc. If so, _ attach copies of all such comments. 7. Have you conducted or do you anticipate conducting demand or Use- pressure studies relating to recreational salewaterfishing? If so, attach data from study or give the anticipated completion date for any stUdy you may currently be conducting. Response: No, however, artificial reefs are monitored by State & Federal blOlog1StS.: ~, , ..~ : 'J ""'-" reef cons,truction during What is your expected . . -- . . ~-.,...'.. , RATIONALE FOR GRANT APPLICATION .. . The FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ASSOCIATION, formed in 1980, has been instrumental in the construction of 10 artificial reefs located from Islamorada to Key West. Attached, find a copy of the location map of the existing artificial reef sites with a brief description. These reefs have been constructed with funds supplied by the Florida Department of Natural Resources, private donations, and contractual agreements between the Florida Department of Transportation and construction compan~es involved in demolition of old bridge structures. Materials used in the construction of these reefs vary from bridge decking to ship hulls. Since the first reef was constructed in 1981, the FKARA has received favorable reports from various user groups such as commercial and recreational fishermen and divers. Bottom fishermen have noted good catches,of grouper, snapper and kingfish, while divers have enjoyed an abundance of lobsters and tropical fish. Dive shops are among the heaviest user groups at these sites. The most impressive dive is the Seven Mile Bridge site where the old swing span is located. Monroe County is experiencing a heavy increase in the usage of the adjacent reef system. Tourism is no longer a seasonal phenomenon. Heavy visitor usage has prompted concern by managers of John Pennekamp State Park and Looe Key. Damage to the existing natural reefs from this increase in visitors is well docUflented. The existing artificial reefs are attracting both divers and anglers who would normally be adding to the pressure on the natural systems. Diverting Some of the user groups to these artificial reef $ites will ultimately reduce the destructive impacts on the natural reef formations. In addition to enhancing the living reef, these artificial reefs will provide additional habitat to otherwise barren areas. The material used in the construction provides a suitable substrate for coral . attachment and a variety of other faunal and floral species. Monitoring by state and federal biologists has documented ~ush epiphytic communities occuring only after a few months. This additional habitat will significantly increase the species diversity and overall productivity. The Marathon Artificial Reef site was chosen because it is an existing permitted site in the general vicinity of the available material to be deposited. The site is also in need of additional material. The portion of the Vaca Cut ; Bridge that was placed there was too scattered to achieve the desired profile, The amount of material that will be deposited varies from 36 to 60 decks which measure 8' x 10' X 1'. This additional bridge decking should provide enough material to construct th~s reef as originally planned~ This artificial reef, which is located offshore of Marathon, will offer an attractive alternate site for both divers and fishermen, relieving some of the pressure being exerted on local natural reefs near Coffins Patch and Sombrero, 0' U' -4,'. W f'v i ...... :t-. tp ;p ~ :;0 C;) ~;p CJ ~ ~ :>> ..". " ;:0 ,H :;0 trJ c:: trJ:;o ~ :;0 tTl :;0 M 1--'jCi) I--'j tTl trJ Z O-<I--'j 0-< I--'j to<. I--'j 0-< H H :;0 ~ b:! 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Cll '~ ro rT r; 0" H-r ro 0" C '<: ro o 0" 0 f-' rTO" '7l rTf-' o ro a H11ll f-'::I III p.. rT -.J ;> OJ' ~1j 't,- rlS:: H H 'Tl:P H n::r: HG ;J.. Yo l't) ~ ;::d M M 'Tj tdO r; I-' ..... p.. p.. (Jl:l td :_")' I'D III n ::T(tl P'::I III III rT ::I, I'D 0. ::r:., o ::l 0. III H1 r-> r; o l.J' S i-' o \D H1 0 o W+:-Illr;1-' OW.,rol-' w.t:'-I'Dro +:- \D III H-r "d \D-.J entl> o n O\NH1p.n ;:l ;J' f-' f-' U1 W o ::r:OWtdt-~ I'Df-'OIllN III 0. O::T 0 <: .....- ,< "d 0'- ~ p. r; (J) rJl"dP.::r::ro n(tlp..on (tl I-')Q ::I n I'D ,.... ro p.. p. I-'::l tl> 0 ro p.. ::l ro td n r; 0 ;r:;- ..... ...,., rJl p.. JQ 0 ro r-' 0. +:- U1 o o rl o ::I rJl U- C I) ;:: (f. f-''-- \DC 00'- l..J1"< ,,",<:'"dw rTt:lrolllO Of-J.r;nw < n n .t:'- ::l ro ..... ::T \D Illr;nro. rT rJl III Cll U1 C I-' r; rJl ro ::T o o c:: H1 f-' 0. a III rT rT III ro ;>;" I-( ro ..... III n I-' III Cll C III rT C rT ::I 0 Cll ..... p.. ro 0 f-' 0.::1 O"N '-' 0 ::T rt I'D rT ..... r; 0 ::I ro S .t:'-, \DC! +:-""\ \D~ '-Jro . en 1-''''' Ill-C ::l ;l. 0.. r! r; r; III (tl ;:l f-')Q ..... ro ro H1 H-r r; H-rO r; a o a '" r, W ~, ;; o lo,' (tl \.oJ .po (f, .po \D \D '-J Cl n U1 .po 0. C (tl FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF .ASSOCIA TION, INC. ee TAMARIND DRIVE .KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 3081288-e188 "\;;,. , In 1980 the private, nonprofit Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association was formed. The FKARA functioned on its own. obtaining a small amount of money from private sector donations. ..-. . ""- In 1982 the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners passed resolutionsi,18G-1982 and 193-1'982. This action formalized the County involvement" in the artificial reef program by designating the Extension Service Director to work with the Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association. The FKARA ,now has seven artificial reef sites under development. A twenty thousand dollar grant was obtained from the Florida Department ,of Natural Resources. Numerous reef sites have now been developed c.;'- Why should we have an artificial reef program in the Florida Keys? There are many reasons. First. artificial reefs relocate some of the fishing and diving pressure off the natural reefs. Second, looking at natural reefs as a proportion of total available bottom, one can conclude that natural reef areas are very small. Thus artificial reefs increase available habitat for reef organisms such as algae, corals, sponges. worms, baitfish and gamefish. The overall biomass and productivity of the area is increased. Also, additi~nal opportunities for diving. snorkeling and sportfishing are created. . c,", " ,:)]-~~~,:,:~ THIS BROCHURE INCLUDES A REEF LOCATION CHART FOR KEYS WATERS.:rh.a Summary Table provides further detail of the reef projects. We hope this brochure aids boaters. divers and fishermen in enjoying our beautiful Keys waters. The Artificial Reef Program has been a joint effort of government. private corporation and individuals. Donations are welcome to .,elp finance the continuance of the program. w'''>, ,.;,,-:;;;::,::.; . '.~_:'i"'/; S,~~'_,;. ~~~~< o . . ,,,,-;,,'; ~ .. ~ .. ><S ~ ~ . --' ,~ ~ ~ a:: :);uJ l- => w OL >0 X 1-1- <(<( Xu. =- a:: a:: => 00 >- uJ ~Z o u. o uJ a::uJ 0.. CI) %:>- O~ I-W I-llt: o CO ~ >- ~ <: :; ~ ::> cJ) I.l.. LLI LLI 0:: Z o t- e( U ,0 III III <: I.l.. LLI LLI e::: .J c( U LL l- e::: < lI\ >- Ul ~ <( o 0:: o -J LL o uJ uJ u 1-<( <(~ Q 0.. u. CI) ,0 ~ I- za:: =>uJ 01- %:<( <%: Cl Z <(%: Ol--J- <( CI) <( 10 uJuJZIJ :a:: a:: 0 <-.... l/)uJl-::J V1Z<(1O .e",;;: %: ~ =f ......%:0> %: OO::<(Z U....ZoiC .'~-' ... <,', '~'''-':-:'''' ~"',"" --:(1~P . ,.~fl "J~'. . '~~f'~':{~~~,;"~'" ,W ~,~ ;, :z: o ..0 5 ... .... o A ..... .... o 01 C III L.. Gl ..... o L- 0. 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This document was'printed at a cost of approximately $.10 per copy and was partially supported by public monies and printed by the Coop- erative Extension Service of Monroe County. .,' -:::;::>'"' I. [~ ~"'I I, r ~, . . "" "'" 1:~li~~I1!II~~}i~l~ C1..\~LiJ \ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMy CORPS OF ENGINEERS NOTICE or AUTHO RllA TION -SEP: oint 19 A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND PERIODICALLY REFURBISH AN ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, HAWK CHANNEL .. . AT LONGITUDE 80058130", LATITUDE 24039130" (LORAN C 30417.9,14033.7,4-3-404-:-8) IN TmlNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 33 EAST, rlONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SOUTH OF GRASSY !1:: HAS BEEN ISSUED TO FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ON;;;i.? Ztt j.J~ 19 , ASSOCIATION ( _ ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE ROUTE 2, BOX 310 ,'r _;' / I surlMERLAND KEY, FLORIDA 33042 /JtC/L//4kf~ PERMIT NUMBER 82T-0941 I ALFRED B. DEVtREIiUX, JR., COL, C: f~/l/ Dislri~ Enaineer t ENG Form 4336 Jul 70 THIS NOTICE MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY DISPLAYED AT THE SITE OF WORK. ~ GPO: '~17 232-98. s.... _ c........-~ ----- - l;~i~ :.r ". ......,- ~ NOTICE OF START OF WORK AUTHORIZED BY PEfu~ITS DATE \.JORK AUTHORIZED UNDER DEPARTMENT OF THE A~'1Y PER."1IT II 82T -0941 DATED SEP !Q 1982 TO PERFGRM WORK IN the Atlantic Ocean, Hawk Channel WAS S T AR.TED .. . SAJ Fl 586 1 Ju 1 76 SIGNATURE ...... -~. -- -- [<~-,-=-- .. . ..... _._~_._- ". DE~ARTMENT OF THE ARMY U, 8. "RMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, J"CKSONV.lLLE ,. o. eOJ: 4Q70 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32232 OFFICI"L DU!lINES8 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE U,SE 1300 SOUTH FLORIDA AREA MIAMI OFFICE u. S. Army, Corps of Engineers P. o. 520766 Miami, FL 33152 L,!.,.~~ '~.~J<r(' ~~~ US MAil '- ~ P05T"GE: "NO FI[U PAID DI[P"RT~I[NT OF THE ARMY 000-314 ....... ~ __ T -. 82T-0941 Applih. 10. FLORIDA KEYS ARTIF'rCIAL 'REEF ASSOCIATION SfP 20 19i2 SfP .2 (l \ l)'q ;l Name of Applicant EHoct'jve Date' Expir~tion Date (If applicable) 22 July 1982 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Referring to written request dated for a permit to: (X J Perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the R,vers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U,S,C. 403); .. . ( ) Discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 Stat. 816, P.L. 92.5001; ( I Transport dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army acting throu'gh the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 186 Stat. 1052; P.L. 92-5321; . Florida Keys Artificial Reefs Association 970 95th Street Marathon, Florida 33050 is hereby authorized by the Secrelary of the Army: 10 construct and periodically refurbish an artificial fishing reef in the Atlantic Ocean in Hawk Channel . ~ ."" ~\."'t :'. {\ , .7 ~ < <~ ) longitude 80058130", latitude 24039130" (Loran C 30417.9, Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Monroe County, Florida, 14033.7, 43404.8) south of Grassy Key at . 1 n in accordance with the plans and drawings allached herelo which are incorporated in and made a part of this permit (on drawings: give file number or other definite identification marks.) labeled "82T-0941," three sheets subject tu the following conditions: I. General Conditions: a, That all activities ident.f,ed and authorized hereon shall be consistent wIth the terms and conditions of thIS permIt; and that any actIvItIes not specIfically identified and authorized herein shall constitute a v..olatlon of the terms and cond.tions of thIS permit whIch may result .n the modificatIon. suspenSIon or revocation of this permIt, in whole or in part. as set forth more specifically in General Cond.tlons J Or k hereto. and In the .nstltut,on of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider approProate, whether or not this permIt has been previously modIfied, suspended or revoked In whole or in part. ENG FORM 1721 t JUL 77 EDITION OF 1 APR 74 IS OBSOLETE, lEA 1145.2-303) 1 .-.. .~_. ."-... ._._._.~.._..-.-- ----~--~ II T h;t! ,'dl ,1CI'Vt\ rtl..d twrl'Hl Sh,111, If they "lvolvf~, uurlng their COnstruellon or Opt!ratlon, ,Hl wate,s of the Un.ted .J'd'''' ur ocean warers, be at all t.mes conSIstent wIth applIcable water QualIty St,lrll.. s.,indards of lce, prohIbItIons, pretreatment standards and management practIces establ F01lut.on Con"u' ~" of 1972 lP,L. 92,500; 86 Stat. 8161, the Maflne PrOteCtIon, Research and Su....__, 86 Stat. 10521, Or pursuant to applIcable Sta(e and local law, Jt' 01 POIlUtllfllS Into uenl Ilfnltatlons and suant to the Federa' Water ,_5 Act of 1972 (P.L, 92,532, c, That when the actIvIty authoflzed hereIn onvolves a dIscharge durrng its construction Or operatIon, of any pollutant (,nclud.ng dredged or f'" mate flail, onto waters of the UnIted States, the authorrzed actIvIty shall. If applIcable water QualIty standards are revIsed or moddled durrng the term of th,s permIt, be mOdIfIed, if necessary. to conform wIth such reVIsed or modIfied water qualllY standards wlthon 6 months of the effectIve date of any reVISIon or modIfIcatIon of wa,ter quality standards, or as directed by an Implementat on plan contaIned In such revIsed or modIfied standards, or within such longer period of tIme as the D,strict EngIneer, In consultatIon wIth the RegIonal Admonlstrator of the EnVironmental Protection Agency, may determine to be reasonable under the clfcumstances. d, That the dlscharge',wIII not destroy a th'eatened Or endangered specIes as identified under the Endangered Species Act. Or endanger the crrtlcal habItat of such species. e, That the permlllee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or operation of the work authorized hereon In a manner so as to monimlze any adverse Impact on fish, wildlife. and natural environmental values, 1. That the permIttee agrees that he WIll prosecute the constructIon or work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradatIon of water qualIty, g, That the permlllee shall permit the Distrrct Engoneer or hIS authorized representative(s), or designee(s) to make perrod,c onspectlons at any t'me deemed necessary on order to assure that the actIvIty beong performed under authority of thIs permit IS on accordance wIth the terms and condItIons prescrrbed hereIn, .. h, That the permIttee shall maintain the structure or work authorrzed herein in good condition and in accordance with the plans and drawongs allached hereto, i, That thIs permIt does not convey any property rights, eIther In real estate or material. or any exclusive privileges; and that it does not authorize any onjury to property or Invasion of rights or any inf Ingement of Federal, State, or local laws Or regulations nor does it obVIate the requirement to Obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized hereon, j, That thiS permIt may be summarll.... suspended, in whole or on part. upon a finding by the District Engineer that immed,ate suspension of the actrvlty authorized hereon would be .n the general public interest. Such Suspension shall be effective upon receIPt by the permittee of a Wflllen notice thereof which shall Indicate (1) the extent of the Suspension, (2) the reasons for this actIon, and (3) any corrective or p,eventative measures to be taken by the permlllee whIch are deemed necessary by the District Engineer to abate Imminent hazards to the general pubirc onterest. The permittee shall take ImmedIate action to comply with the provisions of thIS notIce. WithIn ten days fOllowong receIpt of thiS notIce of Suspension, the permlllee may request a hearing in order to present information relevant to a deCISion as to whether hIS permit should be reonstated, modifIed or revoked, If a hearing IS requested. it shall be conducted pursuant to procedures prescribed by the Chief of Engineers, After completIon of the heaflng. or within a re.asonable time after issuance of the Suspension notIce to the permittee If no hearing is requested, the permIt will either be reInstated. modified Or revoked, k, That thIS permIt may be either modIfied. suspended or revoked on whole or in part if the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative determines that there has been a violatIon of any of the terms Or conditions of this permit or that such action would otherwise be on the public interest. Any such modIficatIon, suspensIon. or revocation shall become effective 30 days after receipt by the permittee of wrillen notice of such actIOn which shall specdy the facts or conduct warranting same unless (I) within the 30-{jay period the permIttee is able to satisfactorily demonstrate that (a) the alleged violation of the terms and the condItions of this permit did not, in fact. OCcur or (b) the alleged VIolation was accidental, and the permlllee has been operatong in compliance with the terms and condItIons of the permIt and IS able to prOvide sat,sfactory assurances that future operations shall be In full complIance WIth the terms and conditIons of thIS permIt; or (2) withon the aforesaId 30-day peflod, the permittee requests that a public hearrng be held to present oral and written evidence concerning the proposed modification. Suspension or revocation, The conduct of thIS hearrng and the procedures for makong a final deCIsion either to mOddy, suspend or revoke this permIt in whole Or In part shall be pursuant to procedures prescrrbed by the Chief of Engoneers, I. That in issuing this permit, the Government has reired on the onformation and data which the permittee has prOVIded in connection with hiS permit application, If, subsequent to the issuance of thiS permIt, such information and data prove to be false. incomplete oc inaccurate. this permIt may be modified, suspended or revoked. in whole or in part. and/or the Government may. in addition. onstltute appropriate legal proceedIngs. m, That any modification. suspension, or revocation of this permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the Uni ted States. n, That the permittee shall notify the District Engineer at wha't time the activity authorized herein will be commenced, as far in advance of the tIme of commencement as the District Engineer may specifV, and of any suspension of work. if for a period of more than one \/\leek. resumption of work and its completion. '- 2 o. I hat II the activity authorized herein is not started on or belore day of , 19 (one- year from the date of Issuance of this permit unless otherwIse specified) and is not completed on or before day of ',19 , (three years from the date of Issuance of this permit unless otherwIse specIfied) this permit. If not prevIously revoked or specr/ica/ly extended, shall automatically exprre, p', That this permit does not authonze or approve the construction of partIcular structures, the authorization Or approval of which may r~quire authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. q, That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by whl~h the permittee IS transferring hiS onterest~ hereon to a thrrd party pursuant to General Condition t hereof" he must restore the area to a condition satIsfactory to the District Engineer, r, That If the recording of this permit is pOSSible under applicable State Or local law, the permittee shall take such actIon as may be necessary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate offlcral charged with the responsibility for malntaonlng records of title to and Interests In real property, s, That there shall be no unreasonable interference with naVigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized hereon. t. That this permit may not be transferred to a thrrd party without pnor written notice to the District Engoneer. either by the transferee's written agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of thiS permit Or by the transferee subscribing to this permit in the space prOVIded below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of thIS permit. In addition. if the permittee transfers the Interests authorized herein by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditions speCified herein an9 thrs permit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official. II. Special Conditions: (Here lISt conditions relating speCIfically to ,the proposed structure or work authorized by this permit): a. Permittee shall notify the District Engineer at least 30 days in advance of date of initialtconstruction or maintenance, refurbishment, or enlargement of the reef. No materials or methods are to be used that the District Engineer determines undesirable for artificial reefs. b. The Permittee shall allow the Corps of Engineers, or designated personnel, to inspect all materials that are planned to be placed on the reef. c. Permittee shall maintain a depth' (minimum vertical clearance) above the r~ef that is no less than that shown in the drawings attached as part of the permi t. d. All materials to be placed on the reefs are to be clean and free of asphalt, creosote, petroleum or hydro-carbon, or toxic residues, or other deleterious substances. e. Permittee shall insure that person(s) familiar with the reef location be present onsite during all dumping operations. f. U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) aoproval is required prior to initiation of work. Marking of the reef must be in accordance with USCG requirements when appl icabl e. 3 STRUCTURES IN OF riNG NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES: a, That thlf -- ,/ -1oes not aUlhorozt! the Interference with any eXIstIng or proposed Federal pro;'"'' ano "'di "'" permlllee shall not bf' e;,tltled to lIon lor damage or injury to the structures or work authorozed herein whll ~ caused by or resull from eXIsting or luture operations undertaken by the United States In the publoc Interesl. b, That no attempt shall'be made by the permIttee to prevent \he full and free use by the publIC of all naVigable waters at or adjacent to the activity authorized by thiS permit. c, That II the dIsplay of lights and Signals on any structure or work authorozed herein is not otherWise provldeo for by law. such lIghts and Signals as may be prescrobed by the United States Coast Guard shell be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the permittee. d, That the permlllee; upon receIpt of a notice of revocation of thIS permit or upon ItS expiration before completion of the authorozed Structure Or wa'rk. shall. WIthout expense to the United States and In such tIme and manner as the Secretary 01 the Army or his authorized representative may dorect, resto,e the waterway to lIS former conditIons, II the permittee falls to comply With the dorectlon of the Secretary of the Army or his aUlhorozed representatIve, the Secretary or his desIgnee may restore the waterway to ItS former condition, by contract or otherWise. and recover the cost thereof from the permIttee. e, Structures for Small Boats: That permittee hereby recognIzes the pOSSibility that the,structure permitted herein may be subJect to damage by wave wash from passing vessels, The Issuance of thiS permit does not relieve the permittee from taking all proper steps to Insure the integrity of the structure permitted herein and the safety of boats moored thereto from damage by wave wash and the permIttee shall not hold the Un,ted States lIable for any such damage. MAINTENANCE DREDGING: a, That when the work authorized herein Includes periodic maintenance dredging. It may be performed under thiS permit for years fr~m the date of issuance of thiS permit (ten years unless otherWise indIcated); .. b, That the permittee will advise the D,strict Engineer in writIng at least two weeks before he Intends to undertake any maintenance dredging, DISCHARGES OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES: a, That the discharge will be carried out in conformity w,th the goals and obJective~ of the EPA GUidelines establoshed pursuant to Section 404{b) of the FWPCA and published in 40 CFR 230; , b. That the discharge will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than trace quantities; c. That the fill created bV the discharge will be properlv maintained to prevent erosion and other non,polnt sources of pollutIon; and d, That the discharge will not occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System or in a component of a State wold and scenic river system, DUMPING OF DREDGED MATERIAL INTO OCEAN WATERS: a, That the dumping will be carried out in conformity with the goals, objectives. and requirements of the EPA cflleroa establoshed pursuant to Section 102 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, published In 40 CFR 220-228. b, That the permlllee shall place a copy of this permit in a conspIcuous place in the vessel to be used for the transportation and/or dumping of the dredged material as authorized herein. . This permit shall become effective on the date of the District EngIneer's signature, P'A:;"2j::: ":": '~Lm= ",m, ,rid ""d'''O":;:;'~'~) I ~~2- 1\ PERMITTEE \ ~ DATE r7Rr JVt:IA./I?F2 - (lH/+IRIJ1A-N BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: ~~ ALFRED B DEVEREAUX, JR. Colonel, Corps of Engineers DISTRICT ENGINEER. u,s, ARMY. CORPS OF ENGINEERS SEP 20 1982 DATE Transfereeherebv agrees to comply WIth the terms and conditions of thiS permit, TRANSFEREE DATE 4 UAX DISTRlCT "'j ;. ('r!') ';':",1 '. ' l_~' r~ 11 b ~ )Q U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1982 0 ' 368'964 ortificic' IV '-'I _, :j..::J ~ef ossociot.ion Inc. '''-.J'..... ~............... project ~'Z-T- :5~, o94( ( JUL 0 9 t!82 da2e L- '} '" .'- " u 7 \b ',,-, " ...~ . I );1 7 7 ~8 9 " ,5'" . i., ;. ~ " C' · y~, II Hri~hoo lie 7 ''''-,.- ~ CJ 7 .: & " & ....~ :;c , , '. 7 8 9 "",7 " I ~'~~ :' 9 '~ \tIJ I "" ..' ----~ _ ~'-' ' ,15 ,.' 20 ' '9 I ',A.../ _ 'jJ'\ wiG '\'''J -: ,. 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N t--( -? co u.J Vl G) co N >-t '-I Cj 0 co N 2;:0 :0. :z n :r: . -i !!?.;;?-a-o ro_OQJ "OnlVI- ~~n1 ~~n~ ::J - ::: l;r . ~ ..,., o' '.." ;Q 0' C'D..... :Is:: :J. co ro C3 go ~ '~ ~v.J""" 1~v.J<:) N~~-+r ~-., -+r 00 ..... , n m " , ' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS p, ,0, BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32232 SEP 20 1982 Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association Route 2, Box 310 Summer1and Key, Florida 33042 .. . Gentlemen: We are pleased to inclose your Department of the Army permit and a Notice of Authorization which ihould be displayed at the construction site. Work may begin immediately but you must notify the appropriate Area Engineer as representative of the District Engineer, of: (1) The date of commencement of the work (mail attached card). (2) The dates of work suspensions and resumptions if work is suspended over a week, and, (3) The date of final completion. Area Engineer addresses and telephone nu~bers are shown on the attached map. The Area Engineer is responsible for inspections to determine that permit conditions are strictly adhered to. IT IS NOT LAWFUL TO DEVIATE FROM THE APPROVED PLANS ATTACHED. 4 I nc 1 1. Permit w/plans 2. Notice of Authorization 3. Commencement Card 4. Area Office Map Sincerely, / I.-dL ,~ ~I A~AMS I Acting/Chief, Regulatory Division SAJ FL 25 Rev. 1 Jul 81