Resolution 105-1984 -~ f RE$~CUtI~N N~.105-1984 IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~f t~UNtg t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~UNtg, fC~RIDA, Has receiven an application from James f. thaplin, ann IDHEREA$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessarM as part of the permitting procenure to rean the following Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as follows: The Applicant wishes to improve boat mooring facilities on two adjoining parcels of land, one of which is to be developed residentially and one of which is to be deve2 loped commercially. The residential property will have a 127 ft, by 5 ft. (635 ft ) shoreline dock built along the edge of an existing canal front seawall, The dock will span a shoreline shelf which prevents boats from being tied up directly to the existing seawall. On a second parcel of land, which directly adjoins the west side of the applicant's residential property, a commercially oriented dockage facility is proposed. This facility will consist of a 124 ft. concrete seawall, which will be built along the edge of a canal. The seawall will be designed to allow for the operation of a fork lift, which will be utilized for taking boats in and out of the water, A 15! ft, wide area, which runs the length of the sh05eline (0.043 ac) will be filled when the seawall is built, Approximately 100 yd of backfill wil13be placed in the wet- lands behind the seawall. On the order of two-thirds (65! yd ) of the backfill wil~ be placed waterward of the mean high water (MEW) contour line and one-third (35! yd ) will be placed in wetlands landward of the MHW line. A total of nine (9), perpendicular to shore boat slips, are proposed to be created along the length of the seawall by placing mooring piles out in the canal, The slips will come in two sizes with five (5) slips formed by six (6) piles placed on 12.5 ft, centers, 15 ft, out from the eastern end of the seawall and four (4) slips formed by five (5) piles on 15 ft. centers, 25 ft, out from the western end of the seawall. The commercial docking facilities are a necessary part of a proposed dry storage fac- ility and boat yard business planned for the commercially zoned property belonging to the applicant. The proposed shoreline dock will be supported by the existing seawall on the landward side and a row of wooden piles on the waterward side. The proposed concrete seawall will be poured in place and keyed into bedrock. All piles will be placed by using a barge-mounted auger and pile drive, The necessary supplies will be brought to the site over upland roads. Turbidity curtains will be used during all dredge and fill activities to maintain water quality. The project site is located at the eastern end of Boot Key Harbor, in the unincor- porated city of Marathon on Vaca Key. General development in the vicinity of the project site is highly diverse and includes a varied mixture of industrial, commer- cial, residential and resort facilities. The southern end of the east side of the applicant's property is bordered by a resi- dental subdivision and the northern end is bordered by a lumber yard, A large tract of undeveloped waterfront land borders the western side of the applicant's property, The Overseas Highway (US l/SR 5) adjoins the north end of the project site, Much of the property adjoining the highway, in the vicinity of the project site, has been commercialized, A canal borders the south end of the project site, Near the project site, the canal connects to the eastern end of Boot Key Harbor. The canal continues to the east of the site and has several branches. Use of the canal system varies from residential docks for recreational boats to commercial dockage for a 80 ft. long head boat. The shoreline on neither of the immediately adjacent properties is presently used for boat dockage. Across the canal from the project site is the Sombrero Resort which has a seawall and shoreline dock along the canal edge, The waters of Boot Key Harbor and the connecting canals are designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). ~esolution No. l~d4 , Page 2 As previously stated, the applicant's property consists fo two adjoining parcels of land, The easternmost parcel is composed of lot 1,2 and 3 fo the Marameade sub- division, which together form a l25 ft, by 230i ft, parcel of land, Virtually all of the eastern parcel is presently uplands. At some time, apparently over 20 years ago, this land was filled apparently in conjunction with the digging of the canal which borders the property, Apparently prior to being filled, at least some of the land was tidal wetland, Vegetation on the uplands consists of a mixture of Australian pines and Brazilian pepper trees with a few buttonwood trees (Conocarpus erecta) near the canal bank. A vertical concrete block seawall runs the length of the shoreline of the eastern parcel of land, The seawall has apparently been present for a number of years and is showing signs of deterioration, At the foot of the seawall a 5! ft, wide lime- stone shelf is found, The elevation of the shelf is approximately mean sea level (MSL). Beyond the shoreline shelf, the bottom drops off vertically to the bottom of the gO! ft, wide box cut canal. Flora on the top of shallow shoreline shelf is primarily composed of a mixture of Ectocarpus sp., Entermorpha sp, and b1uegreen algae mats, Prominent components of the fauna in this same area include false ceriths (Batillaria minima), fuzzy chitons (Acanthop1eura granulata) and paper oysters (Isognomon sp.) The upper edge of the vertical canal wall is occupied by a biota which includes tunicates, sponges, halothuroides, Halimeda sp. and turkey wings (Arca zebra). The applicant's western parcel of land is, excluding a section of submerged baybottom which extends into the canal, roughly rectangular. The long axis of the parcel runs north and south for 700! ft, and the short axis is 120! feet, Once again, most of the land consists of upland which was apparently created by filling wetlands with crushed limestone. Vegetation on the uplands is dominated by pioneer shrubs and trees, particularly several exotics. Part of the upland has been cleared recently, The shoreline of the western parcel has not been protected from erosion by any struc- tures. As a result, the shoreline consists of a limestone shelf, at an elevation of approximately MSL, 5 to 10 ft. wide, with a steep slope of bare crushed rock rapidly rising up to the adjacent uplands, Beyond the shelf the bottom, as on the eastern parcel, drops virtually vertical to the canal floor. The total width of the wetland area from the outer shelf edge back to the uplands runs around 15 feet. Biota on the outer areas of the shelf is very similar to that already described for the area at the base of the seawall on the eastern parcel. The higher areas of the shoreline are vegetated by a mixture of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and button- wood trees (Conocarpus erecta) up to 10! ft. tall, Directly in front of the western parcel of the applicant's land, the canal which is gO! ft, wide and runs more or less east and west to the east of the project site, widens out to 200! ft, wide and bends sharply to the south. (See sheet 1 of 3 of the application figures), As a result of this, any boat passing by the project site, must make a sharp turn directly in front of it, particularly the western parcel. The pro- ject site is on the outside of the turn that must be made. The proposed work will cause elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, particu- late organic compounds and turbidity. The levels of these pollutants should subside quickly once the work is completed. Proper use of turbidity curtains should be able to control this impact within acceptable levels, Construciton of the shoreline dock on the eastern parcel will result in a shift to more shade tolerant vegetation under the dock, The relative lack of vegetation at present in the effected area, combined with the east-west orientation of the dock, will tend to limit the severity of this impact. The proposed seawall on the western secti~n of the applicant's shoreline will result in ther permanent elimination of l860i ft of littoral zone wetlands. With the loss of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of primary production, habitat, pollution filtration and sediment stabilization. In the case of the project site, these functions are relatively well represented, The seawall will replace the func- tion of sediment stabilization. The proposed boat dockage, which between the two facilities, will be able to accommo- date 10 to 12 boats, will result in a long term increase in concentrations of toxic metals, hydrocarbons, organic nutrients, detergents and miscellaneous debris in the waters near the project site. The slip on the commercial (western) section of the shoreline will undoubtedly have a much larger impact than the residential slips, The very poorly designed canal in which the project site is located is undoubtedly already suffering from poor water quality. Resolution No. .l'jd4 page 3 The proposed dockage facility on the western end of the applicant's shoreline will tend to obstruct over 25 ft. of the width of the canal on which the project site is located, Although the canal is fairly wide at this point, the obstruction may have an effect on the ability of other users of the canal to safely navigate past the pro- j ect site, The shoreline dock on the eastern parcel of the applicant's property is authorized by Chapter 17-4.04(9)(c), Florida Administrative Code (F.A,C,). Under the provis- ions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, F,A.C., I recommend the proposed work on the western parcel be granted Departmental permitt- ing authorization, if the following modifications are incorporated into the plans. 1, Grade the uplands near the seawall away from the shoreline toward the uplands, such that storm water is retained on the applicant's property, 2, Obtain a supply of oil spill containment materials and maintain them on site. 3. Have the applicant advertise the plans to build the proposed facility, in a local newspaper, such that other users of the canal will be able to comment on the effect of the project on navigation through the canal, BE !~ RE$~C~ED BY ~HE B~ARD ~F C~llN~Y C~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~llN~Y, FC~R!DA, that the above Biological Assessment a-s been reaD into the recorD anD Duly consiDereD pursuant to FloriDa $tatute 253.124 by the BoarD of County Commissioners of ffianroe County, FloriDa, this 6 th Day of scheDuleD meeting. April , 19 84 at a regularly B~AR~ ~F C~UNtY C~mm!$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~llN FC~R!DA _0~~~ lllAY~R By ($ea 1) Attest: DANNY L, KOLHAGE, Clerk ~'~J . (, Cucien c. Pro y County Attorney , {30Sl 294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey. District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~V~r: ~R~~'~04~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ./ 2. Resolution (James F. Chaplin) v V' 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit - Seawall, Wharf, Marring Piles / ~ 5. Site Plan V' 6. Location Map 7. DER Asses~ment Date 3 -/9-p1 v'" BYl/Y} ..W~ MEMORANDUM Date: March 5, 1984 To: Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Andy Hooten, Biologist a,~~ James F. Chaplin, Seawall, Wharf, Mooring Piles From: Subject: Legal A 122 foot strip of land in a part of Government lots 1 and 2, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, being more particularly described by metes and bounds, plus lots 1, 2, and 3, Marmeade Subdivision, PB 3-185, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida. Zoned RU-3, BU-2U. Introduction This application, for the placement of 40 cubic yards of fill below the mean high water, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission pursuant to Section 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code, Project and Site Description The applicant proposes to construct a vertical concrete bulkhead along 122 ft of shoreline abutting Boot Key Harborwithassoctated backfill to the bulkhead line. Also, the applicant proposes to con- struct 125 ft of wharf adjacent to the seawall. This activity is pro- posed so that a dry boat storage operation can be established along Boot Key Harbor. The seawall is proposed so that fork lifts can operate at the water's edge. The wharf is proposed so that mooring facilities can be provided for a i'future residential development on the adjacent upland." (taken from application remarks) The parcels are located between U.S.l and Boot Key Harbor. The property has experienced past alteration as it is presently dominated by Australian Pines (Casuarina sp.), an indicator of disturbed sites. The shoreline possesses numerous clumps of vegetation. Biota observed along the shoreline and intertidal/subtidal area is as follows: Buttonwood, Black, White and Red Mangroves, Australian Pine, Sea ox- eye daisy, Chitons, Operculate gastropods,unidentified mussels, Halimeda, sponges and juvenile mojarra and si1versides. March 5, Dr. Jeff James F. Page two 1984 , Doyle, Director Chaplin, Seawall, Wharf, Mooring Piles Evaluation The proposed activity will result in the elimination of all shoreline and intertidal biota along the seawall area. The proposed wharf would re- sult in shoreline vegetation elimination but the intertidal area would not be eliminated. The paucity of vegetation along the shoreline suggests that its role as a pollutant filter is minimal; however, many small schools of juvenile fish (unidentified) were observed utilizing the subtidal shelf. Although the immediate area would be altered by bulkhead construction, long term benefits of increased storage space for dry docking vessels could eliminate proposals for additional docks in the area, thereby minimizing cumulative impact on a larger scale. While this proposal will result in the elimination of biota, it is not inconsistent with the management policies set forth in the Monroe Gounty Coastal Zone Protection and Con- servation Element. Recommendation: Approval: Turbidity screens should be utilized during backfilling operations. AA/d PERMIT MONROE COUNTY ~ . PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address James F. Chaplin 5190 Overseas Hwy Marathon, F1 33050 2) Date 12-19-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number (305) 743-9424 Date: Resolution No. 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Glen Boe Design Management Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 3406, Marathon Shores, F1 33052 (305) 743-9121 5) Legal description of property: RE: 10309-001 RE:10309-002 Section 10 Key Boot Subdivision See attached Legal Township T66S Lot Block Range R32E Street, road or mile marker u.S. 1 & 47th St., Ocean . Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward of M.H. W. ZONING: HU-3, BU-2U PURPOSE: c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 40 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 20 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL Turbidity screens should be utilized during backfilling operations, Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director BUilding, Planning, & Zoning --- ~. ~ ~0UNTY ~ \ \ '_1,,\/1 ....~,' ........... PLA.\'~I!\:(;, HLJ! 1.'1' ~(; ..... ZONIN(; DEPAHT:v1ENT PE1C\tIT APPLICATION FO! EXCA VA'1'1O:.[, Tlii'; nl';I'OSlT Ol,' FILL, C ~ STHUCTUHAL ACTIVITIES IN THl Wi\TI'~W'; , ,It WI.;TLA "IJ!)S OF MONHOJo; COUNTY. 'I p~o::::: 0; ~.,~ ~~~.1 <~ ~ ,,, il; ng "dd;;'~~~-- -- -- -- [- -t; I )" ,-;;---~- r :II Phnno num 1.>, 5190 Overseas Hwy. i 12/19/83 I (305) 743-9424 Marathor:!, FL 33050 .__.-1.____.._..____[ 4) Contractor or agt'llt's IWIIII', fI111ilill~~ addn.ss, pholl" & l'l'rl.ific;tlillll IlUIlllH'r. Glen Boe 17300 DESIGN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. P. O. Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 743-9121 [j) !_t'L'"al de::lcription of property: /'t-' / 0 ~' i~ (! - C 0/ " \~-. ~ /('c-: /0.:/0 '7 - 0 {;) L. Section, --1L_ Hllnge, T665 R32E -~-_._-_. ~- Key, ,EO.O.t _Un. Suhdivisioll, _5.e e~it.a cbe.cL~a 1 de s c r i i Lot, '____'_.nn._. Block, ... _... '_ ':'(lwnship. (if acreage) Stn'('t, road or lllill'lll;,rk,'r. __ U.,S. l .&.4 7Jh .s.t._...~__Qc~ n Zoning, RU-3. I:3U-2U -------------------- ----.._- 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpOse & intended use of project. --------- ------.- .--- ----------- -----.. ----- See attached Remarks ~ --: volume of material dr~dged/e~(;iJ.Y:!!.tll9" o 0 --- c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. illed@eposited .y. 20 c.y. landward of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way; (1) Allen P. Poole (2) GREAT ADVENTURE, INC. 4749 Clifton Road c/o Jack L. Simmons, P. O. Box 457 Marlo Heights, MD 20031 Boerne, TX 78006 ------------.-.----------- _._-.--- 8 al List other permits issued and/or applied for, include app~icallt's nanH', for this site: N/A hI If application has been submitted for t'1is project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application a:ld give applicant's name if different. from current applicant. N/A 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have receiVt!l. applicutions for tl,is project. State of Florida D.E.R. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers This completed application form will 1)1' accompanied by the followinv, or it wUJ NOT I, ')rocessed. a) Two (2) sets r>f drawings. on 8 \11 x 11 p<!per, showin::~ location, plot plan, top vil'w ~Ind cross section d proposal. drawn to seuiC. L) Application processing fee as follows: , $75.00 for dredge. fill, docks OR any struct~res allronting Iwt11"a] water hodies. 830.00 fo!' ve!'<:':al se"lal'" Oil r~lI1"mllde bodies of W:t~cr. $75.00 for an,} combination ',f the above activitit.~ per s;tp. ----.-- ~ ---- -------.- -. -.-.- . ------ ---~ - Application is l1e:'(::,y made fo~ k.; 'l/'rmit to authoriw the lIcU'..;!.i.., tlt'scribe. hen"I'. I'~rtify that 1 am familiar wi, II tht. i"foP"'tltion contained in ;lis' 'l;>licatiqn, and t/ ',)1(' "'<.;' ,f my knowle(;i'" & clief such informatior. is true. con. ":.c & -accurate. I further cer nfy thaL I possess the authority to unc.erta>, ~he proposed activities. All provi~tons '_: 1a":,,s and orcinanccs governing this type of work will Ill' comp' -,'d with whether sr.-I" "ied herein or not. The grantin'l' Jf a permit does not presume to give uuth01'ity Lo violate or l'<tncpl the PI' 'isiolis 0: ~y county. state or feeeralluw regu'<.lting constrUC'.ion or performance 'If COlIstPlcli'l/l 'Jf t.his typP 01' xi~<v. -7~J ~;L'.' .~ - ,I' ,- - _ I ," .--yi -" ........., , ..~~.---_. L<:,:!..!:j!!. _.~/~-.:( ~~__ ~ ...)0 y h Sign-at~'pi; of ;':lpJic;.!nt!ag""'~ Dute -- --- ---.-------- Person accepting application ,r.:t Date DEe 1 9 1983 ----------- '!'? s, ~~. #0'1. ( (; .)--3 Fee 8< receipt ------.--------..- -- -~- -- ------ _F.!)~Departm~.lll.~~0J!tvL _ e, K. ApproVl'd hy \s,<'t Director ------------ ------ Cost of lll'r/lliL ,.>,tllllat.l'd Cosf of cOllstruction -.------.-- ---.------ ~lQ~-N\L~_ ~~~ ~S l.,)~~ ~~ ~(f0(\~>--- iZ~}v-lJ1-V'~ ~,^~h~ f-~-h'd9Y ~> ~t-oV\ D~~~, ~; ~~ vC'fJ r~~:5 \,t;;D ~ \AmS~ S\~-QA,-51 ~ j1,W~~ ~)WV\9.. N0 ~r\'i\:---~-) ~{ I ~ 3,( 2?1- ~~ /C ~ \tF y ~~ ~~' ~ // / / /~~/ / ./'/ .--- .. <::::."""'~ \ I I ~{C/ VI <;1 t' ~J .( JAMES F. CHAPLIN SEAWALL, WHARF & MOORING PILES REMARKS The applicant owns two adjoining parcels of vacant property which front on Boot Key Harbor. The westerly parcel is 122 ft wide and is zoned BU-2U (Commercial Marina). The easterly parcel is 125 ft wide and is zoned RU-3 (Multifamily Residential). On the easterly parcel, the applicant wishes to develop a dry boat storage facility and marine-oriented business complex. To complement this facility, he needs a seawall and cap which can support a fork lift for placing boats into the water. Mooring piles will allow docking of boats using the storage, repair and other marine-oriented facilities on the upland. The shoreline is rock and was blasted and dredged when the harbor was devel- oped. The proposed seawall needs to be placed near the rocky edge to enable boats to be launched and recovered by a fork lift. The seawall will be backfilled with crushed limerock. A concrete block seawall exists along the shoreline of the east- erly parcel. This seawall is set back from the rock edge and boats cannot dock along the wall. The applicant wishes to con- struct a wood pile-supported marginal wharf along this shoreline. The wharf will be used as a docking facility for a future residen- tial development on the idjacent upland. All materials and equipment for this project will be brought to the site over existing paved roads. Mooring piles and support piles for the wharf will be installed by a barge-mounted auger and pile driver. TurLidity curtains will be deployed along the shoreline prior to construction and will remain in place until after any turbidity generated by the project has subsided. Alignment of the proposed seawall has been staked on the property. Vl lLJ f- ~ UO ..... lLJ '-1 ;~ f- -, - ~ z: ;::O~ U ~>- ..... z: f- ...J ..... 0:: 0... "",- lLJ 0... Uo...~ f- 0 <.:.:::>- -:1: 0... CO N ;,.... lJ.J ~ I- o o CO ~ ,- O'l q q Z3 ..... - ..-4 =_ C>M~ -OqU') 00- - Z ~Nq C>qC> f-qO 0 0:: .. q..... ~""'NC:O :x:: U lLJ ~...J .. ~ ~~f-Z OU<.::CC> ;;::: Vl -l ...J u . S. HWY 1 ~ ~ 0, .~ ~ o o 0:: ~..... lLJ VlM ~Z:f-O 00:1:0 0... f- ~ N 1.1.. ..... . ..... lLJ 0... ...J :1: U z: 0 ~ O'l ...J ...J q 0:: ...J r--- ~ ~o::t"~ ..... N --c o .,. ..., N on C~~ - 0 ... .. ~:~. ij!~ i ~ c c .., 0 ~D~ ..~~ u :::> ~ .,. -<~ CD q Cl.. o o In o o N II = ..... UJ ...J .::( U Vl C> ..... " " ~ Z 0:: >- 0 f- 0 ~ ~ U ..... ..... :::- ...JL.I... 0....0:: Cl ("") ~~ ~ :1::r: ~ u. u::: 0 -yo () ,< r .,... UJ t- UJ c., a: c::: U ,-,) -.J Z -' OC, -< u:<': u... c:: :L Cl W UJ _' ~ Vl _. co 00.:7 0... 3 :1: o <r f- LX u.. 0... V1 :~ J M~ [S F SUd~ALL P I I E S -: ":J; - -.l . . ;j: lB- .L_ lL; (1. C) ~.: '-J L..J 1-- c~; n~ (:) c; L_ L _ CL C~ l_~l. L{ c.: ..::) ::: L. J) :-: ~ 0; -- r< (.:) __ V) l-.......w ('::_.J o t--4 C) c... ,- .-- o ,r- I ('J o ('.J ,_.~ o-.~ \..n\- ...- 0- 2:) '-f o ~ :3 '-,I: ::c ,~ ...~ ~ CHAPLIN W H)\ R F & ',10 (J R i ,'i G r:LAil OF EXISTlljG =Or-.Ol- TIGrIS A',O PFOPOSEl l-.OFi, ,) i.,j t- :) <=> ::.;;. -l ~.--t f.- ( !:~ .:_- .~ C) CJ '- ...J ,:::> _.J '-:) <C [:::) :~ .:::c cI.: L.J ;~ v: <::> ~I ~I Vl o a.. o a:: o. ') c' (.. ,) Ll I t SCf'\LE : ~. J:" r T ~,:~,~~,~:~":,;,J,~,/~,:':~,:.:~~~,:-,r,,,'i;~'--;,':~. ',,,,';~"';r.~;~~'~"!"<><"~'\'~:~l'~'''',TJ~;SSt~';:'':~&i''~'f-~.7!'ii',~,~, _':'dJr.::'J~~k ;~.&~i;.iil:,;Jli;o;otj.....~", ~.... '. . M.;.~i4r. ~<".... _ " .---.. '---~-"'-"- -----'---.--- :.> :>, ::r::;-= .~ ,?- L.L ll'l ,~ L:l I-- oJ:: t---l ~_--1 :L: ~- f----. ld .-' :.l: \~ . \ \' ---_.~ .--- o I :1::= 2 :) I LL 0 L1.. 0 r-.--::' 0 L-'-. 1..:. 0 ' ~ --. <: C, LLI .'- Cl (~ c~ c) a:: 0 -- ~, ' <( UJ ~ c( <I.' ~ -l -..J - a: ~ z C-j UJ tJ f- ..::-- t- o f- u... <l ct: n:: <ex: ~ 3 u, 111=:40' ~) ., 50 I ...J :> :-:: J.: _.i - ..-- ~- -- (II ~- :0- 1_. ~ cJ::-lC() -.L lJ..-l UJ -l Clf-LL.. J) Ulct: UJo.:;CQ :.: uz ,IJ act: 0::( ......... '-L1 . Z W -1XC9 LJ....UJUJVl o...o<cw,:::>Ut- ex iY L) <l: X :><:: w c.. w <:1.: L.u L1.. UJ U mo..:>LL..(..!;l 0 <( <:: <.:{ -l :::> -l o ...JiY-If-LO t- Vl Z ...J l.u ct: >-t <( <C :0. ~ Vl W --l .3c:.-=:::~~J- -IIO<C UJ UJ c:t: u :...:: w :..:: Vl lJ.. u::: :..<: >-t W V1 <( a: t.J c:t: I ~- 0 <( 2: UJ3:><OVl~:J:O V> W w ........ V) === U t- l/) 0 O::::>V10-lo...Ot!) W U 0 0.. :,:: (:::> lLJ Z V) :z: 0 :c a:: -Vl >-t O-l<:(x;:':a...Ot- o...ct:-la... o...Vl ozt- L.LJWO>-t 0:: ~ ld L~ :;: I a:: >< 0... U :-:: C) 1-- f- 0... UJ .:=> r- C) Cl '--' C) ; ~-.:- I '-"'1' f- ~:I x lel 1..,1 L.J._ ~- ~, c) ____ C'J ,~) ~.j- I Jlef. "4~ I. i"A Architects [] Engineers 0 PlAnners '0 lJo'! 1406 .1'.1.Ir..rhnn <;hort'~, Flnri,!.. 110~"',lMl' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEro1IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL ~~@ C1D File No.: 440801045 County: Monroe Date: 2-1-84 Applicant Name: Jumes F. Chuplin Address: 590 Overseas Hiqhway, Marathon: FL 33050 Agent (if applicable): Glen Boc, Design Management Associates, Inc. Address: PO Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 Location of project: Section(s) Section (s ) 10 Township Township 665 Range 32E Range Local Reference: Vaca Key Water Body: Boot Key Harbor III Adjacent Waters: III Water Classification of Project Area: Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: None On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 1-19-84 original Application: Yes X No Date of 2nd Insp. \ ' Revised Application: Yes No Date: Biological and Water Qua~ity Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.,28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. . D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce I or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) CHAPLIN, JAMES F. #440801045 Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant wishes to improve boat mooring facilities on-two adjoining parcels of land, one of which is to be developed residentially and one of which is to be developed commercially. The residential property will have a 127 ft. by 5 ft. (635 ft2) shoreline dock built along the edge of an existing canal front seawall. The dock will span a shoreline shelf which prevents boats from being tied up directly to the existing seawall. On a second parcel of land, which directly adjoins the west side of the applicant's residential property, a commercially oriented dockage facility is proposed. This facility will consist of a 124 ft. concrete sea- wall, which will be built along the edge of a canal. The seawall will be designed to allow for the operation of a fork lift, which will be utilized for taking boats in and out of the water. A 15+ ft. wide area, which runs the length of the shoreline (0~043 ac) will be filled when the seawall is built. Approximately 100 yd3 of backfill will be placed in the wetlands behind the seawall. On the order of two-thirds (65+ yd3) of the backfill will be placed waterward of the3mean high water (MHW) contour line and one-third (35+ yd ) will be placed in.wetlands landward of the MHW line. A total of nine (9), perpendicular to shore boat slips, are proposed to be created along the length of the seawall by placing mooring piles out in the canal. The slips will come in two siz9s with five (5) slips formed by ~ix (6) piles placed on 12.5 ft. cent~rs, 15 ft. out from the eastern end of the seawall and four (4) slips formed by five (5) piles on 15 ft. centers, 25 ft. out from the western end of the seawall. The commercial docking facilities are a necessary part of a proposed dry storage facility and boat yard business planned for the commercially zoned property belonging to the applicant. The proposed shoreline dock will be supported by the existing seawall 0'1 the landward side and a row of wooden piles on the watcrwurd side. The proposed concrete sea- wall will be poured in place and keyed into bedrock. All piles will be placed by using a barge-mounted auger and pile drive. The npcessary supplies will be brought to the site over upland roads. Turbidity curtains will be used during all dredge and fill activities to maintain water quality. i: '~J CHAPLIN, JAMES F. #440801045 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three B. The project site is located at the eastern end of Boot Key Harbor, in the unilll:orporated city of Marathon on Vaca Key. General development in the vicinity of t.he project site is highly diverse and includes a varied mixture of industrial, commercial, residential and resort facilities. The southern cnd of the east side of the applicant's property is bordered by a residential subdivision and the northern end is bordered by a lumber yard. A large tract of undeveloped waterfront land borders the western side of the applicant's property. The Overseas Highway (US l/SR 5) adjoins the north end of the project site. Much of the property adjoin- ing the highway, in the vicinity of the project site, has been commercialized. A canal borders the south cnd of the project site. Near the project site, the canal connects to the eastern end of Boot Key Harbor. The canal continues to the east of the site and has several branches. Use of the canal system varies from residential docks for recreational boats to commercipl dockage for a 80 ft~ long head boat. The shoreline on neither of the immediately adjacent properties is presently used for boat dockage. Across the canal from the project site is the Sombrero Resort which has a seawall and shoreline dock along the canal edge. The waters of Boot Key Harbor and the connecting canals are designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). C. As previously stated, the applicant's property consists of two adjoining parcels of land. The easternmost parcel is composed of lot 1,2 and 3 of the Marumeude subdivision, which together form a 125. ft. by 230+ ft. parcel of land. Virtually all of the eastern parcel is-presently uplands. At some time, apparently over 20 years ago, this land was filled apparentl~ in conjunction with the digging of the canal which borders the property. Apparently prior to being filled, at least some of the lund Wus tidal wetland. Vegetation on the up- lands consists of a mixture of Australiun pines and Brazilian pepper trees with a few buttonwood trees (Conocarpus erecta) near the canal bank. A vertical concrete block seawall runs the length of the shoreline of the eastern pureel of land. The seawall has apparently been present for a number of years and is showing signs of deterior~tion. At the foot of the seawall a 5+ ft. wide limestone sheli is found. The elevation of the shelf is approximately mean sea level (MSL). Beyond the shoreline shelf, the bottom drops off verticully to the bottom of the 90+ ft. wide box cut cunal. .It ~,;t! ~~L,;, CHAPLIN, JAMES F. #440801045 Monroe County - Marathon Page Four Flora on the top of shallow shoreline shelf is primarily composed of a mixture of Ectocarpus sp., Enteromorpha sp. and bluegreen algae mats. Promhnent components of the fauna in this same area include false ceriths (Batillaria minima), fuzzy chi tons (Acanthopleura granulata) and paper oysters (Isognomon sp.) . The upper edge of the vertical canal wall is occupied by a biota which includes tunicates, sponges, halothuroides, Halimeda sp. and turkey wings (Area zebra). ~ J ,. I The applicant's western parcel of land is, excluding a section of submerged baybottom which extends into the canal, roughly rectangular. The long axis of the parcel runs north and south for 700+ ft. and the short axis is 120+ feet. Once again, most of the land consists of upland which was apparently created by filling wetlands with crushed limestone. Vegetation on the uplands is dominated by pioneer shrubs and trees, particularly several exotics. Part of the upland has been cleared recently. The shoreline of the western parcel has not been protected from erosion by any structures. As a result, the shoreline consists of a limestone shelf, at an elevation of approximately MSL, 5 to 10 ft. wide, with a steep slope of bare crushed rock rapidly rising up to the adjacent uplands. Beyond the shelf the bottom, as on the eastern parcel, drops vi~tually vertical to the canal floor. The total width of the wetlan& area from the outer' shelf edge back to the uplands runs around 15 feet. Biota on the outer areas of the shelf is very similar to that already described for the area at the base of the seawall on the eastern parcel. The higher areas of the shoreline are vegetated by a mixture of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans),white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and button- wood trees (Conocarpus erecta) up to 10+ ft. tall. Directly in front of the western parcel of the applicant's land, the canal which is 90+ ft. wide and runs more or less east and west to the east of the project site, widens out to 200+ ft. wide and bends sharply to the south. (See sheet 1 of 3 of the application figures). As'a result of this, any boat passing by the project site, must make a sharp turn directly in front qf it, particularly the western parcel. The project site is on the outside of the turn that must be made. CHAPLIN, JAMES F. #440801045 Monroe County - Marathon Page Five D. The proposed work will cause elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, particulate organic compounds and turbidity. The levels of these ~ollutants should subside quickly once the work is completed. Proper use of turbidity curtains should be able to control this impact within acceptable levels. Construction of the shoreline dock on the eastern parcel will result in a shift to more shade tolerant vegetation under the dock. The relative lack of vegetation at present in the effected area, combi~ed with the east-west orientation of the dock, will tend to limit the severity of this impact. The proposed seawall on the western section of the applicant's sh~reline will result in the permanent elimination of l860~ ft of littoral Zone wetlands. With the loss of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of primary production, habitat, pollution filtration ilnd sediment stabilization. In the case of the project site, these functions are rela- tively well represented. The seawall will replace the function of sediment stabilization. The proposed boat dockage, which between the tWb facilities, will be able to accommodate 10 to 12 boats, will result in a long term increase in concentrations of toxic metals, hydro- carbons, organic nutrients, detergents and miscellaneous debris in the waters near the project site. . The slip on the commercial (western) section of the shoreline will un- doubtedly have a much larger impact than the residential slips. The very poorly desighcd canal in which the project site is located is undoubtedly already SUffering from poor water quality. The proposed dockage facility on the western end of the applicant's shoreline will tend to obstruct over 25 ft. of the width of the canal on Which the project site is located. Although the canal is fairly wide at this point, the Obstruc- tion may have an effect on the ability of other users of the canal to safely navigate past the project site. . ~'I' . .... I ! Ii! :" 1 ,,;t il,... : ..I ,: ;Ii ~ I: /" . ;'1,,~",.1 i'" . CHAPLIN, JAMES F. ##440801045 Monroe County - Marathon Page Six E. The shoreline dock on the eastern parcel of the applicant's property is authorized by Chapter 17-4.04(9) (c), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, F.A.C., I recommend the proposed work on the western parcel be qranted Departmental permitting author- ization, if the following modifications are incorporated into the plans. 1. Grade the uplands near the seawall away from the shore- line toward the uplands, such that storm water is retain~d on the applicant's property. 2. Obtain a SUpply of oil spill containment materials and maintain them on site. 3. Have the applicant advertise the plans to build the pro- posed facility, in a local newspaper, such that other users of the canal will be able to comment on the effect of the project on navigation through the canal. -. SPEC. READ: DEB/dvo i '1/ i i I L