Resolution 004-1984 Reggie Paros EMS Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 004 -1984 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BE- TWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 5 AND THE TAVER- NIER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE CORPS, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSING ITS VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL FOR SERVICES RENDERED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO.5, as fol1ows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Special Taxing District No.5, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No. 5 and the Tavernier Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of reimbursing its volunteer personnel for services rendered. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of January, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, By ~~~~ .....~ Chairman (Seal) At t est: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ 'f w..~ ~. P v.v\....) ,0 .t ~ Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM A iAL SUFFICIENC Attorney's Office BY ,\ l; I: 1 ' il'; i 1111:, :\l;!,!:!:r,II:<T JIl;ll..k alld l'lllc'll:d i 11 t I) t I; i ~ 13th I...l;' 0: _, J9-nu<!'!Y,___________ ,\.]). 1~)~~ hl..'t\':CCIl Spcci;ll L;,\ii:; !;::-::::"ic:: ~ : r). 5, II(' Il' ill; If- 1 (' r r C' r err l' d to; I:'; t 11 C' I , fl i s t r i \..- ~" ;: :: c; l " c: Tavernier Volunteer Fire IX>Dart.,. lllent and_lmbulanc.e_CorplL__Jnc. \' 01 \l J1 t I..' l' r Fir C' )) C p;1 r t f': ,~':; c. O~" "..,;:; ;', ;" L' <.::- I'ire Departlllent alld J\lIlb\llaIlCe Uq"PS (\\'l1a tever th~ c~sc ~:', Ll \r \, " u C j , IIC'l'l'j'la[tCl' ret"erred to ;IS the "IJcpartlllcllt". \,,'] TN I; ,(~ S 1:1 I [ : \';IIEl\I:/\S, the \'ar101l5 spcci:ll taxing districts I:J'.-C: ;)CCi1 rill' the r 0 r g ani zed in t 0 d cpa r till ell t s a san 0 n - pro :" i:: 1 n C 0:-;) 0 r a -c .:. 0;: r 0 r the p 1I r po S C 0 f pro v i'd i n g [i l' e pro tee t ion Cl n J. l' C S cue :;.- a c :;, ~ :;, tic 5 tilt h e p c 0 pI call d pro p crt y 0 f the s a III c in,', 1 0 n roc C 0 U :i ~::, ~ :~ <..: \\/II:IZL,\,S, sllch [ire protcctiull alld n'Sl-IIC P;"G~c:--:t':C;1 ~s ~c'," t II e t" 1I r the ran ceo r the co III III 0 n g (1 0 d 0 r 1,1011 roe Co l; ;', ::::, ,~.. ~ \'dIEHE,\S, the Department afC'res3.id and the Spc-:.i.::.l . .'--. ....... . l t.... ~1.. ..l. j. 0 District No. 5 t h r 0 u g 11 the B 0;1 r d 0 [ Co U Il t )' C G J:-: ;:', i s s i 0 :", ..: :" 5 0_ ~lonroe County, r'lorida, as the ~ovcrnlIlg body, h:,\'(' :lg:"..:c...i .:1;..... provided 11)' orclill;lllCC for the \';Irious departl71cn:.s to 1''':;;;;]):':1'5<..: it,,; \,O]llllt('Cr pcrsoTlnel ;Illd chicl"s [rom [\IIlds stric::ly ',,;t}',l;', th(' I1lJd.\~c,t of ,the \,;lrl0(1S spcci;11 t:l.\j;l;; distric~'s, ;l;~(j \\'III:I{I,^S, 'the various fircfil~htcrs ;llld ;If;;\)~l];,Ll..:C j;<.::'~;0:,;.,< III till' respective sJlecial t a x i 11 ~~ d i s t r i c t S arc <1" <, i l Z1. i) : c 2. ;',....: o 11 C 0 11 5 L1 II tal e r t a s firefighters alld volullteers , ., ~ ., , . .... ...~ - .,.... \ 1..1 ~ ..l \..) '--.to ::> lifesaving activities, and \\'III:I~LM~, thl'se parties no\". desire to formal1:: <:::;:"C\.: :0:" :::C l'eiml'llrSC'JI1I,'/lt of \'Ollllltecrs .for l'Xpl'llSCS reL\t;,,; to s:~:.: :-,c':....:.--:cs ;Illd tile various volunteer dcpartlilents do ;lgrec t;:(;:".::::c, ....., (....,. ..J" J therefore, HI: IT IJNllJ:!L';Tf)()/J tl1;11 III Cllllc.;idcr;1t iOll of ~}ll' CO'.'<"::::I;:t:; ,1):lf,,'d II) 1!1'ITill ;llld (1111('1' ,\~Il(HI .11\.1 \':1111,11,1,' 1'1';1,:,1,,:'.:: ;.,' 1\,11'11("; ]Wl'l't() df) ;1i~l'l'l' :t:; roll\lh:';: I, Iklt till' v;lrioIJe; spl~ci;ll t.:IX i II,!: dist.ri\.::- :::.:" , : :: L: till' '-I'I'\'ICC'S or tIll' \'OllllltC'crs Ilotl1 ;Ie; rircl-ii:)I;"Lr.~ :::~_: :0,' :'<.:S~~.~ .". ':::I ..._ ;p"._'- r i-- .-- '- :..-- _." T~~t~:~:Z~.';.~';:~~~~~''''~t~t,v~~~~:~/'':''~i~~J\~~~,Lr::'~~;~()..:~,:~I .;-:: ,Y~~~ '~~~"~~"".' ..'-)~_- ,~t~'" ~. -: : ~ .-,:-~;~>,;;'IH-~ ~5-' ""~ :2~~ '-~.:,.:,~~~~,~~~}~.~~~'" pill 111)',(',; '11](1 IIl:lt l'lll" s:lid scr\"I,'('S ;1 rcilllhur:;(';::,'ilL :,-,' ;..ji,l \ () III I \ tee, ,; ,; II il J I he i 1\ tile ,,1I1ll I If $ s () . (J 0 P l' r III () 11 t h, II 0 ~ 1 () l':\ C (' l'll the h II d g (' t cd [II n d :::, IV i t hit be i II gun del' s too d t hat the \' ~l r i 0 us ell i (' r S 0 r t he spec i (l 1 taxing d i ::; t 1'1 c t s s h ell 1 be rei m burs e d in the sum o[ $200.00 per inollth, not to exceed the bqJgcted funds, herein ,vi th" CJ maximum of 47 volunteers and 2 chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this Llgreemcnt. 2 . T h:i tin S 0 [ a r a s the v a r i 0 U ssp e cia 1 t a x i n g d i s t " i c t s have In thcirbudget for thefiscal year 1983-84 funds available for the reimbursement provided hy this agreement that the Sd;Je shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said volunteers h;]ve entered ,into thi s agreement. 3. ~Ionroe County and/or tile special taxing districts currently m:lintains and shall provide \\"orker'5 Compens;itio:1 r n S 1I r;] n c e for the vol II n tee r ssp (' c i fie d her e i n for the d L: rat i 0:1 of this agreement, ,I , E a c h 0 f. the v 0 lu n tee l' s 0 [ the [J e par t m e Jl t s des c rib e J her c _ in shall furnish and keep in full force and effect a pGl icy of li:lIli lit)' insurance on his priv:lte vehicle(s) il1 such <lliiounts of C 0 vcr age ;j S :1 r ere q II ire cl UI1 d e r ] lor i d a 1<11';<, ~ 10 n roc Co un t y ;] n cl / 0 r the s l' e cia 1 t a x i n g d i s t r i c t s S; 1 J 11 ~ c c p III full force and effect a policy of liahility insurance on ;,ll e 1TI erg en c y ve h j c 1 e s 0 K n e db)' the Co u n t y and / 0 r s pee i a I t :.i :\ i :1 .; districts and used by the Dcp~rtmeI1ts, which policy shall also IJrovide secondary, or back-ull, coverage on private vehicles only during sllch times as they are operated in response to ~ call for the clTlergc,l1c)' services of the Department, Such pc r i 0 U. 0 fop 21' at i 0 j1 shall be deel1lell to begin at the time a volunteer enters a private vehicle [or the purpose of responding to a call and to end at such tinl(' as the volunteer rctllrll~; tn llis home or, ill the Clse of ~l VI)IIIII!!"'! \,..II/) 111:,11"; ;111 illt('I"II'di;II(~ '~I()J1 (ill hi~; \;;1:-' l() !Ii:, ),\11',(', ((l the rir,;! locatioll to hlljch Ill' drive's after the cOi:ljdL:tlUII or his partic'ip:ltion in till' Clller)~ellcr service',; that ,,"'ere the s~lhject (J r t 11 C C:l 1 I . - -..-----__ '\,;1-- - . _ -- ---... .---.. --~-.., - _....~ ~;~,"~""- ."..- ,:,:....;.:' ',' ,;>~' r .,r "'.- '''.~ "-.,c ":~'(;;" ,,":-,~ ~~-,.," .'..,' "" ,,,....~: "'-- ...,~ _'.';"'~~" "::, : ,..., ~;'\:.;:.~;~~~_ - 'f"~.}IM"Yn.;:":;...-,4~f'~-t~ ~~."~"'~~~~~"-'\.:'~..2'"r.;....~~'ift:.~""~"""'.~i'l-- ". _."" ~bb..--:" 1 ..~ ,. . ' ~JI ~; .. ' I ' il c f) (' p :) r till C Jl t s h a 1 J ~ l' l' pIll r tl 1 1 r 0 r c C : 1 Ill-I (' I. :- c' ~ ~ ; i. po) icy of I iabi 1 i ty insural\ce all all emergency vehiclcs O''':11e<1 hr the !lepartlllcnt ;Ind uscJ]n providing emergency services \,:ithin thc [Jistrict, S;1iel policy .shall be In the amount of at least $ 1 , 0 () 0 , () 0 () . (J 0 co III h in e cl sin g 1 e 1 j 111 ita n d s hall a Is o. n ~w c :: 11 e >! 0 II roe County Boarcl of County Commissioners as insurecl, 6, Nothing containeJ in this agreement shall cause the volllnteers to he decmed or held to be agents or employees of r\!on1'Oc COllnty or of the special taxing districts. ~lon 'roc COU:1 ty a n cl t h c s p e cia I t ;\ x i n g J i s t l' i c t s 5 h a 11 h;), ve n 0 1 i a b i 1 i t Y 0 l' responsibility in connection with the subject o[ this agreeneilt other than the payment 0'[ the reimbursement provided In paragraph hereof and the furnishing of insurancc as providcd In para~raph -1 hereof. 1,10nroe County and the special taxing districts 3SSL;:)e no] i a b i 1 i t Y for, <1n d e a c h 0 [ the vol Iln tee r s a gr e est 0 L () 1 d _:-.; a i J COllnty and Ilistricts harmless from, any and all claims tLat J;lJ.Y arise from the ,\ct.ions or the inaction of the volunteer, ,,-hethel' . in t.he course of his volunteer efforts or not, <lncl that arc not covered by the insurance required uncleI' the provisions of paragraph ,1 hereof, rllrther, it is the lInclerstal1Jil1g ancl il1tent or all :)~Htics to this (]greer~ent that the provisiolls of this paragraph do not alter t h (' Icg;\ 1 reI a t ion s hip S 0 f the part i e sex i s t i 11 g i I1\m c eli ate 1 Y IH i. 0 I' to its execution \\'ith regard to the potential vicarious liJ.bi:ity, The pur p 0 s c for the i n c 1 u s ion 0 f t his p ;iT a g l' a phi s tom e iilO I' i J. 1 i : e t.he existing 1Illderst<lnding or the p<lrtles, N 0 C 0 IH P ells :1 ti 0 Il S h all b e p <1 i d tot h c v 0 1 u n tee r s by> lor: 1- 0 C Coullty or the special t.axing districts except the reil~;b;,:rse:;-,(;nt pro v ide J i 11 t his ;1 g r e em c 11 tor i J1 a J1 y ex ten S l 0 nor \\' r .i. t t C :: lil 0 J i E i C ,l t ion of this agreement. 7 . The C () \Ill t Y II () C site r c h y :1 r r i r 111 1 h ; I t Oil 111(' 13M-II:\\, 01' ~- .,,:?:, '.6'" the go vcr 11 1 n;: h \);1 r J did , ,\.!). l~) :;;* t i: : ~', pre s id i n ~ 0 C ~- ice r : l) :11'1'1 ()VC :1,1: rt'c 111(' Il I ;ll1d did direct ;IIld ;Jut)loriz,e ils ('111 (' rill t (1 5 ai d ;1,1~ r('('11Iell t. . ~~--.. .__ ....... ~ '-.;~_'>I....._ -....-........ ~ _~.,;_ ',..-.-. . ~,.." ._-- a_ ,........-..- . -#.----;;.-......,...... __.. .-~--:_;::__.r;:-J-~ "...,.- . - - ..-- -.r- _ . ," ,./1. .~~.oIIt.~~., ~~'; ...{.r.- "t~....&'r-.-.;',.".,.,.~....~..,..;...,,~;.~~~'... ,"~". .'- ::.,..... 'ov;;.;.. '~. ~,.'-__r -~-...:,..'~.1"~:':'. __ .. ""- ~~~\_-..;,~ ...\T~:"'~~ . -'.r;..'.~--A:~-:-j,.i'_~:.,'f/'tr..I..-. .~_~li.lP~~~'a. .f'~w 'f, -...' ',',... '.,.',.l....~.'. ~/~ I . :~~'tt~~/~,..,~.. '", V't.~~~~~.......-., \-;_ "',,' ~~ ......f""rlr-,'., ,r.. ,'_..'.,n-~,~...'-r;..";.t:;,..'.._>;II:!!'...'...~~-. .,',J.r..;,tft..,,::::~,;. ~.~--.~. II III' \',Ili\lli:, ~jlcl'i"l 1,I.\ill,l: di~;I,'i,'I', j .,\: " \ ,) 1 1 I 11 I (T!' ! I l' l~ ;I J I d / U I' r <,; ~; l: u edt' i ' ; I I 1 I : It' 11 t s ; I s i s S L' : : c) :' t i: i I j l ) l' din aIle C i'-! 0 , did affj rJlI til;1 t ;1 d u ] y con s t: i t L: t (: d ];1 C <,; t i 11 g ('" tht, g('\'('l'nin,I', 110;I1'd o/" tile S;IJlll~ UI1 !\ , I) , I ~) S~, the terlllS of this :ll'l'('l'llll'l1f, -' tl1<,; IJM. d;I)' l)r d:-~ II'; 1 S ;J !l pro \' L' cl ;j n d L 11 e c: ,X cell t ion 'hereo/" directed, ~) , T hat e a c h con t r act 0 rag r celli c n t e p t ere din t 0 b y the \".1 r i (J U S :~ l' C cia 1 1:1 x i n g d i S t r i c t S ;In d t 11 (: () per ;1 tin~: cor p 0 r (! t i G n s 1.11(1\':11 ;'S I1cpartl1lCllts sl1;111 ;llso 11C execlIted hy the \'o]llnteers prior II' tl1,.' rL'l'cipt of rei1llhurse1llent. ,\ s i g n cd r 0 s lL' r 0 f ;1 1] \' () lun tee l' s :Jnd ;111 eh i of:; sh:I] 1 be )HO\' ided /"or the Finance l)cP;HtJ:icIlt, The signature and agreement 'of the individuals as prescribeJ in t;1is <.; c c t i () fl i ~ a con J i t ion pre c e J e n t tot h e d i s bur S C I;; C n t 0 1 J n )' re'ipl:1tIl'SCI;lents pro\-' ided for III S;l id agrccrnellt. 1:\ lOri<T:SS \\'IIEI(LOF the parties hereto c,Xec:lteci tLis ;;~,;:-(:(;;::C';l: () J 1 1 he ~.3~J(1r of ~--- 1 ~lo~ SI'ECT:\L 'j':\\ r::c ])) STIneT .\0. 5 " I' " , , . ... ~-=: ~'~v.' '-"'-" ,', 'f ---C h~ll-l~In-;l ) I ( ~ EJ\ f.) ,\ t t cst: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ '{ l.. 'N\.P~ u~---<Y--~- \'O/.ll:<TEER \,OLlIJ\;TITI{ /, ~I!\ lJ 1.:\ \ l: I: I \.: h;\ t c \' (' r Fl r~[ llFP/\J~DIU:'i' cw F T I( I UEP:\HT~,I;~\T :\:<D l:()I~PS , , , Llle, c;l s e ;;;,;)' 1)(;) (SEAL) I<Y-~;d~~~ :\ t t (':; t : . o Z / ,/ ---/--~~ / ~4 7(.c!<'~) _W,72//~ ~~~ -/ ~;l'l' 1'(' t:l 1'\' / ' ~cer('\e \ 1 \ C\ ~3 ~L~Jl Y4~~ f t\ '\ \ \) \\ j;SlllRY rUGLI0 ~T\E or FLC,ID,I, AT LW:;~ \\J 0\ (':\. \' "I Y\^-. ~ \ L I,'W [...011\, NiJS~i(J:i L",':"') j0LY_ 2.; J;35 / ~Ol,DLQ Irlr;U ~UJLi<.\L J;.~, VhutkNklllRS ~-\" +-D 3'eL\C\e.~~e. A(\f'\ 8c....(\ ks,$t , ,') ,ho('(\o S W \-\Od SOf\ )?r€s Ic\~;\ . - "._" - -.... -, .... ------.------------ ---"- -----~- -.- .-- ----~----- '~-:~...~';:~~~~'ir?":;~,~:~_.:~~..:;';;;;:.~~::~~.t~~'';;~~:~~~'.:j,~'*:-';-,;~;":,-'1~f~,';~~~4~~\~?~~~~'