Resolution 045-1984 I ' 'l'J .'..... ..... Jeffrey Doyle, Director Building, Planning & Zoning RESOL UT ION NO. 045-1984 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE JOINT VENTURE OF LANE KENDIG & SIEMON, LARSEN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Monroe County, Florida, and the joint venture of Lane Kendig and Siemon, Larsen & Purdy, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February , A.D. 1984. BOARD OF C~~TY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE~UNTY, FL DA By$", ~..c ~ Chairman (Seal) At t est: DMrnX L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ '\'1h\>W IY\ P ~W Clerk r "., COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Project: DPBZ-84-1 GROWTH HANl-l.GE;:'1EN'l' PLAN FOR THE KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STi'iTE CONCEHN THIS CONTRACr, made and entered into this 24th day of February 1984, by and betvleen the County of Monroe, Flor ida 1 hereinafter called the County, and the Joint Venture of Lane Kendig, Inc., 472 Kil1arney, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 and Sierr:or!, Larsen & Purdy, 1491 Seconel Street, Sarasota, Florida 33577, hereinafter the Consultant. WIT N E SSE T H: 1'IHEREl'I.S, the County <'lesires to employ a consultant to perform the professional services described herein; and WHEREAS, one of the principals of the consulting fir~ is duly qualified as a Planner and represents himself to b~ professionally competent and capable to perform the services described herein, and certifies that he has employee] or wiLL employ a "sufficL:;nt number of staff to complete the work unde.r his supervision, and desires to be employed. NO'tJ , THEH.EFOHE, in consideration of the rnut~]al convenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the County does hereby employ Consultant and the Consultant does hereby (:ccept employment in accordancc? with the covenants and conditions \.;Lic:,h I ' 1L H~__.~~~~~';:::~.......-':;"."":, :----=_==-:=..:.-=-~_:.-~.=.-~~:_.:;:~~~...,-~,~~;;..::_=.:_:_:,:,~,___;.,,,....-_:c_",".>._~~.. follow together with those covenants and conditions enumerated 111 Exhibits A-F "specials provisions." ARTICLE I - DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT Section 1 - Description The project for which professional services are required and the time of completion are described in Exhibits B, C and D attached her2to. Section 2 - Financ~ Funding for this project will be provided from the source(s) indicated in Exhibi ts '" "~ and Fat tached hereto, and shall total two hundred thousand ($200,000.00) dollars. ARTICLE II - SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~c t ior~-l-=_~ne f al Requ i femen ts The Consultant agrees to provicJi:? professional services in accorJa~c2 with the following requirements: 1'\. ~()nsultant's Resp()nsibili~.'{ The Consultant shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all services rendert'~d , 2nd the 9orrection of all significant errors of omISSIon or commission on any drawings, illustrations, text, or other documents required by 1-1 . '- ,11 S agreement to be provic1ec; by the ConSUltant, notwithst.anding prior approval by the County. This provision shall not apply to any maps, official records, contracts, or other data -2- ....:4..11 ? ,_sL..._ ~.i"""'.;.' ,j' ~: :...;.......;;.lJ.,;,....lo,-.f:~,~~,~,i~,_~alll!l~~ ,~~~~~~..,,..~\i!,;J'1~~;,~A_'filo::~'~:..~ tha t may be prov ided by the County or othe r publ i c or semi-public agencies 1 . 1 Y7r11Cn t.he Consultant should reasonably expect be to accurate and _ wh ich the Consultant could not be reasonably expected to know to be inaccurate. B. Professional Services The Consultant agrees to render professional services promptly and diligently upon consummation of this contract between the County and the Consultant. C. Work Schedule The Consultant has prepared a work schedule in the form of a progress chart which is attached hereto as Exhibits B, C, and D. The work schedule provides for the comp12tion of the service:; described herein within the time fram~ and under the conditions established herein. The Consul tant wi 11 be expected to adhere to the \;70rK schedule to the best of his ability. The schedule may be updated periodically as necessitated by factors that which Occur materially change the cona i t ions a fE ec ti n9 the wor k schedule a nd a re beyond the control of the Consultant. The work schedule may be amended with wr i t tc'n approval of the Director OF L Planning, Building and Zoning. The County will be furnished two copies 0:: the original schedule and tW~J copies after each revision, if any is approved. Failure on the part of the Consultant to adhere to the approvr>d -3- or amended work schedule, whichever is applicable, shall be sufficient grounds for termination by the County. D. Reviews To assure that the progress on the work schedule is acceptable to the County bc2fore the Consultant incurs unnecessary expense, the Consultant will submit two (2) copies of a monthly report to the County outlining the work completed to date \>Jhich shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Progress on work tasKs. 2. When applicable, the Preliminary Dra ft of the Growth Management Plan. 3. When appl i cable, t he Hear i ng Dr af t of the Growth Management Plan. 4. Final Document (Gro'ilth Management Plan). E. RJoject Coordinator Unless otherwise noted the County's Project Coordinator shall be Jerry A. Annas. The Consultant's Project Coordinator shall be Charles L. Siemon. Either party shall advise the other promptly In writing any time c.ircumstances require a change in Project Coordinator. Section 2 - Basic Services The Consultant agrees to provide as a minimum the following general services: A. Public Presentation(s) -4- I ' The Consultant shall make public presentations before the Board of County Commissioners and such other public hearings or presentations as enumerated in Exhibit D. B. Data Collection The Consultant will be responsible for activities as defined in Exhibit B and will perform these activities within the time outlined in Exhibit C. The County will be responsible for activities defined in Exhibit A. County files 'dill be made Clvailable to the Consultant and assistance will be provided by County staff in locating tlw proper fUe, but the Consultant will be responsible for identifying the desired information. C. ~olJn t-.Yi.c;0?t~~ul tan t _ R~ la t ions l:?lJ.'2. The County staff will be available to discuS~3 general County policie~3 ano concepts <,o;hich the Consultant may use 2::.5 a general , 1 gUlc,e Hl the development of the project. T"- - '- shall [)e the responsibility of the Consultant to bilse his ',york and recommendati':ms on his professional expertise, sound judgment, and generally accepted concepts rather than any preconceptions the Gounty rnay h3ve expressed. Section 3 - Time of Cornoletion ----._--_.~--- The Consultant agrees to complete the project within the . dates inc1icatea in Exhibit C, as;c3uming there are no event::3 that occu r wh i ch ar e lJeyond the cC:Jn t [01 (j f t~he C~orlS u 1 ta n t \,';[1 i ch materially affect the conditions of the time schedule. rrhc t irne of completion is dependent upon the starting date established by _.C:;_ -, I ' the consummation of the contract. The time of completion shall include all reviews and approvals as outlined in Exhibit C. The time of complet ion may be extended for a resol1able p.er lod, upon written request by the Consultant and approval of the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning. Such an extension may be granted when factors occur that are beyond the control of the Consultant tha t de lay comple t ion of the wor k schedule. Such factors ;nay include, but are not limited to, instances when reviews or approvals require more time than indicated on the time schedule. ----------...--.--------- Section 4 - Subcontractors Consultant shall have the right to enter into such subcontracts as are necessary to complete the work contemplated under this contract. Those subcontractors previously identified in the Consultant1s response to the County's RFP are approved. Any additional subcontractors require County approval. ARTICLE III - PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Section 1 -- Pavment for Basic Servi~es _._--_.~._.._._-----_._--~._._------_._---~,- A. l' 0 ~_a I P i~i~~_~:.. 1.]1 con::;ideration of the performance of the bas ic services described hereinabove and as may be more specifically enumerated in Exhibits B, C, and D, the County will pay the Consultant amounts specified in Exhibits ~ 1:, and 'r:' . , which sl.'1311 constitute full and complete payment for all basic services reCJuirecl to be perfor;11Cc} under the terms of this Contract. -6- --~-~-_._.~-_._-_..~-----_._--._--~-~--~-~--_._-.._---~-~-_."_. ------'~-----_.__._---"'_...._._._--,-~--- _..---_.~-_.._-~~._.- ~ B. Par.!=}al P~men~ The Count.y will make progressive payments for disbursements incurred (rIOt to exceed a total of $25,070) and fr'r u~ services renc1eroc'1 providing the disbursal of monthly payments for services rendered does not eXCeE::cl ninety (90) percent: of the agreec1 compensat.ion for the worK tasks completed in Exhibit C. The remaining ten (10) percent. of the compensation for a work task completed shall be billec] in the month fOll<Yding completion of the worK tasl<. In an instance where the Consultant has not totally completE:<.; a l.'iOrk task as outlined in Exhibit C, the monthly payment shall be nin~::ty (90) percent of the value of the partially completed work task as mutually agreed upon by the partie~-3. The Ccmsultant will present an invoice to the COt-"nty monthly for the payment currently due, and payment \.;ill be iTlacl: within fifteen (15) c:ays after the invoic2 has been approved by the Director of Planning, Building " anc: Zoninj. If payment is not made within thirty (30) days ,,;hen C]U~, interest on the unpaid balance will accrue beglnn.1ng with the thirty-first (31j day at the rate of one p0'rcent (1%) per month or the maximum interest rate permitted by law, ,,'hichever 1" l(,;ss. The invoice will , d' , In,lCat~;: the payment ba. S F.:d on the work tas~'~s completed. Payment of the final amount of the contract --7- I ' will be made when all contractual services have been perfor~ed and accepted by the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning. The terms of this payment provision shall not apply until the Co~nty has received funa.s for the completed wor;( tasks from the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Addendum 1 of the Memorandum of Agreement attached as Exhibit E. Section_.~~ment for Additional Services County and Consultant agree that certain portions of the work scheduled to be performed by the Consultant may not be defined sufficiently at the time of execution of this agreement and tha t inc iden tal add i tional profess ional serv ices related to the project and not covered in Exhibits Band D may be needed during performance of this agreement. Such additional professional services when authorized by executed change order or supplemental agreement will be compensated for by a fee mutually agreed upon bet'ween the County and the Consultant. Negotiation of a mutally agreed fee will be done using the same criteria used to negotiate the original fee for basic services. Section 3 - Accountinq and Records ----.----- -C.-____.._____.___ re imbur sable expenses pc r ta i ni ng to th is proj ect and records of Records of the Consultant's direct personnel payroll and accounts bob/een the County and Consul tant shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and shall be available to the County or to an authorized representative for audit during normal business hours. Reimburseable expenses shall include -8- I , general travel expenses, hotel expenses and meals, and long distance telephone expenses. ARTICLE IV - COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1 - Furnish Information The County wi 11 fur n i sh the Consul tan t, when f eas i ble 1 at no cost to the Consultant, the following information or services for this project: A. rrwo (2) copies of any available ffiClP,;;, records, contracts, policy statements, ordinances, resolutions or other data pertinent. to the \>10 r k . Eowever, the Consultant shall be resporE3ible for searching the records and requesting specific information. B. All available information and data relative to County pOlicy, standards, criteria, studies, etc. C. Advice and consultation on matters relating to the project. ..~---------_.._-_._--_..__._---_._._--,--.- AIU'ICLE V - CURTlULr-1ENT 1,2m TER~nNATION Section 1 - ~odjfication of Pro ct _.- ------.-..-- --~~_._.- Add::tions to, FodL':icaUons, or deletions from the work program outlined in Exhibit B may be made by the County, and the compen~-:;ation t:o be paid to the Con::;ultant may be adjusted accordingly by mutual agrec~ent of the contracting parties. Change orde~s will not be effective until approved by the Director C": Planning, Building and i:oninij. It is distinctly -9-- ~m j .........r~\Y'i:~-.---..,~"""'........,-,..:1't~~~~~:iir..,'".,.,;r:%=.4'ji_~.'k ~~.:'l'~'.,W<::tli";'tj-1I'1.~~,.1IlIll"~ understood and agreed that no claim for extra work done or materials furnished by the Consultant will be allov.,'ed by the County except 2a provided herein, nor shall the Consultant do any work or furnish any materials not covered by this agreement unless such work is first authorized in writing by change order. Any such work or materials furnif.;hed by the Consultant without such written authorization first being given shall be at his own risk, cost, and expense and he hereby agrees that without such written authorization, he wil.l make no claim for compensation for such work or materials furnished. Section 2 - Curtailment or Termination of Services -------~------ The County and the Consultant hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants contained herein. The County reserves the right, at its discretion, to terminate or curtail the services provIded in this agreement for any misfeasance, malfeasance or non-performance of the contract by the Consultant. A. In the event the County shall terminate or curtail the services or any part of the services of the contract hec~in providi~c1, the County shall notify the Consultant l.rl '.;Jriting and the Consultant shall discontinue advancing the work under this agreement thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice. Where such termination is due to negligent performance or fc:illlre to perform the cont,raet, +-' Jle Consul tant will be liable to the: COLIn ty for daillages caused thereby, and all sums due the Co""""": c:. \ ~"1 +- ~. ~ t- ::'='l ' 1 t C'.~ .,~~'" , ,~. ~-- c, n l, s , 1 c. 1. .J e ." '- 0 p P 'c- d . -10- ~- __'___+_"I~ ..,"""'.....,=,=-:-,---:-,:.-:.;.:;.:.:~;=:::..:3.L,._.,...-_._..,~"-----:-~_~~-;-..:.:.:~~ "'n ..r:F_---,.',--~_.~.'-_c-.-.--. - ..-- ---.-Y'-~~'-".'.-~- .......~._,.."'-'..._-.........<-_......,. .~~~_~h~--;-~.~_,__-~~a~I~"l.~I~rii.-.....tIMl.---'lntll'-ck,;;;,:.~ I ' B. Upon such termination, the Consultant shall deliver to the County all drawings, illustrations, - text, data and other documents entirely or partially completed, together with all unused material supplied by the County. C. Upon termination, the Consultant shall appraise the \York 0' Co ,- has completed and submit his appraisal to the County for evaluation. D. 'Tlle Consul tan t sha 11 rece 1 ve his compensa t ion in full for services performed to the date of such termination or curtailment. This payment shall consist of the appropriate percentage of the total compensation for the \vork task satisfactor ily completed as outlined in Exhibit F, and shall be in the amount to be agreed mutually by the Consultant and the County. If there is no mutual ag r eemen t, the Consul tant will prov i c:e the County with records, and the County will employ the same ~ethod used for additional work as a guide in the final determination. The County shall make this final payment within , . ;,} lX~Y (60) days after the Consultant has delivered the last of the partially completed documents together with any records that may be. required to determine the amount due, unless either party has served the othor with a written request to arbitrate a dispute. -11- ----~-~-----~---- ----------~- E. ~..;rhen the woe k is te emi na ted by mu tual consent or when the termination is due to negligent perJormance or failure to perform the contract, there shall be no limi tation upon the County as to the subsequent use of the documents or ideas incorporated therein for the preparation of final studies, plans, and/or documents, and the County reserves the right after thirty (30) days f () 11 0 ';-i i n g a written termination notice to the Consultant, to take over the services and follow them to completion by contract with others, or otherwise. ARTICLE VI - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS -_._---_..._.__._~--------------- Section 1 - Non-jiscrimination The Consultant agrees that he will not discriminate against any or his employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all Federal and State lai-IS regarding non.- discrimination. The Consultant further agrees to insert the foregoing pro'li,c::ions in all sub-contracts hereunder except sub- contracts~for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. Any violation of such provisions shall constitute a material breach of this agreement. Section 2 - Arbitration of DisDutes .~----- .-----------.- "Any di.spute arising under thi:3 contract which is not se t t led by the County and the Cons ul tant in ten (10) days sha 11 be decided by a~l arbitration board co:nposed of a representatIve -12- ._.~--~---_.._~~-----~,._-._.~ of the County, a representative of the Consultant, and a representative mutually acceptable to the County and the Consultant. The Consultant shall continue to render all services requested in this contract without interruption, notwithstanding the provisions of this section. Section 3 - Indemnification -.-..---..---..--------- A. Hold Harmless rrhe Consultant does hereby covenant and i:19ree t' ,-, ~"j indemnify and hold harmless the County, its Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, appointed Boards and Commis3LonE'" Officers, and Employees, individually and col1ectLvely, from aLL fines, suits, claims, demands, actions, costs, obligatic)r1f3, attorney/s fOi2S, or liability of any kind arising out of the sole negligent actions of the Consultant and does hereby agree to and does assume all the riSk in the operation of his b'Jsinc::;s hereundc:'f an,) shall be solely rcsponsU"'lc: and ans\Y2~:ablc: for eLl.'( and all accic]cnl~'3 or injuries to per :3 Cl rie; or pro per ty a r i sin Sou t 0 f his per for Ll a nee 0 f thi~~ c::,,)ntract. The amount and type.::' of inE.3Uranc:>,:1 Cbvi2raJe requirements set forth hereunder shall in no way be construed as limiting the Scope of indemnity set forth in this paragraph. The County does hereby cove ;1a n c. and aq r e e [() i ndem:l. if y and sa. ve ha r jnJ-e.: s s U1C~ Consultant from any fi112S, suits, claims, (} .2~rt1(] 11d ~11 a C" t' ;.) n C' (' ,..... t ~ h l' .... .~. co -, 1.. t..~ , . - l \ "i, '- uS;", 0 'j .~ 1 g U l, 1 (, n", Gi '- .0 L n e ji fees, or li(~bil Lt}i -13- "'.i...."'._"'""".~;...jp:;.....~...;;~,;.;........__ ' . . ...~-,..... .,"';.~--::;::-;;:::;'::;::::-:-:::;;;;::--;::::~;:----"---~---=.:.::--:-:..-.---.;,-.-,:;;..;;::;,;:;::,:.,."".;=~..:..;..;:::::;;":... I... __.... '-'--..~,::.'::-~~,-~~:~-=-:':-~~~~~J*f.iI~~~_~~.. of any kind resulting from a negligent act by any of the County's e~ployees. Further, the Consultant agrees to defend and pay all legal costs attendant to acts attributable to any negligent acts of the Consultant. B. Completeness and Accura~f Work The Consultant shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of his "'JOrk, plan, supporting data., una other documents prepared compiled under or ras 1 ..,. .__.j.... oOJ..lga<-lon Eor this project, and shall correct at his expense all significant errors or omissions therein which may be disclosed. The cost of the work necessary to correct those errors attributable to the Consultant and any damage incurred by the County as a re~3'.11t of additional costs caused by such shal.l be errors chargeable to the Consultant. The fact that the County has accepted or approved the Consultant's work shall in no relieve any the 'day Consultant of of his responsibilities. This provision shall not apply to any maps, official records, contracts, or other data that ~ay be provided by the County or other public or semi- public agencies which the Com;ultant should reasonably expect to be accurate and which the Consultant could not reasonably be expected to know to be inaccurate. c. Claims Against the Co~~..Z The Consultant agrees that no cnarges or claim for damage:3 ~)hall be l1lade by 1 . for any delays or (JIm -14-- hindrances attributable to the County di.1r ing the progress of any portion of the services specified in this a9reement. Such delays or hindrance.s, if any, shall be compensated for by the County by an extension of time for a reasonable period for the Consultant to complete the work schedule. Such an agreement shall be made between the parties. Section 4 - Insu~ance Provisions ------_.,---------- The Consul tant shall procure and maintain a standard Comprehensive Liability Insurance policy in an amount and of a type acceptable to the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning. The County shall be named on the Comprehensive Insurance pOlicy as an additionally named insured and shown on the insurance certificate providccl to the Count.y by the Consultant. The Consultant shall also procure and maintain a workman's compensation pOlicy and hold the County harmless from all claim's arising t.hereunder. Nothing herein shall be construed to ,. ..l.. -tiffil\.._ tile scope c)f inc3e:nnity sc;t [0[[:11 above. The certificates shall provide that if the policies are cancelled by the insurance company Of; Consultant during the term of the Contract, ten (10) days written notice prior to the effective date of such cancellation will be given to the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning. Section ~ :) ~ Ownershio of Documents 1 _______.__ All documents inClUding, but not linlited to, tracin~1s, d r a 'I"" i n 9 s , i llu s t rat ion S, est i mat e s , fie 1 d not e s , i n v est i 9 at ion s , -15- I ' design analysis, studies, and other data or documents which are obtained or prepared in the performance of this agreement, are to be and will re.nain the property of the County and are to be delivered to the Director of Planning, Building and Zoning before the final payment is made to the Consultant. The Consultant may retain originals and prepare copies of any of these documents for the County provided the copies are produced at the Consultant's own expense. Section 6 - Assianment of Contract __L__________ Th i s ag r e0L12n t shall not be ass ignable in whole or 111 part without tb2 written consent of the parties hereto, and it shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. Section 7 - Anti-kickback The Consultant warrants that no person has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee and that no member of the County has any interest, financially or ot.herwise, in the Consultant's firm or his sub- contractors. For breach or violation of this warranty, the County Shilll have the right to annul this contract without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. -15- _"....,"'---.'T.~"~_.,.".,.-"'.,^..._"'.......---.-..-V>.-:c'"-"'._.'"_~,.-._.__......,..___....~~,_'_. .._...;_,......._...,.....,..~.....~"_-__~...-...___....-._____-"-.~....~ , ' IN WIT~ESS v'lHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract on the date first above written. C~)' 1 I r\1 ';r v J u" ,:;' -, L. .'1_ 7 t j/ , / Vfi'v~'~- MONROE! . '!~~~2--'-__ -~tI-._-_.. KEN SORENSEN , ~1ayor ATTEsrr TO: :ONSU T"~T: d~ df.~o~_LLO/Y~ f.PuJ' ~ NAME . I fflznv ffl.. T rrLE l 0 /7/ BY-c7~ lV '. L/IA/F: Kt:p lJ/ ----_._--~._.._.._._._-- N,2'.\ME IA.JC pl''5Id~t TITLE -17- EXHIBITS A. y,lORK PROGRAM (COUNTY) B. WORK PROGR~1 (CONSULTANT) C. TIME SCHEDULE FOR CONSULTANT'S VJORK PROGRAM D. PUBLIC HEARINGS E. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT F. CONSULTANT t S vlORK PROGRAM BUDCC'r -18- I ' ,. . ___-1_~.'.__.__..___.___._....____._ EXHIBIT "A" WORK PROGRAM (COUNTY) The Monroe County Planning completing the following tasks Staff will and subtasks: be responsi blc~ for Task I. Existing Conditions A. Natural Systems Inventory 1.1 Identify personnel resources. Identify agencies, organizations and individuals with expertise in the area of natural environmental features of the Florida Keys. Solicit partici- pCltion. 1.2 Identify graphic/narrative data. Identify, review and process all available graphic and narrative data on Florida Keys environmcncdl features as to coverage, detail and utility to the planning program. 1.3 Identify/categorize natural features. Identify and describe the features to be analyzed as resolution of the analysis. categories of n3tural ...,.ell as the degree of 1.4 Identify and map endangered species. Identify and describe the location and characteri,st::ics of endangerE:~d specie::; habitat i.n the Flor ida Keys. Develop a 1: 2000 scale map of the habitats. 1.5 Identify/map offshore reefs. Identify and crlaracteristics describe of offshore the reefs location and in the F lor ida I{eys" 1.6 Develop and assemble an environmental feature map. I)(::v(;lop a map and supporting narrative d2tailin'] specific enviornmental features and habitat in the FIGrida Keys and their function, sE>.nsitivity anc1 utility. -1- .:-~===-="':~._ "::::.-:~'--::::-'::,~=~:'-=~~" ,: ,. __,..-=---.--c-.~-----c-.-.-~~~.~,~ ''+-:.-=-~.'::::::.;::...._..._..:_''':;;~~tt:.;:;._=~~"'''"" ~~~~....;::i,:....: 'LIio;.;: ,j; " ~~,,~,_ _._. . B. Existing Land Use Inventory 1.1 Transportation system capacities. Develop a narrative description and se~ies of maps depicting the existing and committed transportation network, levels of service, conditions affecLin':3 the transportation network (choke points, etc.) and proposed improvements (not yet committed). 1.2 Existing man-made uses. Develop a map series and supporting narrative detailing developed/man-made land use characteristics and publicly owned properties by planning sub-area, including an acreage calculation for each of the se lected lanL1 use class i fica t ions by planning sub-area. 1.3 Public facilities capacities. Inventory existing public services and facilities. Identify the population of units served by each planning sub-area. Develop level of s(~[vice incHcator (standards) and/or identify excess or deficient service capacity by service and by sub-area as '.-1ell as operation and maint.c,nance C()EJt~3. 1.4 Population/economic base. D?velop an including aV3ilable, population hocizon. analysis of the existing population base historical trends county-wide ana, if by sub-area. Project the existing tr end to the (:!1Cl of the plann i ng Deve lop a:l includin,] E.'nphas i s Retail, ~,l i 1. ita c y sectors. analysis of thE~ existing economic:: bd~;e any historical \:re:1(13 by location. should be placed on ana1yz j ng ~1holesale- Services Sector, Touris:Tl, Hotel/ivlote1., and Ocean Related Industries economic c. Existing Land Use Controls 1.1 Review existing codes. Rev i ew ana recomm,?nd change'3 for the County Commissioners on the following ordinances: Zoning, Trees and Vegetation, Beaches and. Shoreline, B'-1ilding and Construction, Subdivision,'\lajor Development and Floor Ordinances; specifically, Chapters 4, 6, 17, 18 ana 19 of the ]\1onroe County Code. . , ' 1.2 Examine existing intergovernmental agreements. Evaluate existing intergovernmental agreements and relationships with reference to their impact on growth management. Task II. Project Grovlth Trend/Impacts A. Develop Existing Growth Trend 2.1 Identify planning areas susceptible to development pressure. An assessmen t of deve lopment and land use change will be undertaken to identify locational trends. This assessment will utilize building permi.ts and certificates of occupancy to identify previous information on pending developments and projects currently under review. The assessment will integrate all data developed under Task One to identify development pressure by geographic location and will be shown. on 1:2000 scale ffiGlpc:. The susceptibility analysis will utilize the following subtask information: 2.11 Histor ic population trends to proj eet gro,..;tl, rates. 2.12 Building permi t records by building type and location. 2.13 Pending and/or impacts. approved developments and -3- ,.. .,..~~--.::::,i.~","- ----~, 1>lI-~~",1111'C""",-:-__o/"::'~'f!'~__~_)____,~~___...__,_Ifj".,.._:~_:,_.......:_,,_,__ EXHIBI'f liB It WORK PROGB,l\ii_(CQNSULTANTl. Th 2 Cons ul tant wi 11 be rcspons i ble for comple ti ng the following tasks and subtasks: II-A ANALYSIS OF EXISTING GROWTH TRENDS -----------.---.--------------.-----.--- Task 2.14 _13eview of County Hatf:~,_ial The consulting team's first tasks will be to review materials prepared by County staff to date and to discuss concerns with County Staff. Team members will meet with County conditions and with areas identified as particularly susceptible staff and others in order to fa;niliarize the team with cxistinq to growth pressures. This effort will enable the team to review the concerns and objectives of Monroe County officials in an in- depth fashion and to identify critical local issues. Ta.::3k 2.2 r. 1 -J n (-, '"' 1-: n n n cL P r c) -J' n ,~- t (' ('1 r:' y- 0 L1 t- h .:2..;::~.~~~..:_._::.~~_.:_...._.~__.,'''_~_..'::"_.__~__~\?_..::__~_.:~:-=-..:..: Project,::c] t:r'~:nds ","'ill be identified by land ll[.je cate- and 2005. go r y, PC) P u 1 J. ti.(m and :c, u bar e a for t 11 eye a r ,:; 1985, 1990, 19 95, 2 COO Task 2.21 Dev~C'loPl;'?nt of D2n1C)Qrauh;c Projection --.-------- --------'---~...------..-.--.-,---_...:..~___.__.._____.w____~~_~_._____._.._____ The teaQ will develop, in consultation with Monroe five year increQents to 2005. County officia.ls, a trend projection for population gro\vth in 'I'ask 2.22 1,: 11 a 1. y s i~--g--~~2~!l' i c B_~~ s ~-Y~::21~i~ 0 Ll_c2. economic base G::O the basis for projecting the size and composl- The team will analyze the County's present and past -1- tion of the economic base for 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005. In add i t ion to the more common wholesale, reta iI, serv i ce and industrial sectors, data on tourism, 'lote l/mote I, mili tarv and 6 . marine-related sectors will be reviewed to determine their trends. Task 2.23 Developmen!: and_ Testir.:3. of an _Allocat:ion System . following: An allocation system will be developed based on the land suitability/availability, current (l::velopment and building activity, pending developmenL;, subdivision activ-- ity, ownership patterns and impact costs. The team members will rel~l on their 0",;0 exper iences as \\7211 as on data gatheu:cl b" .l Monroe County staff. Task 2.3 Estimation of the Land Reauirements of Various Uses --------------~-----,---_._--_.._,--- Land consumption for each of the scenarios will be pro- jected based on existing zoning categories for each subarea. The fir s t run will t est the cur r e n t Z 0 n i n g In a piS a b i 1 i t Y t () h and 1 e the growth and will identify inadequacies. I1.B. ~MPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS AND EXISTING LAND USES -~ --.-.-.---.--.----- Task 2.1 Transoortation <......:: The consultants will use state and national data to develop the choke point and level of service analysis. l\1ainten-- ance problems will be evaluated. A study of the bridges, their condition, and their relationship to the total system "dll be conducted. -2- , , Task 2.2 Land ConsL~nption Land consumption based on Item II.A.2.3 will be devel- oped for the planning sub-areas that are found to llave inadequate land available. Commercial uses, marinas, resort and residential areas will be evaluated. The consultant will review the proposed allocations with staff. Task "2.3 -------- Public Services and Infrastructure electrical, police, emergency and disaster preparedness services Impacts of development on water, sewer, solid wa~;te, will be evaluated. Impacts on schools will be analyzed, as will reql1iC::1(~nts [C)! park lands and recreational fc\cilities. Per capita or per acre usage rates will be developed and demands will be com~nred with available facilities. The impact on each area will be evaluated. Task 2.4 Natural S'1sterns . ~...._, ------ The impacts of different tYl'::<!S of land uses on various dards of land use intensity. natural SY3t':'1;13 './iLl L,e d2fined based on readily measllrable Stcil1- sity models for residential and non-residential uses. These wi]] involve land use inten- Controls effectiveness quantified. or stand.Jrds t:la: modify impact also wi.ll be developed and their into major land oc ',yater cOJ!1plexe::::; (physic:grapILLc cOi1plexec;i, ,"':1(] All environ~cnts first will be divided discreetl~l ;n then furth2r ~ bdivided into phYSiographic site classes which are bIe or measurable. In S~)rrl? cases, where different - 3-- protection levels are needed within a class, further subdivision to site types will occur. Each type will have a protection level associated with it at the end of the impact aAalysis. In addition, endangered species, . ~' SpeCll..lC habitats and the environmental requirement of commercial F' , ~lsn species will be analyzed in terms of si te classes 0."- L types requirec] to s uppor t. various species populations. 1. Habitats. l\n an3lysis of habitats for cndangered, rare or \.lnJ.(Jue species, and co~nercial species will be conducted. This will as:.oist In providing habitat protection area,'; a:::> well 3S in identifyi:1Cj t hc~ importance of va.!':"i.C)1JS components of the habitat. The habitat analysis will be re'vie"leJ with various 5ntere::;t groups and alternative analysis conducted to test the sensitivity of our work. 2. La nd Co~~pl~xe_~_ Upland and coastal land forms will be evaluated to establish protection standards and levels. 3. Water Comolexes -_._._--~._.,~--_._- Various marin'2 unc1 freshwater complexes will be ~valuated to establish protection standards and levels. Task 2.5 I Tn D act S u:':n a r i e s ._---.A...., _._~__ 'I'he t.2ai.l analysi::J will be pn~sentea I' " lJ appropriate ment on man-made facilities and the environment. graphic form to dc~onstrate the impact of the proposed develop- ning sub-area, the most limiting carrying capacity factor will be For eacb pI an-' -4-- __-..I_.~~_~----~~-...- I ' identified and compared to other carrying capacity factors. A 1" = 2000' scale map of each planning r;ub-area will be prepared showing the 'J'ar ious mapping uni ts. l\. narrative wil..l accompany the graphics and will discuss the carrying capacity for the entire area and each sub-area. III.A GROWTH HANAGEMENT SCEN}\RIOS Task 3.0 .Growth Mana~ment Contso1s B~_~~ Before 010nroe County officials begin to select alternative goals and plans, it is important for them to gain an understanding of growth management techniques. The consul tan ts will develop a report which will survey available growth manage,l'.en t tecll'l iques I analyz/~ the i r appl i ca b i 1 i ty to the Kc~ys and uncler Plor ic1a law. Practical limitations and the success of the regulations would be reviewed and evaluated. Task 3.1 _Go~~~1]c1 PC?.-:~.i.sL Setting/DC'\~EL1~ment of Alternative,:.; The Consultant '",'ill draft goals a nd po 1 i c i e s to implement the growth management strategies and include a range of the possible implementing strategies with the goal or objectivE' statementii. Alternative land use and growth management strategies will be developed as a package to provide oi tizens and elE'ctt~c1 offiCIals with information on the strategies that would accompany the alternative plans developed by stafE to understand the types of ordinances requi red and the standards . "'I' . lInp.L lCL t in various pl.ans. -5- Task 3.2 Evaluation of Growth Patterns - ------- .The team will evaluate each of the alternati~e plans for th~lr IffiO::>r<l-- ()n t~"nso'-"rj-atlon 1~'r1(l. usp, p"bll'.C Lt:a~cl'l....,;tl'e(~, e . . I .. U.", L:::' , : L ell .. '-). '- .. , -L.'~ . _ _ u _ _ _ natural systems and the community character. Systems developed earlier in the prog~am will be applied to the evaluation. These evaluations depend heavily on national or state data available to the team rather than on studies done in and for the Keys. Each plan will be reviewed for: 1) The extent to which the plan differs from currently projected growth locations based on past trends. 2) The costs of required public investments. 3 ) f}'he c1ssignmc'nt 0"" L cosb; to public and private sectoe2. 4) Impacts on the environment. 5) IDpclCt:::: on community character. Ill.B PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SELECTION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT -~._.__...._--_._._-_..._---_._..._----,--_..~.,---_._.--------------..--->>.-.--- S'Tf()\:r CC; y rrhe C()~i:3ultc.lnt will oarticioatc-: .l... 1. In the public hearings 1 i s t e don E :: h i ~) l t D t () t his con t r act. IV PLA~.J D,:;,'rt"'Ol')r'l';';'~;;'T' ll'Tl) 11\lP" V"E:"vrr!-'T'ToN ~._._._::':~~~~J~:-~:'.~~~::..:~~,~,,~~~~~}....:_~ Task A Develonment of the Gro~th ~anaaement Plan -.-- --10..-.____. __ .___._.__'___._._........______ __._____._.-'_______.__ A final lane) \]';(=, environ:nental and gror~Jth manage:nent plan will (>2 L)reparecJ after the cunclusion of .public hearing.; based upon oa t a de ve loped and ot he r earlier taSKS. The plan will contain input received (jut: Lng the following elements: the -6- 1) A land use plan and regulations, including revi- sions to existing land use control ordinances, as neCE:?ssary? 2) A transportation planl a transportation capital improvements pro g r ;::un , and other transportation regulations. 3) A public facilities plan, an estimated capital improvement program, and other regulations. 4) Impact fees, or other financing techniques and other regu13tions. Tasl< B Revision of Monroe County Lan(] Use Controls -_._---_._._"--~_..__.__._----,----,- ---_._,_._---~ The Consultant will undertake a revision of the existing Monroe Coun ty lanc1 use con troIs to i ncor por a te elements of the new Growth M3nagement Plan. The consultant will review altern- ative approaches and, in conjunction with Monroe County officials and staff, select the most appropriate techniques for implernenta- tion. The basic structure of the existing ordinances will be re- tained. Tas~ C Develop:nel1t of Additional Controls The Consultant will provide suggestions regarding addi- tional growth management controls to supplement the Plan and the revised zonir:g, subdivision and othc:c regulations. Impact fee:;, capital im?ro~ ~cnt progra~s, perforill~ncs 20nil19 and other tech- niques will be reviewed with Monroe County officials and staff. ..., r ' Task D Final HeariDQS ---,--_____-...L_.~_ The consultants vlill participate in final hearings as described in Exhibi.t D to this contract and meet with State staff, County staff and County board members to review and make adjustments to the ordinances, plans and regulations and to prepare a text for final adoption. -8- I ' --~---- - -- ~~ ~- ~,.",,--~---~-~ - ~ - - --- __--".n...c',,_'_,,__' '______ . _ _>__~"___<_~"--'~''"_~;''''_ c"_,~,,~,._,,,_,~.~,_.._ '''.''_ -_.._.J.____ ____ I ' EXHIBIT "e" Tn-IE SCHEDULE FOR CONSULTi\NJ" S ~'70RK PROGHAJ'{ ._._---~._---- _._-~_.._._---_.---~------_._._-------._---------------- ---.-.-..--- IIA ANALYSIS OF EXISTING GROWTH TRENDS I IB HIPi\C'l'S Ole NA'l'UlU\.L S YSTi';;;VlS/EXI STING LAND USES ILIA DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE GROWTH SCENAJ.ICS IlIB SELECTION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATc~GY IVA cm'lP.?ELiENSlVE PLAN DEVELOPMENT IVB DRAF'fING ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINi\r:CE IVC DEVELOP~T~T OF ADDITIONAL CONTROLS IVD GR'YilTd i.IJ\NAGE~lENT PLAN f..DOPTlON -1- I ' ~ompl E'.t j:..2.t)...Q.~1 ~S?_ April 1, 1984 Hay 4, 1984 cl u 1 Y 6, 19 8 4 l\.ugust 10, 19(>,4 September 28, 1984 September 28, 1984 October 5, 1984 October 26, 1984 EXHIBIT "0" PUBLIC HEARINGS Consultants will hearings on the following particip,)te subjects: in the following public Task II Hearings on Existing Growth Trends Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key Task III Hearings on Alternative Growth Scenarios and Growth Management Reports. Selection of Growth Management Scenario Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key Task' IV Hearings on Proposed Plan and Regulations Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key Implementing -1- ! ' "'~'~.:.1"..!r!.~'."I'fooOl~IlI'l'l r . .-."- -.--- -_._----------~----_.- ~-----~ -........-_....... ..._......__::.:~..:......_:_t"z: ..,.. --'.I..;..;.-::.~--:-,=.'~<::,.:..__...._L._;;"-;,'" -,,_._~.... EXH.TBIT IT T~ II r./ . iE:IC'!.:.:',.'~[)U-: I:' ,: \(~~.:L::-'.' L'~~:'}' T his (_1 CT r t.~ "~: ~" 0 n t L::: b e i n rr en te1:- c eJ. i 2'1 ~- fJ t li .i. S 1 6 L h i 1 Cl \' of ;)2CC~:1bcl- bv and be t'.\'een tile 1)(':.''-1 rL'ic nt or c, '1~1nuni tj' il.f"'::irs (~2(:~il;.t;'le:Jt) (-'no 'lonroe Co;:nt.- :>::> :j.ovide r:1Utuctl CO:':l:,'rehensivf::' ::-)1.:::.n and la:lc1 dcvcl()pr:~ent rccnLLations incluc1inq coo:::eration and to nakc revisions to ~.:h(: :lonroc County i nth c F lor i (~ a ;: 'c:'~' S -,v i 11 be coo r din ate (~ ()th] '11 e 11 n 1 n n e c1 . the pt.:.blic.: see/lces plan J.n ordc:'r tCJ ins1..:re that future r:rroo:!th a land use 'nl~:' c::1(~ capltal facilities ::rC)or::'1, as:::ociatcrl '.-lith \-:rII::;\.'-":!~,S, .:lc);u-c:..:c County has been c1eclarcccl a.n Area of Critical State Co~cern 2ursuant to Section 380.05, Florida Statutes, and therefore, Gllst prepare and submit their Comprehensive Plan and land d ueloDDent regulations to be approved by the as a;:1C::G CC, De:) '::. r tn c n t .u; c-;..- C 0 {. d a n c C' 'I: i t h S e c tic 11 3 8 0 . 0:), r lor i c1 a 51- i1 t u :. e s , :-1 r~ tcr 83-308, La','lS of .Florida. WHEREAS, t~e Ce~art2ent, as the State Land Planning Agency, is re,.juirecl to FTO'J ide ass i stance to local goverruTIcn ts wi thin desicnated Areas of Critical State Concern. KHERS,~\S, :':cnrcc County h:1S shown a commi tTT1cnt to !'romotinrr SOUi:J cOlTiprehCll S :2Vc; p lanninr:r by adopt i ng a P10ra tori Ur:l on processlns ~~] ~ development projects that have not received mechaGisms arc in place. Dreliminarv aDor -al until such time as these planning WHEREAS, beth tIle Department and ~onroe County have committed to providing staff and resources to su Dort this cooperative ~ll(l:nrl~LnC} n" I:Cj.r~t. NOll, therefore the oarties mutually a.aree as follows: .,}f 1 - 1 ~ rlonroc C:Jl.n: t y ,,;nd t,le Departmen t_ i,,'ll ~ execute tIle work " program ~ttach J herein as an addendu~, outlining the process by '.vhic!1 the' C unty' s CCI-:1~nehensive .Plan, including the L'tncl develop~ent rcsul~tions, will be brought ~ltO comcliance with Florida La'v'. to s u:-:' ~:,r~) r t ~,.~ ~'~: :::~ The De~)a""t:~; ;tC ,-,.r;rccs tCJ re'..ease fl.lnc;s to :lonroe Count\' 1983-198-~~ ~isc21 Vea}~. : ,-, Il :, i n (, c f :~ 0:: t t c; tell. J i n (! $ 2 0 0 , COO for U: e ("(^'U,.'t-'~ }-"-:--'("~ .....--,--'1;-;'-.... ~:'l+-' ~~, -....+.or..., ")',.- (.yr-e......... +'_r~.~.~:-"I-,.l'" ,-,. l' rh; . -,-) ',,~ '."_0 l.l,'~,,; OJc_c.J_SJUC,- ." 'jIO_! ~""s l-u,/ct~,--..o aLcoc;',~) l.",,_,I::.' AS the Department Ci"termincs tho. l U"e ':;ill be rC'lc:J.~3e(J. to i'lont'oe County throdgh a "lutually agreed the (;:.:,i C::2'/ S Clnc1 tasks ic~cntified in the \v'ork. croCjra'l1, :::'unc1s u:'o:; ~)chedule of tJ2''-::-,cnt (scheduleatLlchec1 as Addenc1urr1 I). . d l_ c. - -A ,.__.___.-...,.____,'-.,"'_____",..'~ - -_____.....--......___,.........._ J 'of" . ..~ : : c .f) (.: :.} ,,1 ,:: :', :~~ :::. ~ : t.:".C CC'U:":.t..... ~..,'i.11 r"111~~'~:~-1.1J.. ~1.~\'f.~L ',>r' _~r:'_=:-); I,-_~::~ of wor!'~ :or u,oc ~) t a i : 1 .i. : 1 (~~ C' '~H1 S U 1 t a:l t s C L~ \.. J. C C ~~3 f'~~l_- th,.-~ ;:u r:-:'()SC of a.ch.iC'\:i:~(~ ::~: ~~ - -I''' ~:~:3'..~s r:::n~~ c.~_-)-lCCLi\, s =-dentif:j,~'.;1.":~ 11") l..=.hc~ '..~or}-~ prO~rrZll:l. '-=1::.(_~ \...- ~::1t~." ?./i~~"l be rc;st-;clrl~~.i}.)ic: L 1- ~:;c~Jcc+-5_:;() consul t:ln t (::;) , l.~fC)I..Elancc: r~lo:)it()l~i!~~ '~;1-1~l (~(.:li\...cr<f/ i~~ .,'/c)r~~ r()ClU.C~l~: 7\ ..., ! ,c,1- .L r...~ () 1~ k ~) r C) (i u c t. ~3 ~~roduccd l)~; co~sult2;-1ts, COUI~t~~! st :' r the Dcn(:1,_-t~'~_\11t ~_~.,t(l!:-f ;"iil_l, LJc' transl.nitt\_,,(t ~-i.;'\C~ rcvie'..:(:c~ }.)y: i\()t._:l 1-~" D L '-- .'.l.','.~~>....'.'..,'.'~.~..,,'~;..._~ (.'~r'l.l~'-+-l."/ t"\l'-i ol'~ ':-.0 '--nyr r,~ ~'...'~ I flc.+-(').y-'~"!~ n-:-:l-f- l' ('~'" epar~InCnL. ~ .-- _",,'.1__..."__,-,_...1. t~..L..I._...... l.. u,J.J.} .J..,..LIJL....... '_"'_'"__#~-"\"".4 '_>,<,_..-..-11. of ~roduct suf~iclencv. The; Dc~,-n~t:-lc~o-]!~ 0~;recs that the t-:!;C'2.r "70r1: . ., I. - , 1- . t'" t!C' , - t h .:. ,,,. ~ t' c.; ~Jroduct rei,11.C\'l r,.Jlll ;JC J-~asect l1r)CHl 1':.i12 n(~ l:.C)Cl se - ,L(Jt .,_i.! .i.L1 ~-"on_ ~Ol_;... P roc cclllr e s - ~.~,=) n rc) e (=(] U;-l t ~7 !J 1 c.l. r; n i};.o ~) rr~)c! 'r Cll....t Ii (T)ocur'lc rl t ttac\lcc1 as Addendur:1 II) . f'urther, the DSD0rtncI1t recocrnizes ~he r1cccssity of an exneditious review, therefore, the De?art~ent agrees that all rc~iews, excc?t Task IV D. 4.2 of the County's ~ork Procram, Wl be completed 2~d the County notified within fifteen (IS) days of the DC:::)3rt:~'c~,ts rcccjJ)t of the :)rOcl'.lct. The De?art~ent agrees to have cc~plcted revisions to Chapter 27F8.03, Florida Ad~inistrative Code, Principles for Guiding CeveloF~,ent no later t:.han !':arch, 1984. The t)rinciples '-'liLL provide; the basis b'/ '..:hich the Co:npreil-::.nsi\re Plan, includin:, tlle land developnent rcC]ulations, 'ilill be reviewed and approved by this Department pursuant to Section 380.05, Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter 83-308, La\v's of Fl'oric:::.. Should sald revisions require the amendment of the County's 2Doroved work crogram the Department ~ill notify the County 1n writinq of all required revisions and shall orant amendments to t-- r; ::) ""'-"A'_ time fra8c for pcrfop':.ance set forth un::1cr thlS aGreement. The 1983 amendments to Section 380.05, Florida Statues, give the Derart~ent the authority to approve the Comprehensive Plan for a~lY local c;o''v'ernr1ent ,vi thLl all j\rea or Cri tical State Concerr:. Trl(~SC c~rncr~clr:'lcn.ts req\..lire t.l1Zlt z.~:~fect.e~l loc,'-tl govern~ents sub~it their Comprehensi0e Plan and land develo;'"ent rcsulatio~lS to the De=xJ.rt:nc'n':, no later than Januar~' 1, 193-1. The Department a~rces t~ orant Monroe County an extc11Si.o~ to this deadline until such , ' 'C..2-::1e as the revis5.ons to the Co:r:;:)rc!;c'~:,'L':e 1)] ,C1'" anCi land c1c'Jcl:,:,:)x:'lcnt regula~tions are corn-=:lctc:~i :11~:: dC;C)7=-t~ei:2 b~::"l' .:'I()::roe C:OU,li::~.. 3S E:;rlOcificd under t ::c 3. :")~-: 1.- c~'t;-i c' ,~: T,~/O r "~: :')2..-CJc-:-rClr:l "', ".- '"-- ,-' '.....' ,L ; ~..... 12t~cr t11arl Dccc2bcr I, 1985. (:2 ) L ----. -.----- - . ~-..:::::%::.: . ~~_._~..:_.:..:::~B$i,,j_',-lf,-.it:.: J.'~' ~~~~_:C~~ _~-~;.~_=_~_.,_-:;-ilr_r..~"^.. ~_~,-:&.1S-~7.~~ti"'"_. -........~~",~....".".~q....IlftM'~fH___-..J' .. ..".. .,_n_ '""7' 1.-~ (, ~: _': ,-1 l~_: >___' :.~ t. :>,;.nroc C>~;ur~t..' l(;~~;~:'-,' U) Ln:,.;U,'..' ,:,,1l: t 11 r C1l,,.l -::-: r~ ,I- ~ - ~: c' ' L _ 1 : Ii 1 ll. (; , 1," 0 C C ;':; .s d ~'=:i~-TU~i. tee :'11(,)1~ tur'll ~~. ~' l...p (f.L ')'E \) ~~.h- Dt~l)lic ", . \~jl-t::.i:'_'_:":;,"--lLC in t}i.c: forr71.l:1atict-t co:.f these: ;-~-1_~'~~-1s. .;"\.l ;1 :nl n li" u.::" . t " ..,)(-..,,1 ". ~-r- . - ("1')lJ ell,,,l L'.'.''''l,,',' 1,1 ,''-},'1 ',~.u:',] ~ (... l-(:i.~ q'-l._r~icipa _i.f~J,n ~:):,jU-L(~: ._,'~ -iC;C )L- '_o.'~__.,-". '.""", u __~ hearinC1s :1:'.: "' - ~: ;) h. c: ~:; ;) :.1 n (1 the i s ~3 u a n C C2 ':J;": ::10 [1 t h 1 ~ .. J 0 111 t. r~<c c ~: s releClscs. ~l:c ~)t=-\~-~~-t~~~. ~.lt. :., ~" s u ::.:.:.' .:.~ t ;"1 '2 C~ C U. l~l t ~ _' t 1~.:1 t. c <~:. i~' ~-l .1 1. d 1"'1 C' C f, ,/ i t h ... l.,.... L '-~::: ,-, '0.... -- rl ..~..... ')- - l ~ " 0 ~ r~ - .'- r" n :J 1 1 'L--H~ +_.1', r._','. u'-.....,.? L".--' 1 .-:~ 7":" co.) ;- r l'.. \' .1. C ~.'/ 1..1,. n (1 a r u 1: I' ~ .....:.. 1.-, .,', ."'... '~_ ~ 1" ,.5 L II :::J ~ . C l.. _L......_ ~_t .J ...----.. ~ _ '. _ _, aoo:;rov,:Cl clf all T~\"'=:)l_'k ~)l-Oj.~_~ct~3.. C'80n cCJ:"',~~)lction a.n(~1. 2clc)r..t.ic)n of trif.:: rC\iisior1.s tC) the Co~ore~ensivo P~3n specified in the aoproved wor~ ?roaram includinG the land develo~ment requlations, the ~eDart~ent will deter;"ine '::!'C;Ulcr' t;lcse doCtGlcnts co,,,olv ',,'i th the Pri:1ciDles for Gui.di~:S 8 "~~cl n;~1cr1t. I:: -::1-:.0:' c:J~rt~cnt finds that the Corl~retlensive Plan, includinc t:.. ~,:":lcl c1evclop:nc:nt regulations, do comply '.-lith the Principles for Guidinq Development, the Department will by rule, approve sucn Dursuant to Section 380.05(6), Florida Statutes. U ::x.'l1 -J- ~., () L..:.---= ne~:-'(lrt:-nef'.t t S a~pro\",~_11 Df triO Cornr>rel1ensi'\lC Plan and land devclcrmcnt regulations a one year monitoring phase will beqin. During this 12-month phase the Deoartment will monitor the Co~~tv's implementation of S31d Plan and regulations. If at the conclusion of the monitoring period the Department deterT7',inc:.; the ad,cinistration of these regulations is adequate to protect the State and regional interest, proceedings will be initi3tcc~ t re;nove ~10nroe CO'_lnty frOT'l the Area of Critical State C()nCE~r-rl .. . c:eslgna tlon" The parties Day amend this Agreement bv mutual consent, 1 n \v'r i t i I: G . Th i S ,-,c:rcc;~icn t sha 11 become ef f e::c ti \"0 on the date it has been sig~~d by botl1 rarties. It will remaln in effect until mutuallv dissolved. .... The De?art~ent and County agree, if necessary, to solicit fundinG ~urino t~e 1984 Legislature Session to comolete this compreh0nsi'7C ~J12nninq effort. r_~_~hc CounL'/ agl.-ces tl-l,J.t. tI1c 111a]Or tClsks c1.c:scl'_-ibec11Il. tl'lC~ '(..jc)r~ ~-"'L-C''7.~~2F1 -.\>~ll lJe con1~Jl(:~tccl I10 IJtcr than t}1C folJ.ol:JirlCJ schej'.::l,::: (3 ) "_ mr ~. '1 .......lIL _ ....~- -...,..", ...~~ '__'~"""""~~"~~+~~l"~." ~~~4~:,',:.-4ii*/~.';:::;_,~'t!'c,~~*4-~. L\q'~i~..T!"-~~'~. "~ ~~ ( 1) : -' \ ~,~ . ., "~;Jl'U" L" ( lJ ) ~'.~\~-:' :: '.' J. .".L:1j' 31, ~) ,; ; ( c.:) i~ .~\ ~; '~,: -= I I ~; i2 D t c :rl ~J c: _r- ~ 'J, : 0 (~ + ; I ' i (~ (e: ) ~ ' +~ ~:; :\ I \1 JC1nUdrv ~ , 1 (I Q::' J._ ~' ~. i __I Both 'larti::"c; l'CSC'l'\'e t:ce ri ht to ctl:,C:l~: this sci:edul c';;'cr Stlff'ic~,(~:~~~ '___\}lC' r:;.:c: -")s 1.-.-, t~~c t.~{csir,~:L.i 1 itj~ of SJ.icl .-.:1-; :-l~'~e. bey:; :r c S C 1"1 t~ C~ ,-1. .. r2 ~-: I-=: r~; (1 L~ t i C~ s T"l a. \T U" n 1,' 1. _._ 11 ;~0:~d ~i~is SChC~l] \'..... r' i t t ~~ n c C) rl S C r: t .. 'I'h2 DCDal:t;-;:C21t reserves the riGht tu develor) a C ::L~Jn: ~':': ;. rlan and land develo9~ent regulations based on tbe WJr ")rc Ire, '1 to be re\"i C"..Ie::: t::e G.overnor and CCibinet at sLlch::l':: a~: tl-:.e De:)Zl rt"~::~;l t , . h ccterrnnes t at the Co '-.m t '.' i s not. s a ~ i ; ~:1 C t ( '.c !, c1dhcrinq tC) t.ll ~~:-:.t)C\le r;lork. schedul.e.. l\ t t a ;:...~ h :~ ~--:; t this Cicreement arc the follo~ing: 1 ) l:.clc1enr:lur~1 I, Schedule 0; Payment, 2) Tddendum II, !10ni torin(j Procedures, anc. 3) Addendum III, Work Program IN \';IT~IESS :i:::.'::,:;;,:<', the parties ha','e caused this four ('f) =::lC(~ ;~greCrT,on t ta l~~ c:':ecuted bv their unu",cslcmed officia; as I'll:\, aut 11 0 Y' i z c~:j . .... ADDENDUM II • Monitoring Procedures - Monroe County, Planning Program It is imperative that the proC'edure utilized for revi ?;-, and ape rova of the County ' s work tasks under the Growth Management Planning program be carried out in an expedient fashion. This is highly ;_ -- particu- larly true in light of the constrained timeframe within which the planning program is operating . The following procedure is established to ensure proper administrative review and certi- fication of work products developed under the auspices of the Count. Growth Management Program. The Deaartment of Community Affairs ' a local planning coordinator shall review and certify the acceptability of tecfnioa l memoranda and other work products developed under individual subtasks within the work program. Written letters if certification from the coordinator will be required and willprovide documentation of - subtask completion. These certification letters along with copies of the work products will be submitted to DCA, Tallahassee ' c _a zassee with supporting invoices in order to justify payment. Major work tasks identified below will be submitted to MCA in Tallahassee for their review and approval in conjunctionwith the DCA' s Planning Coordinator Review. Ultimate ltimate approval , however, would be the responsibility of DCA ' s Tallahassee office . All reviews and subsequent approvals from DCA shall be in writtenr �.-o_.,n. Review of all major work tasks would hecompleted .� _ within fifteen {'S ' days of receipt of said task in the DCA Tallahassee office. Tee following is a list of what the County Si i --�CC. 1,r d e, S to he major . work tasks that would require approval by DCA' s Tallahassee office: Major Work Program mask- "- -- -- Description II . A. 2 . 2 Al.lo. aeon of projected growth and methodology. II . A . 2 . 3 Estimated land requirements ements for projection. II . B . 2 . 5 Existing 'development nt trend. impact summaries . III . A. 3 . 2 Impact Assessment_ of Alternative • Growth Scenarios Selected IV. D . - . 2 Growth Management Plan reviewed A per Statutory uthorit,- . All subtasks under each of the above ma- or workitems will be by the DCA ' s planning representative in the Keys .assumed that if all work performed It is _ormc.d under individual sub-tasks acceptable - then ,-� � is b e - then , barring any major departure fromthesebi- C�.1�_i U J k s , the major products developed should also be acceptable . • (1) The proposed process has several advantages : A) The ,Process is time efficient . Memoranda developed under individual sub-tasks will be reviewed by members of DCA who are most familiar with the County ' s Planning process . Turn around time between submittal of the work product for review and receipt of aoproval will be minimized, thereby avoiding delay s between completion of one sub-task and commencement of another . D) The procedure facilitates a "hands on" Participation by State DCA planners . In so doing, the process will avoid costly revisions . With State Participation from the outset it is less likely that the final work product of a sub-task will be found unacceptable. This in turn minimizes the potential for costly re-writes and sub- sequent time delays associated with these. C) Since the local DCA representative is in the position of coordinating the planning program this monitoring procedure supports and facilitates that role. D) Where major work products are involved the monitoring_ process sets forth a combined review process by both local and Tallahassee representatives of DCA. This review covers major sections of the work program including the most significant: 1 . Methodologies & Assumptions 2 . Projections 3 . Goals , policies and objectives 4 . Plan document itself. D), Finally , this pr_ocedur_e ensures sub-task that each product is reviewed and approved providing protection to the Count' from progressing to the point of developing a major work product based upon a synthesis of sub--task products that could be found unacceptable to the State. It is 'the C9unty' s belief that this monitcyrinu procedure will ensure the integrity of the process , allow the State a constant monitoring capability and accomplish both within an acceptable time frame at a minimum of cost. 111111 i EXHIBIT :F,1 CONSULTANTS WORK PROGRAM BUDGET IIA ANALYSIS OF EXISTING GROWTH TRENDS $ 23 , 780 IIB IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS/EXISTING LAND USES 35 , 780 ILIA DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE GROWTH SCENARIOS 30 , 020 IIIB SELECTION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 5 , 750 IVA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DEVELOPMENT 36 , 050 IVB DRAFTING ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 21, 900 IVC DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL CONTROLS 15 , 900 IVD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ADOPTION $ 5, 750 $174 , 930 DISBURSEMENTS (LANE KENDIG, INC.® AND SIEMON LARSEN & PURDY) $ 25 , 070 TOTAL $200 , 000 -1-