Resolution 153-1984 ......;.---. - Jeff Fisher Extension Director RESOLUTION NO. 153-1984 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE A GRANT APPLICATION PACKET BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RE: BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AT COW KEY CHANNEL, STOCK ISLAND, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE THE SUBSEQUENT PROJECT AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE GRANT APPLICATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby approves of the Grant Application Packet by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, a copy of same being attached hereto. 2. That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute the subsequent Project Agreement upon approval by the Department of Natural Resources of the Grant Application. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1st day of June, A.D. 1984. OUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,CO::::eORIDA B __~ "'<~~ Chairman (Seal) Attest; fANNY ~. KOLHAGE, Clerk . / ~ " //'? /7, /~ ~v~ , ~?rr?4/1-C~~. ,{I// Cler / 8Y STATE OF FLORIDA DEP.~TMENT OF NATUPAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Project Identification 1. Types of Project: Acquisition Development x Planning Launch Site New For Office Use Only Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking x Renovation )( Project Number Ot..l1er (specify) Coun ty . Monroe 2. Project Title: Cow Key Channel Marker Repair 3, Project Location: Cow Key Channel, Stock Island, FL 4. Brief Description of Project: replacement of 2 destroyed daybeacons (Nos. 2 and 4) 5. Grant Requested: $ 2142.64 Source of Other Funds: $ 0 Estimated Total Project Cost $ 2142.64 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Jeffrey A, Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County of County Commissioners Address: Cooperative Extension Service p, O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 7. Phon~ No. 305/296-9786 Signature: -f-z ~~ ?~/ 1- ?'/ , Date: S~.;~::: OF =!.02'=:::,;' DE? A-:='T~'1E~r:' OF ~'TATG?...;': ?2SClL:.C:::.s ?lcr:.c.a 3oa,=:.::s- L-:l?rove..':ler:t: ?=:JS-=2.;,-:l P~o~ec~ Ac~lica~~on - tor DeveloE=men-:. 1. ~~~e=s~~p c= S~t2: ?ede=2.l S t3"~2 x ::~c.::.l ? -. Total 2st~~ated Ccst: $ 2143 3. Ty?e a~d ~st~at2c Cost of ?rcposec Cevelop~ent ("::2'.i r,,,,;-j' ....J_ 1..."...._ '-' 1:"::.c';'';...v I Quantity an.... Unit of ~!easu=e ES-:2...::la ~~d I ~ I.- _____ ..~ i Speci.::y No. EL."1c/ or Feet Cost I I ! Keevan and Sons renlace 2 davbeaco"c I lOQ7 ('1('1 I Contractors I , I I I Key West Citizen Bid advertisement 70,14 I Kevnorer I lH~ . I 18,00 I .- Reporter Bid advertisement I 67.50 I Con t.L.'"lgency - % (10%. maximum) I I Total I I 2142,.64 I ~ 4. Type and Status of Required Pe~its, Easements or Leases Type: Coast Guard Status OK 5. Required Attac~~ents a. vicinity map included b. site development plan NA c. copies of' required per:ni ts, easements or leases 0= letters stating none are required included d. proof of county/local ownership or o~~er =o~ of site central NA e. P=e-construction certification (if applicable) included # *UNITS include: Boat Ramp Floating Dock Permanent Dock Slips Hoists Rest Rooms Parking Waterway Signs (Safety, Reg., Info, Channell Navagational Markings Dredging Nav. Channels Utilities (Sewer, Elect.Water) Landscaping Access Roads Lighting ON? 42-035 'J~ :,:'<J" Y"" Ii'-' , "\ ("~ \. ~,J./ ',i /- 00) "",:,y- . ~ fl () /y-Y l~ _ '::" '\ -- II~' :~'~I.! t. . ~:I- - _ _.' - - -.:=-~ ~1"^/'- ~: U"J 't- C 1 ). . i;ie,]~~!; <,: ~ 0 ,\J: I .l';_ 1to .f'o - 4..._1.1" w -......:" <A <AID '" -.,;:..1 III ~ : \D /;.~ i ~ ~/h ( \"--./:--:--:. - - -- ---- -'"\ ... ~ ,,\ l1' ~) ( ;(~...\ ~ \~'~'~v ~ 0- ~ ~ o~ "("; o 0 ... 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