Resolution 211-1984 ~. RE$~CUtI~N N~. 211, -1984 has receiveD an application from IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~f C~UNtM C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E C~uNtM, fC~RIDA, RUDI CA~Al~CI anD IDREREA$, in compliance with the $tate $tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant is proposing the placement of 50 cubic yards of riprap along a 60' long residential shoreline. Also planned is a small T-shaped dock, 22 feet long with a 40 foot long terminus. The width of this dock would be five feet. The proposed riprap would be placed waterward of the mean high water (MEW) line, approximately eight feet waterward of an existing riprap revetment. The apparent purpose of this project is to provide boat dockage and to stabilize the shoreline. The project site is located on the southeastern side, of Little Torch Key, adjacent to Newfound Harbor Channel (Also referred to as Pine Channel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Little Torch Key. Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this channel reach ten feet, with a gradual decrease in depth toward either channel shoreline. Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger Estates subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this erosion is believed to have occurred over a short period of time following dredge and spoil activities when the shoreline was unstable). Consequently, a subtidal/intertidal shoreline shelf exists waterward of the erosion and landward of the peripheral channel. Of this shelf area, the waterward 5-15 feet is permanently submergent, displaying lush seagrasses, algaes, corals and sponges. The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50' -70' wide. Adjacent properties display a variety of seawalls, riprap revetments and docks. Recent shoreline projects here (there have been six or seven permits issued in this area for shoreline projects in the last several years) have been limited to the MLW line or landward. The adjacent property to the north of the subject property is undeveloped. Two lots over to the south, a T-shaped dock and riprap revetment have been constructed similar to that being proposed. The applicant's shoreline has already been riprapped at about the MEW line. This riprap line separates the applicant's filled uplands from the inter- tidal and subtidal shelf at the foot of the revetment. Approximately ten feet waterward of the existing riprap revetment, a line of small rocks has already been placed. This line marks the approximately mean low water line. \ . Resolution Rudi Lavazoli Page Two No emergent shoreline vegetation is found within the intertidal portion of this shoreline. Nerite snails (Neritia sp.) were observed over the larger intertidal rocks. The subtidal portion of the applicant's shoreline is about five feet wide, supporting a healthy growth of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum), green algaes (Gracilaria sp. and Laurencia sp.). Impacts are expected to be minimal. BE It RE$~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtY, FC~RIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been rean into the recorn ann nuly consineren pursuant to Florina $tatute 253.124 by the Boarn of County Commissioners of ffionroe County, Florina, this ,;J-:l6-i / nay Of 011 ~j ,19 <;J~ at a regularly schenulen meeting. B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtY, FC~RIDA By x:: ~, P ~~Q~ mayor ($EAC) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk /] '-L / / /0" .-:' .i- CIer / / J -;L/ / " o,UrY/4""''' lMiZ/ ClrcuH Court tum~ t. Pro Y ~.1. County Attorney l OK~V~r: ~A~~3~04~E l30S1 294,4641 ~~r~ ~ ' ---.-/- --<' .1".....1 --"I ~_.--,;. V. -.-" _'; , . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report / 2. Resolution (RUDI LAVAZOLI) ~ 3. Permit / 4. Application for Permit (Riprap Boulders & V . , ~ T-Shaped Dock) , 5. Site Plan V , 6. Location Map ~ / By ~~~~ 7. DER Asses9ment Date 7- b -eft( lP),',< ffi:~~ilW1WTI1\ ill d~r;J ~~ @ JUL 9 1984 COUNTY ATTY. M E M 0 R A DUM DATE: June 18, 1984 TO: Jeffrey M. Doyle FROM: Andy Hooten, Biologist SUBJECT: Rudi Lavazoli LEGAL Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Section 33, Block 20, Lot 12, Jolly Roger Subdivision, Little Torch Key, Monroe County Florida. INTRODUCTION This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission persuant to Section 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. PROJECT AND SITE DESGRrF.T~ON The applicant proposes..to place 50 cubic yards of rip rap boulders below the Mean High water line along his 60 ft. open water shoreline. Accompanied with this proposal is a "T" shaped dock,22 ft long with a 40 ft terminus. A site inspection of the parcel found no emergent vegetation along the shoreline or in the intertidal zone where the rip rap is proposed (see attached photograph). The proposed dock will service a dredged channel running parallel to the shoreline. Additional information of the parcel can be seen in the attached FDER biological assessment. EVALUATION This proposal is consistant with laws and guidelines of the Code and Comprehensive plan and adverse,: inpacts are anticipated to be little and short te~m~. Positive impacts will result with increased shoreline stabilization and available habitat. RECOMMENDATION Approval- Turbidity Screens should be properly employed. AH/ljr PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Rudi Lavazoli 10 Beech Court College Pk. N.Y. 11356 2) Date 4-22-84 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number (212) 463-9708 (212) 939-5597 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number e) Lcgal dcscriptiOf'H)f-preperty:-- q ._L'._,.""~,,,.,,~,,_ Section 33 Key Little Torch Subdivision Jolly Rogers Township 668 Lot 12 Block 20 Range 29E Street, road or mile marker LaFitte Road & Doubloon Road 'Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 50 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL Turbidity screens should be properly employed. Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building and Zoning /' \\ MONROE COUNTY d"~ ~, PLANNING. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCA VATION. TIlE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE W ATEHS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. fo~ ~l:~~O~~ !~. ;';n,ili,;~ ,ddn',,- -- . J ~, :';;_ g ~ Cc,LLE.6 E pt... "-. 't. [[3 S~ 4) Contractor or agent's name. mailing address. phone & certification number. K\J D 1 LAV ~WL \ :3) Phone number '212.. ij~ 3-CPO~ . Ii l.vo~ 21 "1.. 1 ..lo&.~ " C::C&'t-5SQ) n T'lv 5) Legal description of property: Section. Township, Range, '3~ 665 Qq (if acreage) Key~ nLE.. Tou.Hsubdivision. Jat-laY ~O 06~5 Lot, 1'Z., Block. 20 D_ LA f'l m..f.. ~ 0 t- Do()~~olJ ~ Street, road or mile marker. '0 Zoning, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of materi,al (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project", 1 ~ ~ / /;, J::Ji / P j} L ( // (.-0':..-<--- r2.JLrn IbU~, IJCr! I volume of material dredg-ed/excavated c.y. waterward of M.H. W. c.y. ~) filled/deposited c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. landward of M.H.W. 7) Name, addr~ss & zip code of ~djoining property owners whose property affronts water "Y.ay._ .tilE... VIQ"I'AJA I--T.. II t-IGAA.'-I StINt. HIf~D,- "'Al/; '03 H/Qllt6Q<l G+rE.. ~O'& '3300 C:X:S-AJ,. "3"-' -... . , /1E~ V'~/~1t c:;. ~ i..clt... 13 }.I6A..THU(l6~ EN'EA.PICIZ ~ ft,,' 80" 32.3 /31~ p/AJc ~E.'f F4,eJ '33043 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. ~ c..J:. ~ Lfl.t 083~2.J~ [) F-:.pr- tJ (:. NMtJ'-ft.#- rt.s..SOU c.c ~~ tJ..f ~p. Or- &1(;. DEPT <11= bJvlt!JJJJI1E1v~AA... 1!.~6-. PONf'''t (;o2.D4. FLit 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received appliclJJ;ions !V~s project.{:;U; it LIllO g '3~21 S' " J)r:;pra.e ^,,+lv~ (<.~o ~ ~J1~ Qt. 'Eli;. ~P-r 0 ~ tJ.JV/{C,-,H1Wr... rt~, - PO~ C"A ~et- fLA This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8 Y2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of con truction of this type of facility. . AI. fL' $- (,_ ~ Signature of applicant/agent Date For Department Use OnJy.L .JiM"" ~ i~{J~ Person accepting application & Date -/1 7;-/" - -)-'~'J<) (:6 L",- ~_ J Fee & receipt Approved by Ass't Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction ... '. ll, '0 ... ~ ~ tI 0 ... Q::. l..!.:J l- I- - " L.. < .....J DRANIHG SHrETJI SeRLE. ,.~ 3D' .~ lOT 17 lOT It. ~"J;" a~c v~ If DIJ.:'ilD'tId ~ ~f1 ,.dtr;t d/:t.OfSYO'1lPd ' : I -- :} . ..... : " I . - ~fC.OJ:D PROPE~Y UUf h' , t,.: I . '! .....J ~ :" \:Y ,c:s ,~ " " '.,g I Z;PuQ$>PES!1> /::bc.J( . ,..,- I' l'_', I: I- I I . ' .1 . .,,,,' I / :",", I ;' ""...--t - : \ - SU8ME.taD D!R-.NEL.CUT / \.. MfAU HIGH WAlE.l WJE El, O,CJ~' P.R.M. LOT.Z LOT I -, l 'j, n~UJUS i.A Flm iDAP " . " . \ - ~ DRAWING SHEET J: l'~'E.L"i LIAJLL 110' ..)- 1 2~ =r- I - f EX/sr/AJ6 M ~;-t;: tIP thP I r I I I' ~'81-J ~I I" --....... .... t.&. c::u 1 PUR..PoS'D l"7..~T.tJllol).J . E..l[VATIONI {ft,,> RAP} Ii 0 "2/ I I L :~ -.. . .~,: ~n? ".Nn,n:;7 ,L'6 Dt:Ck 2~8' Sr~'NG€RS ' fx \Si I tJ6 G ia:X; N \) A-A ' 'i11tJ I.ltJ'3dV1.d 0 tn:73~ .,rl ..... II Ii Ii II 51 L i i i I Sa:r-IO'M o I l r ,PURPOSE: BoAi 'D::cl: /t.l(, Hef. ~\Jt..l'R.6 "EGf 10,,", DATUM: gj t , , Adjacent Property Owners: 1.:. '"' r; )J R\f GutJ k. H A R.. T 1 Ul\n' 703 H A~DO"@.. G~'" ~ co~ 0 S 3000 DCEAN Ave VIR.6JNA J3f/lcH viI(. .2"3LIS.l 2. ~ ftT H C~"3E- E'NTE~r-R'l.E Po. Bo~ 32~ 816 P/NEKc~ ~lA. ~30~~ DER Form 17-1.203(1) Effective November 30, 1982 u.s ,j. L;.A- c-.i!~^:b RD DCoU /3LLX:#oI,1J1: ~' P"ltOflll5e ~ II RIP R.Ap. SA.tvt. P:1o iEd IDN . be stENt.O~ " 2~ ~~ ~ ~..O':::: )(.. ....., 1.1h?" ~," I rri; i'?,""f. i f-3;;~ :( · ' ,,~ J f .~ .1' " ~ -&E CD a , , 60 I IN AT CO U N TY 0 r ~ Ro EST ATE FLPr>. APPLICA T ION BY :~Ubl lA.VJ\2f)4 SHEET I or..zr: DA TE2.rJ-<6 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE 32M GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950,9359 April 18, 1984 Monroe County Director of Building, Planning & Zoning Public Service Building 5825 Junior College Road Hest Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 . -. '~_w....ro.~.~.~ Monros.._.cQ-unty-,.--File No. 440838215, Riprap, Dock Dear Mr. Smith: BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY 1/2o/!1 W As per your request pursuant to Section 253.125, Florida Statutes attached is a copy of the Department's Biological appraisal for the referenced project. A hydrographic survey was not required. Sincerely, / ------ J/p~~ ( M. An rew Barth Envi, nmental Specialist MAB/wlb Encls. Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life 'I LAVAZOLI, RUDI #440838215 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Two A. The applicant is proposlng the placement of 50 cubic yards of riprap along a 60' long residential shoreline. Also planned is a sItlall T-shaped dock, 22 feet long with a 40 foot long terminus. The width of this dock would be five feet. The proposed riprap would be placed waterward of the mean high water (MHW) line, approximately eight feet waterward of an existing riprap revetment. The apparent purpose of this project is to provide boat dockage and to stabilize the shoreline. B. The project site is located on the southeastern side, of LltEle-Torcn-Key, adjacent t(}"'NewfoundHarbor Channel (also referredfo...'a.s-pTne.--Channel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Little Torch Key. Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this channel reach ten feet, with a gradual decrease in depth toward either channel shoreline. Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger Estates subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this erosion is believed to have occurred over a short , ---'-'-'--"-"per iod of time following dredge and spoil acti vi ties when the shoreline was unstable). Consequently, a subtidal/ intertidal shoreline shelf exists waterward of the erosion and landward of the peripheral channel. Of this shelf area, the waterward 5-15 feet is permanently submergent, displaying lush seagrasses, algaes, corals and sponges. The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50'-70' wide. Adjacent properties display a variety of seawalls, riprap revetments and docks. Recent shoreline projects here (there have been six or seven permits issued in this area for shore- line projects'in the last several years) have been limited to the MLW line or landward. The adjacent property to the north of the subject property is undeveloped. Two lots over to the south, a T-shaped dock and riprap revetment have been constructed similar to that being proposed. . .:<~-~,,:~; ,~~,:~J'~;~~'~;~~~~.~.~~~:,.~:$~'--h:~ ~"~'i~~'~~'--~':' ,~.-:.' .,. ;'~,~...",:".: ., ,."',, LAVAZOLI, RUDI #440838215 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Three C. The applicant's shoreline has already been riprapped at about the MHW line. This riprap line separates the applicant's filled uplands from the intertidal and subtidal shelf at the foot of the revetment. Approximately ten feet waterward of the existing riprap revetment, a line of small rocks has already been placed. This line marks the approximate mean low water line. No emergent shoreline vegetation is found within the intertidal portion of this shoreline. Nerite snails (Neritia sp.) were observed over the larger intertidal rocks. The subtidal portion of the applicant's shoreline is about ~-five-nfeeE--wia.e, supporting a-hea'lthy growth of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudiiiiii11J;"'--green algaes (Halimeda sp. I Caulerpa sp., Batophora sp.), and red algaes (Gracilaria sp. and Laurencia sp.) . D. Impacts are expected to be minimal. .'~ '''~,Jttt~~~f'~~~~~~:,,~~':~. ~ : ~ j<~..... . ,Jr.,; "...... '.,