Resolution 310-1985 Jeff Fisher, Director Extension Service RESOLUTION NO. 310~1985 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 289- 1985 AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE A PROJECT APPLICATION BY AND BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF MARINE RESOURCES, AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION UNDER THE ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, previously passed and adopted Resolution No. 289-1985 on October 18, 1985, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby desires to rescind said Resolution No. 289-1985, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 289-1985 previously passed and adopted on October 18, 1985, is hereby rescinded. 2. That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to approve and execute a Proj ect Application by and between the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Marine Resources, and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners under the Artificial Fishing Reef Program, a copy of which is attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of November, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, . .. ~ By: .\.U L:~o~~~an ~. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk klj7 ~~~J j) / BY '.c..-......:. . . '.' )y...~ . .. '. .. : ; -. ., \ ~\ ....:~(.:..~.......~. ... .:.~i>\'.;~~.~.~j .! '.' '; " ~~ ~.~~.: r . ". . .. . ....~. . . . -' . . . "\..~ --..~.~ .~,,~~ (: . . , '~"'l ~-~ '.., ._~~~\ I '. .1'.5\:..,1:..... _ i~"{!;h. ... nORIDA DEP.~~1E~ OF MATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MARl~~'RESOURCES ." __ '-i.~ _', . , '.'-~'.~'~~ Aztificial Fishing Reef Program Project Application .....: . . :. ". "'.; Section 1: !dentificat~on . ....0'~' ;'"~~~::i:?:/"t$~?' ~ ::1:... - - . ,?~~'.:' ':~.; . ~i,0,!~;,.T;" o:,,::~ ::t;ew Artificial Fishing ~:it$:~~~~~/"~i x Expansion of Existing Artificial -:.... : "'-;--".. : . '~i!~:~.':'~.t ]:~;\;"- THIS BLOCK FOR O~FICE US:C: ONLY "~~~:"'-';~"~"~:'" ",''-;:''.;'';:! ".:' - . . <. -~~4~~;.Date .App~ication Recei~ed _ ~f1;~;!Ji! . App lJ.ca tJ.Oil Numb er As s l.gnea .~~~l~~K-.... '. . '. ...,~ ..." 2. Applicant' Identification; ......... ..."J . ...... ... , _0,._ ......~.., _ . ,', . .::.;.,...... . " - ;\.~~\~.;.~~:~~.~~:... . ";.;;::- :~j:> ~.'f .Z~\;};~;.~, Reef Key Largb.' .' .:."...~ i<.:.. .. :';~. ;(~\ . Fishing Reef I~laI.Dtotada......,.:c.. . "(:.' ..:--" :.'~'. ~ -:~~.1"'.~"...~ " ': ~. ";-.... .. ," ~. . .; '. '. ,. ,:..:t;/~~'~::~i,'~x:. ;'" ;':: ~~l.~;: ..:,....,'...:. ,); ?:~~;~.;/~ - . \':/::~-_~'.\;1_ ";~::;.' ;e~:~;;;; J .>'.i ';';~:;5,;~~i-Y~;, \ ~. ...... .. 'I" '. . . ,- :". . ',.,. , ~. i~~_~' '\" ... ", .~ ~ .~-;-~:~~.;.~.<...:,..~~~ :~~.t:;~~j~=.~. . . "':,,:;,~:;:'"i.':'~l""";~'~:~'_:_;~"~':::':~"" I " ,'~' ---Jr.. -.- Name" of Applicant: Monroe County and Florida Kevs ..B.- -Street- or P.O. Box: 2545 C. City: Key West Zip Code: D. Name or Designated Liaison Officer: E. I Telephone Number: .Area Code: 305 Artjfic.i:ll ~ ..... . - . -.: . Rppf~ Acc:.-.""r.nc. 33041 Jeff Fisher Phone Numlt,er: 294-'4641 . . .. ." 1 . ...., ." ". . ext. 60 .:;~~~~~0: ~'. - .."" df~:> ", ',. '.-.;', ....;.. -, .. ;. ..' -:-~:.:',,:?~~ :3 . 4. Fi:lancial Assistance Requested; A. Est~ted Total Cost 0= ?roj ect: $ 20.000 3. Esti:!lat:ed. Transport:at:.on Costs: $ 10 000 and 8500 C. Est::.:::at:ed Ad~.Ter-~ -~-a Costs: $ 500 --":'-.t,;; D. Est:~""ated E::gi=.eer::'::g Costs: $ 1,000 5. 00,000 Transp. cost to Ke Larpo and $ 8500 cost to Islamorada Site) -- - ~ . Name of Gave:::":1i.""1~ Body Head (Please -Type) "B:~~' S. I / Ii / _ . :'~'t-~e. Ol: C.oven:.::g Soc.] ?ead j (-S-J:S- Date . _ __n.~ ... I ;..';'_'~...... ,#,........,....,......-..-: ~..~.~.;. . .~ "....."'.4O: .. . ....., - ...'....:,,::..,~: ~~ ,- , .. ._"':i~:.~i" ~<,'.'.."~ representing ~ Montoe County commissioners..-':._ do he~eby certify that: the governing. body 9f the . ..,ti..\~f~ . . .' '. ;".';.--'~?"""'.......".; . ;c.;:. .', ,during regular session of the governing ......,' ": ., body, did discuss the conditions and stipulations of this application' . ,'. -'. . , .' ~;~~<:;''''''and did ag::'ee to such conditions and stipulations as presented herein. I~.~'\.:}~',' ~ \....._ .' ~-~'<." ..... 1. If approved for funding the grantee will make the completed ':~.~:';'.' ~tificial fi~hing reef availabla to the general public without r~g~d ,"" .. ,,' ,,:.< .....". - ::;:':i/'....::.. to rac e, creed. sex. co lor, national orig in or location of the us lOr s !?I~;t;:: residence.. ': '-:, .';: '. ' . . .... .".,:;..,~;;~;;: :;"\:..,.,'j' .. '2. To provide acces s to records and gr.ant rights to audit any' ~ .':;: : '. . books, dOCUments and papers, of. tha g::'antea for inspection by the 1':.;;':.... -.. .t.. State of Florida..Depart:nent of Natural Resources fo::' this. project ;2i;1';'.;", during the pro j ec t period and for thr ee year S after final payment ;'tfr."l;'r:- . ;". has been made' by the State. Tha grantee Shal1~lso"r~~-rre'~'Yoc;:l~~f;1",: .;',:, ' , con t::ac tor ~':" vendor receiving and ~,:ard toag:ree..f'; :;~~t!::.'~.:~~.;60~~~~ ";',~7". application of ,this provision where . SUch pertains 'to' the contractor:~s "1-: v~'..~:. records rel~tin~totha Florida Keys S"~ken VessOl' P:rd}~~~ >. t$ft~;d;C~if~(~~, .. . 3 . The ' County and FKARA shall hold. and ..S&:"~,,:.:~ "'~l,;'~"'IJ.t. '-.-71 save the Florida Depart:nent of Natural Resources. harmless frcm.~:ti;!':~4:: liability of any na=e or kind, including costs and expenses, for.::;f,~:'~l\S or an account. of any or all suits or damages of any character whatso'ever resulting from inju=ies or damages sustained by any person(s) or ,...... prope:-,:y by vi=t:"..:e of the pe=:::or:nance . of the Florida Keys Sunken Vessel artificial reef projecc co~s~~ction. 4. It is ~'ce=stooc that. the above stated conditions and stipula- tions will be included as part of a project cont=act if c~s applica- I FLORIDA DEP A..~TI!E~IT OF NAT'GRAL RESOURCES~,;;;;...:~:.. ..,.. ~ - DIVISION OF ~NE ~SOURCES ',::~~.t,:,~>..:. Artificial FisIii.ng. Reef Program ." ,', . '. .-': ..... Part B: Acceptance of Conditions .and Stipulations .'q.'~~:./:. (To Be Comp 1 lOt ed and Signed)...." :'. .:,f.:'''':':'~1j~~~<:..'' " .7.:;'~' ',.' .. '-'-.' . ~.":\:;\""~. ". . , '..-1-" '-, : ;';;-~';'. ~ . ...:,,-...... ..-': .. . ::':-1 ._. . ,"'.' . t- 0"'" ~ s a-"'-"'ve~ =...,- ;:~''''''d':''''7 ~ .. ~ :-:'..... - ....... ..-.. _.~. =- Hace of Local' Gover7~ent Monroe County Commission ~~~ ~ig~ ~=~ 0= Heac 0= Gove~i=g Bocy PleaSe Type ~ ./1.- ~- ~r~ Date :"": ~.........'^ . . ......~ ....... -"~~""'...~"':.L..U~--'~ .........r .:. .. :.. t .................. "\.I ;- L'{oA. Ct. I ~. . ;.{d~;,.: t -:,: " .. . . ..; , . ,:;z~;~\:,,; . -':';'.\'~ . t .' '\ ~ , , , ;. ~~ : '~'" '." ...;~?pi~l: ~_ ." ,.", .,.~~., . .' "~::.;:'~' .~,lf;,1~ . Artificial Fish:l.ng Reef Program :',:~'::j~1r~'J. Project Application .. "~.""'i"~,\;'~"''''~' ..,', Section 3: Questionnaire,.".,' ,'~Xj:;.'~r~~~Y;lr~ ' 'C-';'4:t;C' ,1. How much man;:>ower do you anticipate will be needed. t;or ccmpletie.z.;.,;:",;~. " " . ;,,: ". of this proj ect: Give answer in man days ,ie., 8 workers 'for 25 days' ~c ,...." . is equal t~ 200 man days. Ncmber.: 7< "on navs :,; ,"'.,;i:'~;;';;;,:" ';,;," ""';'.'2. Does this project possess any unusual or unique feat'.ll'e or is't1)i*~;f . -"', ...,..... '.:' ".':":':' a particularily noteworthy innovation, strategy, concept or approach. "....,: ' ._~--.,~ .~. . ..,_"e;,,(> "vident ,in the proj ect proposal? ,If so, explain fully and attach ;:t#y',; ~''"'"~l''''' , '.' . . . . .', "'.. ,;i,,;<,;":, response to the questionnaire for:n.. ..' ". :',~",,",:,,:{~(:, :O?1;:.<j;'3 ..l/hat 'is y= total budget for artificial reef construction dUring"'" "t' "-1",;. ..... '... . . '. "...... '_'.~.~. .... ':~'.::\:::('~:;' this fiscal year.? .$ ?nnr. :(~ Budget only) l/hat is your expected' " total budget for next fiscal year? $ 2000(FKARA Budget only) :0, 'f.,::"_",~R!~:" . .... . . , " .... , '., . ",~~.," ., . . 4. .Do youhav~ a master plan for recreation and does, ~e 'pIanindiide' . ,,' data pertaU;ing to salt'"ater fiShing and. more sp~ci,f~~;l2.:,.:;?':;:;~o~i;#F.:':; seruction of artificial fishing reefs: ;(Attach response including.;'<.\'t>:, '. .'.... ..;", ......;..,:: _:""'Y'~:'-';""':iX!-~;ti':;";.-I"- ~~.!:.~~..,. . copies of. a .pproprl.ate pages- from your plan) .~'r.';~..'..q....-.,.~.~~..tf~4...~."...t...J:.."!1~.' ,;,..~.:... >_.'"'. ....;.';.: ~ i.r:.';:,~:. . " ',. '..' ~. tj':>'~""" '-"'r.;"~t.... ...~,~ .c" ~~." <.~ ,Z: " 5 · Do you )iav~ . .m' Advisory Board for sal tw~e;';~'ii-~itl:ng'';;:;;:ct;,fs;;:t;;'(i~J.r ."' > b.;s~o~r Acr,;.i~~:q '-B~ard. C=ented.on .this pro j eci: ;'PpiiC;:i:i~'ri'f;,,~':;"~~"gf; Yes '>-:~f:.. No .~ . '. '. . (Attach. COImnen ts from Advi-sory' . Board) ~;~f~:'~~, ~ li'V A R A -._'-~..' '- .. -,__ '. ,c-":.'!~ _~" ' 6. Do you have either favorable or unfavorable comments relating to;,>;'.!'; this propos ed pro j ec t from citiz ens, org aniza tions, clubs. e tc .' If '~~:'L".,:;: attach copies of all such COII:ments, ':Si:'; ,;. 7. Have you conducted or do you antici;>ate ccnducti:1g de!!1and or USe- pressure studies relat~g to recreational sal~Nater 'fishing? If so, attach data fron s~~d7 or give the anticipated completion date for allY study you may Cu..-=ently be conduct:....,g. Response: No, however ' 'I f are monitored by state and .federal biologists. art~fic~a ree s ~ .. . '.'... 'J , ...' i~.,J,.~.~~:~, ~\I; ;'~ ':-: ~1..~:: ...' . .. , , ': .. .I .. :j..... ~, '.. .. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ~~NE RESOURCES '. , '. . ............, .-- '.. , ~~-::. '0. .. .,..,' ~ . ~. ,." '....:. - ~ -'..) , -,~.;.,. bl' monies were utilize'd during this Opr~ate donati~s, .r~ts and other pu 1C the Florida Keys: fiscal year for artificial reef construction for ._~-~':- -'Jo. .l '~c;;#:. ;.~.!.... :-,,:';., . .... ;......:....~. .................... . ....... <I ~ .;~ ~ &-64....t::J RATIONALE FOR GRANT APPLICATION The FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ASSOCIATION, formed in 1980, has been instrumental in the construction of 10 artificial reefs located from Islamorada to Key West. Attached, find a copy : of the location map of the existing artificial reef sites with a brief description. These reefs have been constr'ucted with funds supplied by the Florida Department of Natural Resources, private donations, and contractual agreements between the Florida Depar- tment of Transportation and construction companies involved in demolition of old bridge structures and in cooperation with Monroe County (Marine Extension Service) and the use of Boating Improvement Fund monies. Materials used in the construction of these reefs vary from bridge decking to steel vessels and hulls to 213' length. Since the first reef was constructed"in 1981, the F?ARA has- received favorable reports from various user groups such as commercial and recreational fishermen and divers. Bottom fishermen have noted good catches of grouper, snapper and kingfish, while divers have enjoyed an abundance of lobsters and tropical fish. Dive shops are among the heaviest user groups at these sites. The most impressive dive is the Seven Mile Bridge site where the old swing span is located and the ~~~mgQ_~~!~~g! ~~~t!C in depth of 86' off Key West. Monroe County is experiencing a heavy increase in the usage of the adjacent reef system. Tourism is no longer a seasonal phenomenon. Heavy visitor usage has prompted concern by managers of John Pennekamp State Park and Looe Key. Damage to the exist- ing natural reefs from this inc~ease i~ visitors is well documented. The existing artificial reefs are attracing both divers and anglers who would normally be adding to the pressure on the natural.systems. Diverting some of the user groups to these artifi~ial reef sites will ultimately reduce the destructive impacts on the natural reef formations. In addition to enhancing the living reef, these artificial reefs will provide. additional habitat to otherwise barren areas. The material used . . in the construction provides a suitable substrate for coral attachment and a variety of other faunal and floral species. Monitoring by state and federal biologists has documented lush epiphytic communiti~s and diverse fish populations occuring only after a few months. This additional habitat will significantly increase the species diversity and overall productivity. The FKARA has recently located two steel-hull frighters (287' BCCQo=l and 200' IbYO~~C~Qlt) in the Miami River which are privately owned, and based on conversatio~s with the cO~?~ll.ing-- interests have potential for sinking as artificial reefs. Details are presently being discussed regarding purchase price, timing of availability and other requirements between these interests, the FKARA, the Keys Association of Dive Operators, local charterboat association, Chambers of Commerce and other interested parties. The change in the Artificial Reef Program Project Application at this time is warranted by the sudden availability of these vessels, the st~ong desire of the Upper placed in a depth of approximately 120' outside the natural reef tract. A new artificial reef site is presently being proposed by the FKARA for permitting to be located adjacent to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary. Site study and paperwork for the permit is now underway. Intentions at this time are to place the second vessel in a depth of approximately 110' to 120' to allow an alte~native dive and fishing site for the fishing and diving interests .. presently utilizing the State Rark and reefs of National Marine Sanctuary. Transportation, engineering, and advertising costs are needed from the FDNR Artificial Reef Program. ..~-