Resolution 186-1984 . County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 186-1984 RESOLUTION REQUESTING MONROE COUNTY REPRESEN- TATIVES IN THE STATE SENATE AND HOUSE TO RECONSIDER THE REPEAL OF SECTIONS 336.15, 336.16, 336.17, 336.18, 336.19, 336.20, 336.21, 336.22, 336.23, 336.24, 336.25, 336.26, 336.27, 336.28, 336.29, 336.30, 336.31, 336.32, 336.33, 336.34, 336.35, 336.36, 336.37, 336.38, 336.39, 336.40 OF THE FLORIDA TRANSPORTATION CODE. WHEREAS, Monroe County has need for the legislation that was heretofore repealed in certain instances so as to afford to its citizens a means whereby the road system in Monroe County can be improved, and WHEREAS, the Count cannot afford from its road taxes to improve and repair all roads needed without the use of special road and bridge districts, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the representatives of Monroe County, to-wit: Senator Larry Plummer and Representative Joe Allen be and they are hereby requested to use their office and their best efforts in any upcoming legislative session to reinstate sections 336.15, 336.16, 336.17, 336.18, 336.19, 336.20, 336.21, 336.22, 336.23, 336.24, 336.25, 336.26, 336.27, 336.28, 336.29, 336.30, 336.31, 336.32, 336.33, 336.34, 336.35, 336.36, 336.37, 336.38, 336.39, 336.40 as part of the Florida Transportation Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board is hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Monroe County representatives in the Florida Legislature, a copy to the President of the Senate, a copy to the Speaker of the House, and a copy to the Honorable Bob Graham, State of Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ;:; q t!.l day of :J L.\. f'L.L. , 1984. BOARD OF ~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~~t COUNT~RIDA ByA-->--./'rl/" ;;:Q~~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) AttestDANNY , L. KOLHAGTij Cl k //7 i -, ,erL ~ t;;~ ~. ':.;:/ ' ' " .) 'L,':>~, '/.~. ./ , er D AS TO FORM ~L SUFFICIENCY. . L BY 2 Joe Allen Representative, 120th District Florida House of Representatives Tallahassee ".J!.$ply to: .hiS. Post Office Box 4044 Key ,,",st, Florida 33040 (305) 294-3902 o 4J4 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488,9965 Committees Rules & Calendar, Vice Chairman Community Affairs Finance & Taxation Natura] Resources August 8, 1984 Mr. Danny L. Kohlage Clerk of the Circuit Court 16th Judicial Circuit Nonroe County 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Fl 33040 Dear Danny: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sending me Resolution No. 186...1984 regarding the Transportation Code, On my next trip to Talla... hassee, I plan to take this matter up with the House COmmittee on Transportation. Please express my thanks to the Commissioners for their concern. I will get back in touch with you when I have some information that will interest the Commission. With kind regards, I remain, '~ eLL c~,,_ '"'" 30 Al1~ " JA/bea