Resolution 179-1984 -' /' RE.$~CU~I~N N~+ ,179-1984 IDHEREA.$, the B~ARD ~F t~UN~M t~mmI.$SI~NER.$ ~F m~NR~E t~UN~M, FC~RIDA, has receiven an application from ~~R~ KRAmER ann WHEREA.$, in compliance with state Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procenure to rean the following Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as follows: The applicant is proposing to construct 80 lineal feet of riprap revetment along a residential shoreline for the purpose of erosion protection. Riprap would be placed at the mean high water line (MHWL) and waterward, but no further waterward than the mean low water line (MLWL). Filter cloth would be utilized behind the riprap boulders and fill would be placed behind the riprap. Total fill that would be placed is 50 cubic yards, inclusive of the riprap. Of this total, 25 cubic yards would be deposited below the MHWL. All work would be done from the applicant's uplands. The project site is located on the western side of Cudjoe Bay, in a single family residential development referred to as Cudjoe Gardens. Although most of the platted lots along this particular shoreline have been filled to developable elevations, development of these lots is minimal. A variety of mangroves fringe the shoreline in this general area, although this fringe is relatively sparse (secondary growth). A peripheral channel parallels much of the shoreline, with some sections connected to deeper water via access channels, which extend further offshore. Water depths are relatively shallow within the majority of Cudjoe Bay. Cudjoe Bay possesses both hard bottom benthic communities comprised of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). The lot north of the applicant's property has been built upon, although the shoreline has remained undeveloped, and possesses buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) and saltwort (Sesuvium portulacastrum), as does the lot to the south, which undeveloped. The applicant's lot, although previously filled, probably at the time of the offshore peripheral channel excavation, grades down gradually to the water's edge. Along this shoreline, it appears that the transitional vegetation has been cut back, leaving a somewhat barren and disturbed shoreline. Below the erosion line, a limerock rubble intertidal area is encountered. This intertidal area is wider on the south side of the lot, due to a greater degree of erosion. Within this rubble area were gastropods (Nerita sp.) and mussels (Brachidontes sp.). A large amount of wind-blown wrack had accumulated here at the time of the on-site inspection. Waterward of the intertidal zone, a subtidal area possessing turtle- grass and manatee grass (Syringodium filiformis) exists which gives way to the deeper waters of the offshore perpheral channel. Again, the subtidal area is wider on the south side of the lot (maximum width of this area is about five feet, although there is almost no subtidal area on the north side of the lot). Resolution No. George Kramer Page Two Anticipated impacts should be minimal. As proposed, the riprap should provide shoreline stabilization, while avoiding any significant resource destruction. BE It RE$~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F t~UNtY t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNtY, FC~RIDA, ~ha~ ~he above Biological Assessmen~ has been reaa in~o ~he recora ana auly consiaerea pursuan~ ~o Floriaa $~a~u~e 253.124 by ~he Boara of toun~y tommissioners of ffionroe toun~y, Floriaa, ~his ~~~ aay of JL.( I'L-e- ,19 <[)Lf a~ a regularly scheaulea mee~ing. B~ARD ~F t~UNtY t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNtY, FC~RIDA ~~ By ~f ~o-~ mayor ($EAC) A~~es~: DANNY L. KOL7Yi\r:';';, Clc.rk /) . ..y/~ " , - ." , :- / ',/ '.' ; 7(';o.-:J:L ,'if' ' ~)~ 4/ /. tler)( of tircuU tourt!" . Cucten t. Pm y toun~y A~~orney (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez. District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~Y~lY ~R~~'~04~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (GEORGE KRAMER) . / ~ 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Riprap revetment and dock) Site Plan' ~ 5. ~ 6. Location Map ~ / By 4. ~~ 7. DER Asses$ment Date (- /;)-cflj M E M 0 RAN DUM Date: May 31, 1984 To: Jeffrey Doyle, Ph.D., Director From: Robert Smith, Biologist Q\ vr Subject: Kramer, Riprap revetment and dock Legal: Lot 18, Block 3, Cudjoe Gardens Subdivision, Cudjoe Key Zoning: RU-l I. INTRODUCTION: This application for. a dock and fill below the Mean High Water Line (MHWL) should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners p~rsuant to Section 19-1ll(a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. II. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The lot in question was inspected on March 15, 1984 and resulted in the following: The applicant's property is located on the western side of Cudjoe Bay. A peripheral channel parallels the applicant's property line at approximately 15 feet from _ the Mean High Water Line (MHWL). The lot does not fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (SPZ) as defined in Section 4-18 of the Monroe County Code. Much of the. shoreline vegetation has been cut back with only small buttonwoods remaining. ,The subtidal vegetation consists of sparse clumps of Batophora. The applicant proposes to erect a rip rap revetment in'which 25 cubic yards of fill will be placed water~ ward of MHWL and 25 cubic yards will be placed landward of MHWL. In addition, a 4 .feet by 10 feet and 4 feet by 5 feet perimeter dock will '. be.constructed. The applicant has expressed a desire to keep the button- wood~ present. and revegetate any disturbed ,by the placement of the riprap. III. EVALUATION: Since placement of 25 cubic yards of fill will be waterward of the MHWL, then this activity should be rev~ewed by the Board of County Commissionerp pursuant to Section 19-111(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. _The anticipated impact should be minimal 'with the overall effect of shoreline stabilization. The applicant has. agreed to revegetate any area disturbed by the activity. IV. RECOMMENDATION: The biologist recommends approval for the placement , of 50 cubic yards of fill, 80 linear feet of riprap and a peripheral dock (5'x4', 10'~~l~'). Conditions: (1) Filter cloth to be employed; (2) Buttonwoods to be replanted at the existing escarpment area. V, OTHER: Other permits may b~ required by the Florida Department. of Environmental Regulation ~FDER) and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). ......-::.. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Mr. George Kramer 36 Sawyer Drive Summerland Key, Florida 33042 2) Date 12-29-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number 745-2387 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number KeyCOlogy, Inc. 141 Simonton Street Key West, ~lorida 294-9555 5) Legal description of property: Section 29 Key Cud.ioe 18 Subdivision 2nd Addi t ion Cudj oe Gardens Township 66 South Lot Block 3 Range 28 East Street, road or mile ~arker Sawyer Drive Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited, c,y, waterward of M,H. W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W, :t25 c.y; waterward ofM.H,W. ':t25 c:y. landward of M.H. W. ZONING: RU-1 fURPOSE: ' Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - RestrictiQns or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL Filter cloth'to be employed. . Buttonwoods to"be replanted at the existing escarpment area. Jeffrey M. Poyle, Director Planning, Building'& Zoning MONROE COUNTY ~j) PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE . - WATERS OR WI<:TLANDS OF- MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners nam~ & mailing addr~;;---'------J~l Date 3) Phone number George Kramer 36 Sawyer Drive 12/29/83 305-745-2387 Summerland Key, FL 33042 '~ 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address. phone & certification number. KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 305-294-8719 5) Legal description of property: Section, Township, Range, 29 66 28 Key, Cudjoe' Subdivision, 2nd additi on Cudjoe Gardens Lot, 1 8 Block, 3 Zoning, (if acreage) RU-l Street, road or mile marker, Sawyer Drive 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. Applicant proposes to construct 80 lineal feet of rip-rap seawall for erosion protection. Rocks will be placed by backhoe and hand. Filter X screening will be olaced behind rip-rap seawall. Turbidity screens will be utilized during constructlon. . volume of dred2'ed/excavated fIlled/deposited 25 material 0 c.y. 0 c.y. + 25 c.y. + waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. c.y. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. George R. Henes John D, Parsons et ux' 970 Zanzabar Lane USA Element HQ JUSMAG-K MKAR Wayzata, MN 55391 APO San ~rancisco, CA 96302 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. FDER ACOE This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8V2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale.' '. . b) Application proce~fee as follows: , $75.00 for dredge.~ocks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for'a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the 'best of my knowledge & belief such information is ' true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All' provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether'specified herein or not. The granting of Ii permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction ?r performance of construction of this type of facility. /J-antrn-, t k,~ S~gnatufe of pphcant/agent l2/?9/8~ Date For Department Use Qlli.YL Yf> 7 ~':> -, C-,C)_ -09'-'3 S- SY Fee & receipt Approved by Ass't Director' , ' eA~~~~Ll-iy P,rson accepting appli-cation & Date . Cost of permit, Estimated cost of construction ... ..1'____ ~~ ,~_ ~ '-:;',.-" ,. " ~.... .' \-- r_;~ ;:;...~ f~~ \ ' it" , , .' r: ,>-: t..';.. . :~ " " f' -"" (", ? ~., ~ r.. .~ ~.;~ L~ ~-1 c::'11 f~q :~ " ~ ~t; {f'~ t~,; f.-.- f;;; ~A B i'ft t>, (2 ~ ~cl f'-' , . ~;.': \';--", ~~.>.: I !.... \~. ~.: I 'j !.... '~""'-,~ ,} ,... :.', -~~ .... :;. :;' t , \ i l , i J ; , t i 1 , t - l I l I l . l 4 \ I, __ ~4;/?I:T!"~ .-- , . --..-.--' F"'.. '..~ ~ ~~ C' : :; () t.:~ , -- " ('\ r' ,. !... ~ ~ -- .;., ..!y ." - - - -,...,,',' ;' 0..- ..) ~. - ~ ~ T'-/ rt'l'" J~ '"'\, , ... ..........- r--.._ ?RO~ \ - :- t:... . I ~ LOI ,-e,. Ex lSTINe- , , 1 y I 1 l , A N 1 I I 1 I I I .fi.. p:.. N SECT1Cr-...t A-A l'l~ .1.0 ' ,/ ,~ " ,) '\ <" \ --- n/:) \ ~- "\ ' '-, \\ /'A,I-\.w.L- " :' -.;--'~:~ 1, . \\'\' \\ ' ~, ,. ,\ jV\rL"w,\'; , ,':,-F'.: I f '. .,-: :_-_.~ ,.' ... c:.. h'f-..DE ~ J 12 L... I' I - -: . .50 , .:....~,:_ \. ',- ~ C". .....Y'I'-1...... " .~r~41;l""":..,,,...t ir'""..~.'r\..;;......H.....~n lL:., {,C,.,...;,-.! ~~'....l~~li"';l tU ~".' -., ,.... . ."'......- . tn;-;'" 1 . '. ,",- ::--"'jr''''1'''''''nl'~II''.1;l:,.,,!()1 ' {Jspartrr:,:::i. \..t ~;",._'.'l.''''' "\,ic,. .~"~)~ r' , 'd t' 'J <' "H,~" .>'r'hJ nf lflGI!ld.r-l .'\!: r:c t. ...::. i'".t-j,..'J -..-,~. f"'." 'c:..'...t"~)'.NN~L ',1...,J t'3 rc'"'uir;,;d / ,;:"'~ .." ". ,,' ~I~"'~.s / f / Ii ./" ! I / \n --'-- ,rJr,/ . k , i' )> ! " " f . ~ L. -, f'" .PCl~ LlO:l\ I [t, '1~S'"~ ~X Ie' , . I .". i .A-... t t :J""- I: I A' i . Jl.,)f/ I A . . f \ ' , {i i . f I~' I,I! /, ,. : ,i ., 1f r \"2..t? '_ "i. .;.. ---------------'--r-r-;-l~_ , !, Lei '"" ... - ~ (. il ::t '} :;- ...., ..,. '- rn r- ~ ~ 'i ,.; ! r~ \5 ^. , , PROP~S~: RIP-~AP SEA WALL .::.....o"...'~r-t'-w; ().c.J ~ '- ....~.~...'-."..~......,.c-.~~~.,....-~a..-.a.-....~. "'~""".JI"I AI PAGE 1 OF APPU CArTT:-------- 'G'::'Ol'r::e k rarner LOC~TIO~: CUdJo; Key DATE: December 1923 ~d~ F . J \1 I e . I f i i ~ I J t ! I ~ 1 i j . ~ ~ . ~ 1 1 ') ~ A- I i;J L- ~ .,;,...~ ".: -EP '"" E. '\ ) ( . . 1 ~ \ ~ I ~ o .- 'J y ti m "Ji r ........ ~ -. "4---._:.;..,._._,.....-.......4:1--~...........".............~J..~~~~llJ!'_1~~I'...~L......~~~ i;.;: '~~ir~~Z~;~:~~:~~..~,...~...',,-~-, i . I ._'.~k--:.'.~;;2X~7~~~J'j~:~.;~~~.V~~~,=~~~/2~=~"',~~~:;::'~..?.~-~(:~d~~~ .:;;. ~~ '--'-,i--- r~'~ " :; :J ;,'~ ~t ~ ,~ KeyColo9Y, Inc. 41j S'monlon 5! Key West. FL 3304L 2~t.-871S Ma rch 6, 1984 Mr. Kenneth L. Graham Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 4970 Jacksonville, FL 32232 Re: George Kramer File 84C-0573 Dear Mr. Graham: Please advise if you need additional infonnation. Si~c~relY, J' /1, /;/ / , / ' ,:r ,/fj/. /?// / - 1/ -- If' ./ I '\--r~ " . t :>' 'i ( " /'>1: / \ '\.... __r ;; ,/"11 .. ______.... . I "'.' ; v. ..o:'.....=t__ ,/ --" Lynn f,1. Kepha rt . Environmental Planner i I I I I I I i i In reference to your letter of 2/21/84, enclosed are the crass-sectional drawings to delineate. the- area of wetlands. In addition, the appli~ant is requesting a 4'xlO' perimeter dock as the ri'p-rap is located 4' . back from the existing ca na 1 " LHK:g 1 Encl. .cc: Robert Smith, Monroe County biologist.......-- John Meyer, FDER biologist, ps: Please prOcess with the addition of the dock and make the revisea drawings a part ,of the application. Ii ..0.'. I k1i ~ ~ ~ r;~." ~4I. f~ ~'1' ,.:" ~ ~- ... - STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ~s. SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950-9359 VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY February 13, 1984 Monroe 'County Director of Building, Planning & Zoning Public Service Building 5825 Junior College Rd., W. Key West, Fla. 33040 ~; .'~"" .,-~ ,...-. ...f'- .._ ~, Z:~)~?t~~ Re: HonroeCounty, File No. 440808935, George Kramer, Rip Rap Revetment Gentlemen: As per your request pursuant to Se~tion 253.l25i Florida Statutes attached is a copy of the Department's Biological appraisal for the referenced project. A hydrographic survey was not required. Sincerely, ~ r1~ fJljtg~ G~mes Stilwell Environmental Specialist JS/ck Encl. . Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life '< "" KRAMER, GEORGE #440808935 Monroe County - Cudjoe Key Page Two A. The applicant is proposing to construct 80 lineal feet of riprap revetment along a residential shoreline for the purpose of erosion protection. Riprap would be placed at the mean high water line (MHWL) and waterward, but no further waterward than the mean low water line (MLWL). Filter cloth would be utilized behind the riprap boulders and fill would be placed behind the riprap. Total fill that would be placed is 50 cubic yards, inclusive of the riprap. Of this total, 25 c~bic yard~ would be deposited below the MHWL. All work would be done from the applicant's uplands. B. The project site is located on the western side of ~udjoe Bay, in a single family residential development referred to as Cudjoe Gardens. Although most of the platted lots along this particular shoreline have been filled to developable elevations, development of these lots is mi~imal. A variety of mangroves fringe the shoreline in this general area, although this fringe is' relatively sparse (secondary growth) . A 'peripheral ~hannel parallels much of the shoreline,. with some sections connected to deeper water via access channels, whicp extend further offshore. Water depths are relatively sh~llow within the majority of Cudjoe Bay. Cudjoe Bay possesses both hard bottom benthic corrununities comprised of sponge and algae growth and seagrass corrununities comprlsed of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) . . The lot north of the applicant's property has been built upon, although the shoreline has remained undeveloped and possesses buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) and saltwort (Sesuvium portulacastrum), as does the lot to the south, which is .undeveloped~ C. The~applicant's, lot, .although previously filled, probably at the'time of the offshore peripheral channel excavation, grades down graduallY to the water's'edge. Along this shoreline, it ap~ears ~hat the transiti6nal vegetation has been cut back, leaving a somewhat barren and disturbed ~horeline. ~ KRAMER, GEORGE #440808935 Monroe County - Cudjoe Key Page Three Below the erosion line, a limerock rubble intertidal area is encountered. This intertidal area is wider on the s6uth side of the lot, due to a greater degree of erosion. Within this rubble area were gastropods (Nerita sp.) and mussels (Brachidontes sp.). A large amount of wind-blown wrack had accumulated here at the time of the on-site inspection. Waterward of the intertidal zone, a subtidal area possessing turtlegrass and manatee grass (Syringodiurn filiformis) exists which gives way to the deeper waters of the offshore p~ri- pheral channel. Again, the subtidal area is wider on the south side of the lot (maximum width of this area is about five feet, although there is almost no subtidal area on the north side of the lot). D. Anticipated impacts should be minimal. As proposed, the riprap should provide shoreline stabilization, while avoiding any significant resource destruction. . J 0;