Resolution 003-1984 "'- Reggie Paros EMS Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 003 -1984 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BE- TWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 5 AND THE TAVER- NIER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE CORPS, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSING ITS VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL FOR SERVICES RENDERED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Special Taxing District No.5, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No. 5 and the Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of reimbursing its volunteer personnel for services rendered. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of January, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, By ~ ", t\ ~....J\ "'^ ~ ....""'--~ Chairman (Seal) Attest: DA~~Y. L. KOLHAG~'0~ler~ ~ '\~.~ [VI. r ~ D.C:. d '6 Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORM AN. GAL SUFFICIENCY. ~~ :' ;\(; I, 1 ': 1 U-':T TillS 'J\GI\EH1U-lT made and entered into this 13th lLJ,\- oI' January_:..____, A,D. 198'1 bcth'een Special Taxing D::..~::rict No, __2.., }lcrein;lftel' reCcrred to ;IS Tavernier Volunteer Fire Depart~ menL ffi1d Prnhulance Corps, Inc, 'v' 0 1 un t l' C r the "jiistrict" ::no ... ,- ') l, I C Fire ]icp.:lrtmcllt. or "':ulunt('cy Fire Department and Ambulance Corps (whatever the case ;;;ay tC), hereinafter referred to as the, "Department". \';YTNl:SSI:T1I: "" \\'IIEI\E;\5, the varIOUS speci.:ll taxing districts !;an; Dccn furt/ler organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of provi'ding fire protection and rescue :Caci2.ities to the people Gnu property of the salllc in ~lonroe Coun:::.-, 2r:.c.: II,'!IEJ\Et\5, such fire protection :111d resclIe protcctio;-" is for the furtherance of the common good of ~lonroe COlmty, a;~~ WHEREAS, the Department aforesaid and the Speci:::.l Taxing District No.5 t h l' 0 U g 11 t h C 13 0 (J r d 0 f C 0 un t y Cor;-: j:; i 5 5 i 0 11 e 'l' 5 0 .: ~lollroe County, I,:lor.ida, ;JS the governing body, h:Jve agreed ar:J provided hy ordinance for the \';lrious departments to re~j:lbursc its volunteer Jl e r son 11 e 1 (\ n d chi c C s from r lIn d :; :; t r i c t 1 Y \,:i t hi 11 t 11 e b II d get 0 f . the v;n 1 0 U ssp c c i ;J 1 t ;1.'\ in); d i s 1: r i c t S, <l n d 1\'IIEI\EAS, the VarlOtlS firefighters and ambulance pcr::io;Hil'l I nth ere s p e c t i. v e s Jl e cia 1 t a xi n g d i s t l' i c t S <1 r C (l \' ail aD 1 C <1 ;-'l--l ~ 1'-.; on constant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various lifesaving activities, and IV II ERE A 5, the s e p <1 r tic s 11 0 \V des ire t 0 for maIl)' <1 g r c c f 0 l' the reilllburselllent of voluntecrs for expenses relating to S;l:,: sc-:"::.ccs (In d the va r i 0 us vol u 11 tee l' de P (l r t III e n t 5 J 0 ;1 g l' e e t j~ C 'i' L: :: G , ......(...,.. . ~ v" , therefore, HI: rT IJNIlJ:I{STOO/J that III c(lnsidl'r:lt iOll or the COVCli;lnts :li:1f'('d to 11t'l'l'ill :llld ()tlll'!' I: (l(Jd :111 d \' ; I I \ I , I I, II' l' ( ) : I . i ,ll' I'.!! : "II,' , : I,,' p:lrt les hereto do (lprec :1S , > fo]11'I\'s: I. That the various specl:11 taxill): district:; s;i;il: ,:t.~l::'C 1 h c s e r vie e S 0 [ the v 0 ] \l n 1 e e r s I ) 0 1h a s fir e [ i g h t c r s :1 ;1 ..: ::- 0 'l' :. c S C L; (; ........_ Tr,.]JI"'fnr-'--~--".--:--........"~-"'-:--;;--.;=-'''''''''''.',_* -.. __ - ;- ...--, , ", A . ~p' -. .'. ., .'.v.... '.., "-'''''~ :~",. t.--. . '" ,,:~,,;,%::'lL~ '._ .,.: ~ -.-.. ',;'r_.- "1""- _.,1"t ". '.' .t -'/- ---~--,- ~ _""'r._....._., , ~::''1IiJro~ ~. -~, ~ .:~~~ ~,-~::::!~~-io ~~ .' . \ ., (' :~ J> 1I r p 0 S C san cJ t h;J t r 0 r s a i J s e l' v I C l' S arc i m bur ~, em c n t to' s a 1. J volunteers shall be in the sum or $50.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, with it heing understood that the various chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be reimbursed in the sum of $200.00 per month, not to exceed the budgeted funds, herein wi th ',a maximum of 47 volunteers and 2 chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this agreement. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have in their budget for the fiscal year 1983-84 funds available for the reimbursement provided hy this agreement that the sar.1C shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered ,into this agreement. 3 . r.l 0 n l' 0 e Co u n t y and / 0 l' the s p e cia 1 t a x i n g d i s t r"i c t s currently maintains and sllall pl"ovide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the Juration of this agreement. 4. Each of. the volunteers of the Departments described here- In shall furnish and keep in full force and effect a policy of '"1-" liability insurance on his prlv;ltc vehicle(s) in such amounts of coverage as are required unJer j"lorida law. ~10nroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep In full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on hll emergency vehicles oKned by the County and/or special taxing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only eluring such times as they are operated in response to a call for the emergency services of the Department. Such period of operation shall be deemed to begin at the time a volunteer enters a private vehicle for the pllrpose of responding to a call and to end at such time as the volunteer retllrn~; to his home or, in the else of a VO!lIlltccr who m;lkc:-; ;111 jnt('I'IJIt'di;l((~ :-;(oj1 011 his 1';:lY to his hlil!lC, t () tile fir s t 1 0 C :l t ion t () Iv 11 i chI, (' d r i v (' S () f t e r the c () 11l pIc t i 0 Il 0 r his pi'nticipatioll in the elllergency services that were thc subject of tIle call. ___ -____-1111"" ~____....__.______r. --.'----...-----,. '. - ___-- _.,. - .~---_" . - =:.~~~_~'~;.,"~.~~.,:.r.~..~,. i;.:~~ ~ :.'" ,,~~ .:,~,~~~''':-'::' ~~Y~,'.;::;~~-r~'.; ~~,~",";;;....;~{;$:;.:,~~~ ~'~<,:': .A~:!~~:;' 'l'"":'::.~} P~~;'~'_:i, ..-;~.".,~_~.;:j,.~1~":'l~r~~:\.~j /- . ~ ~), '111(' 1)('p:lrllllclll ~;h;lll f.tl')l III 1'1111 (on-c :111,1 C:';~,C~ :, /! 0] I C \' 0 [ I i a b i I j L Y i 11 S 1I l' :111 ceo 11 ;111 C'm erg en c y v chi c 1 C S (j \.; n c J h Y the IJ e p a I' L III e nl ;1 n d use d In pro vi din g ('me I' g e n c y s e r \' ice s \.; i t h i n the l)i~trict. S;lid policy .<;halJ he In the a:l1ouIlt of at least $1,000,000.00 cOlllhined single limit Jlld sh:ill Jlso.n~!j~lC ::he :':onroc County Board of County COlllmissioners as insured. 6, Nothing contained in this agrccmcnt shall causc the voluntecrs to he deellled or held to he :Igents or cmployees 0:- r, I () n roc C 0 U n t y 0 l' 0 [ the s p e c i ,lit a x i n g d i s t r i c t s . :' ion roc C 0 U :1 t Y rind the special taxing (Jjstricts shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with the suhject of this agrceilC:lt other than the p:1yment oT the reimbursement pro\'idcd Hi pClragY'J.ph hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided In parJ.6"-aph II h L' reo f , j"-lonroe County ;llld the special L1Xing districts a:;;::;\1::/e 110 liability for, and each of the volunteers agrees to Lold .sJiJ County and Districts harmless from, any and all claims that J.1J.y arise [rom the <lctions or the in;lction or the volunteer, \\'hcther in the course o,f hi,s volunteer efforts 01' not, and that arc not'';' '~'*, C 0 vcr e d by the j n sur <l nee r c q II ire dUll d crt h c 1)[ 0 V 1 S Ion S 0 f p Ci rag rap L 4 hereof. Further, it i~ the understanding and intent of all parties to this agreel~cnt that the provisions of this paragraph do not alter the legal relationships of the parties existing immcdi3tcly prior to its ex e cut j 0 n h'i t h r e ga r d tot h cpo ten t i a 1 vi car i 0 us 1 i a b i 1 i t Y . The pur p 0 s e for the i n c 1 u s ion 0 f t his p a I' a g rap his ton, e r;; 0 r i :: 1 i : e the existing understanding of the parties. No compens;ltion shall be paid to the volunteers by ~ionroe COllllty or the special taxing cli~tricts except'the rei;-;;D,:rsc;:/c:)':t pro v i cl e d j nth i s ;1 g r e e In C Il tor i n any ex ten s i 0 Il 0 r ',\' r it:: C Ii 1:-' 0 J 1 E i c <l t i 0 J1 of this agreement. 7. 'l'J1(, County docs herehy ;If'Cirrll th;it the !;overnJj;;: hoarJ did ;III/lIOV(' Oil tll(' 13J::t <1;1\' or ~~, , I\,/), l:;:-:~ :h:,; ;I,l:rCCI1\('nL ;Jlld did direct ;lnd allthorize' its prcsiJillg officer t;) ('Iller into said :1.I:rc'C'lllcnl ,.,..';;.-07 . '~,' ',- '_"""~';.';/;",::,,:>_:C''::'_'_ ~. r'-'::'_':', '........~......,~~,_____'..,._,.,.- .~::.:,;:::.~-' --"'~--_~;:"'....."C7' _..:' _ '" _ '-"'.--ro'.'" ..' , . -:-~~-v,.v'"''"'''_''''''';:i'''.,'~,.=_ "",:.: ~,__'--~",w)~",..';~' -~,.~,..~.::;..:'G=",_,,:->..;.-:' c" _,~._,.;..?~.'.;.-:~..' '''',,;.::'1'''' .,;...~,''''~---:~,''''':.::7,..l;...-~-..::::,'7'.;.,t~.. . -... i' ! tl ,) , 'II); I l_ ll1 \. . \' ; 1 r I () II S s pee j.\ I taxing distri,.-ts :J c t II: I' :IS -' \'[)IIIJ\lccr /"ire :\nd/or rescue ,k,,;lrtJllcnts as is set /"ortl: in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constituted meeting oC the governing hoard oC the S~IJlIC 01\ the 1\.]). 19.s:t the tefms of this agrC'clIll'nt 1I';IS thereof directed. 13Jid:iY of Jl~--' ~l P pro \' C' d and the ex e cut ion 9. That each contract or agreement entered into by the \'arlOUS special taxing districts and the operating corporations kncl\':n as [lepartments shall also be executed by the \'Olllnteers prior to the receipt of reimhursement. A signed roster of a 11 volunteers and all chiefs shall be provided for the Finance Department. The signature and agreement bE the individuals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for i/1 SJid agreement; all 11\ \\'ITNESS l\'lIEREOF the parties hereto executed this agreemc;lt the Jl1iday of \~ , 198:l: lJ 0- SPECL\I. '1't\X[:<G DISTRICT :':0. 5 .. Ih' ~~ ( C; h\ L ) c j~llrm ;i n Attest: DANNYL.KOLHAGE,ae~ ~~f'v\,P~,D'C \'OLlI~T[ER rI RE IlT:PI\l<,HIU<T Ol~ VOUINTITR FIRE DEP:\RDIEXI' Ar;D /\~ll\lJ 1.,\t\L:I: COI(pS (h' hat eve r the, C:l s C In J Y be) (SEAL) Iiv ~ JI. '_ , ~~?J:cn :\ t t l' S t : -~~~~ S ( , ere t ;1 n' Dcer'0.~e\ l) \ C\ <23 ~~~~ ~ '\ \ \) \\ ljOIARY EUBLlO STATE OF FLORID!\ AT LARoC!! \,\J OT C\. \' 'I _ y,^-- ~ \ L ,,/J1'( r;,OM, Ml.SSION f.X~lRES, JUL,Y 24 1985 / ~Ot-lQER lliBU ~ENLBAL J:t:.. UNDLRWR,lIERS j\c +D~el\ne.t\-e A(\(\ ~N\kS/Sf( ~ I -rhomQ 5 W, \-\odSOf\ )~\e~"~~;'\ .. .... -~ - .,.....-. ----~ --------- --- ..-- --...--------- - ,..;~~~..;~,,'...,.~.;~;~..~.~~)~~~;..~\\;;.,,;;:ii~t,-.<~".~~.04l~~-I>I~~.-~ ~~ ;",t ~.r=:"':.~_-.....:.j"~ .J.'.,: '. ..; .....,.. ", ....1;.-~~i\..'~~y~-... ,;.-;'..r-':""t/~'}~~ ~..~..;:'.~. '~-':t,~~""",,\,,~~;,":~