Resolution 390-1994 COUNTY SECTION UTILITY JOB NO. STATE ROAD NO. COUNTY NAME PARCEL 8< R/W JOB NO. D ,~\ ~1 ;',; , n/a 90 060 3585 5 [I K ;-" ,') Mc;mroe T'IONROE r:ClUN :,. 1'-- j : STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF PR!r=BNC'R'tC(l;~~_Nn').tlD DESIGN COUNT~1S0 lJornntG 0 R C HIGHWAY LIGHTING AGREEMENT "94 [EC 13 P4:52 ,.ORM 723..0 1.'3 PAGE 1 OF 1 A RESOLliTION AUTHORIZI~G EXECUTIO~ OF A HIGHWAY LIGHTING AGREEMENT FOR TilE ADJUST;\IENT, RELOCATION AND/OR I\STALLATION OF A CERTAIN LIGHTING SYSTEM "lTHIN THE RIGBT-OF-WA Y LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED, AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS RESOLUTIO~ SHALL TAKE EFFECT. RESOLUTIOJ\ NO. 390-1994 01'\ !\lOTION OF Commissioner Commissioner London Freeman seconded bv . the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has located and proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of the Hi~hway Lighting System located on State Road 5 AND \YHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation having requested the County of Monroe , Florida, to execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Tran~portation a Joint Project Agreement for Highway Lighting, providing for joint responsibilities of the Department and the County. and said request having been duly considered, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Monroe , Florida. that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Counh' Commissioners be and are hereby authorized to make. execute and deliver to the State of . . Florida Department of Transportation a Highway Lighting Agreement for the adjustment, relocation, and/or installation of a certain lighting system \\ithin the Right of Way limits of said State Road .. 5 . Section 90060-3585 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Miami , Florida. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the Board of Monroe CountL day of November Co u n t \' Commissioners of Florida, in regular seSSIOn, 1994 , _0 this 23rd DAImY L. XOI,.1IAGE, Clerk ATTEST: "."'''''''-'.'-tft/f. ~ 11-9~' 1':. FORM NO. 710-010A74 lUes STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRAlSPORTATION JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT HIGHWAY LIGHTIN' (CountyJ WPI NO. 1 SECTION NO. 6116801 190060-3585 STATE ROAD 5 1 COUNTY NAME 1 Monroe IlAA I JOB NO. NIA 1 FAP NO. I XA-485-1(l48) THIS AGREEMENT. .ad. and ent.r.d into this day of .19 . by and b.tw..n the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAATMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. h.r.tnaft.r call.d the DEPARTMENT. and ~nroe County, a poltttcal .ubdivtston of the Stat. of Flortda. acttn, by and through tts loard of County c~tsston.r.. her.tnaft.r r.f.rr.d to as t~. COUNTY. VITHESSE1'H:' WHEREAS. the COUITY by Re.olutton adopted on NoverJber 23, 1994 .. has r.qu.sted the DEPARTMENT to purchas. and tn.tall a Htghway L1ghttn, Syst.. on that portion of Stat. Road No. S descrtbed as U.S. 1. Jewfish Crk. to Monroe/Dade County Line (8 DolesL__16 street l~qhts) AID WHE.~. the DEPARTMENl 11 constructtn,. r.con.tructtn, or oth.rwtse chan,tn, a portton of the It,htflt, sy.t.. des1gnat.d by the DEPARTMEIIT as Job No. 90060-3585 . Road No. 5 fro.N/O Jewfish Creek t~/O Monroe/Dade Li\l...tch .1Ia11 call for the adjust.nt. r.locat1on and/~r installation of Highway Lighting factlttt.s alon, satd ht,hway. AID WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT and thl COUNTY havI d.t.r8tn.d that tt would b. to the blst tnt.rest of the ,...ral public and to the Icono.ic adyantav. of both parti.s to .nt.r into a JOINT PROJECT provtd1ng for sllch work, .... NOV. THEREFORE, thl pr..ts.s constdlr.d. and tn constd.ratton of the su. of On. Dollar .ach to the oth.r tn hand patd. the rec.tpt wh.rlof ts h.reby aCknowled,.d, and tn furth.r constd.ratton of the .utual coy.nants h.retnaft.r contatn.d, it ts a,r.ed by the part1ls as follows: f 1. Th. DEPARTMENT agrl's to 9repar. plans and sp.ctficat1ons for the work involved, and advertts. for btds for the .qutp..nt and matertals. Th. decision as to the type and .ake of equip.ent purchased will b. the DEPARTMENT'S sOle.responsibility. .. .. - :;J .': -.~' . FoaM NO. 710-010-7. 12/11 'age Z of 3 Z. All of the work on the lighting syste. is to be done according to the plans and specifications of the DEPARTMENT which ,lans and specifications are, by reference hereto. .ade a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT will be responsible for plrfor.ing the co.,leted installation. 3. Thl DEPARTMENT will providl thl Alclssary .n,in.ertn, lupervision to allure construct ton is in co.,ltl"ce .ith the plans and Ipecifications heretnabove r.f.rr.d to. and .ill perfo~ thl final inspection of the c~leted project. 4. The COUNTY agrees that the equip..nt of the ltghtin, Iyste. Ihall r..a1n the property of the DEPARTMENT. and it is her.by understood and a,reed that the COUNTY Ihall not. und.r any condition. re.ove the equip..nt wkich is the subJect ..tt.r of this A.r....nt for any r.alon without pe~ission and~ritt.n cons.nt of the DEPARTMENT. . 5. Thl COUNTY furth.r a.r..s upon c~letion of the inltallation. to assw.. sole r.sponsibility for the .atntenance of said li,httn, si,nal syst.. in accordance with the DEPARTMENT'S polici.s and .Standard Specifications for Hi,~ay Lightin,., 6. Th. COUNTY further a,r..s to b. r.sponsibl. for the pa,.ent of all cost for electrical pow.r and/or other .lectrical char,es incurred in connect10n w1th the op.rat10n of the coaplet.d li.htin, syste.. . 7. T'. COUNTY cov.nants and a,r.es that it will 1ndean1fy and hold har.l.ss to the .xt.nt provid.d by Florida Statutes 768.28. DEPARTMENT and all of DEPARTMENT's offic.rs. a,.nts, and ..,Ioy.es froa any cIa i.. loss. da.age, cost. char.e or .xp.ns. arisin, out of any act. action. ne,lect or caission by COUNTY during the perfor..nc. of the contract, wh.ther direct or indirect. and .hether to any person or property to which DEPARTMENT or said parties .ay be subject, exc.pt that neither COUNTY nor any of its sub-contractors wfll be lfable under this section for da..ges arisfng out of inJury or da.... to persons or property directly caused or resultin, froa the sole n.,li,lnce of DEPARTMENT or any of its officers, agents or ..,loyels. 8. ~11 services and work under the construction contract shall be perfor.ed to the satisfaction of the DEPARTMENT'S Dfrector of Constructfon and he shall decide all questions, difficulties and disputes of whatever nature. whfch .ay arise under or by reason of such contract for hi,hway li,htin'i the prosecution and fulfill..nt of the servfces thereunder. and the character. quality, a.ount, and value thereofi and hfs decfsion upon all clafas, questions, and dfsputes thereunder shall be final and conclusive upon the partfes hereto. 9. The COUNTY wfll infor. thl Depart.ent's approprfate Resfdent Engfneer in wrftfng when they start or resu.e work on the projlct. . . .~ FOR" NO. 710-010-74 12188 Plge 3 of 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p,rt'es hereto hive clused these presents to be executed by their duly luthorized officers, Ind their officill sells hereto Iffixed, the dlY Ind yelr f'rst Ibove written. COUNTY: ~ "" ~~~J (SEAL) APPR~':ED AS T':" ~"'''''.~ ~, ATTEST: (Tftle: Deputy Clerk ) HIJ-.?>/'14 Floridl Deplrt.ent of Trlnsportltion (SEAL) IY: (Title: ATTEST: Executive Secretlry Legll Revfew: Date: ~ BY: ATTORNEY - FOOT APPROVEC By: . . Dlte: Utilfties Offfce