Resolution 155-1984 , ,. Jeff Fisher Extension Director RESOLUTION NO. 155 -1984 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE A GRANT APPLICATION PACKET BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RE: BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AT TAVERNIER CREEK, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE THE SUBSEQUENT PROJECT AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE GRANT APPLICATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby approves of the Grant Application Packet by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, a copy of same being attached hereto. 2. That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute the subsequent Project Agreement upon approval by the Department of Natural Resources of the Grant Application. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1st day of June, A.D. 1984. BOAR~N~~UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M~/VCOUNT.~Y' E _ RIDA )(~~ ~.~ By '~-'----'--- ,r" ~'1..-~ Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAG'7' CJ",.,..l>- )__ .l.. __, ~ lC,.>. // . ',/~ ~ , l~. :: /. j// ~t> / 7 '-:nt.hC.</~ {/~ ' er / APP VED AS TO FORM AN. lEGAL SUFFICIENCY. . Attorney's Office iJY STATE OF FLORIDA DEP.~TMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Floyida Boating Improvement Program Project Apolication pyoject Identification 1. Types of Project: Acquisition Development x Planning Launch Site New x For Office Use Only Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking x l~enovation X Project Number Other (specify) County 2. Project Title: Tavernier Creek Gulfside Channel Markers 3. Project Location: Tavernier Creek, Key Largo 4. Brief Description of Project: install 3 channel markers and renumber 2 others (donated by Coast Guard) 5. Grant Requested: $ 3439.20 Source of Other Funds: $ o Estimated Total Project Cost $ 3439.20 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Tavernier (if applicable) Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe Name of County County, Board of County Commissioners Address: Coperative Extension Service P. O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 Phone No. 305/296-9786 ' ~ y:J~L /7- n - :s ~ / b ~ S Y 7. Signature: Date: .. S:'...~~Z CF ::'82:=...~ CE?A-::"T~'1.S~r:' CF ~'l~r:r~",?-;':' ~SOC:.C:::S :lo=:.c.a 3oa":.:...::S' -.....,___~...O~.:.1'""'I..... ~....~_'-..J" _.lo_......i.- ? =:Jg=~"":1 P=o~ec~ - :i. -- ~ .; -";1 7'-': ,"'IT""! ....~----- ---.... tor C'evels~~e:'...~ 1. ~q~e=s~~p c= S~~e: ?ede=2..2... 3-:'2."":2 x Lcc~l ., - . Total Est~atec C~st: $ 3439.20 3. Type a~d Ss~~atec Cost of ?=oposec 2evelo~~ent (3y C~~~r: Facilitv \ Quant~ty a::c. Unit 0:: ~!e as 1.l::' e ES-=2..::l2- ~ed I i Speci.::y ~lo . a..-:d/ or Feet Cost I , I Keevan & Sons install 3 daymarks, renumber 2 others I 3247.00 I Contractor ! I I I I \ Keynoter Bid advertisements 36.00 I Citizen I Bid advertisements I 73.20 I Reporter Bid advertisements I 82.50 I , I j Cont~ngency - % ( 10% maXi!IHJIJ) I Total I I 3439.20 - I ! 4. Ty?e and Status of Required Pe~its, 3as~en~s or ~eases Type: Coast Guard Status OK 5. Required Attachments a. vicini ty map included b. site development plan NA c. copies of' req'.J.ired per::ti ts I stating none are required easa~ents or leases or letters' included d. proof of county/local ownership or c~~er :o~ of site centrol NA e. Pre-construction ce=tificaticn (if applicable) included . *UNITS include: Boat Ramp Floating Dock Permanent Dock Slips Hoists Rest F<ooms Parkinq ;va;: er:va y Chan.,el/ Dredqing Uti2ities Signs (Safety, Reg. I Info Navagational Uarkings Nav. Channels (Sewer, Elect.~ater) Landscaping Access :1oads Lightir.q eN?. 42-035 .. " ,,-'" ~ '-' 4 " " ----- \ ..,-;'" '? ~/, J'~ 5 5 ~6 hrd '-..7 ~ 10 10 ~"'(" 5\ -:-~ \ ' . \ 'I' C"S \ .'}' \ l....~ \'~-:. "\ ", ~ ~\/ - /\' uO " 'c \.J-:~ ';./Jt-~ '.., C,"', -: "-, ' ,) I. 'pO :...>"2;.~ ~'_"~:"''':'--\~~6..-'.1C'::''~'~'''''' 7.~tj n ',-, " . .._ .,. 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