Resolution 362-1985 County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 362-1985 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MONROE COUNTY TO INITIATE AND COMMENCE A LAWSUIT AGAINST THE PERTINENT STATE OFFICIALS AND/OR BODIES TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE REVISED PRIN- CIPLES OF GUIDING DEVELOPMENT HERETOFORE ADOPTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION IN JULY, 1984 ARE VALID AND ENFORCEABLE; RE- QUESTING ANY AND ALL RELIEF IN THIS REGARD AS WAS ORIGINALLY MOVED IN THE LAWSUIT FILED BY COMMISSIONER EDWIN O. SWIFT, III; SPREADING ON THE RECORD THE VOTE ON SAID RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, lawsuit No. 85-3l2-CA-18 (l6th Judicial Circuit) which had been originally filed by Senator Plummer, Representa- tive Allen, and Commissioner Edwin O. Swift, III, and WHEREAS, this suit was dismissed by the appeal lodged in the Third District Court of Appeal, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Commission desires to initiate a lawsuit sponsored by the Monroe County Commission to determine whether or not the Revised Principles of Guiding Development adopted by the Administration Commission on July 24, 1984, are void and therefore of no effect, and WHEREAS, by request of the Commission, the vote of said Commissioners shall be expressed and shown herein, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY that: 1. Monroe County shall initiate and commence a lawsuit requesting that the Revised Principles of Guiding Development adopted by the Administration Commission on July 24, 1984, are void and therefore of no effect whatsoever. 2. That this action is being brought as the Commission action and the respective votes of the Commissioners on this Resolution is reflected herein. 3. That David Paul Horan, Esq. and the County Attorney's office will commence this action as directed in this Resolution and any and all other matters relating hereto shall be brought to the attention of the Commission for its handling. 4. That upon the motion to pass this instant Resolution, the vote of the various Commissioners was as follows: Mayor Harvey Aye Commissioner Fahrer Nay Commissioner Freeman Aye Commissioner Stormont Nay Commissioner Swift Aye Thus, this Resolution was passed by a vote of 3 to 2. 5. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the delegation from Monroe County in the Florida Legislature by the Clerk of this Court. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of December, A.D. 1985. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . .-~ \..-::>". ~~.6 ~~. ''- ._'. ) ... ~.. ..,,..--- By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: 'D G~~ VEDAS T~C:'~ GALS~~ Attorney's Office BY