Resolution 214-1984 .. --- RESSQ)CUV;XQ)N NQ). I.> 214- 1984 WHEREAs;, the BQ)ARD Q)F CQ)UNt~ CQ)mmXSSSSXQ)NERSS Q)F ffiQ)NRQ)E CQ)UNt~, FCQ)RXD~ has receiveD an application from anD RACPH BRQ)WN WHEREAs;, in compliance with SState SStatue, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment inot the RecorD, as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a !100' long riprap revetment along a residential shoreline which faces the shallow, open waters of Hawk's Channel. A tot~l of 170 cubic yards of riprap, cement and backfill would be placed at the applicant's property line (about the line of mean sea level). Of this amount, about 150 cubic yards would be placed landward of the mean high water (MHW) line. An L-shaped dock would be constructed our from the riprap line. This dock would measure 25' long by 4' wide. The L-shaped end would be 20' x4' . The project site is located on the south side of Mar.athon within a residen- tial area that was apparently created from the deposition of dredge spoil. As a result, a trianglular shaped land protrusion exists which is bordered on nearly all sides by water. A shallow and somewhat narrow peripheral channel fringes this land protrusion providing offshore access for small boats. Development of the 16 lots that are contained within Ocean East, Inc. subdivision is estimated to be about 50 percent complete. The shoreline of this subdivision which faces north, and on which the applicant's property is situated, displays a fair amount of erosion. The property adjacent to the applicant's to the west has been riprapped at about the line of MSL. This property possesses a boat dock similar to the one proposed by the applicant. The propertyadjacent to the applicant's to the east does not have any type of shoreline stabilization or development. The applicant's property displays a distinct erosion line up to which extreme high tides reach. Fill and various types of debris from the construct- ion of a house (which is underway)have been deposited up to this erosion line . Waterward of the erosion line, a !20' wide limerock rubble intertidal area is encountered. This area possessed no macrophytic growth. Several species of gastropds (Neritia sp. and Batillaria sp.) were observed here. Over the western side of the shoreline shelf, a narrow strip (9'-4') of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) has become established. This strip is seagrasses borders the inside edge of the" narrow perimeter channel which parallels the shoreline. Halophytes observed immediately landward of the extreme high water line (wrack line) included sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), railroad vine (Ipomea pes-caprae) and sea daisy (Borrichia sp) No adverse impacts are anticipated. The stabilization of this shoreline should promote a more permanent and stable intertidal and subtidal biological community in the immediate area. Under the provisons of the Florida Statues and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, permitting approval is recommended. As conditions to this approval, it is recommended that 1) the proposal riprap be placed no further waterward than mean sea level and 2) if backfill is used, it should be placed after the riprap and appropriate backfill retention materials are in place. BE !t RE$~C~ED B~ tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNt~ C~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNt~, FC~R!DA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen reaD into the recoro ann ouly consioereo pursuant to Florioa $tatute 253.124 hy the Boaro of County Commissioners of ffionroe County, Florioa this c?'i-d / oay of \. ),~ 6 19 731/ at a regularly scheouleo meeting. B~ARD ~F C~UNt~ C~mm!$$!~NER$ m~NR~E.; C C~~U~' fC~RIDA . ~. P By . ....~ 0~ mayor ($EAC) Attect: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk '.'./) ,) ~ /./... Ld...!. v. .. ( I' ~ti~~f('ci {i6~r~' >L Cuclen C. Pro y County Attorney OK~V~~; ~A~~~~E (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report v- 2. Resolution (RALPH BROWN) ~ 3. Permit ~. 4. Application for Permit (Riprap Shoreline Stabilization and Dock) ~ 5. Site Plan ~ V'. V By 4,Q(r 6. Location Map 7. DER Asses$ment Date 7--. (;,-tSt.( 'm~~~IT~?~ID 1.1) .tff. [i'" \LC'> ". . '." i ,.~ !. g' ! < ..~,_' '. ". ., ., , f \ ..,....,..., ' . j ,." ....,-i. J ,J JUl 9 1984 COUNTY Am: DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM June 14, 1984 Jeffrey M. Doyle Ph D Director Andy Hooten, BiOl0g~s~' ~tiL ~~ Ralph V. Brown, rip ran shoie\line stabilization and dock . (1 LEG A L Township 66Sduth, Range 32East, Section 14, Ocean East, Inc., Lot 11 Ocean East St., Boot Key, Monroe County, Florida Introduction This -aiJpJA-G-at-ion, f{}p. a'rip rap seawRl.Ln.and dock, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Co!!!miss.i-Gn-p.e-r-suant to section 19-111 (a){5) of the Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description The applicant proposes to stabilize his shoreline with 170 cubic yards of rip rap boulders and associated backfill in which 20 cubic yards are proposed for placement below the mean high water line. Also, the appli- cant proposes a 25 ft. dock with a 20 ft. L at the end. A site inspection on 3/30/84 found the area of proposed activity to be a racky_.shoreline devoid of vegetation. Intertidally, small nereid snails were observed. Subtidally, small patches of turtle grass and cuban shoal weed were observed. Additional information may be obtained in the attached FDER biological assessment; Evaluation Mr. Brown's proposal of rip rap boulders will aid in shoreline stabili- zation. This is consistent with the code and the management policies of the comprehensive plan. However, the dock proposed by Mr. Brown would be erected in the middle of a small navigable channel that services boat traffic to the west of the property. The attached photograph shows an existing dock on the property to the west of Mr. Brown's lot. It is recommended that the location of the dock be modified so as not to inter- fere with navigation yet provide adequate water depth for boat dOCkage (as Mr. Brown's neighbor has done). Recommendation Conditional approval: the dock should be relocated along the shoreline so as not to interfere with navigation, yet provide adequate water depth for boat dockage. r I I PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Ralph Brown 113 Stirrup Key Woods Road Apt. 3A2 Marathon, Florida 33050 2) Date 3-21-84 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: 743-0249 ,4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number OWNER/BUILDER 5) Legal description of property: -- --. Section 14 Key Boot Subdivision Ocean East Inc. Township 66S Lot 11 Block Ocean East Street Range 32E Street, road or mile marker Volume of material: dredged!excava ted filled! deposi ted c.y, waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward of M.H.W. 20 c.y, waterward ofM.H.W. 150 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL The dock should be relocated along the shoreline so as not to interfere with navigation, yet provide adequate water depth for boat dockage. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building & Zoning .. MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCA V A TION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 3) Phone number 1) Property owners name & mailing address -~-J 2) Date R ALP H v, 13/-<. (j' w N /13 S7i/7RU.P J(EY vvOC'DS liD. APT 3A.l. }-} t -'64 M/\nAT/10/'l I::"L, .J3D~-O _____ 4J conc;t:J o:J"; Kai mad{~~;~'~h",;' ~'C"ifioabon numh.,. 7ifJ 02Jf'1 ~~ , . .;2-~., . ..-,~,~ , . 5) Legal description of property: Section, t 4 Township, 6 6 5 C> i.J T {-/ Range, :1 1 l:-A 5 T (if acreage) Zoning, R U I Key. J1J2!), Subdivision, 0 C E I~ IV - c- cA _J J / /\1 C. Lot, .~__ Block, Street, road or mile marker, Ct e/l,J E /lS-i S;-.{'::::E r- 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. PJ?iVli.'7€ HEStDE:i\JTAL RfP~ItP i3M.J/'( PROTt:CTID/V i- PiER "''''ODD PJLE5 -+ DEc.K volume of material dredged/excavated c.y. c.y. filled/deposited J. 0 c.y. / ,5-0 waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. c.y. waterward of M.H.W. landward of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. (f) PeN TON C, t?W/NG- P.O, Box 2(,2 (. H/A L cAN J FL, :330/2. ~ ROBERT MAMSKE /;L OC.E/~N !:A5 T MA/~A THOI\/ I PL. 33oro 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: A P P LfcA lION FOR P E/<'!VII T U,S. ARMY CORPS OF /:-/v'GINEERS 'Ii- D,E. R, b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. r?ALPI-f v. f3 R 0 VI" N 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8Y2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. ~1 7 U2l/1 ~U'\. /fh-{-! ~ SignatUl'e of applicant/agent '3-:J..f-gLf Date For Department Use OJ!!yL #>7S~-7)#0~9/ //9 CJ( Fee & receipt \ Cost of pprrnit Approved by Ass't Director "p- ..S" O~ r7J ~---' Estimated eost of construction Person accepting application & Date , .? .. .I I ( ":},I '<1')! <:"/.;' /, __ ..;::r- . <... j --- ~ -' ./ 'I" I _.:1 ,11. // !; i." j,)! 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'-\'" r-:~ r:::"4 ~, '- f ;"\.J l"\ / ,-) ,. \ 1)\ J /" , ( ,. ------........... -" ~ ~' - - __ 3 '" !/ '; . ;, "~I J. I - '" -,j" ~6L L - cr, ---.~----- :- ..J ~ , " ,/ (..~---,- I / .;:; \,i" ',-_ " " .,) " :: T.l 1'\,1 VI r i ! o - - ,. ~ ~- '" ~ ~ o ~ ,., , '." ("p 't:.:;') '... = :. ,-~ ( ""'J = ;: ~ .., .;. c:: :=; " a '.;J ." ".' O~ -, ' I'I~ ~// .:: ;; "0 " r: : I ;.i ~l ), ,if ,., .. o. I, '-. ~ L ~ ;: '" , I ., , m 1"- -:,/ , - \ .. , ,./ / ~ ..... -,..-;. ~~ VI '-"('-01 o :3 .. j , OJ // (al (~ '::.'1'~~~ ~ / ....-.. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEffi1IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No.: 440845385 County: Monroe Date: 4-30-84 Applicant Name: Ralph Brown Address: II) Stirrup Key Woods Rd., Apt. 3A2, Marathon, FL 33050 Agent (if applicable) : N/A Address: N/A Location of project: Section(s) 14 Township 66S Range 32E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Ocean Inc. E~st, Inc. SUbdivisioll, Marathon Water Body: Hawks Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adj acen t lilaters: III Aquatic Preserve: ------------- Outstanding Florida Waters: ------------ On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection: 5-10-84 Revised Application: Yes No Date: Original Application: Yes~ No Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction teChniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general,ared. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining ~roperties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of s~eClEic project site and spoil site if applicable. Include id~ntification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of thL project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and wat~r quality. Address long-term imoact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) BROWN, FU~LPH #440845385 Monroe County - MClraLhon Page Two A. The applicant ptoposes to construct a +100' long rlprap revetment along a residential shoreline which faces the shallow, open waters of Hawk's Channel. '--., A total of 170 cubic yards of riprap, cement and backfill would be placed at the applicant's property line (about the line of mean sea level). Of this amount, about 150 cubic yards would be placed landward of the mean high water (MHW) line. AnL-shaped dock would be constructed out from the riprap line. This dock would measure 25' long by 4' wide. The L-shaped end would be 20' x 4'. B. The project site is located on the south side of Marathon within a residenti~l area that was apparently created from the deposition of dredyc spoil. As a result, a triangular- shaped land protrusion exists which is bordered on nearly all sides by wator. A shullow uncl somewhat: narrow peripheral channel fringes this land protrusion, Pl'uvidinq offshore access for small bOuts. Development of the 16 lots that are contained within Ocean East, Inc. subdivision is estimated to be about 50 percent complete. The shoreline of this subdivision which faces north,and on which the applicunt's property is situated, displays a fair amount of erosion. The property adjacent to the applicant's to the west has been riprapped at about the line of MSL. This property possesses a boat dock similar to the one pro- posed by the applicunt. The property adjacent to the upplicant's to the east does not have any type of shoreline stabilization or development. C. The applicant's property gisplays a distinct erosion line up to which extreme high tides reach. Fill and various types of debris from the construction of a house (which is underway) have been deposited up to this erosion line. Waterward of the erosion line, a +20' wide limerock rubble intertidal area is encountered. This area possessed no macrophytic growth. Several species of gastropods (Neritia sp. and Batillaria sp.) were observed here. BROWN, RALPH #440845385 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three Over the westerh side of the shoreline shelf, a narrow strip (0'-4') of turtlegrilss (Thalilssia testudinum) and shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) has become established. This strip of seagrasses borders the inside edge of the narrow perimeter channel which parallels the shoreline. Halophytes observed immediately landward of the extreme high water line (wrack line) included sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), rililroad vine (Ipomea pes-caprae) and sea daisy (Borrichia sp.). D. No adverse impacts dre ~nticipated. The stabiliziltion of this shoreline should promote a more permanent and stable intertidal and subtirlal biological community in the immediate area. BROWN, RALPH #440845385 Monroe County - Marathon Page Four E. Under the provisions of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, permitting approval is reco~nenJed. As conditions to this approval, it is recommended that 1) the proposed riI)l-ap be placed no further waterward than mean sea level and 2} if backfill is used, it should be placed after the riprap and .-:qJpropriate backfill retention ~aterials are iri place. D TE: ~1984 READ: '. ~ GARY SH FER JAM/dvo I >"<.;.,.i;~~~c';; ."..};~' .\ ,; \,:\.f.;~!!f;~:~~t,p: , ~'-'." ~,:.:J~i.; 1t'f;, ,~".~:<e:i~~: ..( . :';',I;~~: . j..~! ~.:.. -:'L~ ~,t~~ " -':..~ "~..f' ,'; \O~~~ ....~~-".:-~ J~i~:" ..J.iu,~!~.;).. ...b.~. .:" ul.I_,..__.._ lo.' :......_...,..._ .".IL_~..._.~.~'. ';f''il~~~Zf::~~:irg~1~~;t;~~~it.~'_ J ~ I ' , " :? ,~~ r, I I '.' - ,..) ~ - J'.t ~ "'''--, , :1 1-- ~J {*'j'~ '~~' .",. \ '--' '.... f>"t , ~_" 1: ,?., : , 'J ({) t't ei\-fvi~~() >\ J . /c' I t': I ,. T\ . E' 1 t-, Y' 1\ \ - "I r: I : I, L. 'JI'J\'"I\(,:.1 :,.,'dif:E_ (L'T II - .~ ~ .- '.:-7 {VI ':", ,,~~-rrc.:;:;.r c /' ".-:......~' -:;.-r- Pho-fo ~ ( I 1< l: [. L. /.U:' Pho~,. -; -! :> tAIZGf Rue If TO ST"BILIZt. EJ./DS 0 "'- :,C~ WALL t,C T 1:1 I, CI L J T ,i) --_.._..__ _ ..a_'________.__... .__ OC,I /\/Y- [~.IS';' ,:;i)I~\D FilS ':/VENT ': l~) 5 S' S [C ''-,. / ' N I< L I'" t \v' 1/ " - , ; /'4 - d ,c-,' (L('f'~~' ) -') ,'\'1 i \\ :, il)l ~'._-./ ,"} I \ l ') .-C~-;: . " II ....- I r"')~'l t_ .,' 1..... \... fU.CI; 131\('{I~tt,i- /.1,.~ IV'/ :J Ralph Brown #440845385 PHOTO #1 East lo '~;L'st view ()l~ tlv,' Cl;"}t~Ll" can t 's s h 0 L- C 1 i n c . 81 u (; f L, rl q'- ' stake (foreground) ':lPt~c.rr.:.'n t 1.',' mClrks the c11'}>iicc,nt I., :"o[Jcrt.,' lilh.' . PHOTO #2 "..;,.. "West to east view of the <lI'P- licant's shoreline. Ralph Brown #440845385 PHOTO #3 view of the shoreline (west side of the property), including the inter- tidal area, the strip of seagrass beyond the intertidal zone and the offshore peripheral channel.