Resolution 067-1984 - ... RESQ)CU'tIQ)N NQ). 067 -1984 WHEREAS, the BQ)ARD Q)F CQ)UN'ty CQ)ffiffiISSIQ)NERS Q)F ffiQ)NRQ)E CQ)UN'ty, FCQ)RIDA, has receiveD an application from C.S.H. CQ)RPQ)RA'tIQ)N anD WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the fOllowing BiOlogical Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant proposes to reconstruct and modify two small boat basins by connecting them to each other, straightening one of the basin sides by excavation and shortening the other basin by backfilling its terminal portion. The connection of the two basins is proposed by excavating an upland spit of land measuring 16 feet by 43 feet that presently separates the basins. Excavation would be performed to -6 foot M.S.L. A total of 195 cubic yards would be excavated, including excavation of the north basin side, which would involve a 46 foot by 6 foot strip of uplands. Of the 195 cubic yards proposed for excavation, 140 cubic yards would be landward of M.R.W. All of the excavated material would be used to backfill the terminal portion of the south basin. The material proposed for excavation is limerock. Total backfill is estimated to be 270 cubic yards, of which 150 cubic yards would be deposited below M.R.W. The proposed backfill area measures 46 feet by 12 feet. Two wooden finger piers would be constructed in the basin to pro- vide a total of five boat slips. The finger piers would measure 30 feet by 6 feet. The proposed boat basin and adjacent canal shorelines would be riprapped and perimeter dock would be constructed over the riprap. The project site is located on the north side of Vaca Key, on a shoreline that has been subjected to heavy development and alteration. The canal to which the applicant's boat basins connect is presently utilized for a variety of interests, including commercial and marina usage. The applicant's property has, apparently, never been developed, although a permit was issued (since expired) to a previous owner for the placement of riprap along the open water shoreline of this property. This work was completed several years ago. A dredge and fill permit was also issued to the applicant recently for the intended purpose of backfilling the boat basins in question. The boat basins that are presently proposed for reworking vary from five to six feet (M.L.W.) in depth over their deepest portions. These basins have no shoreline stabilization and, as a result, have undergone some erosion. The basin sides are some- what irregular, sloping down in a gradual manner. Resolution C.S.H. Corporation Page Two The spit of land separating the two basins is also unstable and irregular, being eroded below the M.H.W. mark over its waterward end. Benthic flora is generally lacking in the basins. The upper, more horizontal portions of the basins support a limited amount of green algaes such as Penicillus ~., Caulerpa ~., and Acetabularia ~. Brown algae (Padina sp.), red algae (Laurencia sp.) and calcareous algae (Halimeda ~.) are also found in the basins, with the majority of the growth located in the north basin. Sediments are generally soft and unconsolidated over the bottom of the basins. Limerock rubble provides some attaching habitat and cover for fish at the end of the spit proposed for removal. Fish species observed included snapper (Lutjanus sp.), grunts (Halemulon ~.), barracuda (Sphyraeno barracuda) ,-and anchovies (Anchou ~.). Steel I-beams have been driven into the south basin, apparently for boat mooring. The applicant's canal shoreline is presently riprapped. Removal of the fill spit which presently separates the two basins along with the partial backfilling of the south basin is expected to slightly improve water circulation in the basins while lessening the degree of the existing shoreline discontinuity. Although this possible improvement to water quality may be offset be expected heavier usage and the associated impacts from moored boats, water quality degradation is not expected to be significant. Existing marine habitat eliminated by the proposed dredging and filling is not felt to be of substantial concern. BE It RE$~C~ED B~ tHE B~ARD ~F (~UNt~ (~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E (~UNt~, FC~RIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reaD into the recorD anD Duly consiDereD pursuant to FloriDa $tatute 253.124 by the BoarD of (ounty (ommissioners of monroe (ounty, FloriDa, this 9th Day of March ,19 84 at a regularly scheDuleD meeting. B~AR~. ~F ~,."U..,.N...t,~. (~ _$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~ ~UNt~, FC~ DA "',;"~ \" ~ ",'- ~ /'l _ ;"'~<~ '" ' By ~r""'i"""',," ($EAC) Attest () ~ '( u:....:~ In. r ~ IO.C Da ny C.aKol age, (lerk ' V 4'-' J ~~ cucI;n (. Froby tnunty Attnrney -- 1305) 294-4641 rr-..-- . ~~v~r; ~R~~,~~E _..r-~ ~-'1.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (C.S.H. CORPORATION) ~ 3. Permit ~ 4. Application for Permit (Dredging, Dock Rip-Rap) ~ 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map ~ Date 2 - 23- 8L.f ~ By ~Q~ 7. DER Assessment ~1€~~1N~ fEB 29 1984 COJNTY Am. I . MEN,ORANDUN\ lO ;) r . J Q f f r C 't ') () y 1 c, :' ire c tor DATE 7/12/33 FROM ,\ndy ".ooan · SUGJ=C;- C.;J.:i. Corporation, Dredging, l:ip rap, Dock. ' L e :~ a 1 To,;. n s hip 6 G S t 11, '~a n ~ e 3 2 E a s t, S e c t ion 9, Cas a Cay 0 Con d 0 m in u m s , a 2. 02 a c r C t r.:l c ton the bay sid e 0 f U. S. :I i g h" a y ,:! 1, wi 1 e mar k e r 49, Vaca Key, :1onroe County, Fla. This application is to be reviewed by the :!onroe County Commission persuant to section lq-lll (a)(5) and 19-111 (1))(4) of the :fonroe County Code. The applicant proposes to remove a small spit of fill bet,veen two snaIl ~ont basins and stabilize the shoreline with rip rap boulders and place 390 ft. of wooden dock along the shoreline to provide boat space for the Casa Cayo Condominium Project. This activity will involve the dredging of approximately 140 cubic Y.:lrds of fill and the placement of 150 cubic yards of rip rap below the mean hi~h water line. Attached is a :larch 16, 1933 report of an environmental assess- ment of this development in which this proposed activity was recommended (see item ~4) over the filling of the two basins. Results of this activity would~be positive for the following environmental reasons: (1) The removal of the spit ,"ould inprove water circu- 1 a t ion. At pre s en t, the set 'v 0 bas ins ex h i bit P 0 0 r water quality and traps for or~anic debris. Spit removal would allow circulation and reduce detrial collections. (2) Rip rap boulders will provide protection of the shoreline and habitat for benthic marine fauna. ( 3) The 3 9 n ft. 0 f ';" 0 0 den doc k a Ion g the sea I" a 11 I" 0 u 1 d provide boat dockage for the condominium residenee and would not adversely impact the area. Therefore, it ic; r(~c()mMended that this application be approved with the Eollowin~ conditions: (1) Slit ~crcens be properly utilized durin~ excavatin~ ~ctivitics to reduce t~e introduction of particulate n Cl t t c r i nth e ~.T ;1 t ere 0 1 u:n n . (2) ",i;> rap 'Joulclcrs of a nininum diancter of 15 inches :) c 11 sed to s t a') i 1 i z e the s h 0 reI in c . . .---;--.... t I ' M E M 0 RAN 0 U M DATE: March 16, 1983 TO: William Russell, Acting Director FROM: A~~~OlOgist H~er~FrigOla - Cas a Cayo Condominiums SUBJECT: The following is a list of observations, suggestions and recommendations for the Casa Cayo Condominium project: 1. The site of this proposed development is an altered shoreline or man made spit created by the acts of dredging and filling. On the west side of the property is a man made canal; however, the east side of the property has not been dredged. A mangrove fringe presently exists on this easter~ edge of the spit and abutts the Florida Bay. Although Chapter 4 of the Monroe County Code addressess protection of this type of mangrove fringe-with a fifty (50) ft. setback, this particular case should be examined more closely. The establishment of this mangrove fringe is on an embankment that varies from approximately 3-5 feet in relief. The topagraphy of this bank will prohibit succession of mangrove growth landward of the property. Therefore, the purpose of a fifty (50) foot setback would have little or no effect in the enhancement or preservation of this mangrove community. A smaller buffer zone, in this particular case, with the provision that storm and rainwater runoff be contained within the property, would not have adverse impacts to this man- ~rove fringe. The buffer zone should be landsca~ed with native upland and hammock vegetation. 2. Existiny vegetation on the upland portion of the property consists of early successional gr~sses ~nd weeds. Their clearing is insignificunt in terms of environmental protecticn. --""- - '.' w~lliam Rl I . 1, l~cting Director Ifagerty/FrlgO-La - Casa Cayo Condominiums March 16, 1983 Page Two 3. The roads on the eastern side of the property are close to the water's edge. It is imperative that storm and rainwater runoff be contained within the property by either moving the road further inland or banking the roads for inland runoff. 4. A meeting with Mr. Joe Hagerty, Sr., and Joe Hagerty, Jr., in late January, discussed amending his fill application to retain the existing basin, remove the small spit that presently divides the basin (in order to improve water circulation) and stabilize that basin with a seawall. Rip-rap would be the preferable material in that it disipates wave energy well and provides habitat for marine life. The existing road could be used for the development provided, again, that storm and rainwater runoff be properly contained. NOTE:' The developers may wish to contact the South Florida Water Management District for evaluation of the proposed storm and rain- water runoff provision for this development. ~/11(~s \-./( Art ~I!~~ ~~ (:~- ;\'^-1-e.A~iv ~_ t , c.".., . n) ~ ~ 'J 'f\aX. M~......... ~rt,- wrV-'l.A- O:.-\~' ~ \k ~4 ~~i,..." ~, Q,,'''f ~ -to a~,-,~",-,- ~ -\k" ...\u..~~ ~'-'-"- j,q~ ~.. ~ \'^"-t "'-' '5\.u~"'-'L ~,-u\~""" ~_ -!<:\-bJc w~ ""-+ ~ (l,,{--"co~ -\;;u -\L r.u\rA)C. -I: \ Ir. "((~~fiY"'YV\.lA.)--I_~ ~ <, ",-1--" s t l\.JU \~ \f)\,+ -1-jlT"'IJ-_ \2>1- 9-/..1r o.\-.fli (~ / '--~,-'n.;., t'e> ct...9Y\\ o~,,_ S~cr-u.,,- a..,,-~ -(0.,;-..... \.....IO-~ AH:cm B (V\J.;",-Cu\. ~~, '. Ccn" o.--r ~ (~ " ~.... """ ~kn 'P1Lh~~s- ~y\ Q,tf\-Cl- ~~ it 0~\ ~ ~~a........--v 1t~ , ~~C(~2~_ ~ rv--\"\-~). -.. . I CL,~lk~ I . I ' PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address C.S.H. CORPORATION 5701 Overseas Highway, Suite 17 Marathon, Florida 33050 2) Date 4-27-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number 743-6565 Dat~ 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number SAME 5) Legal description of property: Section !=l Key Vaca Subdivision Township nnR Lot Block Range ~?F. Street, road or mile marker U. S . 1 M.M. 49 Volume of ma terial: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 140 c.y. waterward of M.H.W. 55 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 150 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 120 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Turbidity screens to be utilized during excavating activities to reduce the introduction of particulate matter in the water column. Rip rap boulders of a minimum diamter of 15 inches be used to stabilize the shoreline. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building and Zoning J'UI"......,~'- ! I . ." . ,J,' . 'j " '::O.U,NTY ~,-'" ~J. ',:_.\\.'XI'Tl'_'i,. .'!p: r\,':I'C')'~]T (If' I.~+rr , ('r l;T'IT(~IV ~, 1'.\: !:I':) r rr-l. ;:!'T \':l'~ (~I: "('Vf'(1rIT'Tl\-!Y Prope'rt. owners II,U'!C I: m~ il i ng add ress I .?) J~~lt e 6, S H - W::j:""/~:/CATIc-)AJ '<.1-- 2. 7 - X_~ .5 7C' / ~> ~/ E/..:.' 5->c:A S ~/lG 7-:' ~__~'-- 'i TE I 7 /)7 A;<: AIH{:,/~j FL. 33c:) 5' cj I (:ontr~ctor or agent's nL-une, mai 1 ing ~dd1'C'ss, phone I; ce'}'t ificat ion nLIDlber, :SAJ'/1iE '[/11-:-; 1\' liT 'J Pr.one mrrnher 74 3 - t:> <;-G-. c;- legal description cf propel'ty: Sect ion, <:) Township, L.'f...-? :s Range, .~2 iE (if acreage) Vey, VAc::,A ::=uhiivision , Lot, Plock, Zoning, -Stroot, 1'0:19 or mile marker, 4:3 volume of naterial )) Describe the proposed actlvlty, methods of construction & amOlmt of m<Jterial (in cuhic yorcs) , to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intendeo use of proj ect. ,REMDi/c A -5i1JAL-L 5/~/r bETk/cEN Ttl."tJ cXI"sT/A,b 8AS/.A../S ,/?4/2T/AtLY FILL /716 $.:)1../7,1-/ 6AS/N;/(/ c)!20E/Z. 'T~ ~/7U3/~1 cc ANI) /,A/I/-Y2Ct/c C:://Cct../iAr/o, WITH A jCIP;eA? 5c:AUJALL ANL) T2? ~ol//L)E A 39L> LF ,PfilhATG i-<JCJ~D Dc,.."c..,K.' ALON6 IIIE Sc:::Atl/ALL. dredgeo/excavated /40 c.y. 55 c.y. waterward landward of ~f.F.W. of ~f.H.l'!. 7) Name, address F-, zip cede of ailj oining property F/<? cO Sf/A FF&~ 1/~5.TEE /777 OV~-a\<:; Nit/V. /Vl/J/2Arl-!cJN J FL. 33050 fille~/oeposited /5"0 c.y. 1-20 c.y. waterward landward of ~f.H.W. of ~1.H.W. - o a) list other pemits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for t'bis site: Ot:=/.:' FILE NQ. 440&//7025 owners whose property af~ronts water way. T/lomA S L,;/ LG5:. /!A,e80H!< cAY c:.wi3 /YJ~....ATHC)N I FL 33as-o b) If application nas explain reason for applicant. PI< E FEf2 7Z) ;<:E.-77f IN e-x /5( 'l.AJ b- been submitted for this proj ect (or one similar) in tre past, new application and give applic3Ilt' s name if different from current BA-S/A/,S; //V LieU c.-V= /-/LLIN~. 9) I is t all Fe era an tate agencles t _at LJePA/2Tl11c7J r OF ARM Y Oc;./C. 50tlTH ave recelve ;=Zo,e/~A ?<JA-TtifG M/fNA6E7f1e;<Jr O/!;;?7eIC'T This completed application fonn will e accanpanle. following, or -it 'Jill NIT be processed. 1) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, snowing location, plot plan, top view ano cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. )) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks rr any structures affronting natura] water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made no-Hes 01- water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Ipplication is hereby made for a pemit to autPorize the activities described herein. I :ertify tnat I am famil iar with tne infonnation contained iTl this application, and to the best )f my knowledge & belief such infonnation is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify tnat possess the authority to undertake tl1e proposed activities. PJJ provisions of laws anrl Irdinm1ces governing this type of work wi] I he cGnp] iec1 with wretrer specified nerein or not. ranting of a pennit does not preSlllne to give autnority to violate or cancel tl1e provisions of ny county, state or federal law regulating construct ion or performance of constnlctioo cf tr'is ype of facility. The or Department Use C'nly/ . .~JO~(,,{ fl;S'S {)~ ~'I-o " ':) a;- :'5-~ fee Q receipt ii ^rproved hy Pss't. f'lirector erson accepting application ~ Date Cost of remit Estimated cost of COI1strllctlon ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ t- r;; c: c 14 ~ ~ ~ Q( )0 IQ ~ .: '" ~ I \~ ..' ~ ~. 2 -j ...,---_.~-.- ( j,' C.S.H. Corporution ~,---"""~- ~": i , . ~,.wrr: m- FlOllOR T~ 1~Q~P~\)~ \ rl"rx?'~~O 8~ f I...... \ . ? ~f3..p....w......Ll- 121 p- f2~./ - ~ ~ .... ... ~ ~ f: . ( [\..J f:1 \~ a ~ \J1 U,,"''' ~t:. ~ ~'.-- ~ :. ~ .~. . I , A{t~~1O ~. a.rr ' ::..'.- ~ --Ar..~--lo ~a-'fl~-::' - -, ,.UR,.OSE: OATUM ADJACENT I'ROPERTY OWNERS: CD J.& W. Brantner o Thomas Liles La il i:t . ~ I . 'JS' I '" G: .~ . ..J at .... ;I ~ . ._- -~ IN Florida Bay Channel AT Marathon eOUMTY OF Monroe STATE' PIa. AH'l.ICATIOH If Joe Hagerty "H( T? rr h rHo ~r S - - 1 ...-- I l C. S. H. Corporation , \\.\\\t\~\\ ~~~ " MA1L-H 1..1 t-J~ f~oM ?HE~ w.o. s Scalez 1- = 50'-0- C.S.H. CORPORATION % Joe Hagerty Vaca Key Marathon,Florida M11e Marker + ,.UI11'OSE: Seawall and F111 Bas1ns OAT~ r1ean Sea Leve 1 AOJA'(HT "Hor[~'Y OKHERS; O ?&W t-, ~. I o.J . . -.Jrc. n '" ne r QO Thomas L11es 114 Flor1da Bay Channel AT Marathon COUNTY (lFMonroe sun:' Flu. ",........IC"T Ie.! IY Joe Hagerty 0:>1>:<:" J 1)~6 our 5- 5-83 ~-, ~' :~ rn () :::l ", ~(Q - CD 30M enCll CJ (I) (l)....(j n:E ' -::f.;:.;n ~ ;... :.;- ~ 6 >::::::: ~ -" ~ ~ ~I ;Q "l> -::- .~ '2. 2; ,:) -0, c;; ,) :> ?' n ~ n 0.. D - a. Cll n :... m ~ ro - 0- ~ ::: u ~ :::. - Cll -' c 3' :=: ~ c ="0 () (-, V'I '" _-c-'~o>~~~(l)-~3",_Cll_oen ~~o-~-""a.CllCll~ CllCll ()O~__Cll '" - Cll::J 3.... =-.: Cll <: _ C _"0 ~ _ a. Cll <: n', (l) ~ _' Cll tll. 0 '" C:;" tll 0 0 :i Cll ~ 0 ~ro~> ~2.~~~w.c~~~~m~~~ (\.) -- _........ I -. :.:. n ::: f~ ';:-~ ~~~ci'.~ ::E ...., o en Cll -"\ (1 _ (v \'" ~ Q' 0 ;; a. o3..~a.~ - -.... :::- <0 ~ :::'. ~ '<I' ~ ::r () __ Cll tll .o~) )(i)Cll::l::l:-~CU ~""O '" a. Cll (f) 0 ::;""9- o 0 C'O -. _ - ('t) -' ~---tlltllClla.() p,lct)_CO==_Cl. Q) o:2.':J-~5D:::: - JOINT U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS/D.E.R. PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No.: 440700965 DER: COE: County: Monroe Date: 6-20-83 Applicant Name: C.S.H. Corporation Address: 5701 Overseas Hwy., Suite 17, Marathon, FL 33050 Agent (if applicable): N.A. Address: Location of project: Section(s) 9 Township 665 Range 32E Se c t ion ( s ) Townsh i p Range Local Reference: Vaca Key Water Body: Florida Bay, as connected by a man-made canal. Section: ( ) 10 )404 Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: Category of Waters of the U. S. (I, II or III). Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On Site Inspection By: John Meyer ( )COE_____ ( X)DER Date of Inspection: 7-11-83 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No X Da t e: Date of 2nd Insp. ( ) Location Map Attached ( ) Dimensions ( ) Upland/Wetland ( ) Identify Quad Map____ ( ) Est imated Transition Line ( ) North An'ow ( ) Measured ( ) Photos Taken: ( ) Time & Da t e 0 f S k e t c h ( ) MHWL/OHWL Indicated ( ) Furnished ( ) AVBi lable JM/ls "'lit" ~-"1 File No.: 440700965 Applicant Name: C.S.H. Corporation A. The applicant proposes to reconstruct and modify two small boat basin6 by connecting them to each other, straightening one of the basin sides by excavation and shortening the other basin by backfilling its te~minal portion. The connection of the two basins is proposed by exc~vating an upland spit of land measuring 16 feet by 43 feet th~t presently separates the basins. Excavation would be performed to -6 foot H.S.L. A total of ~95 cubic yards would be excavated, including excavation of the north basin side, which would involv~'a 46 foot by 6 foot strip of uplands. Of the 195 cubic yards proposed for exravation, 140 cubic yards would be landward of H.H.W. All of the excavated material would be used to backfill the terminal portion of t~le south basin. The material propOsed for excavation is limerock. Total backfill is estimated to be 270 cubic yards, of which 150 cubic yards would be deposited below H.H.W. TheJproposed backfill area measures 46 feet by 12 feet. Two wooden finger piers would be constructed in the basin to provide a total of five boat slips. The finger piers would measure 30 feet by 6 feet. The proposed boat basin and adjacent canal shorelines would be riprapped and perimeter dock Would be constructed over the riprap. B. The project site is located on the north side of Vaca Key, on a shoreline that has been subjected to heavy development and alteration. The canal to which the applicant's boat basins connect is presently utilized for a variety of interests, including commercial and marina usage. The applicant's property has, apparently, never been developed, although a permit was issued (since expired) to a previous owner for the placement of riprap along the open water shoreline of this property. 1his work was completed several yearR ago. A dredge and fill permit was also issued to the applicant recently for the intended purpose of backfilling the boat basins in question. C. The boat basins that are presently proposed for reworking vary from five to six feet (H.L.W.) in depth over their deepest portions. These basins have no shoreline stabilization and, as a result, have undergone Some erosion. TIle basin sides are somewhat irregular, sloping down in a gradual manner. ......_, -rr. File No.: 440700965 Applicant Name: C.S.". Corporation The spit of land separating the two basins is also unstable and irregular, being eroded below the M.H.W. mark over its waterward end. ~ Benthic flora is generally lacking in the basins. The upper, more horizontal portions of the basins support a limited amount of green algaes such as Penicillus ~, Cauler~ sp., and Acetabularia ~ Brown algae (Padina ~), red algae (Laurencia ~), and calcareous algae (Halimeda ~) are also found in the basins, with the majority of the growth located in the north basin. , Sediments are generally soft and unconsolidated over the bottom of the basins. Limerock rubble provides some attaching habitat and cover for fish at the end of the spit proposed for removal. Fish species observed included snapper (Lutjanus ~), grunts (Haemulon sp.), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), and anchovies (Anchou ~). - Steel I-beams have been driven into the south basin, apparently for boat mooring. The applicant's canal shoreline is presently riprapped. D. Removal of the fill spit which presently separates the two basins along with the partial backfilling of the south basin is expected to Slightly improve water circulation in the basins while lessening the degree of the existing shoreline discontinuity. Although this possible improvement to water quality may be offset by expected heavier usage and the associated impacts from moored boats, water quality degradation is not expected to be significant. Existing marine habitat eliminated by the proposed dredging and filling is not felt to be of substantial concern. :~~'....-_.--.~"'" ~__. .V"_~~. ,......~_IJ_-...........__.I...- ...------...- I "rV- File No.: 440700965 Applicant Name: C.S.II. Corp'lration E. Under the provisions of Chapter 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and S~ctions 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, permit approval is recommended. It is suggested that the applicant be required to use turbidity containment devices during all dredging and filling.