Resolution 204-1984 RESOLUTION NO. 204-1984 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERSONS WHO OR ENTITIES WHICH CONVEY VACANT PROPERTY SITUATED WITHIN MONROE COUNTY TO DISCLOSE THE PENDANCY OF THE ADOPTION OF THE LAND USE PLAN AND THE LIKELIHOOD OF CHANGES IN THE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND TO RECORD AN AFFIDAVIT OF DISCLOSURE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE BOARD'S INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF SUCH ORDINANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1, The County Attorney be and is hereby directed to prepare for the Board1s consideration a proposed Ordinance requiring persons who or entities which convey vacant property situated within Monroe County to disclose, in writing, to the person to whom or the entity to which such property is conveyed, the pendancy of the adoption of the land use plan and the likeli- hood of changes in the County development regulations and to record an Affidavit of Disclosure. 2. The Clerk of the Circuit Court be and is hereby direct- ed to publish notice of the Board's intention to consider the adoption of such Ordinance, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of July, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B~;'" 7~1ff~ Mayor C airman (Seal) Attes t: DANNY I,. V0T t:r" I"~ t'/'''~'''' ~. ~ ,,- 4 __ _ i /'/. _ _i,~ 'IG,,,,, LR_j ;;;'4z,:-~.~~/ BY (c • PROOF'OF-PUBLICATION THE KEY WEST' CITIZEN Phllhd Daily Key West, Monroe. County, Florida 33040 STATE OF FLORIDA) ss. COUNTY OF MONROE) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared jeer, P.--?f.4-CD/Li Oevell who on ooth says '-hat he is Advertising Manager of The Key West C f.t1 zen, a daily newspaper published at Key West in County', Florida; that the attac ±2ic t _ _ _ - I. z ; NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL B DGEt HEARING in the Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 29:03, Florida Statutes, notice 'IS herby - • - • - - ' given that d Public Hearing-will be held by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, on July 18, 1984 at the hour of 5 ()0 PA: at Courtroom B, Monroe County Courthouse Annex, Florida for the purpose of receiving any comments on the proposed Supplemental Monroe County Tourist Development Trust Fund Budget /1d, for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1983, and ending September 30, 1984*------ SUPPLUANtAt BUDGET• MONROE COUNTY TOuuist DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND Current Proposed Total Revised - Budget Amount BidgetIncretik MA0110100, was publis Revenues TOurist DevelOtattent tat 531;965.00 116,916.00 648,881:00 State of Florida Less 5% (26,598.00) (5,846,00) (12,444.00) _ 81,858.60 •_ ,60 Cash Woke Forward _ 8lia58 $505,36700 $192,928.60 $698,295.60 .• , news p ap r." that the s. Appropriations 323,757.00 13°,801.81 454,564.82 in said Mo. Promotional Advertising CultUral tvelift 181,610.00 ,_62,120.78 243 73-0.78 been enter To Appropriations $505,367.00 $192,928.60 698,295.60$ tal West, in JULY 9, 1984 ' preceeding merit; and atriant rurtner says tbi . he has neither paid nor prc--.7.i.sd any person, firm or corporation- discount, rebate, comiic.:.:, or ref'.7.rd for tin pu-rpose of securing this advertisement for p Litz;1.ic a t ion in the •said neuspaper. , c•;-. 16444-1-1-`1-6" (SEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '0CANIDI'D - _ sE;i13 day of ..., 2 . . .• . . . • . • ,• •