Resolution 068-1984 RE;s~J:U~I~N N~. 068 -1984 IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~F t~UN~Y t~rnmI;s$I~NER;s ~F m~NR~E t~UN~Y, FJ:~RIDA, has receivea an application from HEALY & BRAAKSMA ana IDHEREA$, in compliance with ;state ;statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceaure to reaa the following Biological Assessment into the Recora as follows: The applicants are proposing the placement of riprap and corresponding backfill over 140 feet of residential shoreline. Approximately 40 cubic yards of large boulders and backfill are proposed below M.H.W. A similar amount of crushed limerock backfill is proposed above M.H.W. The width of the proposed revetment and backfill would be about 25 feet. The proposed riprap would extend waterward of the apparent M.L.W. line. The applicants' property is contained within the Porpoise Poont Section of Big Coppitt Key, facing the open waters of what is referred to as Waltz Key Basin. Waltz Key Basin is a primarily natural water body contained within the Gulf of Mexico, although natural tidal patterns were altered here by the original placement of a fill causeway for the Overseas Highway. Numerous canals were cut into the filled uplands on which the applicants' property is found. The east side of the applicants' lot borders a residential canal. All of the lots which border the open water in this general area have been filled and tend to display severe erosion (when left unstabilized). These lots presently display a 10-20 percent development rate. Slightly more development is evident over the canal lots. Adjacent and to the west of the applicants' lot, the open water shoreline has been partially filled and riprapped under authorization from Permit No. 44-10379-5E, issued to Robert Kuhnke. This permit authorized riprap placement 11 feet waterward of M.H.W. A shallow perimeter channel parallels the shoreline offshore from the applicants' property. Waterward of this channel, depths are shallow and the bottom is characterized by soft sediments and seagrasses. The project site is typified distance of approximately 25 offshore perimeter channel. the applicants' uplands from be placed. by severe erosion which has occurred for a feet inland from the landward edge of the The erosion line is fairly obvious, dividing the shoreline where backfill and riprap would Below the erosion line, the shoreline supports no emergent wetland growth. Subtidal growth consists of green algae (Batophora sp.), red algae (Laurencia sp.) and turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). This subtidal growth if fairly sparse. Also over the subtidal portion of the applicants' shoreline, ringed anemones (Bartholomea annulata), and thin shelled oysters (Isognomon sp.) were observed in limited numbers. Species of fish observed over the project site included killifish (Cyrinodon sp.), silversides (Atherinomorous sp.) and mojarra. -~--'""._.~..~_.."......,"~.~~..,,,.._"'" ,.~,,~ .., Resolution Healy & Braaksma Page Two The portion of the shoreline above M.H.W. is approximately ten feet in width and typified by soft marl sediments. Below M.H.W. the shoreline substrate possesses a higher percentage of limerock rubble. The easternmost portion of the applicants' open water shoreline has apparently been altered from recent grading of the uplands (new fill pushed into the shoreline area). A seawall along the canal side of this property was also recently constructed. The primary impact of concern is the elimination of the subtidal shoreline community in the immediate area by filling. In general, this project should provide a benefit to water quality as a result of its stabilizing effect on the shoreline. As a result of shore- line stabilization, wind and wave induced turbidity should be reduced in the immediate area. Over the long term, a more stable benthic community should be realized immediately waterward of the shoreline riprap. BE It RE$~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNty C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNty, FC~RIDA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen rean into the recorn ann nuly consineren pursuant to Florina Statute 253.124 hy the Boarn of County Commissioners of monroe County, Florina, this 9th nay of March 19 84 , at a regularly schenulen meeting. B~ARD ~F C~UNty C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNty, FC~RIDA X::::~0~ By mayor ($EAC) Attest: ~" '. M.P~ Ct. Da y~, I CI k of Circuit Court Cucien C. Frohy County Attorney . O.~v~r: 3'L~R~~~~E (3051294.4641 80,... COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen. District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report v ~ 2. Resolution (THOMAS HEALEY & MARBIN BRAAKSMA) 3. ~ Permit ~ 4. Application for Permit(Riprap Revetment) 5. Site Plan v 6. Location Map V' WIf;~ITmw~w fEe 17 1984 / By 4n. Od;.) 7. DER Assessment Date 2. - J l,- g '-I COUNTY ATTY. M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: February 14, 1984 TO: Jeffrey Doyle, Director FROM: Robert Smith, Biologist SUBJECT: Proposed Rip Rap Revetment for Thomas Healey Legal: Lot 8, Block 6, Porpoise Point Subdivision, Big Coppitt Key Zoning: RU-4 I. INTRODUCTION This application for the placement of fill below the Mean High Water Line should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to Section 19-111(a) 5 of the Monroe County Code. II. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION A site examination was performed on February 7, 1984 and resulted in the following: The applicant proposes to place 30 cubic yards of fill below the Mean High Water Line (MHWL) to be in the form of a riprap (boulder) revetment with crashed limerock back fill. The site is located on the terminal end of Aquamarine Drive, in the Porpoise Point Subdivision section of Big Coppitt Key. The lot is bordered by a pre-existent subdivisional canal on the east and Waltz Key Basin on the North. On the eastern canal a pre-existent seawall is erected. The lot is in a previously scarified subdivision with minimal vegetation present. The lot is located in an upland area as delineated in section 19-111(a) 1, but the actual work will fall with- in a tidally influenced area and should be considered as per section 19-111(a) 5 of the Monroe County Code. The area in question does fall within the shoreline protection zone as per section 4-18 of the County Code, but is should be mentioned that all other lots in the immediate vicinity have previously been filled. This is an area of severe erosion. The applicant currently has applied for, and been granted, a permit for this activity by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation permit No. 440735725, (see attached permit). III. EVALUATION Although this project does involue the placement of fill waterward of the (MHWL), the overall effect would be one of stabilization to the shoreline biological community. The immediate impact to the area I ' - 2 - would be an elimination of the current, rather sparce, intertidal community. The long term effect would be one of increased biological productivity to the area due to an elimination of one of the sources of siltation material which currently exist. Since precedent has been set by adjacent property owners and the overall long term effect would be an improvement and/or stabilization of the area for new biological communities, consideration of these factors should be involved in approving or disapproving the proposed activity. This activity should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pur- suant to section 19-111(a) 5 of the Monroe County Code. IV. RECOMMENDATION The Biologist recommends "Conditional Approval" as pursuant to Monroe County Code 19-111(a) 5. Conditions to be imposed if approved: 1. Turbidity screens shall be utilized as necessary to control any turbid waters generated by the project. 2. Rip Rap Revetment to be interwoven with filter cloth to enhance the stability of the revetment and as on aid to reduce future siltation. RS/mw .-._--~--_._--~-~-~--~--_..:.-........~~~-....~~-~---_.~ _'~-___.~._____....,_-L -_.............._~___..__'-----'-'-.,-"-'-J__...:.-_.._....._:.:...-.~-'.........:....:....-~_~.~...:...:......__ PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Thomas Healey & Marvin Braaksma 1255 Starkey Road Largo, Florida 33541 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT SE ONLY Jan. 16, 1984 3) Phone number (813) Date: 535-1411 esolution No. 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Charl"ey Toppino" & Sons Post Office Box 787 Key West, Florida 33040 296-8597 5) Legal description of property: Section 22 Key Big Coppi tt Subdivision Porpoise Point Township 67S Lot 8 Block Range 26E Street, road or mile marker Aquamarine " Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited n c.y. waterward of M.H.W. n c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 30 c.y. waterward of M.H.W. o c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-4 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments -Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Turbidity screens shall be utilized as necessary to control and turbid water generated by the project. Riprap revetment to be interwoven with filter cloth to enhance the stability of the revetment and as an aid to reduce future siltation. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Director Planning, Building and Zoning ..- --, .--..~ _.--- "'~-'-..-.._- -'~"'~""". -'-~'--..' ---, -"- ~'~'_.____r",.,,:--:-~_..--.-,...._.____._......._<. ._,.__ COUNTYF :' PLANNING., F`• :�*•FlING & ZONING DEPAR /`' �d�' EXCAVATION, y DEPOSIT OF'FILL, �APPLICATION FOR .OR'STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE • WAlift ',S-*.)1;WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. • 1);Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date . I. �:p M 4 S 3) Phone number 4)Contractor or a11 • nt's Hain t- Sis 'S .s S_ 1 'j • ge e, mailing address, phone&certification number. . Po i3Qx �•® 7 --..095- 7' Cr c. I 5' . A L�� t3'2 A 5)Legal description of property: Section, a."-- .....______. Township, -7. . Key, d'.4v or I ubdivision, e b r Ran Lot, Block, . of"acreage) Street,road or mile marker, , r-(A J Zoning, • —__ 8)Describe the proposed activity,.methods of construction$amount of material in — �.Describe.purpose.&intended use of project. ( cubic yards)t be eacavated'or ) NS7 4L. ,. I4 Pot OX I `; 'O LC o` Roc.M-0 . ! 'isitto 'K. 30 c :� 'a ®- 4 K. tPiZ�1 4 VC.T(v, Ei�T • :. volume of skOjimdiviLt.w. . material ICI d/denosi C.Y. �. may• waterward landward; my. — q of M.H.W. of M.H.W. waterward landward � . of M.H.W.. of M.H.W. 7)Name,.address&zip code of adjoining property owners-whose ro • 0 a FL - K.V H. .u.iC 5 P PAY nts-water way; 8.. a)List other permits issued and/or applied for,include applicant's name, for this site: Da.1, ?EicI.-: isT is 5va.n. C Sc:a A7Ti9eNz b I b)If application has been submitted for this.project(or one similar)in the past, . and give applicant's name if different from current applicant reason for new application • • • • 91 List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for thus project, • This completed application form will be accompanied by the. a) Two(2) sets of drawings, 1 following, or it will NOT be processed: drawn to scale. �, on 8/r a-11 paper, showing location,plot plan,,top view and cross section of proposal, b).A. •lication processing fee as follows: ••75.01 for dredge,fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. • 30.00 for vertical seawalls on _ . • • 875.00 for any combination of the above ade�tieses f water. per site. Application is hereby made for a permit,to authorize the activities dwith the information contained in this application, and to the best f�kno herein.dgeI bliecertify that I amr familiar true, complete&accurate. I further certify that I Y & belief such information is Provisions laws and ordinances go certingfy this. possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. Al" Thebe federal granting ofa permit does not presume to give authority to pe of work iolate omfcancelied l the prth ovisionther s�fie herein , not. regulating construction or'perforj ace_of construction of this any of county,state type of facility. GT; s, igaa of a h G y I! ;l.9A., f 9 9 y • Pagent .i./ /4 Date For De artment se OILay S as t ' F .e$ receipt ;.-..f. _ Approved by Ass't Director erron accepting application &Date • _ Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction , ., . ~7S' N\...'VV ~- t('~-B~'-O.-.s-"'_o.~a._~~S~aM..~ . -r-,:"ifOM ...~ e~ . c:. A..'-1t;..~~ '- -.------------. -.R, I:' R..... p s~~_~~'_ .- , '10 ~JOF'1?6>e:tl .0 ... ' .0 ~ PRo "0. eo R\I~ RA-p ,-, ..., I , , _'it ~'T'''''t"- S..w"~'- ~__L.. o-r _8___ '" i:-:]/"'-.:J ....J .- J I II. ~o I SCoA.\.. e. -u~t ~9::.f ----8 - a.::~ Pott.9'o\ ~--"'C)''WT ~.c;;-- f'8 S- US L..c.A'T'o" M A. ~ - -=rR."p~ ~Cr ~~v_R.~_~__ S~~\..'- ~~6_ I ' EPARTI-1ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULAT ........... ;; PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL ~ > f J,: ~'~r' 'f:::~~'Y~ ... ~.. - ...,~',:"",~~",,. - ~q- ...:;,;; -->#..':-:0-; .-<11' " File No.: 440735725 County: Monroe Applicant Name: Thomas Healy - Marjin Braaksma Address: 1255 Starkey Rd., Largo, Florida 33541 Aqent (if aoolicable): .. N/A Address: '.".. ....".-:...;"~ ...,.....-"....-.:......--:..:.~ . ,. - .'.~'..~,--.;.,. -. .' - ' .~,....-... Location of project: Sect"ion ( s ) 22 Township 67S Range 26E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Big Coppitt Key ---:-.. Water Body: '4Valtz KeY-Basi-n Water Classification of Project Area: ." '.: ~...:o . .. III ..'\dj acent Waters: Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: ------- . .'......-. . . ~-~~~ On site inspection by: John Adiacent to the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge A. Meyer Original. APPli.cati.on.:-Yes~~ ..__~ Date of Inspection: 9-14-83 Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. A. Description of proposed project and construction tec~~iques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of thOse waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. Bioloqica~and Water Quality Assessment ~ ... . Biophysical fea~ures of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjOining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. c. BiO?hysical features of specific ?roject site and spoil site if a~plicable. Include identification of botto~ tY~es and ~~y rele~:ant historical facts abou~ the area o~ the ~roject. ,-. i._ . ~. Potential im?act of project on biological resources and water q~ality. Address long-ter~ imcac~ as well as immeciate i~pact fer all aspects of the project. 1< V ~. Suggestions, where appropriate, fer modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential l.m:::.::i.C-c 0:: ::,'r:.)j e.ct. ?ER.:.t 1.6-10 (Re....... 6/79) HEALY, THv~...Aw . BRAAKSMA, MARVIN .440735725 Monroe County -Big Coppitt Key Page Two ~i;.'- . A. The applicants are proposing the placemento.furiprap and. corresponding backfill over 140 feet of residential shoreline. .j Approximately 40 cubic yards of large boulders and backfill are proposed below M.H.W. A similar amount of crushed lime- rock backfill is proposed above M.H.W. The width of the proposed revetment and backfill would be about 25 feet. The proposed riprap would extend waterward of the apparent M.L.W. line. ~:~~. B. - The applicants' property is contained within the Porpoise Point section of Big Coppitt Key, f_ac_~l!9:.__ the oEen wate~~__oJ what - is referred to as Waltz Key Basin.-Waltz--.Key--Basin--is a primarily natural water body contained within the Gulf of Mexico, although natural tidal patterns were altered here by the original placement of a fill- -causeway for the Overseas Highway. 2~,.."'-"'" . Numerous canals were cut into the filled uplands on which the applicants' property is found. The east side of the applicants' lot borders a residential canal. All .ofthe lots whi..ch_ b.9rder_the._open_water in ~hi~ general___ area have been f~lled and tend to display severe erosion (when left unstabilized). These lots presently display a 10-20 percent development rate. Slightly more development is evident over the canal lots. :..-,~~~.,.-:...-:-;. . Adjacent and to the west of the applicants' lot, the open water shoreline has been partially filled and riprapped under authorization from Permit No. 44-l0379-5E, issued to Robert Kuhnke. This permit authorized riprap placement 11 feet waterward of M.H.W. ~-'\"" A shallow perimeter channel parallels the shoreline offshore from the applicants' property. Waterward of this channel, depths are shallow and the bottom is characterized by soft sediments and seagrasses. C. The project site is typified by severe erosion which has occurred for a distance of approximately 25 feet inland from the landward edge of the offshore perimeter channel. The erosion line is fairly obvious, dividing the applicants' I ' ... .._-.I' ! HEALY, TH_ ___.1 .BRAAKSMA, MARVIN #440735725 Monroe County - Big Coppitt Key Page Three uplands from the shoreline where backfill and_~ipIap wou1d be placed. 1 Below the erosion line, the shoreline supports no emergent wetland growth. Subtidal growth consists of green algae (Batophora sp.), red algae (Laurencia sp.) and turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). This subtidal growth if fairly sparse. Also over the subtidal portion of the applicants' shoreline, ringed anemones (Bartholomea annulata), and thin shelled oysters (Isognomon sp.) were observed in limited numbers. SpecIes" of fish -observed overtne proJecl:;:"!f.1.te.-inc:IUdea.:-==------....:---h- killifish (Cyprinodon sp.), silversides (Atherinomorous sp.) and mojarra. .,':......., ~ The portion of the shoreline above M.R.W. is approximately ten feet in width and typified ~y soft marl sediments. Below M.H.W., the shoreline substrate possesses a higher percentage of lime- rock rubble. ;.1....;.-:<1':~.,.... The easternmost portion of the applicants' open water shoreline has apparentl~.b~e~_ _~~t;er~E__~;Q.I!!...._;:~~e~t gradinq of the uplangs__ (new- fill-'pushed into the shoreline area). A seawall along the canal side of this property was also recently constructed. D. The primary impact of concern is the elimination of the subtidal shoreline community in the immediate area by filling. In general, this project should provide a benefit to water quality as a result of its stabilizing effect on the shoreline. As a result of shoreline stabilization, wind and wave induced turbidity should be reduced in the immediate area. Over the long term, a more stable benthic community should be realized immediately waterward of the shoreline riprap. ..:..~---- '-~~-'''' ....... ':;':~,~:"" '. '.'-" , - ~~~~;~~~.-