Resolution 020-1984 ~ RE,$Q)CU~XQ)N NQ). 020 - 1984 IDHEREA~ ~HE BQ)ARD Q)F CQ)UN~M CQ)ffimX,$,$XQ)NER,$ Q)F ffiQ)NRQ)E CQ)UN~~ FCQ)RXD~ has receiven an app1ica~ion from Johnny F. IDi11iams ann IDHERE~ in compliance wi~h ,$~a~e ,$~a~u~e, i~ is necessary as par~ of ~he permi~~ing procenure ~o reau ~he fOllowing Biological Assessmen~ in~o ~he Recorn, as fo llows: The applicant wishes to stabilize the shoreline on his ocean front residential property and also provide boat mooring facilities. The first goal will be achieved by building a seawall which will be more or less aligned with the mean high water (MHW) line. The seawall will measure 66.67 ft. long. Retaining walls will be built at the ends of the seawall to prevent erosion around the corners of the lot. The entire lot behind the seawall and retaining walls will be filled to an elevation of 5 ft. national geodedic vertical datum (NGVD). Approximately 415 yd3 of material will be required to accomplish the filling. An area of tidal wetlands measuring 670~ ft2 is included in the area to be filled and will have 85~ yd3 of the fill placed on it. Boat mooring facilities will be provided by a proposed dock. The dock will consist of a 149 ft. by 4 ft. main pier with a 20 ft. by 6 ft. "TII section on the waterward end 1(716 ft2 over the water area). The seawall and retaining walls wi1lbe constructed out of poured in place concrete. Limestone fill will be used for the backfill. The landward third of the filled area will be graded toward an adjacent roadside swale. The proposed dock will be constructed out of wood. No description of how the dock will be built was provided with the application. No description of proposed turbidity control techniques has been provided either. The project site is located on the southeast side of Lower Matecumbe Key in the Matecumbe Ocean Beach subdivision. General development in the vicinity of the project site con- sists primarily of private residences. An estimated 50% of the available land in this area has been built on. A vacant ocean front lot adjoins the east side of the project site. The next lot to the east has a recently built house on it, however, the shoreline of this lot has not been altered. A large tract of undeveloped oceanfront beach lies to the west of the project site. Apparently as the result of a groin located on the west side of the project site, the shoreline on this side has been cut back markedly to the north. The Overseas Highway (US l/SR 5) runs along the north side of the project site. The Atlantic Ocean borders the south side of the applicant's property. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of the project site are designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161 Florida Administrative Code). The applicant's property consists of a 66.67 ft. by 100~ ft. (0.15~ ac) ocean front lot. The long axis of the lot is oriented perpendicular to the shore. The majority of the lot is at an elevation of 2~ ft. above MHW. Susbstrate on the lot consists of calcarious sand. lThe description provided with the application describes the end section of the dock as 20 ft. by 8 ft., however, the plans show it as 20 ft. by 6 ft. Resolution No. WILLIAMS, JOHNN~ F. Page Two The shoreline on the project site consists of a low energy sandy beach. A beach scarp is found 90 to 95 ft. from the landward side of the lot (i.e. 10 to 15 ft. landward of the proposed seawall). The low tide terrace is 401 ft. wide. Waterward of the terrace area, a very broad shallow flat is found. The flat reaches a depth of 1 ft. MLW at a distance of 150 ft. from the shore and does not reach 2 ft. until 300 ft. has been traversed. Substrate on the nearshore flat is calcarious sand. A small boulder groin and an old section of concrete wall are found at the southwest corner of the applicant's property. The groin and wall have combined with the littoral drift produced by the prevaling southeast winds to produce a 401 Ft. differential in the location of the shoreline from one side of the groin to the other, with the applicant's property benefiting from the differential. Vegetation on the more landward portions of the applicant's lot consists of a mixture of pioneer grass shrubs and trees, including several nuisance exotics. Nearer to the beach scarp, a mixure of sea oats (Uniola paniculata) and railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae) predominates. For 5 to 10 ft. waterward of the beach scarp, railroad vine is the dominate vegetation. When inspected, a large wrack line was located near the MEW contour on the beach. The remainder of the low tide terrace consists of unvegetated sand. Beginning near the MLW contour, a 301 ft. wide zone dominated by Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) is found. The Cuban shoalweed quickly grades into a turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) bed which extends offshore for several hundred feet. Sandy beaches s~milar to the project site are somewhat unusual in the Florida Keys. Many of the beaches, including the one at the project site, are utilized as nesting sites for sea turtles. Construction related activities are expected to cause temporarily elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds. Proper use of turbidity controls should be able to maintain water quality within acceptable standards. Unfortunately, the application does not indicate any plans to utilize turbidity controls. The proposed filling activities will permanently eliminate 6701 ft2 of primary transitional wetlands. With the elimination of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of pollution filtration, sediment stabilization, habitat and primary pro- duction. In the case of the project site, the loss of the habitat function will probably be the greatest impact. Construction of the proposed dock has the potential of causing considerable damage to the shallow grass flats in the vicinity of the proposed dock. The damage would result from construction equipment and supplies being maneuvered in the very shallow waters at the site and causing bottom scarification. Such scarification would be likely to persist for years. Operation of boats in the shallow waters around the proposed dock is also likely to result in bottom scarification. The scarification from this source will tend to persist for at least as long as the dock is used for boating activities. Resolution No. WI~LIM1S, JOHNN~ F. Page Three Shading from the dock will tend to cause a shift to more shade tolerant vegetation under it. The narrow width and orientation of the dock will tend to reduce the severity of this impact. BE It RES~C~ED BM tHE B~ARD ~F C~uNtM C~mmISSI~NERS ~F m~NR~E C~llNt~ FC~RIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reatl into the recortl antl tlu1y consitleretl pursuant to F10ritla Statute 253.124 by the Boartl of County Commissioners of ffionroe CountM, F1oritla, this 13th tlaM of January ,19 84 at a regu1ar1M schetlu1etl meeting. B~ARD ~F c~UNtM C~mmISSI~NERS ~F m~NR~E C~UNt~ FC~RIDA BM ~~ mayor (SEAC) AHest: D~y 4 :K,OLHAGE, Clerk ~ '{~'~l'<\.9~.D.~' 6 0 Clerk . I' Cuc1.en c. Pro y, County Attorney O,~y~r: ~R~~,~~E (305) 2944641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (Johnny F. Williams) 1// 3. Permit 1/ 4. Application for Permit (Seawall & Fill) L./" 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map V' 7. DER Assessment ~ Date 1/-q-J:3 By ~. Or iT.! ~..",. ~r~ ~--, "-;, -:-.~ D ~~: r\ . I' .' . " ) : C, ,/ I,'. "j :) DEPAH.'nn:N'l'l\L COrWESPONDENCE DATE November 3, 1983 S U BJ ECT : _~~b ~!:~d will i am~__:__P ~~J~~~_ed_~ea w c:}}___~_nd ~ ill _____ TO:~_~!f D<?yle, Di~~cto~_________ DEP'l':Building, Planning and Zoning L:g:O~~: ~~~:~:~: :~~e~::::~~~:::~~::~~' :::::::e& K::ning Zoned: RU-1 Introduction: This application to place fill below mean high water (MHW) should be re- viewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111(5) of Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description: Application for the subject property was made in the name of Johnny F. Williams, but is listed with Dr. Webster as owner on current Tax Appraiser's records. The applicant proposes to construct a concrete seawall and retaining walls on the side property lines. The property would then be filled to 5' above N.G.V.D. (475 c.y. landward of MHW and 60 c.y. waterward of MHW). The applicant proposes to construct a single-family residence on the property. The subject property consists of a narrow lot, measuring 66.67' wide by 102'~ deep, abutting Atlantic Coastal waters. Concrete rubble along the shoreline indicates that there was a seawall on the property in the past. It was reported to have been destroyed by storm in 1965. The upland portion of the site exhibits an established young dune formation from the center of the lot to MHW line. Vegetation consists of sea oats (Unio1 panicu1ata), Railroad vine (Ipomola pes-caprae), Glasswort (Sa1icornia sp.) Spartina grasses (Spartina sp), Sea grape (Coceolobia unifera). Australian pine (Causarina sp) and Brazilian pepper (Schinus sp.), undesirable exotics, are established near U.S. 1. The dune and shoreline show signs of alternate accretion and erosion which is typical of most sandy shorelines. The Atlantic shoreline in this area runs generally northeast to southwest. The northerly flow of the Gulf stream sets up onshore counter currents that flow northeasterly to southwesterly along this shoreline. Prevailing north- east and southest winds also exert considerable influence upon the config- uration of the dune and shoreline. The accumulative affect of the previous seawall is indicated on the attached aerial photograph. This photograph also gives some indication of the type of erosion problem that can be anticipated when ever jetties or other im- pediments obstruct prevailing currents. The placement of seawalls and jetties at right angles to this shoreline causes a deposit of sand and rack to be accumulated to the northeast of these structures (photo attached) and at the wepster/Wil1iams: Jposed Seawall and Fill Page 2 same time causes erosion to the southwest of them as indicated on the aerial photo. Although this is usually a gradual process it may be dramatically accelerated during severe storms. The sandy shoreline is utilized extensively for feeding by several species of sand pipers and larger wading birds. (Photo attached) It also offers nest ing sites for sea turtles. The attached FDER biological assessment addresses this proposal in greater detail. Evaluation: Available information indicates that the proposed construction of a seawall, retaining walls and the placement of fill on this property will seriously alter the configuration of this shoreline. More specifically, it is antici- pated that the proposed project would enhance the erosion process on the shoreline southwest of the site and in so doing poses a threat to others' private property and the long term stability and protection of U.S. 1. Al- though this may be a gradual process, it could be intensified if associated with tidal storm surge and wind driven wave action. The proposed project would eliminate natural feeding areas for several species of birds and in- vert~brates. It would also eliminate a sandy beach and dune which is a nesting area for marine turtles. Section 19-111(4), M.C.C. states "In reviewing all applications for a permit in wetland areas, consideration will be given to the natural biological functions, including food chain production, general habitat, nesting, spawn- ing, rearing and sedimentation patterns, physical protection provided by wetland vegetation from storm and wave action." The Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element stipulates, "The County will support State and Federal policies and regulations concerning dredge and fill activity and to the extent legally practicable, prohibit dredging and/or filling of submerged lands for development except in proven cases of overriding public interest." (pg. 24, 3.1). The CZP&CE further states, "Development activities will be required to pro- tect tidal flushing and circulation patterns. Any project which may pro- duce changes in circulation patterns will be approved only after sufficient hydrographic information is available to allow an accurate evaluation of the possible impacts of the project." (pg. 36, 5). Part 7, also pg. 36 spe- cifies that " Development practices which have the potential of causing erosion of the beaches and shoreline will be regulated." The CZP&CE further stipulates, "No new construction will be allowed that would threaten the stability of either the dune (if existing) or the beach itself. All construction will be restricted to areas landward of the pri- mary dune line whenever applicable" (pg. 40, 3.A.) . Webster/Williams:. Proposed Seawall and Fill Page 3 In summary, the proposed seawall, retaining walls and deposition of fill on this site would eliminate the young dune and has the potential to seriously alter the beach and shoreline on this and adjoining properties. Recommendation: Disapproval. The proposed project does not appear to be consistent with provlslons of Section 19-111(4) M.C.C. nor the Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element. Other Observations: In March, 1980, the owner of Lot 62 (immediately to the N.E. of subject property)was granted a dimensional variance to build up to 20 feet of the rear property line on that lot. The rear property line on both lots 61 and 62 is below mean high water. Lot 62 has subsequently been developed with a single family residence-:-The distance from the "drip-line" of the balcony (facing ocean) to M.B.W. is 14 feet. The support posts for the balcony have been awash during recent high tides. Please note that the granting of this variance and the subsequent permitting of the house construction on lot 62 appears to be in violation of State Law, specifically Chapter 161 of Florida State Statutes governing regulation of coastal construction and excavation (161.052). The present owner of Lot 61 (Webster) has been granted a dimensional variance to build up to 20 feet of an open waterway (10/12/83). A dimensional variance was also sought for a 150' dock. This petition has since been withdrawn and modified to a 50' dock. The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has stipulated that the dock pot be used for power boats due to the very shallow water and the potential damage to sea grass beds. F.D.E.R. has not permitted the seawall nor fill to date. Note: ACOE/FDER permits may be required. Attachments: County application (Williams) Site Plans Aerial Photo (copy of Pg. 7r, Redi Strip Real Estate Map FDER Environmental Report Dimensional variance approval for Lot 62 Dimensional variance approval for Lot 61 (Webster) Photographs (1 sheet) (2 sheets) (1 sheet) (5 sheets) (1 sheet) (1 sheet) (2 sheets) PERMIT MONROE COUNTY @_... '~."~ ~L PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO, Johnny F. Williams Post Office Box 834 Tavernier, Florida 33070 2) Date June 33, 1983 3) Phone number FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 1) Property owners name & mailing address Resolution No. 852-4952 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Glen Boe, Florida P.E. No. 17300 Design Management Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 3406 Marathon Shores, Florida 33052 743-9121 5) Legal description of property: Section ?1 Key T,owpr Matp~llmbp Subdivision Matecumbe Ocean Beach Township 64 S Lot 61 Block Range 36E Street, road or mile marker M. M. 75+600' U.S.#l Ocean, Lower Matecumbe Key V olume of ma terial: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward of M.H.W. 60 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 475 c.y. landward of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Recommendation: DISAPPROVAL See enclosed Biologist report on page 3. NOTE: ACOE/FDER permits may be required. Jeffrey Y. Doyle, Ph.D., Director Planning, Building and Zoning .j ',' .1.'/ ," ~'.~-r~:r \.. ---- -........~r:""".. ------~ ~.:.-..,.~~-. C\'.,.. '1'''' l~ t:,~', ": ..~.,' 1 'nl' :1,(:(~ rl"~~~'; .....\' \I.. '. .' L\.t.....L '.' i .,\ ..' '.'-<t ... I. ;'.. ._,', 'i"1,' 1) '. f~ ':'.., I...'~'" Johnny F. Willi~.m~<.1 June 22,1983 (305) 852-4952 P.O. Box Hn~ ;; ,) -~mor-a-&a, FL-"-B{}3-6 /A!/-'/'/N:~~~!..,.', 33 ---~------_. - ----.-.- .- ----_.__._.~--- - 'actor or agent's nome, mailing address, phone (: ccr::~::'~c~'~':',::: ::~~',~'~'r, Glen Boe, Florida P. E. No. 17300 Design Management Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 743-9121 1 description of property: ion, shi p , 21 64S 36E acreage) Key, Lower Matecumbe~....~rx~,ivisicn, Matecumbe Ocean Bch '" ", lot, 61 Flcc':<, (if ng, RU-1 Street, roae or :-:\llc :-;:ar~er ~ MM 75 +6 0 0 I U. S. 1 Ocean, Lower Ma tecumbe Key ---- cribe the proposed activity ,methods of constructicn & c....'ctmt of i:18terial (in cuhic yares) , be excavated or discharged. T'escribe purI?cse 5 intendcd '..1SC of r-rojcct. See attached remarks of al dredged/excavated ' c.y. watcrward cf ~'!.E.l':. f~;!e~/0enos:ted c.y. la--:.<.l,ward of ~'. !'1. 1,t,~ . 60 c.y. Ka ',:: Crh'::l:-C. of ~".x. '.'.:. 475 c.y.' I :.~l~(~~\'a~d, of ;-~. H. :'; . e, address & zip code of 2~joining rr0p~rty 0~~~~~ (1) University of Miami, Real Est. Dept. P. O. Box 248106 Cora1 Gables, FL 33124 ( 2 ) rT,:?er:.y affro:1ts i\'s.tE'r i"C1.Y. Michael P. Chase 16924 N.E. 19th St. North Miami Beach, FL 33162 ....."'" ""'\"" C\ 'I.'_\.~"" - ist other permits issued a'1d/or applied for, incJt:de apphcant's na':!e, fer t}lis site: N/A 'f application has been submitted for this proj ect (or ~e sinilar) in tr,e past, f 1.. ~. l' 1- . .,. ~. f'J: f !xp1ain reason or new app lcatlCIl emr.;. glve app lCQ.'1~' S n~e II Cl.L~erent rorn current l?p1icant. NjA .. it all Federal and State 'agencles tnat nave recelvea. appHcaaffis :i:OT tl"lS proJect. U. S. Army Corps of Engineer5 State of Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation This completed application fom 'vill 'rle acccr.,pClIaed by the following, or it will NCf be processec~. , (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, showing lccation, plot plan, top view and " ()SS section of proposal, drawn to scale. ~lication processing fee as follows: 5.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP. ::my structures affronti~g :1atul":ll wate1" bcdies. ::'.00 for vertical seawalls onman-rnscle ho'Ues of iv~ter. 5.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. . cation is hereby made for a :'':.:nit to aut}1orize the activities descrii:-ed 1~erei!1. .r :i9 ~:-2.t I ~. ~~~::::.~~ ":..f~_~~ ~~-.~. --.c0!"!"~~'; ~~ r_,",~~~~",,",nr1 ~.., tr.is r'":),::,lic~tion, and to "'he be~,t knowledge & belief s'..:ch :.nfomation is tru,~, co:-.~?letc (, ac;::'.;rate. I fur"J'cr cer-::.fy t,..at sess the authority to undertake t[1e proposed 3ct:v~tics. .-'::.1 provisions of Imvs -3..'1<1 anccs governing this type of lVork will be canp1~cc '.\'i~::. '\'~et}'er specified l~erein or not. ing of a pemit C:oes r.ot prestIDle to give c.utnoYi~y ":c viol~,tc C'y C~::1ccl ":1'c l'rov',sions of. aunty, state or federal law rcgu1ating c0n~tructio:~~r ~C::f0~~~:-:'.cc cf cc;;s:.r_~c~i:m c~ t"i'j of faciIity./' . ) ~, ~/-'" ...---- /- ,/ _~- J~/ D / ooartment Use Onlv/ '- ....,:.. ;..~.:-~~.:..~ ....~ --.;"': (..,. <.:~~:~ ~.l C~;.:: t/ ag(;:1 i.: \'~ltc-- ,-fl. '--1 -' ..-' "..> ,'" -', ~ lC,'~I'~ rcc tt rcc~lp\: !' '\""'1"nv"d l1Y i'55 It !llrectcr . 1 4"'" \, ..... "'''"'' I '.Y)nl:Lc.:.~:.C'~. C; I ' Johnny F. Williams Seawall, Dock, Fill & Retaining Walls June 22, 1983 REMARKS The applicant wishes to purchase a lot, build a single-family home and provide dockage for a small boat. Remnants of a founda- tion indicate that a structure once stood on the property. A poured-in-place concrete seawall is to be constructed along the shore. Its waterward limit is to coincide with that of the old existing foundation corner. Poured-in-place concrete retaining walls are to be constructed along the side lot lines. The lot is to be filled to an elevation of 51 above the N.G.V.D. Dock- age for a small boat will be provided by a wood-on-wood pier which is to extend 150' waterward from the seawall, where the water depth is approximately 11 at mean low water. The water- ward extreme of the dock terminates in a 20'x81 IILII. The land- ward third of the lot will be graded to the swale at the edge of U.S. 1 so that stormwater from the roof and driveway will not directly enter state/federal waters. PROP. RETAINING WALL~ ~ o ~ i )::>, ~, )::>, EXISTING ~ FOUNDATION REMNANTS ,rPROP. RETAINING WALL ~ i - ,-'.' ADJACENT PRO~ERTY OWNERS (1) UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI P. O. BOX 248106 CORAL GABLES, FL 33124 ( 2 ) MICHAEL P. CHASE 16924 N. E. 19th ST. NORTH MIAMI, FL 33162 i' 1081 ... ... , SECTION HATCHING INDICATES ( 2 ) c VI PROJECT LOCATION NOAA CHART #11449 SCALE 1:40,000 LAT: 2405113111 LONG: 8004311311 PROPOSED PROPOSED FINISHED SEAWALL GRADE ). J 144 I tf ...\ U~~~n EXISTING ~1:0 FILL GRADE DEC K ~lHW ~lL W BOTTOt-l + 5. 0 +1.9 0.0 -1.0 FLOOD~ EBB w o :::: I I Cl' '" ENTIRE LOT TO BE FILLED AND GRADED TO +5 I NGVD ...... 3::;0 . '-lO Ul . ~ '" '-l '" o o PLAN 1+ j (1) SEAWALL AND RETAINING WALLS TO BE REINFORCED CONCRETE POURED IN PLACE JOHNNY F. WILLIAMS \ SEAWALL, DOCK, FILL \ AND RETAINING WALLS \ \ FOR SINGLE-FAMILY i RESIDENCE ! RUBBLE o ~5 5p SCALE: 1"==30' SHEET 1 of 1 Archile([~ 0 EnKineer, 0 PI~nl1e" 1'.0, Uo" 3-106, M.lr..lhol1 ~h()re~. florid.. 33052-3-1UI> ~ -, ..' '. ~ " ,t~ 1" .:t. , ,~\. , .".~) ; ~," l!t ,/, "I,' ,~ '1 ".:: II ,.:1: "\.)...; 'l~ ';~ '11- , "~ ',1 :t " 1t" ,,< '~~~~: \\ ,:jf ,l~tt:\ :..- 'r .. .~ '. . :~\r~~ :;!~/ ^:... . .~.~ '., t';" ,I CEPf~.qT~\;~ENT OF ENV.RONMEs~TAL _ l;,.~ ~-'~ ~, I P, ! t; l,~" :- UXi i '.,' ,. SOUTH FLORIDA. BRANCH OFF!CE: C~ \~.... ''<< .>'" '1 ~" , . - ~ -~ 'to : . _ / ..-__ r: ~ '~~f., '. k if)f.fi#; I ' .r,; /..... -~~-~~.,.,. !" L' " 3201 GO~F COURSE BOULEVA8<..' PUNT A CORD~, FL O~~DA 339Sn.9.3;;,. October 5, 1983 Monroe County Director of Building, Planning & Zoning Public Service Building 5825 Junior College Rd., West Stock Island Key West, Fla. 33040 WJ-~ Re: Monroe County, File No. 440718885, Johhny F. Williams Gentlemen: ';'S pcr PC-1~~ recrc;est pursuant to Sectio,~ 253.125, ~lorid2 Statutes attachsi is a c~p~p o~ the Departreent's Biological appraisal for ~~n referenced proJect. A hydrographic survey was not required. Sincerely, ~w;~ Richard W. Cantrell Environmental Supervisor RWC/ck Encl. .' . ~~_' ,- ~ L.,!," :~t:-~~ ~;~' ~~..;)r'~~; ~t'~(r t:'F~C)i~',.;'.1(:~ l::. 1~':1 f;?:.~~'ft:)f.~~l~J'~ C:'tJ fo'r"t ;:~ (j .~~,?;"f1~ii t:i'.-;~' ....':r.: .~~;l'./ 1 ;.~ (:;- jl'.:', ~.-, t~ "r)~ r.. R EC; ;,! ~...j~' ;- j ~~~, ;.J. . \ . ,: -, ~ I } 1. (~ : 'F(,:t'; 1.',.':'11..,_.-': : ~.I ~ '.. .:hc. " : '.~ .'\. L 7, : ~ ; , , '( in: ~hL j'j' ~ 1 ;} , ~ r'.'...' ~ ';t- i.) t. f~, \ ',: ,. ,1/ \, : , .J t I'" I ) .:. 'J L\)~j3 ,; t "d ." j :i .:i',' ) ; . t. I ,-, .~. , r , \ J, " ; L , ; u 1 , , . J ,. !1(j L ,. '- :) ,'J Ci : : ( I , " (. ; ) !,,: ~'t., . ,,1. :: \, I t I .: . '- \~ 'Jr . {tj:.r~;r';. ":".l;t.Z-O,r ~.~~ (~..f.>'"'- '\: '4\. ._. ':;f-:".;.:'4 (-.) """'4l'.,.,..t .(.l1.'. , ,'~_. '.~ ;'. . :.. ';,;'1": ,) ___,.. _-.-'.._._...._._......_,.__._,...,.............__.......__ ::"'fr'1. J ',' '" ;;' :I-'HV :.... .:' (:--.~',~, i ; ..;';',!~i ~::J'!il!: .......'..~ .-..__,,, t I: r'. ~ . I: r.J;' :1 i.;i:;'~I/I:";.~' Lc,.~t':'j~ 't.i; _~JTlpa..(,~t.,. C,r-Jl'l'i d.,."~,~}', ~3!>.'j ~:r:1 (l, -1.r;-i..~::! :.;:,- I,'j ),:J;;;c'r:t \'-,',1! t~r~;_" .1>( 1\.';\~;, }~I~::~~, r c c " .".ruiF; I . j t ;: r,:' ct 0_ -t.' J ,~: .?' 1 ::.'. .1 t i '- ,', -l~.'~;' 1.1 (~ai- ...... n ;':8 , l,!." tl:i' l Y: 1 j t , ~ l, be \\' it r L' ,', ' ..::14 ~ . ;.. lit t he tJc; reI (! I' ,..'~ t ,:,,1 / .'~ '~.'. ';i..-'t-:'':'-! {' L If " . I, ..' \.,~( 1 U I (t. : ,,, (' I, ,; i- r 1 ~ "1 ({ '.;1 -,; t...>,: ~, _~.e ' fI, '.< J~' (, t ,'l rl~~~ t , ,c ;:l ',d L.'''' j T :',!,..' L'C ~,~ t ! ~. \.'j ; \ ,~ ! . r , t be S;, ,.1l(L 1 r, j'j " P(-:;{i~-l-l ~ ~.~C'! ~ ~_) r t, ,d ~ ~..:.. :'-, .to'l vI .l ,,' 1 L ( " , . I 1 ,~ \1 .i~r~ }I:f ,t'J f( DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON:-1EN'rAL REGULATION rPEro~IT APPLICAtION APPRAISAL County: Monroe Date: (j-11-83 File No.: 4407188E5 Applicant Name: .Johnny F. Williams Address: PO Box 834, Tavernier, FL 33070 Agent (if applicable) Glen Boe, P.E., D8sign Manag0ffi0nt Associdces ;":,ddress: PO Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 L8cation of project: Section(s) 21 Township 64S Range 36E Section(s) Township TI,::.nge ;_:)C~ll Re fe [-ence : Lower Matecumbe Key \-.';i t:\..::-r Body: ;; t Ll;"l tic Ocean h'iJ. ter Classification of Project Area: L 1: I A,-'l.jacen t Watec,>: III" Aquatic Preserve: Gutstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: David Bishof Original Arp1ic~tion: Yes X No 1);1 te 0 f In~:;pcct l.on : 7-21-83 Revised Application: Y~s No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. B1 (~),ogica1 ,~nd ~.,rater Qua 1 i ty f\S ses sm~~Q.!:. A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the s~ate (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section l7-4.0~ and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific proiect site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological ~esources and water quality. Addr~ss long-term imnact as well as i8mediate impact for all clSpccts of the ~)r()lect. E. SulJ'Jesti'-:):lS I ',[:ere apI:Jl:'opriate I for or ~inin:ze t~c potential impact of ;!,od if ica t io;: '3 ~)roj'-.~ct. that :nay reduce PER,.\l lo-l()(l"~v.I). ;.}) ...:~< ;,,,;' ~j~ '.",'~ ~:\" of,;"~ .~~ ';f" WILLIlV1S, JOm';1~Y:F. #440718885 Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Page 'f'",ro A. The appll.C,lllt wishes to stabi1iz~ t.he shore1 ine on h 1 S OCL~an front rH~ld~ntia1 property arid also provide boat moorin0 facilities. The first goal will be achieved by buiLJinq (J seawall ~jlL~h will be more or less aligned with the mean hiyh water (J\1Il\'1) line. The seawall wll1 measure 66.67 it. 10n(3. Retaining walls will be built at the ends of the seawall to prevent erosion around the corners of the lot. The cnti,re lot behind the seawall and retaining walls will be filled to an elevation of 5 ft. national yeodedic: uertical datum (NGVI)). Approximately 415 yd3 of material wi]] be requil'e;j to dccom~lish the fi1linq. l\n Zlrea of tid,l! wctl<lr1tLi measuring GJO! fS is included ill the area to be Eil led and VJill l1d'/l2 8).:. yd of the fill pldc;ed on it. BCD t moori nJ facili ties wi1 J be pn)vided by d proposc~d dock. The dock will cJnsist of a 149 ft. by 4 ft. main pier wit~ a 20 ft. by 6 ft. "T" section on the waterward end 1(716 ft2 over the water area). The seawalL and retaining walls will be constructed out of poured in pJ.ace concretQ. Li.mesLme fill will be us(~d for the b~cktill. The landward third of the filJ2d area will be 'Jc<.ldc.d tOW'I'c! ,:In ad:jaccmt r(),ldsi(h~ sWc1ll~. Thi.: pr()p()sc~d dock wi.l1 be curL;;tructeJ out: of wood. No description of I1:JW the dock wi.ll b,--, built \vas provided \vith the application, No c1oscciptioll of proposed turbidity control techniques has been fn'ov hied ':ci the l: . B. The I.,;r'oir:~.:::f site ],:,; loea,ted on the southeast side of LOWC1: Matecumbe Key in the Matecumbe Ocean Beilch subdivision. General development in the vicinity of the project site con- sists primarily of private residences. An estimated 50% of the available land in this area has been built on. A vacant ocean front lot adjoins the east side of the project site. The next lot to the east has a recently built house on it, however, the shoreline of this lot has not been altered. A large tract of undeveloped oceanfront beach lies to the west of the project site. Apparently as the result of a groin 1 The description provided with the application describes the end section of the dock as 20 ft. by 8 ft., however, the plans show it as 20 ft. by 6 ft. '~-~ "-~; ~#, f~! ~~. r" WILLIA11S, JOiiNNY F. #440718885 Monroe COli:1ty - Lower Matecumbe Page ThreE: locat.t~d "i. the west side of. the project S,1 Le:, t:he !'3horE:.:line: ,In this sido has been cut back markedly to the north. Thu Over-sedS II ighway (US l/SR 5) runs along the north ~3 'j de of Uw project oil t:e. The l\tlantic Ocean borders the soutn side of the app 1 i ':,lnt I s property. The waters of U'i'} At Ian l ic Ocean in the vicinity of the project site are designated as Class Ilf waters (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). C. The B[jplicant's property consists of a 66.67 ft. by 100+ ft. (0.15+ de) ocean front lot. The long axis of the Lot i; ocil~nj.,:d l;'c.~q)endicu1ar to the shllre. Tho rn<ljority of t.he ].';t. lS at ,Ill ,_'[evation of 2+ ft. <.1b')ve HiH.v. S:Jbstrat0 on the l()t; cons i. s t::; ,) f calcar iOLlS sand. The shoreline on the project site consLsts of a low energy sandy bOJeh. A beach scarp is [ound 90 to Y5 ft. from the landward side of the lot (i.e. 10 to 15 ft. landward of the proposed seawall). The low tide terrace is 40+ ft. wide. Waterward of the terrace area, a very broad shil10w flat is found. Tho Flat reaches a depth of ~ ft. f.HM at a distanc~ of 15 ft. ft-om tf-. ~,~. re a.t r' -I- cea('j-- ft. until 3,') 0 f t. 1';,1:'; bc~en tTavc:r:sed. Substra to on the nearshore fla t :rs (a 1.: '-I 1: i u u s sa 11<1 . .'\ ;"1:,,:1] L l.h.lU lder groin dnd an 0] d see tion of concrete wa 11 art! found I t. ,he southwes t corner of the app1iccl nt's property. T'tw 'ft'Jin Lind wall have combined with the littoral drift [JrO(hlcl~.j l)~' the pcevaling soulhcdSt \.Jinds to produc(~ a 40+ ft.. d.Lffc>n:llt Lil in the lucation of the shorelinc~' from one side of 1'he: JL)in to the other, with the app1icClnt I s property bcncfj, tin; fr0m the differential. Vegetation on the more landward portions of the applicant's lot consists of a mixture of pioneer grass shrubs and trees, including several nuisance exotics. Nearer to the beach scarp, a mixture of sea oats (Uniola panicu1ata) and railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae) predominates. For 5 to 10 ft. waterward of the beach scarp, railroad vine is the dominate vegetation. When inspected, a large wrack line was located near the MHW contour on the beach. The remainder of the low tide terrace consists of unvegetated sand. Beginning near the MLW contour, a 30+ ft. wide zone dominated by Cuban shoa1weed (IIalodule wrightii) is found. The Cuban shoalweed quickly grades into "~ ;.1'; ~ ~ ~ ;~! !"': , \'HLLIAI-1S, ~)O!lNNY F. #440718885 Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Page Four a turt.l'>lJ. ISS ('l'halassia testucUnum) bed which e:dcn1c3 cLtshu:,~ for several hundred feet. Sandy b;..:,h~;il,~S similar to the project site are soraowlLlt un,lsu:d in the F I OJ' ida. Keys. Many of the beaches, inc ludinq the one at the prolect site, are utilized as nesting sites for sea tur tles. D. Construction related activities are expected to cause tempordrlly elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organ1c compounds and particulate organic compounds. Proper use of turbidity cant~c~ls should lx~ ,11.>le to maintain water quali ty within Ll~;cc;!jtablc~ standanls. Unfortunately, the 'll>plication ([lies not indicate any pLjriS i....) utilize turbidi ty controls. The prouosod filling activities will permanently elJrninatc 670+ ft~ of pri'llary transitional \"etlands. vJith the: el1Liinatiun of the wet lands will be: the loss of their functions of pullutlon filtration, sediment stabilization, habitat and primary pro- duction. In the case of the prolect site, the loss of the hab- itat function \o/i11 probably be t.he greatest impact. Constru::tir;rt of the proposed dock has the potcnt.ial 'jf causin:r consj_lt.'r,.:11;.l.t~ dama(jc to the shallcJ'.v gras::; fLlt.s in tlk vicinity of tlw ill' \.:osed dock. The damage would cesul L from construction t:;qu ipm(~n L ,1l1d suppl ies being malleuvered in U1C very shallow wat.ers ,It Lhe site and causing bottom scarif.i.~:ation. SUi.;h scari.[j';dlion would be likely to persist for years. Opecd:J :)\1 "f b:)ats in the shallow waters al:ound the r:,r:opo::icd dock is also likely to result in bottom scarification. The scarificatLon from this source will tend to persist [or at least as long as Cle dock is used for boating activi l:ies, Shading from the dock will tend to cause a shift to more shudc tolerant vegetation under it. The narrow width and orientation of the dock will tend to reduce the severity of this impact. , 'T' ,'. l'~ :- r' i '" ,'.-', j), \ ,~~,- ", "~~l~'.\")Ll I )r-:-' ,r :,I:' ~T. 'L'\'T ',' i 1:-: ~ -_ ) , ~ I, 1, :.; .. \ ;:....... -...J I ' ',~ ". ", -1'" ,I. \ '.'l ___~ _~_~: t~_~~=- ~~. __1) t.l____~ 1"\ I" .' -"I. l-' ,\,1. ".., , 1. " \ \.);\ \. 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Zoned ~U-l HEAIZl:,rC TESTI~,r:,!:;"{ PERT..\T~"~I~.;(: TO 'l~EIS :JI:'~E~::;Il;~~~\!~ ~"~'..~\l:,+\'\=~=.. ::, \' Tic ,(I.iL;" ;_~EJ .~'lL'\T ~;.\ID I~E'_~'[EST' ijE ~\:)~l caved F'~ ) ~,~ .,..,,- - i' \_~: ~_. !~:::..\~>)~';S : Thl' Board anproved this rcc:u('st Dursuant to Seetin:! 19-79 Cd) (1-S) of tltr) ~;Gnroc Count'" Code. ----,--- ::0',:. T::::;'Yrn;~L .'E IT l:;:SOT,'.TD ','HAT T1i"C RC\\r:i) OF ADJl'ST;!!:::T n;' >":'; eWE COl~;T','. Fi.lTiIL.\. BY TH::: 1'(1':,';::: \'ESTEJ I;~ TiE>l BY THE ~lO~<r;.OE cm::JTY CODi::. no DI~CL\RE TlL\:..' TE:: r.Tn:>;s ;n::.\L '.',.\":T ',':c:r: l\EQUEST;:D hY :!.)_('lLlr~l_l~J:'..::.:;_tcr. ;-1. D. .\\D !) l'~ ~~(: I{ 11~ ED ~\ i'~()\' I~ I), !', ___. _:~1~~)V(~.Si._~__._~_____.~_ D.Ti:: __QCj:() !"..t~l:~ '- q () ~I "",I.;.., (L,;.o/{/Lc-r ,/ \')' / I · ___L --i- fvt, ';\ I DC''-i (~ J n~! \J[rl~~~~'.:' ~<. i'\i~'; i,~ ,,:.~ C ;'-" r - ~: iI '.; ~, i'" --;-- '.II :'{! 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