Resolution 125-1984
Art Skelly
Director of Airports
RESOLUTION NO. 125 -1984
#3-12-0037-02, MASTER PLAN UPDATE.
That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to
execute a Joint Participation Agreement by and between the Board
of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and State of
Florida Department of Transportation for the Key West
International Airport A.I.P. Project #3-12-0037-02, Master Plan
Update, a copy of same being attached hereto.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 6th day of April, A.D. 1984.
OF ~~ COUN;6--=~_ . ...~
At t D~NY L. KOLHAGE1 Clerk
o . I . )
i A.N~ J .c.
~ \(~ {n
d . Clerk
H. P.1. No. 6596606
JOB. NO. 9UOOO-1523
11-IIS AGRIDtENT, made and entered into this (p-ffl day of tJlDr I '/ ,
1984 by and bet\veen the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR1NENI' OF ~, an
agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, Monroe
County, Florida hereinafter called the Public Agency.
\~, the Public Agency has the authority to enter into said
Agreement and to undertake the Project hereinafter described, and the
Department has been granted the authority to function adequately in all
areas of appropriate jurisdiction, including the implementation of an
integrated and balanced transportation system;
\vHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the
undertaking of an Airport Master Plan for the Key West Airport that will
provide the 5, 10, and 20 year development requirements as described in
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in advisory circulars and
guidelines as modified as appropriate to meet the purpose and objectives
of this project. It will include the various elements listed in order in
Exhibit "A," hereinafter called the Project, and to provide Departmental
assistance to the Public Agency and state the terms and conditions upon
~nich such assistance will be provided and the u~lerstanding as to the
manner iQ which the Project will be undertaken aIn completed.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, premises alu
representations herein, the parties agree as follows:
1.00 Accomplishment of the Project
(a) General Requirements. 111e Public Agency shall commence, carry
on, and complete the Project to provide an Airport Master Plan acceptable
to the rAA, Department and the Public Agency as more particularly
described and scheduled in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part
hereof, with all practicable dispatch, in a sound, economical and
efficient manner, and in accordance with the provisions hereof, and all
applicable Im....s.
(b) Pursuant to Federal, State and Local Laws. In the event that any
election, reterendum, approval, perQit, notice, or other proceeding or
Ciuthorizat1.on is required under applicable law to enable the t'ublic Agency
to enter into this Agreement or to uOOertake the Project hereunder, or to
observe, assume or c<lrry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, the
Public Agency shall initiate aOO consumate, as required by law all actions
necessary for any such matters.
(c) funds of the Public Agency. The Public Agency shall initiate and
prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary, including any needed
federal aid requirements, to enable the Public Agency to provide the
necessary funds for completion of the Project.
(d) Submission of Proceedin s, Contract and Other Documents. The
Public Agency s 1 s mit to t e Department sue 1 ata, reports, records,
contracts and other documents relating to the Project as the Department
may reasonably require. This will include copies of Quarterly Progress
Reports and Requests for Reimbursement (Standard Form 270) required by the
Federal Agency or FOOT.
2.00 Proiect Cost
The total cost of the planning services of this Project is
estimated to be $70,235 of which the Public Agency will provide $3,512 and
the Department $3,512 or 5 percent of the total Project cost, whichever is
3.00 Department Participation
The Department agrees to participate in the Project in the amount
of $3,512 or 5 percent of the Project cost, ~nichever is less. The Public
Agency agrees to complete the Project 12 months after execution of this
Agreement. In the event the Public Agency shEll fail to complete the
Project within 12 months after execution of this Agreement, the Public
Agency agrees that it will refund 100% of all funds granted to the Public
Agency by the Department under this Agreement. In the event there are
actions by the Department or other circumstances beyorxi the control of the
Public Agency which delay the Project beyond this completion date the
Director of Planning will grant to the Public Agency e>-.'tensions of time
reflecting this delay upon request from the Public Agency for such an
4.00 The Project Budget
Prior to the execution of this Agreement a Project Budget shall
be prepared by the Public Agency and approved by the Department. The
Public Agency shall maintain said Budget, carry out the Project and shall
incur obligations against and make disbursements of Project funds only in
conformity with the latest approved hJdget for the Project. The Budget
may be revised periodically, but no Budget or revision thereof shall be
effective unless and until the Department shall have approved the same.
5.00 Accounting Records
(a) Establishment am ~1aintenance of Accounti Records. The Public
Agency shall esta ish or t e Project, in co ormity wit uniform
requirements established by the Department to facilitate the
administration of the financing program, separate accounts to be
maintained within its existing accounting system or set up independently
herein collectively referred to as the "Project Account." The Project
Account shall be made available upon request by the Department any time
during the pericxi of this Agreement am for three years after final
payment is made or three years after settlement of all ~u:lit questions,
whichever is later.
(b) funds Received or Hade Available for the Project. The Public
Agency shall record in the Project account all payments l'eceived by it on
account of the Project, ~TIich Department payments and other funds are
herein collectively referred to as "Project funds."
(c) Costs Incurred for the Project. The Public Agency shall charge
to the Project Account all eligible costs of the Project which meet the
requirements of <11B Circular No. A-87 "Cost Principle for State and Local
Governments." Costs in excess of the latest. approved Budget or which do
not meet the CMB Circular No. A-87 requirement (including approval of the
Department when required) shall not be considered eligible costs.
(d) Documentation of Pro~ct Costs. All costs charged to the
Project, including anyapprov services contributed by the Public Agency
or others, shall be supported by properly executed payrolls, tiQe records,
invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in proper detail the nature
ard. propriety of the charges. Where federal furrls are used to provide
,part or all of "Costs allowable with approval of Grantor agency" described
in Attachment B of OMB Circular No. A-87, such expenditures must have the
prior written approval of the Florida Department of Transportation and the
federal agency providing the funds.
(e) Checks Orders, and Vouchers. Any check or order drawn by the
Public Agency chargeable a[;flinst the Project Account shall be supported by
a properly signed voucher on file in the office of the Public Agency
stating in proper detail the pllT}X)se for which such check or order is
drflWll. All accounting documents pertaining to the Project shall be
clearly identified, readily accessible, and, to the extent feasible, kept
separate from all other documents.
(f) Audit Retarts. At the request of the Department, the Public
Agency shall provi e for each of its fiscal years for wtuch the Project
AccOlmt remains open, an audit report prepared either by its official
auditor or audit agency or an independent certified public accountant,
reflecting in detail the use for the Project of funds from the Department,
the Public Agency and any other SOllrces.
6.00 ~L~isition and Payments
In order to obtain any
(1) File ~~th the Department its requisition therefore quarterly
on forms prescribed by the Department, and such other data pertaining to
the Project Account and the Project as the Department may require to
justify and support the payment requisitioned; and
(2) Comply with all applicable provisions of ~his Agreement.
(b) The Department's Obligation. Subject to other provisions hereof,
the Department will haror such requisitions in amounts ara at times deemed
by the Department to be proper to insure the carrying out of the Project
and payment of the eligible costs thereof in accordance herewith.
However, rotwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the
Department may elect by notice in writing rot to make a payment on account
of the Project if:
(1) ~KSretresentation. The Public Agency shall have made
misrepresentation 0 a material nature in its Application, or any
amerriment thereof, with respect to any document or data furnished
(2) Litigation. There is then peroing litigation with respect
to the performance by the Public Agency of any of its duties or
obligations ~nch may jeopardize or adversely affect the Project, this
Agreement, or payments to the Project;
(3) Concurrence by Department. The Public Agency shall have
taken any action pertaining to the Project Which required the prior
approval of the Department or shall have proceeded to make related
e>.-penditures or incur related obligations without having been advised by
the Department that the same are satisfactory;
(4) Conflict of Interests. There has been any violation of the
conflict of interest provisions contained herein;
(5) Default. The Public Agency shall be in default urder any of
the provisions ot the Agreement.
(c) Disallowed Costs. In determining the amount of the financing
paYITl€nt, the Department will excluie all Project costs incurred by the
Public Agency prior to the effective date of this Agreement or prior to
the date of a Letter of No Prejuiice, costs incurred by the Public Agency
which are rot provided for in the latest approved Budget for the Project,
and costs attributable to goods or services received under a contract or
other arrangements which do not meet the requirements of CK-lli L,l rcular No.
A-87 "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments.1I A Letter of No
Prejudice provided to the Public Agency by the Department may provide that
c^~nditures related to the Project may be recognized from the date of
said letter as a part of the total Project prior to, and subject to, the
effective date of the Joint Participation Agreement.
7.00 Termin3tion or Suspension of Department's Obligations
(a) Termination or Suspension Generally. If the Public Agency
abandons or, before completion, finally discontinues the Project; or if,
by reason of any of the events or conditions set forth in paragraphs (1)
to (5) inclusive, of Section 6.00(b) hereof, or for any other reason, the
commencement, prosecution, or timely completion of the Project by the
Public Agency is rendered improbable, infeasible, impossible, or illegal,
the Department may, by \.,Tritten notice to the Public Agency, suspend any or
all of its obligations under this Agreement until such time as the event
or condition resulting in such suspension has ce3sed or been corrected, or
the Department may ter~inate any or all of its obligations under this
(b) Upon
receipt 0 any ina termin3tion notice er t's ection, t e lic _
Agency shall proceed promptly to carry out the actions required therein
~tuch may include any or all of the following: (1) necessary action to
terminate or suspend Project activities and contracts and such other
action as may be required or desirable to keep to the minimum the costs
up:m which the financing is to be computed; (2) furnish a statement of the
status of the Project activities and of the Project Account as ~~ll as a
proposed schedule, plan I and btrlget for terminating or suspending and
closing out Project Activities and contracts, ard other undertakings the
cost of which are otherwise includable as Project costs; and (3) remit to
the Department such portion of the advance payment previously received as
is determined by the Department to be due the Department under the
provisions ot the Agreement. The closing out shall be carried out in
conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and ~dget as approved by the
DepClrtment or upon the basis of terms and corrlitions imposed by the
Department upon the failure of the Public Agency to furnish the schedule,
plan, and budget within a reasonable time. The acceptance of a remittance
by the Public Agency or the closing out of Federal financial participation
in the Project shall not constitute a waiver of any clai~ which the
Department may otherwise have arising out of this Agreement.
8.00 Audit and Inspection
The ~lblic Agency shall permit, arrl shall require its contractors
to permit the Department's authorized representatives to inspect all work,
materials, payrolls, records; and to audit the books, records, arrl
-accounts tor the Public Agency to the financing ana development
of the Project.
9.00 'Third Party Contracts, Subc(Jntract~~ anCl Supplemental Agreements
, The Public Agency may enter into third party contracts,
subcontracts and supplemental agreements necessary to accomplish the
Project only \ the prior \ow'Titten concurrence of the Florida Departr.Jent
of Transportation, and, the Federal Aviation Administration, if
appropriate. The Department reserVes the right to review the contracts
am qualifications of any consultant or contractor and to approve or
disapprove the employment of the same. Contracting will be in accordance
with the requirements of 23 CFR Part 172 am Attachment 0 to G1B Circular
No. A-102. Where the project involves a consultant contract for
engineering, architecture or surveying service, the participating agency
shall comply with the provisions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes,
Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act.
Restrictions, Prohibitions, Controls and Labor Provisions
(a) Compliance with Regulations. The Public Agency shall comply ~rrth
all of the requirements imposed by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 and with the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation
relative to non-discrimination and maximum opportunities for Minority -
Business Enterprises (MEE) in carrying out the Project. These actions are
"described in 49 CFR Part 21, "Non-Discrimination in Federally Assisted
Programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of
the Civil Rights of 1964" am Part 23 "Participation by Hinority Business
Enterprise in Department of Transportation Program" hereinafter referred
to as Regulations which are herein incorporated by reference am made a
part of this agreement.
(1) Equal Employment OpJXlrtunit~. In carrying out the Project,
the [~ililic Agency shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin.
Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recTIJitrnent or recruitment
advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of
compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The
Public Agency shall insert the foregoing provision modified only to show
the particular contractual relationship in all its contracts in connection
~~th the development or operation of the Project, except contracts for
standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and shall require all such
contractors to insert a similar provision in all subcontracts, except
subcontracts for standard cor.~rcial supplies or raw materials.
(2) Non-discrimination. The Public Agency with regard to work
performed by it on the Project, shall not discriminate on the grounds of
.race, colul, leligion, sex or national origin in the selel:LJ..ull or
retention of subcontractors including procurements of material and leases
of equipment. The Public Agency shall not participate, either directly or
indirectly, in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the
(3) Solicitations for Subcontracts Includin Procurements
of Materials a Equipment. In al so icitations ma e y competitive
bidding or negotiation by the Public Agency for oork to be performed under
a subcontract including procurement of materials and leases of equipment,
each potential subcontractor, supplier or lessor shall be notified by the
staff agency of obligations under this contract and the Regulations
relative to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or
national origin.
(4) Minority Business Enterprises. It is the policy of the
Department of Transportation that Minority Business Enterprises (HBE) as
defined in 49 CFR Part 23 shall have the maximum opportunity to
participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part
with federal funds. Consequently, the HBE requireG1ents of 49 eFR Part 23,
apply to this Agreement.
(5) Inco~ration of PrO\~sions. The Public Agency shall
include provisions 0 Paragraphs 11.00(a) (1-5) in every contract
including procurement of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt
"by the Regulations or instructions issued pursuant thereto.
(b) Prohibited Interests. Neither the Public Agency nor any of its
contractors or their subcontractors shall enter into any contract,
subcontract, or arrangement in connection with the Project or any property
included or planned to be included in the Project, in Which any member,
officer, or employee of the Public Agency during his ternJre or for one
year thereafter has any interest, direct or indirect, other than those
interested attendant to a duly elected office holder or an appointed
member of a public board. If any such present or former member officer,
or employee involuntarily acquires or had acquired prior to the beginning
of his tenure any such interest, ard if such interest is immediately
disclosed to the Public Agency ard such disclosure is entered upon the
mirnJtes of the Public Agency with the prior approval of the Department,
the Public Agency may waive the prohibition contained in this subsection:
Provided, that any such present member, officer or employee shall not
participate in any action by the Public Agency relating to such contract.
The Public Agency shall insert in all contracts entered into in
connection with the Project or any property included or planned to be
included in the Project, and shall require its contractors to insert in
each of their subcontracts, the following provision:
"[',Q member, officer, or emplojee of the Public Agency during his
tenure or for one year thereafter shall have any interest, direct
or irdi rect, in this contrRct or the proceeds thereof."
The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to any
agreement bet\.veen the Public Agency and its fiscal depositories, or to any
agreement for utility services the rates for which are fixed. or controlled
by a Governmental agency.
(c) Interest of Members of or Delegates to Congress. No member of or
delegate to the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any
share of part of this Contract or to any benefit arising therefrom.
11. 00
~liscellaneous Provisions
(a) De artment Not Obli ated to Third Parties. The Department shall
not be ob igated or lia e ereu er to any party other than the Public
(b) When Rights and Remedies Not Waived. In no event shall the
making by the Department of any payment to the Public Agency constitute or
be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant or
any default which may then exist, on the part of the Public Agency, and
the making of any such payment by the Depa rtment when any such breach or
default shall exist shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or
. remedy available to the Department in respect of such breach or default.
(c) How Contract Affected b Provisions Bein Held Invalid. If any
prOV1s~on 0 t 's Agreement is el inva i , the remai er 0 t s
Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then
continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law.
(d) Bonus or Commission. By execution of the Agreement the Public
Agency represents that it has not paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any
bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its
application for the financial assistance hereunder.
(e) State or Territorial Law. Nothing in this Agreement shall
require the Public Agency to observe or enforce compliance with any
provision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in
contravention of any applicable State law: Provided, that if any of the
provisions of the Agreement violate any applicable State law, the Public
Agency will at once notify the Department in wTiting in order that
appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the Department and
the Public Agency to the end that the Public Agency may proceed as soon as
possible with the Project.
kes To the extent permitted
from all
or the
12.00 Right of Technical Review
The Department shall have the right of technical review of the work,
and, where the work is reasonably found to be erroneous or inadequate
technically, may withhold any sum due under the terms of this Agreement,
and may reclaim any sums already paid; provided, that if the technical
deficiencies are subsequently corrected to the satisfaction of the
Depart~€nt, any sums ~~thheld or reclained ~~ll then be made available to
the Public Agency as provided under this Agreement.
Execution of Agreement
This contract may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts,
each of ~mch so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such
counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Agreement Format
All words used herein in the singular form shall extend to and include
the plural. All words used in the plural form shall extend to and include
'the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and include
all genders.
IN \H 1I'lt...":l;) WHEREOF, the parLies hereLo h2ve caused these presents to be
executed, the day and year first above written.
Director of Planning
Executive Secretary
Assistant Attorney
This Exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint
Participation Agreement between the State of Florida Department of
Transportation and Monroe County.
TI-IE PROJECf: The project will consist of preparing an airport
master plan to provide the 5, 10, and 20 year
development requirements for the Key West Airport.
LOCATION: Key West, 11onroe County
TI-IE PROJECf DETAIL: sco~ The Key West, Airport Study Design
Outline prepared by the ty and the Department District Office
proposed special attention to facilities, financial planning, land
use planning and capital improvements. \hth this overview in mind,
the study should include:
o Inventory, Forecast aOO Demard/Capacity
o Facility Requirements
o Ai rport Layout Plans
o ~1anagement Plan
o Environmental Plan
o Airport Access Plan
o Development Schedule/Cost
o Economic Feasibility Plan
o Reports, Public Information Meetins and Coordination
Phase I - Inventory, Forecast, Demand/Capacity, and Facility
Requi rements (tvlonth 1 and Month 2).
Phase II - Environmental Sttrly (Month 1, 2, and 3).
Phase III - ALP and Access Plan (Month 1,2, 3, and 4).
Phase IV - Development Schedule/Cost and Economic Feasibility
Plan (Month 5 and Month 6).
Phase V - Public Information and Coordination Meetings
(Month 1, ~10nth 4, and t10nth 7 Report Printing
~lonth 10 and 11 with Close Out Month 12).
EXHIBIT "A" (Continucd)
3. A detailc~ study design, Project schedule and schedule of Project
deliverables shall be developed prior to a decision to proceed with
the Project. These items ard any future changes thereto shall be
approved in ~iting by the State Project Representative with
concurrence by the Administrator, Public Transportation Planning,
Division of Planning prior to the effective date. Evidence of FAA
approval shall be provided, if appropriate.
b. In order to be considered complete, the Project technical
products and planning recommendations shall be approved by the Public
Agency. FAA approval is also necessary, if appropriate.
The Project Manager for the Public Agency ,,"Till be ~1r. Art
Skelky. The State Project Representative w~ll be Mr. Don Henderson.
The State Project Representative shall be notified in advance of and
included in all consultant selection, Project definition and
development, and Project review meetings. It should be emphasized
that the Public Agency is responsible for the preparation, approval
and delivery of the Project products. Preparation and delivery may
"be carried out through the Project Manager and assisted by a
consultant, if necessary.
WTAL = $
A detailed project budget s~111 be developed prior to a decision
to proceed with the Project. TIlis refined bJdget and any future
changes thereto shall be approved in writing by the State Project
Representative with concurrence by the Administrator, Public
Tronsportation Planning, Division of Planning, prior to the effective
date. Evidence of FAA approval shall be provided if appropriate.
Billing and invoice payment by the Department will be at the time tile
project is completed.
Requisition amounts to perform the tasks necessary to produce a
Project deliverable shall be based on the Project budget and cost
records amount. Approval of a requisition for reimbursement will be
based on approval of the appropriate deliverable. Evidence of FAA
approval shall,be provided, if appropriate.