Resolution 163-1984 .. .. RE.$(!)Cll'tI(!)N N(!). 163 -1984 IDHEREA.$, the B(!)ARD (!)C C(!)llN'tM C(!)mmI.$SI(!)NER.$ (!)F ffi(!)NR(!)E C(!)llN'tM, FC(!)RIDA has receiven an application from <<EIDEM ACDAM ann, IDHEREA.$, in compliance with .$tate .$tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting prncenure to rean the following Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment with a ten foot wide cantilevered concrete cap along a residential shoreline. Also planned is the bulkheading of a previously excavated boat slip, which lies parallel with the shoreline. Placement of riprap along the open-water shoreline would extend to within approximately two feet of the channel dropoff or slightly below the mean low water line. A total of approximately 20 cubic yards are proposed for placement in con- junction with the construction of the proposed revetment. Nearly all of this fill would be deposited waterward of mean high water. The project site is located on the southwestern side of Summerland Key, near Kemp Channel, within what is referred to as Summerland Cove. Summer land Cove has been extensively developed for single-family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a shoreline perimeter channel, which provides deep-water access for the residential community. Waterward of this deep perimeter channel, depths shallow to two feet or less. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion. Because of the relative absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, relatively few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the front lots along Caribbean Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 percent. Bulkheads have been constructed on many of the properties to the applicant, to within one or two feet of the channel dropoff. is presently a house on the existing property. water- to 40 adjacent There The project site shoreline displays some erosion. The shoreline bank drops rapidly to the intertidal zone, which is approximately eight feet wide. From here, the subtidal portion of the shoreline is next encountered. This zone is approximately four feet wide. The subtidal portion of this shoreline possesses established biota such as green algaes (Batophora sp. and Penicillus sp.) and red algaes (Acanthophora sp., and Laurencia sp.). Also observed along this subtidal shelf were ringed anemones (Bartholomea annulata). Finfish observed included mangrove snapper (Lutjanus griseus), schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus), mojarra (species unknown), and grunts (Haemulon sp). The intertidal zone featured a somewhat barren limerock rubble substrate with little biota. 'Resolution No. Hewey Alday Page Two Anticipated impacts are expected to be minimal. Although some subtidal algae community encroachment will occur, the degree and impact of encroach- ment is minor. In accordance with Chapter 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Section 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, it is recommended that this application be approved for permit issuance. It is recommended that the applicant utilize silt screens during all work performed in the water. BE I't RE.$(!)C~ED BY 'tHE B(!)ARD (!)F C(!)llN'tM C(!)rnmI.$.$I(!)NER.$ (!)F ffi(!)NR(!)E C(!)llN'tM, FC(!)RIDA, that the ahove BiOlogical Assessment has heen rean into the recorn ann nuly consineren pursuant to Florina Statute 253.124 hy the Boarn of County Commissioners of ffionroe County, Florina, this J5~ nay of ,ju/u f~ ,19 9)4 at a regularly schenulen meeting. B(!)ARD (!)F C(!)llN'tM C(!)ffiffiI.$.$I(!)NER.$ (!)F ~2g,:! '. y .-,----~- ...1" ~ mayor - (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk '~I .. // .,4) /} ? \~~'L> X/~:~(~j_ AtL DANNM C. K(!)ft{AGE / Clerk of 'the Circuit Court . Cuclen C. Pro y, County Attorney l305l 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~V~!; ~R~~3~04~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorne'y 310 Fleming Street Key West, Fl9rida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows:; ,.... ~"' ,I ,~: , . ., 1. County Biologist Report V 2. Resolution (HEWEY ALDAY) V 3. Permit ,v' 4. Application for Permit( Riprap , Seawall & Dock) V j 5. Site Plan V 6. Location Map t/ 7. DER Asses?ment -L Date S--f/-J tf By ~.o(} ~. ..IF.~JG~TI~r\I\ffi.:.~ It< P2> . : illl lAA'l 10 19Si1 COUNTY PJTY. M E M 0 RAN DUM ;-7:-if DATE: May 2, 1984 TO: Dr. Jeffrey FROM: Andy Hooten, Biologist SUBJECT: Heway Alday, Riprap seawall a Legal: Section 35, Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Block 1, Lot 28, Summerland Key Cove, #6, Summerland Key, Monroe County, Florida. Zoned RU-1 I. INTRODUCTION: This application, for placement of fill below the Mean High Water (MHW) line, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission pursuant to Section 19-111(a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. II. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The applicant propose~ to construct a riprap seawall along an altered shoreline with a concrete cantilevered platform to be placed on top of the riprap. A site inspection revealed little or no significant 'subtidal biota or shoreline vegetation where this activity is proposed. Specifies of biota observed is accurately described in the attached FDER biological report. III. EVALUATION: Little or no adverse environmental impact is anticipated as a result of this activity. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Approval: Turbidity curtain should be employed during filling activity. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT l\TO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Mr. Hewey Alday Post Office Box 653 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 2) Date 9-7-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number Resolution No. 745_1.543 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailirig address & phone number Mr. Paul C. Kenson, Jr., & associates, Inc. Post Office Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 743-3585 5) Legal description of property: Section 35 Key Summer land Subdivision Summerland Cove #6 Township 66S Lot 28 Block 1 Range 28E Street, road or mile marker . Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted ~o c.y. waterward of M.H. W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL Turbidity curtain should be employed during filling activity. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building and Zoning _ (~: '.J ,,,"r y I. " ("::: '. , 1'-,; I " ',. I, ..j 1/~',,,,'~' :.-~i" _"";11( 1.':..., ;1,1'.~ ~'I :;,I;-,9-7-~g3 ; -1. \) L' ; i . ,. Hewey Alday P.O. Bo x 6 5 3 Summe"-land Key, FL. 33042 3 0 ~ / 7 4 5 - 15 ,; .3 n:lfliC t J!1;11 I-rrl~~- ~l~'i~ll'~('-';'~. q /z !.J~, gp 1 ) 'T(~~ll tel ;~-l' r--~l')~~-;-;l-t-' '; 1,1"'11', ,'~ t"!'["t i (jC;li 1(\11 1111 ~rl t \ l r. Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 92 Marathon, FL. 33050 305/743-3585 #14841 ';-)~-Jcscri'rr'loll o fprc)pcl:ry:----- ~__ --=----.~ ,...:~~-----'----- /~~ SId '~" Sununerland / f.'cy, umm~.:,_~~ S~hdivision, Cove, #6 Key Section, To \, ~ s hip. I~:I n g(~ , 35 - 665--' --------_.~ 28E ----- ( i f d ': rea f: e ) :onini:. _ ~_u_:=1 1.0 t , 2 8 ~_' III o('j.., , -- ---.---=------~B 5, Street,ro:ld or lni Ie marker, I Pg:-~ I,) Describe the proposed activity, methods or con':;tnlction& amount of materilll (in cubic y to be exc3vatcd or di scharged. Describe purpo:.;c f, intended use of projC'ct. See back of this sheet. Jicdged/exc~vatcd HI led/d~..::.J ted \'01.1"11' (1f 'I::ttl,'ria~' 30 c.y. 0 c.y. \,atcn"iiNi- landward of ~l.I!.W. of ~1.H.\V. --.--'. ~') \;unc, a.1drcss & zip C"oJc of adjoining property O',\'fH:rs Lot 27: Lohstroh Contractors, Inc. Profit Sharing Retirement 2400 Chicago Avenue IO waterward of M.lI.W. w'hose property c.)'. 2-0, d 1 ;JTIcwar of rl.lI.lV. affronts water way. <fTT~tfH'r permits is:,ucd and/or applied for, ij;clude applicant's n::lne.-. for this site: DER & COE 9~8-83 hj if ;1['!,iil.',ltion has been submittctl for thj.; project (01' one siraiLn; in the past. "/;'!:li~l rt.:'son for new application and give applicant's name if different from CU!Ten' :1 i'P I I C :111 t . N/A., . ,,' I.iq ',iiTYZ'dcraC;n-;y St3t~agcnc(cst-t):;t'T;-: \~(' rl'\..~(' i Vt'J <.ip;:lir;Il"ions-'Cor this project. DER & COE - 9-8-83 -- ----- 'ihis cOlitplete-tl--appficatT7;:"-f01~n--\\;r-ll be accompani.ed hy th~~ fol]ul.:ing, or it will not I,c proccsseJ. ,) Th'() l.~J s~.~s of I.h:a;.:ings, on R1i x j] p;Jpl'r. :;howillJ~ ll'l'ation, p](\t plan, top vie;'1 a:1d 'lllSS ';cctiOT: of 1"1'op,"sal, Jr"lI"n to S'~.Ill'. . I \1';') i\':Jti,)1l pru,:essiil.L: ft'l' as fGllrn,,~: $;S.Ul.' for drt:dg~. fill, docks or ;lTiY ~tnh'idrr:'; affroTlting n;ltlll':.i water bo~ies. ~:.)i:.(J() red vCitiC31 se;II',':1l1s all Til.m-madl' or)djcs of w,lter. ~~,:,.(I() 101 :Jny c',mbin:;iiilll vI tht' :li,OVC ;lcti,'itil':~; IHi' ~if(' ,;,' 'i ; I ';\ 1-; l;.-; ; ;-ll-c n:I)}' -i:l:J Ii I::-,'ora~; :J-rJd-t'-f-;.~:i7]tL~). ; .:.c 'tl~(- ~~. ~ iVTt-e-~ J~~c-r i hed he J'l ir . .Tlr, !1l,J( 1 a:;, f.~i.:iJi.lr' "itll th~' illforl'l:'tiulI clJlt:,in"j ii, thi'; :Ijlplication, ;HIl! to the b, l' -,;.'lC'Ji;',' I, Lclj,:f 'ilwli i.,;'U;-JiJ:ltic:l i~, cr'lI' '-ilJrpl('~,. I; :':Ctl";lt". r furtllf'r cert~f\' ,"""'l".S t:~" :1i.l:I, ,]'i~': t,~, UT1'.'C'l't:.j'l' tJL' j11<'t'U, ,; :". i, It".;. /\11 p,'o'.:isiol1s ot ];)1-':0- ::n,~ - '.1; "I; I,' .. ... !: 0 v L' :'Il j ;II; ; I I I' 1:- p (' "r h'l1 J h 10; i i I I, (' , (, . I ( '..' It I, \.: Il\' I I;,' ( <;:' c: c i r ~ l'd I'," 1 C i nor n:) t :,1I1111'J: ,)f ,I pcr:.-,it ,I..'c" r;:,! pr'.'~l;:"~' to 1:1\".: ,Il,~: :'". 1(, vi('~:lt, ('f canccl the provisions ,,-, C:1'1t\'. "t:1~/: :)T r....j":',l! LII' rL'."u:::t iili: ll"!' ~ I','!: )'; (If I'c:'j't':-:,;IIlCCc of construction of . I" (.., ~ i'.. t \.: : I i + \. ~ ",I rU----- t/ (.J - I I //_~ \./ ./-/ Ii3 (1 8 J 2 (. 7.5--; ()6 g~!."_d/~~_ "'il';;:IL,lIi"',/ ,IT1il] :,.::qt/;"/I!~/I ~,' : I '-:""'\ , I, . . I ~ . i , I " I, ' SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: To pr?vid~ private boat mooring and shoreline . s~abllzatlon for a~plicant~s property. All equipment wlll come t? ~he slte over existing roads and applicant's 7oad. Turbldlty screens will be in place until work lS complete. C0vt'6CL12.~ f~1 /hi d)1L d.u'c..{ ft~7rt t~'-I - .23 ec>/:r 0. ~/..?- 4-'V~ 2 ~ '^/v ~~' 4. . ./.5mu-ff ~. - J-nc, 7' iw.J/ ffJi t-..-.v.vJ. /MLlAJ - . 6'- (~: wJ. i.: Bt1~ f~o.. w,' eiA.ly ~c.. ~'.ef ,~ J : /17~ 6~ ~ (r)/~OO/rrr ~ <if ~7-. ft:uJ ~ 1/2- .. W~ fr; ~t- ~- q) (J//osr""k lor- #-2? d>r ~ ~~ ~--c4. cy C~~bk-- ~~ (..l)"'II~ #'.s.@ ~ ~~ (4)" ~,-' Wt.:k . ;/ 1-,&r-. 6". . . , ' . , ~ ~-. :- - ,- r-:;- 'I ~~~-i1;3.-. SC'pl r ..~ .kr - r:~ ~/~. -. ..- ..:,en",;{ 0>1. ~~(<_v'- ~ d N<..d._ "; ~ ~w~ ~ ~dJP7""~7 /er. ' :, (-Ipuu- ~'V M- , _.- V'2J/ (7"-: /)1 yu~-4:-d - //-o/~ c/" I -b- 0--7'1 67.., c.....> ""'" c.:o --t::::t u - I. ~ t ;, '... "".-:q{(v/~fJJx..' MtPw~, 1J;J i f~ ~ S~~.. }1t1011a'1 ~ - - / ( f '" ,4' ~".-V1iM'1 \ , , INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM [ I ITO: ,To: To: From: "eoly OD,'o"eI I FOf'I '0 CIsvic1 OHlaa AndIOr '" ...u.... Than Th. Addr__ ~t_. of FloricUI OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Loctn.: Loftn.: Loftn.: Oft.: ".Dly ReQulrea I 0." 0101.: I"fo. O"'y I I a_. 0101.: DATE: Gail Sloane Gary,Shaffer~ John Meye~\ January 13, 1984 FROM: I ~ ~ allANCH Off.r~ --~.-- -.......-:-.. - .-..-~~--- "'" . " ~ J.._" TO: ~~l;~t:>.;-":~~ -~ ) THROUGH: DE.1 ".0 ;:1,-\. 01',"" - r SUBJECT: Monroe County, File No. 440758205, Hewey Alday, Revised Permit Application Appraisal My original application appraisal for this project, dated 12-8-83, has been substantially changed. The original appraisal was per- formed on a different lot and is consequently invalid. The accompanying appraisal now recommends permit approval due to the fact that the proposed boat slip has already been essentially excavated. It would appear that the applicant's intention (through conversation with Mr. Alday and Paul Kenson at the site on 1-9-84) is to simply bulkhead the previously excavated boat slip. Accordingly, Mr.'Kenson plans to submit revised drawings shortly. It should additionally be noted that this property has changed hands. The new owner should be indicated on Mr. Kenson's revised plans. JAM/dvo DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEID1IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL F'l N 440758205 ~ eo.: L. [,1. ,;',L:H or- _ County: Monroe Da te : ll- 2 l- 8 3 Applicant Name: Hewey Alday Address: PO Box 653~ Summerland Key, Florida 33040 Agent (if applicable): Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates Address: PO Box 92, Marathon, Florida 33050 Location of project: Section(s) 35 Township Township 66S Range 28E Section(s) Range Local Reference: Caribbean Drive East, Summerland Key Water Body: Summerland Cove Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: _________ Outstanding Florida Waters: _________ On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 12-1-R1! 1-9-84 Original Application: YesjL No__ Revised Application: Yes__No__ Date: Date of 2nd Insp. BiOlogical and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) ALDAY, HEWEY #440758205 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment with a ten foot wide cantilevered concrete cap along a residential shoreline. ' Also planned is the bulkheading of a previously excavated boat slip, which lies parallel with the shoreline. Placement of riprap along the open-water shoreline would extend to within approximately two feet of the channel drop- off or slightly below the mean low water line. A total of approximately 20 cubic yards are proposed for placement in conjunction with the construction of the proposed revetment. Nearly all of this fill would be deposited water- ward of mean high water. B. The project site is located on the southwestern side of Summerland Key, hear Kemp Channel, within what is referred to as Summerland Cove. Summer land Cove has been extensively developed for single- family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a shoreline perimeter channel, which provides deep- water access for the residential community. Waterward of this deep perimeter channel, depths shallow to two feet or less. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion. Because of the relative absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, relatively few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots along Caribbean Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. Bulkheads have been constructed on many of the properties adjacent to the appli- cant, to within one or two feet of the channel dropoff. There is presently a house on the existing property. C. The project site shoreline displays some erosion. The shoreline bank drops rapidly to the intertidal zone, which is approximately eight feet wide. From here, the subtidal portion of the shoreline is next encountered. This zone is approximately four feet wide. ALDAY, HEWEY #440758205 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Three The subtidal portion of this shoreline pOssesses established biota such as green algaes (Batophora sp. and Penicillus sp.) and red algaes (Acanthophora sp., and Laurencia sp.). Also observed along this subtidal shelf were ringed anemones (Bartholomea annulata). Finfish observed included mangrove snapper (Lutjanus griseus), schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus), mojarra (species unknown), and grunts (Haemulon sp). The intertidal zone featured a somewhat barren limerock rubble substrate with little biota. D. Anticipated impacts are expected to be minimal. Although some subtidal aigae community encroachment will occur, the degree artd impact of encroachment is minor. ~ ALDAY, HEWEY #440758205 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Four E.ln accordance with Chapter 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Sections 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, it is recommended that this application be approved for permit issuance. It is recommended that the applicant utilize silt screens during all work performed in the water. Uf.w, ~~ J<JHf MEYER, ENV. EC . ~E: Jan ary 13, 4 READ: JAM/dvo ,) \ I DATE: 9-7- 8 3 Monroe County Building & Zoning Department Public Service Bldg. - Wing 2 stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 Department of Envi~onmental Regulation ~3201 Golf Course Blvd. Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Department of The Army Corps of Engineers P. o. 130x 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 - ,: Gentlemen: This letter will serVE to confirm that ,we have appointed the engineering firm of Paul C. KeDSOD, Jr. & Associates, Inc. our agent for the application for SEAWALL on our property in Monroe County, Florida. This property is more specifically described as SUMMERLAND KEY COVE, ADD. lt6, LOT 28, BLOCK I, AS RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PLAT BOOK 5, 5 PAGE 40. Very truly yours, .'~ 'lsIGNA~ ~----L/~ Nam~ rL5CJX' 653 Ad~CSS /a /I -............: 0.. /7'\. ..n1 V' /{ .;01 ,..f_ k -t l/ , / +-/ C- . ~30Li ~ ~ : DRA~ING SHEET I...; I \J~'-t.0T Ldi \?". <::> i= ~-)~ .~~~ .....Jf~ . K.....\~ M~OE N C ~, .I.l,A~~= C..L..R\ 66S.~'--,J ~g. cL:.. ~\ c:::..=' LO, ~6 ~,-K \ ~i.J\l;} !':::.'C U:",~ 't::;~E. y . <::.. 0 V'E:: "t% Cc> ~;s- ss::\ e:~, 1""~..,~\ R e <5 E ,- - ~ - -I t='~o?O~~ \:) I I R.'9S\ ;--::::~ - () o ---- - Q o .EX.\~T~~ 3 'EE5\ \)~H.Cf: 1.1 1--- ~_ ... ~ ~ -.., -:=,,~ "" "" ~ L..~ \..:I "I:) t::.. e:. '-;' s.. ytL\DLT:::(_ ._':S"'~CB.... . \'I~ ~O' 'I 1 ..~.: 'L ~' ~I ~~ 0; ---11 C ~-'~,L6c::::.C:. no 0 ~- 'Zooo . . 0 f)C:> 6Cl:..V1r Ib"'~~ o ~A-~ " I I ( ELG:VAT1 0 ~ \\." ~a' - N A.e;p~ E;)<:., ~ ~ e.~t::>, ~-F~DH NO'5 C:~A.~\ H-A4.s' 1-1 L.\lI + 0," 10' 1 .'FIU ~t ~ 5\:;<::..\ \.b~ ~-~ PURPOSE: To provide private boat mooring and shoreline stablization DA TUH: MSL Adjacent Property Ownersz 1. Lohs troh Con trac tors, Inc. 2400 Chicago Avenue Hudsonville, MI 49426 2. Thomas & Dagmar Lesick 163-04 Cryder Beachhurst, N. Y. 11357 DER form 17-1.203(1) Effective November 30, 1982 SKI-045 \" -: lEi I IN Summer land Cove AT Summerland Key COUNTY Of Monroe STATE FL APPLICA TION BY: Hewey Alday SHEET 83 I' ,-' <:::, <:::> ' () o S \ TE ~L.c:..a \\1:: ~' ~ r-l :i.\, . J 2' I p-l- ~I ~Xbt..}e~ '0 C:o~c:::. ~'O A..e...oc..;....:l n b cw:... -r ~\-\ p ~ 4.0. J:'IV ~e, o o I "" "" "" ~ '" ~' I"" ~~~~. ~ J( I '" ~~~, '" ~ "" "" " " - ..J- ",.4. hi" 8'-0 -~t=:"C\\D~ A-A \ Il .., 5' i Ici ~\.~, \=" ,'-'- t:lc.. C> <=. ..,:. '\::Jc;;..,'J \ '\ SU? ~ ~'\ \" ~ s. PURPOSE: To provide DATUM MSL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: CD @ private boat mooring and shoreline stablization IN Summerland Cove AT Summerland Key COUNTY OF Monroe STATE FL APPUCAT ION BY A. Alday SH[[; 2 OF 2 OAT[ SKI-045 i. Paul C. Ken r. & Assoc. Inc. p, 0, Box 92 8915 Overseas Hwy. MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 [lJEuu[OO /~//5~(:;f /:/?~ 1TOO~~~[Kj[] Duu~[L \.Wlf DATE (305) 743-3585 Mr. Andy Hooten, County BioI 9 REApplication for Permit, H. Alday TO Monroe County Bldg. & Zoning Dept. Public Services Bldg. - Wing 2 Stock Island Key West, FL. 33040 WE ARE SENDING YOU XX Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications C.OPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION . 1 9 7- 83 App.L~cat~on for Permt~ I 9-IS-83 022 Check for Application Fee I 9-7-83 Letter of Authorization to Act as AGent 2 9-20-83 3KI-04 Sketch of Project - . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Xl For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ""- "-, "'-, COpy TO Mr. Kermit Lewin, County Administrator SIGNED: rttOOUCf 2&0-3 INCBS/IIIIt.. er-. .... 01.11 " enclosures .r. not .. noted. kindly notify us .t once. Paul C. Kenson, . Hewey Alday #440669175 PHOTO #l East to west view of the appli- cant's shoreline. Previously excavated boat slip is in the foreground. Adjacent property and existing seawall are in the background. PHOTO #2 West to east view of the appli~ cant's shoreline. ~ Hewey Alday #440669175 PHOTO #3 East side of the previously ex- cavated boat slip, as viewed from the shoreline along the eastern property line of Lot 28. PHOTO #4 Subtidal algae community found along the applicant's shoreline.