Resolution 085-1984
Art Skelly, Airport Director
RESOLUTION NO. 085 -1984
That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to
execute a Joint Participation Agreement by and between the Board
of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the State
of Florida, Department of Transportation, a copy of same being
attached hereto, in re: Marathon Airport Project #3-12-0044-03,
construction of new runway relocation, MIRLS and associated apron
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1984.
~'{..M'~M. P~,o.(!
a Clerk
I '
i 1
*A l c ,SIP O3 P27W
Florida ; # -. *te artment of Transportation
t qaP r»
Miami Regional Service Center
Public Transportation Operations
401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Room 510
Miami, Florida 33128
February 13, •1984
Mr. Kermit Lewin, Administrator
Monroe County.
P.O. Lox 1029
Public Service Building -
Key West, Florida 33040
RE: WPI# 6826619-Marathon Airport-New Runway Relocation and MIRLS,.
Monroe County, 'Florida
Dear Mr. Lewin:
Transmitted are five (5) copies of a Joint Participation Agreement
for the subject project for appropriate execution. Please have four
(4) copies executed by the,Monroe County Board of Commissioners and
returned for further processing. Please do not date the agreement
because that date is the date for State execution. We will also need
two (2) copies of a Resolution authorizing the applicant(s) to
execute the Agreement and indicating the person(s) authorized to
signthe Agreement.
The Agreements and Resolutions must all be original signature docu-
ments-'or properly certified copies.
Please be advised that, under Condition #f6,. you must submit to this
office the Sponsor's schedule of disbursements showing estimated
cash requirements needed by the Department, and which should be
updated on a quarterly basis.
The fifth enclosed copy is provided for your file pending return of
a fully executed finalized `copy from Tallahassee. Should there be '
any question on the above, please do not hesitate to contact our
Steven H. Gordon
District Aviation Engineer
cc: Don Cashdollar Pat Rebull ' -
Tom Boswell V Charles Fehner
Art Skelly
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.i. . : UPI No. 6826619 - Function 637 • . ' Appropriation - •
' . Obj. Code 798 Fed. Aid No. 3j1=11,QA 3
Job NO Fund . 010. Cost Ctr. NO. ' 628 , •
Vendor No.silaulma___ Contract No,
•SMI• aaaawamie..a..amcb . .
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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of -; 19 0
_, by and between the STATE
,:-• .
• . 0
- Florida hereinafter,called the Departpentuand Monroe
, .
. .
-----_ . ,
. hereinafter called the Public Agency.
. _
. i
, . • • . . . • . e
. ,
. . . . .
. W / TNESSET 4:
• r ,
. .
- .
. . .
, .
. ' WHEREAS, the Public Agency has the authority to enter into said
' - Agreement and to'undertake. the Project hereinafter described, and the
' . • Department has been- granted the authority to function adequately in all
areas of appropriate jurisdiction including the implementation of an •
integrated and balanced transportation' system; . .
. .
. .
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual convenants0 . . • .
. . .
promises and representations herein, the parties agree a . •
, •
! fellows: •_ : ' •. i - , • . • . . . .
. . . • •
. . • „ . .1.00 The purpose ,of!this Agreement is to provide tor the under- • -
taking of 'an aviation project to: . .
. .
. . . ' . .
Construct New Runway Relocation, Mirls, and. • - ' . .
. .
• ., _ . .
• - : associated -apron construction, ..
. . .,
. . .
• ..
• ' •
. . . .
. .
. • ' . . '
. . - • . .
. . .
. - .and described. in. Exhibits(a) "A" 6i. "Tpatiached hereto and by. this .
• reference made a part hereof, hereinafter called the Projet0 and to . . .. .
. . , provide departmental financial assistance to the Public Agency amd " -
, . ' ' • state_the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be
- '
provided and the understandings as to:the manner in which the Project
. H will he undertakAn and completed.
• .
. .
. .
. ,
,1 . . • . .
. . _
. ,
, .
Formikev 7/152 .83 ' :
) . ' ,
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' • .
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. ' . •
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,-• - - • . . ,
• . . . .
, . .
• . .
2,00 . Accomplishment of the Project-.
2.10 General Requirements. The. Public-,Agency' shall commend,-.,
complete the Project as described in Exhibit(s) "A" with all pr,
cable dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, a; • in
accordance with the provisions .hereof, and all applicable laws.
.2.20 Pursuant to Federal, State, and Local Law. In the r !sit
that .any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or of
proceeding or authorization is requisite under applicable law enable
the Public' Agency to enter into this Agreement or to undertake le •
Project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of th• ;vro-
visions .of the-Agreement, _the Public Agency will initiate and c
summate, as provided' by law, all actions necessary with respect
'any such matters so requisite. .
2.30 Funds of the Public Agency. The' Public Agency shall
initiate and prosecute to_completion• all proceedings necessary in-
cluding federal aid requirements to enable the Public Agency to
provide the necessary funds for completion of the Project. -
2.40 Submission of Proceedings, Contracts and Other Documents.
The Public Agency shall 'submit to the Department such data, reports,
records, contracts and other documents relating to the Project as the
•• Department-may require.
• 3.00 Project Cost.. - .
The estimated-total cost of the Project iS $ 750,000 0O This '
amount is based upon the estimate summarized in Exhibit "8" and by this
reference made .a part hereof; The Public Agency agreed 'to bear all
expenses in excess of the estimated total cost of the Project and any
deficits involved.
4.00 Department Participation.
• The Department agrees- to 'a rnximum participation in the Project in
the amount of $ 37,500.00 _ - (including contingencies) as detailed
in Exhibit "B" , or in an amount equal to the" percentages(s) of total
project cost shown in Exhibit "B", whichever is less. '
- 5.00 _ Front End Funding. •
Front end funding (is) (NI N�`(1Q.C)1 applicable. If applicable, the
Department. shall initially pay. 100% of the total allowable project
• costs up to an amount equal to its ,total- share .of participation as . -
shown .in 'paragraph (4,00) . .
. 2
Form Rev 7/15/83
. .
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quart ••-i• pin .-:, „7:1);.,• : ; I •;:-,c,,1 brwarded
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dent 1 y Such accou;11 :; , • • i•• o 11.•rn ....I lect. I y as 1-.11.
"PrujecL At: oullt" . The nhall Li made vailable
. b. ra. p.1•••••.;.:1••nt .••• .1111- Hy.; of- t Ac.,,r .. me ;
hree. yea a.-t i ; 1 J11iflt i•-•; 111.1.1e.
7 2t) VundsJSLiL i' f cyi;•• ...the__Project The
Publ Auer-Jr.:7 shall 1.0 I Y -,-..‘corci in the Project Accourit., aria
deposit. . in a bank or t.,.-tist. company oh I(II is a member of the pe.der,d.
.• Depo!_iit: Insurance Corp...)ration, it 11 poymnts received by it from the
Department pursuant. to tohi', -oemen1.- avid all other funds provided for,
accrui:ra . t,), or bn dccoant bf t..1:o Project , which
Depar; payra-no ,-•-; and ot ;•• ; tg..; : ,-,.!
to as "Project Funds !!!!.! fl .• ,'Nne.p.",- ! n depos of Project Funds soon!. :-,m• y project funds
in excer0-.. of th, amoun! ,‘, or.u, ,11
plans whi,-.1-1 hay- b•:.ea !/e. •‘• H!!• d'• !p!.7!! t !!!!!..lec-l• fund ; the
Dep.irtment , by !,.!lo i i i .,! co) ) tt e!!!,11
anri i.n the mantle- a:r. pro ., !or ' socur ty publ
O. as app.,,,v,•,? ! •I I
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Chc%.:-.P` Is,. nr.' ,•! ; ••;: !: of ! !I., ;.;
in ,?:< :OS 4)[ t I • 11 )
. which have not reLeived ! ;,.! . ....... ..'.5 appc
not be considereJ eligible
7 .40 Documentat ion ol •%.! 1 :•he
Projec!- , including any or,i:".,-H ,,oilt ! ibuted 1'y the Puhlif:
• Agency or other , h.iI1 I . by prope.Hy Qv,
time records, invoices, vouch,!-,. %.,1.-tenirp in probr
detai. the nat.0 1nd ‘f
7.50 ChecksOrders , an6 Voncher!--- An,/ ch-ck or order dr,!!!..'n by
the Public Agency to any iz ,,m which is or will be
chargeable against the Prcioo! :v.!ootint will ..irawn only in accordance
With a properlysigned lhon on t - ') the office of the Public
iris? jfl i. i I ;6,•! !.; w!-'1 (:1100,. ‘.51"
o,-der drawn. - , „"
orders, OtJn ..‘r in PrIt.
to pProject ial 'e Hen: accessible, and• ,
to. the e%tent u: insin all other such
7.60 Audit Peuorts. At in'. -olaest of the Department , the Public
Agency shall provide for oa,-:!. of its fiscal years for which the Project
Account remains open, an audit report prepared either by its official
auditor cr audit agency or arl iadependent certified public accountant,
reflectino in detail the Ilse the funds or the Department , the Public
Agency, and those from any rAll17':c.,! with respect to the Project..
:.,.00 Requisitions and P,Iyments.
6 . 10 Preliminar:.._' Action by the Public Aclency. In order to obtain
any Dopdr:.ment funds, th,-.! Aaency shall :
8.11 File with be Department of TransportationDistrict
Mrni Florida, j.t.5 n:rvisitjon on form or forms pre-
scribed by the Department , and such other data pertaining to the
Project Account (as d,2fined in Section 7. 10 hereof) and the
Project as the Department may require, to justify and support the
payment requisitions, iAli:lurlinq ( 1 ) the data the Public Agency
acquired the properLy, (2) a statement by the Public Agency certi-
• tying that the Public Af!oncy has acquired said property and ( 3)
. — -
If the requisition cove-, the acqui-,itioh of real properly, a
titatement signed by 111,' N1-:1(:y at1orht:Y ,:trLifYing thJt
Public Agency han acquit' -I -.aid poperty; and
8 . 12 flomply wt ; l, all a:pplo:able provisiohei of this
Aureem,-nt .
The .,r,art m-i,t ' .:.1 otat ;uh:!••••1 ; her pro••••i!,io ,:i
he.reo I , Depa meht It not r• 'inch i sit ior,s cIn'] .t.
d„,,meci by the '. . I o. ' 0 the carrvinT out
oC t.he Ptop,:ct and pdy:1-,-n1 .
standhg any }t'° IIO Air , the Department may
rr! oct by l'“);.j.c,,! „,,, j 1:;,; t, yiu';i01 ():1 At:(:m1t Li:
H.21 misryhreeht at ion. The Public Ari• :y shall have made
,r , natitte hi its application, or any
,upnli?ment the-eta or am-adment 111,aeof , or h, or with respect to
any document of .lata lurnishei ti-p?rewith o- purnuant. hereto;
8.22 Litiqatloi. There then rending litigation with
retipect to the perform"yce hy the Public Ag0:1,-y of any of itn
Aut.ies OC bl Hat ions ittoy or adversely aftoct.
th,-, Project r A.;reement , paymehth I:h.'
0.23 The Pahl In Ariemcy !;11,,t I 1
1 ,11.-.,,m .1,1y i,m whi(J1 under the
ished procedtit-e!. ••• 1,1i • en ; i It app•. v.11 of the
r in,mt 1 1.11 •• I ,.Y.fp•rid i !
171ctic I 1,1.11 i,,•:•. ' •Idv by !b.
thit tho.
• 0.24 ( nil HI het-es:1„.s . There hat, 1 ..sen any violation
the confii,:to! int •'-"ehtpeoViStohS contained herein.
8.25 Default. The Public Agency shall he in default under
any ot the provisions of th.,
8. 30 Disallowed Costs. lh determihiug the amount. of. the
financing payment, the Depar' itten1 will exclude all project costs in-
curred .H'y the Public Agency prior to the effect iv'; date of this
Areem,iht or prioe to the da'e a Letter bf No Pr,2juCiic.r.,., cost';
curr-.1d by the Publi :: A(1.•Elc.e w'.ich are r1W0. provided fo- in the 1.1!'.,-,?st
approved budget for the p-Heet , and costs to goods or
scIrvic,.?s received uncior a coht : ,h.:1 or other arrangements which have nsot
been app.eoved in writing by the Department. A Letter of No Pn?judice
provicie,1 to the Public AT!ncy by the Department may vovide that expen-
. ditures related to the pro:fecL may be recognized from the date of said
Letter .;s part of the total Project prior to, and subject too the
O effe...tive date oE the Aqroment• .
9.00 Terminatioh_or_Runsion_OfProject.
9. 16 Termicati -In or _S11-::,ennion Generally. ff the Public Agehcy
abandons or, before complet i fic;ally dincontiraies the Project; or
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12.;10 Corit rac:t ol Pc.b1 ir7
12 10 Third . ,7111pihrir in
by Lhe ; •i•• 1 ...•1 1\qcyric••)•• r , csxec.:utte.
cont ra.,;:t. or Obi i t.i•te •'; r i i:-.:,1-)urrierner-11-. of
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without the .prior written concurrence of the Department, The
Department specifically reserves unto itself -the right to review the
gyalif.ications of any consultant or contractor and to approve or
disapprove the employment of the same. -
12.20 Compliance with Consultants° Co pstitive Negotiation Act.
It' is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that participation by
the Department in a project with a Public Agency, where said project• •
involves a consultant- contract for engineering, architecture or survey
ing services, is contingent on the_Public Agency complying in full with
provisions of -Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, Consultants' .
Competitive Negotiation Act. It is further agreed that the Public
Agency shall request the assistance of the Department in the selection .
- . of consultants, and that •the Department will inform the Public Agency
' of •the Department's level"- of participation in selecting consultants.
13.00 Restrictions ," Prohibitions, Controls and Labor Provisions.
' " 13. 10 Equal:Employment opportunity. '.In connection with- the
carrying out of any Project, the Public Agency shall not discriminate
• against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age
creed, color," sex or national origin. The Public Agency:will take
' affirmative action to insure that 'applicants are employed, and that
employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, age,
creed, color, sex; or notional origin. Such action shall include, but
• not be limited to, the following:" Employment upgrading, demotion, or
transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termi-
nation; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; .and selection for
• training, ,including apprenticeship. The. Public Agency shall insert the
foregoing provision modified only to show the particular contractual
relationship in all its contracts in.connection with the development of
operation of the Project_, -except contracts ' for standard commerical - '
supplies or'raw materials, and shall require all such contractors to
insert a similar provision in all subcontracts, except subcontract's for
standard commercial supplies or raw materials, When the Project in-
'wolves installation, construction, demolition, removal , site improve-
ment, or similar 'work, the Public Agency shall post, in conspicuous
places available to employees and applicants for employment for Project
work, notices to be• provided by the"Department setting forth the" pro_ . •
visions of." the nondiscrimination clause..
' 13.20 Title VI - Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Public Agency'
will' comply with all the'requirements imposed by Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 (78 Statute 252)" the Regulations .of. the Federal
Department of Transportation issued thereunder, and the assurance by
the Public Agency pursuant thereto. " -
t3.30 Prohibited Interests. Neither the Public Agency nor any of
Its contractors or their subcontractors shall "enter into any contract,
subcontract, or arrangement in connection-with the Project or "any,
property included or planned to be included,• in the Project, in which
any member,, off"icer, or employee of: the Public Agency' or' the locality
during his tenure or for "one year .thereafter has any •interest,'direct
or indirect. If any such present or former member, officer, or ,
employee involuntarily acquires' or had acquired prior to the beginning
of his tenure any such interest, and if such interest, is .immediately
disclosed to the Public Agency, the Public Agency with the prior •
approval of the Department , may waive the prohibition contained in this
subsection:- Provided, 'that any such present member, officer or em- .
ployee shall not participate in any action by the Public Agency or the -
locality relating to such contract, subcontract, or arrangement..
The Public Agency shall insert in all contracts entered into in
connection with the Project or any property included or planned to be
included in any Project, and shall require its contractors to insert in.
each of .their subcontracts, the following 'prov'sion:
o member, officer,- or employee of the Public Agency or of the
- locality during his tenure or for one year thereafter shall
have any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the
• proceeds thereof."
The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to any
agreement between the.Public Agency.and its fiscal depositories, or to
any agreement for utility services the rates for which are fixed or
controlled by' a Governmental agency. '
13.40 Interest of Members of, or Delegates to, Congress. No
member or delegate to7 the -Congress of the United States shall be
admitted to any share or part of the Agreement or any benefit arising
therefrom. . .
14.00 Miscellaneous Provisions.
14..10 Environmental Pollution. All Proposals, Plans and Speci-
fications for the acquisition,.'construction, reconstruction, improve
ment of facilities or equipment, shall be• presented to the Department
for approval. In rendering such approval, the Department shall take -
into consideration whether such facilities or equipment is designed and
• equipped to prevent and- control environmental- pollution.
14.20 Department Not Obligated to Third Parties. The Department
shall not be obligated or liable. hereunder to any party other than the
Public Agency. .
. 14.30 When Rights and Remedies Not Waived. In no event shall- the .
• making by the.:Department of any 'payment to the Public Agency constitute
or be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant
or any default which may then exist on the 'part of the Public Agency,
and the making of any 'such payment by the Department white any such
breach or default shall exist shall in no way impair or prejudice any •
right or remedy available to the Department in respect of such breach
or default. .
14.40 How Contract Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid. If
- any provision -of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this
.Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then
8 .
continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law.
14.50 Bonus or. Commission. By execution of the Agreement the
Public Agency represents that it has not paid and, al Ao, agrees not to
pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval
of its application for the financing_ hereunder. -
' • 14.60 State or Territ:or.iai -f,aw. Nothing in the Agreement shall
require the Public Agencyt.o observe or enforce compliance with any
provision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in
contravention of any applicable State law: Provided, that if any of the
provisions of -the Agreement: violate any apOlicable State law, the -
Public Agency will at once notify the Department in writing in-order
.. that appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the
Department and the. Public, Agency to the end that the Public Agency .may
proceed as .soon-as possible with the Project.
• 14.70 Use and Maintenance of Project Facilities and Euipment.
The Public Agency agrees that "the project facilities and equipment -
tsill be used by the Public Agency to- provide Or support public trans-
• 'portati.on for the per i:dd of the useful. life of such -facilities and
equipment as. determined ip accordance with general accounting standards
and approved by the Department. The Public Agency further agrees to
maintain the project facilities and equipment in good working order •
for the useful life of said. facilities or-equipment. .
- 14.'80 Disposal. Of Project Faci.ities or Equipment. If the Public -
Agency disposes of any Project facility or equipment: during its 'useful -
life for any .purjose except its r. placenment with dike facility or
equipment for public transportation use, the Public Agency will comply
with the terms' of Office of t•1.rnagement. and Budget: Circular A-102,
• Attachment N, relating to property manageniont standards. The Public .
Agency agrees to remit to the Department: a proportional amount of the
proceeds from the disposal of the 'facility or equipment. Said pro-
-portiona l amount shall. be determined 'on the basis of the ratio of the' -
Department financing of the facility Or equipment as provided in this
Agreement. '
15.00 --Plans -and Specifications.
In the event that ,this c:ont.ract involves the purchasing of capital .
equipment or the constructing and equipping of Eacilities, ' the Public
Agency shall submit- to the Department. 'for 'review_ all appropriate plans
and specifications covering the Project. The Department will review
all plans and specifications and will issue to the Public Agency writs : .
ten concurrence with any approved portions of the Project and comments
or reconumendations concerning any remainder of the Project deemed
- appropriate. After resolution of these comments and recommendations to
the Departments satisfaction, the Department. will issue to the Public
Agency written concurrence 'with.said remainder. Of the Project. Failure
to obtain this written concurrence shall be sufficient cause- for non-
payment by the. Department as provided in Paragraph '8'.23. -
r 9
; •
16 .00 fievaratitient Cr'ni •
it in )1, D-140-1 ilni !; p.i!*1i pat ion in 1
Project will he install..d on eleh IlL ilem of egni'Pmenl and facility
constrncted under Depoltmen: Iluancina . The Public Agency will co-
ordinate with the Deparimew ' s District Office on lh- design and
ins! a I
I I. On f ed agues. The Peii men! may, ri
option, provide said CreJil Plagues for installatioh by the "nblic
17 .00 Multi-Year Commitment. •
In the event this contract is in excess of $2ll ,Onn or has a t(!frn
for a period of more. ' han one 'tea" , the provisions of (liapter llr14 .21
(8) (a) , Florida Statuteh , are hereby incorporated:
" (a) The Department shall not , during any fiscal year, expend
money, incur any liability, or enter into any contract which , by
its terms involves the expendit.nre of money in excess of the
amounts budgeted ns availahl fo: expendil-nre during sunh fiscal
year. Any contract , verbal or written , made in violation oF
this subsection shall bn null and void, and no money shall ne
paid thereon. The Deprtment. shall require a statement from
the comptrol of the Department that funds are available prior
to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of
Funds. Nothing herein shall prevent the making of contracts for
a period xoor.dinq one year, bW any contract so made shall be
executory only for the value of the service:, to he rendered or
agreed to h.e pail for in succeeding fiscal years, and this
paragraph shall be incorporated verbatim in all contracts of the
Department. in excess, of twnntv-f ix.? I lions:1nd tot I ars and having
term for a piriod of more than one ye(Ir."
18.00 Expiration of Contract.
The establishment of a time period for completion of the Project
kksaK ( is not) applicable'. If applicable, the Public Agency agrees to
complete the Project within front the date first shown in
this contract. If the Public Agency does not complete the Project
within this time period, fhis contract will expire unless an extension
of the time period is granter] to the Public Agency in writing by the
Department's Director of Public Transportation Operations. Expiration
of this' contract will be considered termination of the Project and the
procedure established in Paragraph c1.00 of this contract shall 'on
19.00 Agreement Format .
All words used herein in the singular form shall extend to and in-
clude the plural. All words used in the plural form shall extend to an
' include the singular. All, words used in any gender shall extend to and
include all genders.
'20.00 Execution •of Agreement.
This contract •may be simultaneously executed in several count•.er-
parts, each of which so executed shall. he deemed to be an original ;
and such counterparts together shall constitute one in the same
instrument. •
11 -
S - -
• • ••••
wi,I# 6826619
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents
to be executed, the day and year first abov.,. written.
• ffAl\TI\T L. KOLHAGE, Cif
Form revised 1/9/84
WP Ili 6826619
JOf3I .
This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Particip-
ation Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation
and Monroe County
Marathon Airport
Monroe County
Marathon, Florida
Construct Runway 7/2.5 relocation by overlay ( 5000'x 100' ) including
marking and restriping; install MIRLS on Runway 7/25; Construct_ associated
apron for general aviation aircraft parking
Engineering $ 75,000.00
Construction 675,000.00
TOTAL $750,000.00
Federal Share $675,000. 00 •
Sponsor-Public Agency Share 37,500.00
State-Department Share 37,500.00(1)
• TOTAL $750,000.00
Note (1) : or an amount equal to 50% of the eligible and allowable
non-federal share of the cost of the project, whichever
is less.
1 of 2
EXIiIBIT "A" (cont)
The Project Description, Project Budget, and Summary of
Participation will be reviewed at the time a Federal Grant
Agreement is executed and revised as necessary to be consistent
with the Federal Grant.
This project is the subject of a Letter of No Prejudice from
the Department to the Public Agency, dated January 5, 1984, a copy
of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and accordingly,.
all eligible costs incurred since that date may receive state
funding and all costs prior to that date, whether eligible or not,
may not receive state funding.
2 of 2
This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint
Participation Agreement between the State of Florida Department
of Transportation and Monroe County.
• Proposed Project Cash Flow
WPI# 6826619
State Job Number
Agreement Date
Total "D" Funds $37,500.00
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
FY 84 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 •
FY 85 0.0 37. 5 0.0 0.0
1 of 1
F ' ' 'ori�. �t ,� ”; ' Department Of Transportation
,,;may1.42R. •
I.i�11..IiAt.pM • _ _ ,
..JVI l,til)li T.3{1 4�'-L 1ti TARY •
. r?F
,Miami Regional Service Centel
Public Transportation Operations •_
• '1O1 • \ . l1' . 'end : Avenue lic�c,lil 510
• Miami , 1''lordia 3312S
January 5., 1984 - " •
,Mr. Lewin , Administrator
Monroe County , .
jr.0.. Box 1029
Public Service Building- .
. .
Key West , Florida. 33040
RE: WPI, GS2 6i.9-- Marathon Airport , , Monroe County , •New
• Replacement. ( Relocat..ion ) Runway and MI RLS
- " Dear M r.. Lew i.n : • i • - .
- We have been advised that. Monroe Count is prepared to proceed
. with the referenced Project and that an app AcatIon - for Federal
- Assistance. has been submitted to thee-Federal' Aviation -Administration .
We concur with your intent iCJ21 t.o ..('Xpecl i to this Project .iec.t. . Further ,
• ' the- Florida Department. of 'Transportation has prop:ramrned State
funds for the Project . The proposed State participation is
50 percent of the lion- federil share of the total e1 U i.ble -cost
or approximately $37 , 500. -
You may consider t:-his a Letter or No Prejudice, -and any costci
incurred in connection with ' this Project subse(iuerit: to the
d;i;t(' o this letter may be el. i. -ibl.e for State participation ,:subject to the . terms or a Joint Participation Agreement; between
• Monroe .Count-.y and the Department:.. -
It is to be clearly - understood ghat this authorization carries
no eumm] l.nlerl t L(r t Ile . l'1'cl ]e(:t or . llnp l..i c;r(,i.(in that the Project
will. receive -"the Final approval of the State, and that: State
participation will be subject: to the terms of a Joint. I';irt. =
• pat.ion Agreement be tween Monroe County and the- Department of
'i.'ransportation • It should be . fur'ther understood that. any
- . c:ommi t:ment by the .Department. is' contingent on l.eislat;
. , app.rova:l of the Department's annual budget and on availability
of funds .
, You should also be aware that if a Joint Participation Agree-
'- meat is eXecttted it will, require that ailplans .and speci. Cleati.ons
concerning the Project be submitted to the Department: For
• review and be approved by the Department.-'
t •
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c) t)1, 1) ;ippri)v:t. ) i I I h u [ LHIniw;(! 1.()1. ro)n-
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