Resolution 048-1984 ... Mr. Edward L. Stickney Director of Public Works RESOLUTION NO. 048 -1983 RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AMENDING THE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN FRANK KEEVAN & SONS, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, COVERING DELETIONS TO SAID CONTRACT DUE TO THE REQUEST OF THE FLORIDA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION THAT THE COVER (FILL) OVER THE PIPE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER U. S. HIGHWAY #1 AT BIG COPPITT KEY BE INCREASED. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, previously entered into a contract with Frank Keevan & Sons, Inc. for the purpose of making drainage improvements under U. S. Highway #1 at Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, after the contract letting and during construction that the Florida Department of Transportation has requested that the cover (fill) over the pipe to be installed under U. S. Highway #1 at Big Coppitt Key be increased thus necessitating the use of smaller diameter pipe, a change in the endwall from Type 260 to Type 261 and the deletion of the requirement for Guard- rail, and WHEREAS, Frank Keevan & Sons, Inc. has issued Change Order No. 1 to cover the necessary deletions in order to complete said project and submitted said Change Order No. 1 to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, for its approval, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board of County Commissioners hereby approves Change Order No. 1 to that certain contract entered into by and between Monroe County, Florida, and Frank Keevan & Sons, Inc. for the installation of drainage improvements at Big Coppitt Key. 2. That said Board also approves and authorizes the adjustment to be made in the Contract Price and Time as contained in said Change Order No.1. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~.'~:7~ ..,~ Mayor Chairman (Seal) Attest: ;P.~N~ L. KOLHARE" Clerk L \( u-A~YWV 0f\ y ~ ,0 ,~ . o 0 Clerk . l~l 2 CHANGE ORDER ~O. 1 ....,,, ! ' ,: Project Title:' Job No. 401- 002 . 30 Drainage Improvements at Big Coppitt Key Contractor: Frank Keevan & Sons, Inc. Contract Date: January 6, '1984 To: F ran k K e e van & Son s, I n c . You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subje At;~st: ~ "<~ (,l~,-, ,0.<:. By: N .HAGE, Clerk Edwil L. St i c Date: ~~4-'g~ Title: irector ~~ Approv Form By: Attorney for Monroe ~~~ . Nature of the Change: SEE ATTACHMENT The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net WicXrHtcdO (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price Including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Time Including this Change Order: $36,443.00 $ 5,750.00 $30,693.00 120 days -0- IZO days Prepared by: R i c h a r d C. Pep e r Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. as MonroetCo~ ~ulting Engineers Date: 12/7/83 By: 1(- ~~ The Above Changes are Accepted: Attest:~.JAl1~ Date: December 12, 1983 GC/#18 ,; CHANGE-ORDER #1 NATURE OF THE CHANGE ATTACHMENT This Change Order represents a savings of $5,750 to Monroe County. The Florida Department of Transportation has requested that the cover (fill) over the pipe to be installed under U.S. Highway # 1 at Big Coppitt Key be increased. This increase in cover depth necessitates the use of smaller diameter pipe, a change in the end wall from Type 260 to Type 261 and the deletion of the requirement for Guardrail. Specifically this Change Order will: (A). delete Item #5, 36 L.F. of 30" steel casing' $1,800 and add Item #5 41 L.F. of 24" steel casing' $1,800. There would be no change in the dollar value, as the decreased cost of 24" steel casing would be offset by the increased length to 41 feet. This smaller steel casing pipe will also be the drainage carrier pipe. (B). delete Item #6, 73 L.F. of 24" Corr Aluminium Pipe at $2,993 and add Item #6, 2 Ea. FDOT Index #261 U - Type Concrete Endwalls at $2,993. There would be no change in the dollar value as the cost of the deleted 24" Corr Aluminium Pipe also included the cost of a Type 260 Endwall. This deletion would offset the increased cost to construct a Type 261 Endwall. tC). delete Item #9 250 L.F. of Guardrail $5,750. There would be a $5,750 saving by deleting this Item. The use of a Type 261 Endwall ((B) above) effectively allows deletion of the Guardrail.