Resolution 185-1984 Commissioner Edwin O. Swift RESOLUTION NO. 185-1984 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION ON AUGUST 7, 1984, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE DISTRICT COMPRISED OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO GULF DRIVE, BIG COPPITT KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, a Petition has been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, requesting the establishment of a Special Road and Bridge District consisting of all property bordering on Gulf Drive, Big Coppitt Key, Florida, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that said Petition, containing 10 signatures, was duly signed by not less than 25% of the duly registered electors who are freeholders residing within the territory which it is proposed be created into a Special Road and Bridge District as specified by Section 336.28, Florida Statutes, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Honorable William Freeman, Supervisor of Elections, be, and he is hereby, requested to conduct a Special Referendum Election on Tuesday, August 7, 1984, in the following district, to-wit: GULF DRIVE SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE DISTRICT All property bordering on Gulf Drive, Big Coppitt Key, Florida. and that the qualified electors of the said area vote on the following proposal: SHOULD A SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE DISTRICT COMPRISED OF ALL PROPERTY BORDERING ON GULF DRIVE, BIG COPPITT KEY BE CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING AND COLLECTING A DISTRICT ROAD TAX TO CONSTRUCT OR RECONSTRUCT, REPAIR OR REPAVE GULF DRIVE THEREIN AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $28,500.00 TO BE PAID FROM AD VALOREM TAXES ON THE ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT? YES NO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections, and the Legal Department is hereby authorized to advertise said referendum in the Key West Citizen in accordance with the requirements of law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting held on the 29th day of June, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0;2 COUNTY. FLORIDA B~J~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) APPR VED AS TO FORM d AND GAL SUFF:CIENCY. ~ BY . Attorney'. Office NOTICIA DE ELECCION DE REFERENDUM ESPECIAL GULF DRIVE DISTRITO,ESPECIAL DE CARRETERAS.Y PUENTES - BIG COPPITT KEY .NOTICIA ES DADA A QUIEN CORRESPONDA que el Martes, Agosto 7, 1984, una eleccion de referendum especial se celebrara sobre la pregunta sigiente: DEBE UN DISTRITO ESPECIAL DE CARRETERAS Y PUENTES QUE INCLUYE TODA LA PROPIEDAD LIMITROFE A GULF DRIVE, BIG COPPITT KEY SEA CREADO PARA EL PROPOSITO DE IMPONER Y COBRAR UN IMPUESTO DE DISTRITO DE CARRETERA PARA CONSTRUIR o RECONSTRUIR, REPARAR 0 REPAVIMENTAR GULF DRIVE EN ESO A UN GASTO ESTIMADO EN $28,500.00 QUE SERA PAGO DE IMPUESTOS AD VALOREM EN VALORES IMPONIBLE EN BIENES RAICES 0 INMUEBLES EN EL DISTRITO? SI NO Nadamas que electores calificados quienes son dueuos residentes en el territorio que sera incluido en tal distrito seran autorizados a votar en esta eleccion. FECHADO en Key West, Florida, el 2 dia de Julio, 1984. (5~~) DANNY L. KOLHAGE Escribano de las Cortes Circuito de el Condado de Monroe, Florida y ex officio de la Directiva de los Comicionados de el Condado de Monroe, Florida l' I~ NOTICE OF SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION GULF DRIVE SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE DISTRICT - BIG COPPITT KEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on Tuesday, August 7, 1984, a special referendum election will be held on the following question: SHOULD A SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE DISTRICT COMPRISED OF ALL PROPERTY BORDERING ON GULF DRIVE, BIG COPPITT KEY BE CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING AND COLLECTING A DISTRICT ROAD TAX TO CONSTRUCT OR RECONSTRUCT, REPAIR OR REPAVE GULF DRIVE THEREIN AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $28,500.00 TO BE PAID FROM AD VALOREM TAXES ON THE ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT? YES NO Only duly qualified electors who are freeholders residing in the territory to be included in such district shall be entitled to vote at this election. DATED at Key West, Florida this 2nd day of July, 1984. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida, and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (Seal)