Resolution 277-1984 "'. RE$(DCllQ;I(DN N(D. 277 -1984 IDHEREA$, the B(DARD (Df ((DllNQ;g ((DmmI$$I(DNER$ (Df ffi(DNR(DE t(DllNQ;g, fC(DRIDA, has receiven an application from (CgDE ffi. K(DBE ann, IDHEREA$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procenure to rean the fallowing Biological Assessment into the Recorn as fallows: Applicant proposes to construct 48 l.f. of retaining wall and 840 sq. ft. of private dock at a future residential site on the Atlantic Ocean. The dock surface will be an open lattice decking design. The proposed activities will require a total of 37 cu. yds. of limerock placed landward of MHW, and 5 cu. yds. placed waterward of MHW. Total area to be filled is .016 acres. The project includes 7.2 cu. yds. of riprap at the seawall toe (in a 5 ft. wide zone). Also proposed, is a 12 foot wide x 14 foot long concrete boat ramp for launching the resident's boat. Construction techniques are not specified. The project site is located in Summerland Key Cove Addition No.6, a water- front community on the Atlantic Ocean within the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge (Class III Outstanding Florida Waters). This region is characterized by a network of manmade canals and channels providing access to Kemp Channel to the west and Niles Channel to the east. Substantial alterations have been made along the shoreline, including bulkheads, docks, and ramps. A deep navigational channel is found immediately offshore with sheer side slopes. Adjacent to the project site, a riprap wall and concrete block dock were recently completed to the east (Permit #440750925). The adjoining lot to the west has been recently filled (landward of MHW). The project site consists of an undeveloped parcel of property with 60 l.f. of water frontage on Summerland Cove (Atlantic Ocean). The rubble shore- line currently exhibits sparse vegetation, including buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera), and beach elder (Iva sp.). The historically filled upland lot is bordered by a 10 ft. wide (~) littoral/ sublittoral zone to the north of the excavated channel. Dominant submergent vegetation includes scattered algal growth, Batophora sp. and Penicillus sp. specifically noted. Water depths along the rock ledge range from 0 to -1' (MHW). Aquatic fauna noted on-site included periwinkles, horn shells, nerites, needlefish, barracuda, pinfish, and juvenile snapper. Expected short term impacts include elevated turbidity levels as a result of the proposed construction activities in and adjacent to state waters. An insignificant amount of submerged algae will be directly eliminated by the ramp construction. No long term adverse impacts on water quality or the biological integrity of state waters are anticipated. The dock design should allow for partial sunlight penetration, which should sustain existing submerged floral growth. The riprap is expected to provide a source of habitat. I recommend approval of the project as proposed, in accordance with Chapter 253 and 403, F.S. and F.A.C. Rules 17-3 and 17-4. Turbidity should be controlled at all times. Resolution Clyde M. Kobe Page Two BE It RE$~~ED BM tHE B~ARD ~F t~UNtM t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNt~ FC~RIDA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen rean into the recorn ann nuly consineren pursuant to Florina $tatute 253.124 hy the Boarn of tounty tommissioners of monroe tounty, Florina, this 21st nay of September ,19 84 at a regularly schenulen meeting. B~ARD ~F t~uNtM t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~~~tg, fC0RIDA XJ2-n- d By ._ ___ ~~( ... . maynr--' - . '--~ ($EAC) AHest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ,,/) ~--S / '__ I Cucien t. Frohy tounty Attorney ~Y.~D' ~~~,~~E (305) 294.4641 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County BiOlogist Report 2. Resolution (CLYDE KOBE) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit(Retaining Wall, Dock & Boat Ramp) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Asses~ment ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ Date tj- ~-tftf ~ ~,C2~ By tR\.D.1?,(fITh':n?~]., "'. 'j!rfl. LJ \::')( . i .' ;~, ; I! . f:V SEP 6 1984 " COuNTY ;1 TTY. OK~Y~!: ~A~~,~~E REC~-"''' J'r""D' ',. ~-=>~~;l:"~ . :.... iL..,.,... II J ~~_ ..:.. rr-.....- (305) 2944641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Mayor Pro tern Alison Filhrer, District 4 Mayor Ken Sorensen, District 5 MEMORANDUM AUG 2 7 Et.:'.4 DATE: MONRO;:: CGU,':T'{ FLl\NN!NG G'::PT. ,03 August 15, 1984 BY TO: Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning and Zoning FROM: p,~<;:JL"Q2 George Schmahl, Biologist SUBJECT: Applicant Name: Clyde M. Kobe Legal: Lot 26, Block 1, Summerland Key Cove Add. #6, Summer land Key Zoning: RU-l Introduction This application for a retaining wall, fill below mean high water, dock and boat ramp should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners" pursuant to Section 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description Applicant proposes to construct an eight inch concrete xetaining wall two feet landward of mean high water and backfill with approximately 30 cubic yards to the existing lot elevation. Rip rap boulders are to be placed seaward of the retaining wall, of which approximately five cubic yards will lie seaward of mean high water. A 14 foot wide dock running the length of the property is proposed, supported by concrete columns and beams. This dock is for the purpose of providing access to a dredged channel waterward of the shoreline. A 12 foot wide boat ramp will pene- trate the dock. The site is a previously cleared and filled lot in a developed subdivision in Summerland Key Cove. The site does not lie within the shoreline pro- tection zone as per section 4-18 of the County Code, but is capable of supporting wetland vegetation. Present shoreline vegetation includes buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), one small seagrape (Coccoloba unifera), Ox eye daisy (Borrichia spp.) and Sea purslane (Sesuvium sp.). A rocky, .... Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle August 15, 1984 Page 2 submerged shelf is present seaward of MEW about 11~ feet to the dredged channel line. The only biota noted on the shelf was the algae Batophora. This property fronts open water and it is evident that some erosion has already taken place, indicating that shoreline stabilization may be neces- sary. A vertical bulkhead seawall is present on the adjoining property to the east. The shoreline to the west is undeveloped. Docks and sea- walls are common in this subdivision shoreline. A joint application with the D.E.R. and A.C.O.E. (file #440883695) is currently being processed. A copy of the D.E.R. biological report is attached and recommends approval for the project. This dock proposal may be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources Marina and Dock siting criteria, which limits the size of docks that service single family residences. Evaluation The proposed development should have minimal environmental impact. The rip rap below mean high water could actually provide additional submerged habitat. The decking to be used for the dock will be open lattice con- crete, which will allow some penetration of. light to the area beneath the dock to allow for plant growth. The construction of the boat ramp will require placement of fill and concrete below mean high water. As the present shelf does not support an extensive benthic biota, this activity will have only a minor impact on the environment. Turbidity curtains should be employed for the augering of holes for the support columns and during the placement of fill and cpncrete for the boat ramp. A small berm should be incorporated at the landward side of the boat ramp at the point where the ramp grades into the existing lot elevation. This will prevent storm runoff from being funneled directly into the coastal water. Recommendation The biologist recommends conditional approval of this project. Conditions: 1. Turbidity curtains are to be used during augering and placement of support columns and during construction of boat ramp waterward of existing erosion line. 2. A retention device should be incorporated into the land- ward side of the boat ramp to prevent storm runoff from flowing directly into open water. Other Observations There is no principal structure on this site. A septic tank has already been installed on this property. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY @'~' . ,. '..';"~.-~.' , -F(' ~- PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Mr. Clyde M. Kobe 1014 Bay Breeze Terrace Largo, Florida 33540 2) Date 6-12-84 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number (813) 585-2246 Date: (813) 585-2246 Resolution No. 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number OWNER CONTRACTOR 5) Legal description of property: Section 35 66S Key Summerland Subdivision Summerland Key Cove Addition #6 Township Lot 26 Block Range 28E Street, road or mile marker U. S. # 1 MM 24.5 So. over Bridge Rast on C~~;hhp~n n~ Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted c.y. wa terward of M.H. W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 5 c.y. waterward of M.H.W. 35 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: COND I T ION AL APPROVAL 1. Turbidity curtains are to be used during augering and placement of support columns and during construction of boat ramp waterward of existing erosion line. 2. A retention device should be incorporated into the landward side of the boat ramp to prevent storm runoff from flowing directly into open water. There is no principal structure on this site. A septic tank has already been installed on this property. Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning & Zoning Department /~. /. MONROE , COUNTY t;.<.....~ . ~21 PLANr lNG, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date 3) Phone number 6-12..-B'4 &73 - S8S-.;Ld... <q.ta ~ S- /'d-~'Ib OWN~F!- (ONTRACTIJ f:. 5) Legal description of property: Section. :35 r{.6 S c? f-F '" ~ (if acreage) RUL tt.. Key, SVAU\.EIU.A",j)Subdivision, S~Jt{l(e.le..L'V0P KE: 'I CIJ VE ~.D i.) Co Lot, do fo Block, , U r -u.., MM.;;}n.S- SeuTI-J Street, road or mile marker..;:::) -. ./ OVER.. 'BRIl)bt - E"A'ST DO CAR.7BBe\A> J>"fJ1Jc L. 01 LV I."'" St"EE"L OI...J IT 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. Township. Range, Zoning, SEE'- A T1J<\ C!.J-/-€i) s It EEl volume of material dredged/excavated c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. filled/deoosited 5"' c.y. .3 5" waterward landward of M.H. W. of M.H. W. c.y. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose prooerty affronts water w, T. 5~~T S 1'i)'E ~ t) ~J.) 1\. 'W t+tTE' \)(l;~T -5'1:>8: ~ ~o S' B ~ 80 W ~ KI.. P. o. 'eo)(. ~5;}'" F=L Ki ~ 4.1 Dx:. ~ eo s~~~.u~ KeV:J. 5v~~6:.-t;}.LJ+L-iJ I<€)I PI..., -8,~ (J <1~ 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: \) .s E;"ll>11 <!... ,AuK. 1:l K ( (.)~ - 84 '2) BOI~t)IIJ~ PEl!.ll\Al"', f=.oR... flOuSe: l ~ l ~ p~ b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. tV/A 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. -FI...". "bElT 01= E~". RE"<q ~ ~VIUTi\- 60R.OIlr rL.) "Ji:"o,/fPPLI(!.Il-TIDN A R~ '\.l <!.e e..p 0 1= E' kJ <:r C!.. p" I..),~ <Oo~~ R.. ---:) s ffo~T ~ ~ This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8'/2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is " true. complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county. state 0' fedenlllaw ...gulating construction 0' pe,(o,mance of con~~ ~ UlhOc I,,!, l'1lf1 Signature of applicant/agent Date For Deoartment Use Onlv/ ;fr?<)":. S/6/SS/ Fee & receipt Approved by Ass't Director -r, , Person accepting application & Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction , "",0 ~ '{I i \~. dj v ~ B a." SITE ~ ~ [DCA T/{)N .... GCAL-E -NOA/C- C... KO.L3c- I;-jj-BS" .~ '\l' ~.~ ;~, ';;~ : ~ , .. ~, I~ O{~'..! -tr " . "" /', ! 0"'4 tJ" -. ' (\ , ~ : .f. !', (> , ,r /..../// '''\~ ' , /~. ;. I " ~' , - r/' \ h' "., (\ NL\ ~r; \;l~ '\ 0.. '''0~7 '. ) \Ul ~,: lY ~.<./ '~I\ ~,> ,,) ~-".;/I . ".- ~ '.' ...~) ) 0} r' J:' N >':~ -', i.J ,- \ ~ ~.,.\ (';:.'.'0" ' .; " ~ " " " ..:;: " ~ }7 ,~ U.: How..1J . - Kll'Y t,.: .. :j '.. " c. 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Dc. turn . ~- Ind ica tes 3/4" steel pipe founa or se t. -~- Indicates 40d spike or ?K. Survey , control :'ou.'"1d or set. ~ L~dicates Bench ~ark. Spike or P.K. nail set in utility pole or tree gOO' Ft. above mean sea level. :c-CRLE e:.:::-lY'eo"vE F1r.'H Z/iNE ,/./2 EP.:E FLCOfJ a IZ'11.5.L. , ------,1------ 3/! t JJ; '-"'1"-'"' , ~~~_r?':-:/( :.' @i@ 1. fl'O I~ (-;::.,z', :.' ?"\ '...!-J I~ 7"1",'1 ,r"a--' . \' ( '--::: "., " ---.--- :;:, .. ,,,,. ~ir"I'/,lff11.'~ "'!~{P:;;M. . f~."- 3'::'0' p..![:,:: _~;.." _"":-!.'3: , I' )_J j ----" -- t.~ --;".1--- ;;' :::: .-,/.,. .f.~_ PIN '," CC~.: ~.'r.."'. 50' ~: \ \ El1fi/E!3EFfl fj;f/fE E/iJT ~: J;e}~ .785. ,40..... ,"- . ('--r""f--- ~ '!- )? ~. - > yC. , - ,....."'1 q;------'-'~ , \ . / ( i ,-ee' <'~~ oJi.J"./JC C~j. ~: ~., ___~!y'.' 0' r" i , i~ ;~~ : I I ,,,e IT . ':'O.u:'" '" .~~ ?p' --. ....q. 'PE~['C:",3T1DN 'Ti:r hlllL A:'~ ,'.' I --- .0 ~ ,~' ~ ~ ':&, ~. . ~'c.~.rENCE :.... ~.J,- :7 ... ~..... ... ~ ::-- =::.... ~ ~..... ;: :: ~ ~ E: ~ :: ... :;: ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~~ ~, W . . ,., .~ ~ ~.- :.,; ': I.... - ~ i~ ~ : :~ ~ ~~~ ~$~ -- ~- ~-..I LIff 26 ,...., ......~ ~ .~ ~ \~ ~. ~ TOP or l1EeH _ _ ~\ ,~C'" \\,). 'W"lTNE51 l..'ltE ..' +--.......~ ~ 0' N57'.JIU~W ./J:JII', if\. "--..--- - .-...-.----- .,- - ---. ,Ef 1 Vl'/lRlJ prOPECTY UNE ..-~J .;,-...'4I1C.-&liJ C;,J:N'III.. cu;-:;J--. t:i7RIi/IEL F.:-:'.::,.",'-! - :.-"":-::,;:." I HEREBY CERTIFY tha t of a survey conducted Bea.:-ings are rela ti ve of delineating angles established by U.S.C. thereof. all of which the attached plat is a true and correct representacion by me or under my supervision on ZkYE/'78U''; l~e3 to an assu~ed meridian and are given for the purpose only. Elevations are relative to cean sea level as & G. Survey. Distances are in feet and decimal parts I certify to ccrrect. p YJ'. U-~. . .:.TSCHE. JR. C.E.. P.E.. P. .S. Professional Engineer No. 2374 Reg. :and Surv~yor No; 2914 CAR./BBEAN DRJYE EAST , ~t:> @ LOT-M 2.7 LOT I:J 2. tD C. KIJ/3E I - ----m u LOTII.2.S" ~-- ::;. . - , DaN WHITl: '.: -- '..{':. -"Jb"E" 'Br1315u--sa lOt>' -- -- ........ -'" --.-"'" . ~_ _ $~"N I./NE - 11'4 5 ~UOllI!.ES. ""- - - 771IS UT --- ~. A"~-7 tJ~ /' NO STRGlCrt/,€,ES r"H/.!5 LOr / .,- --. - ----~~~~....._~" ~_-:-....... /'....- DECK ~ EBB 77,/J/F + FI..OOD 1 T].lJc G)ttl sr/NG" t::HANNEL NAl.L ....4S. AtL. yv,' L/"'~ SITE f3LAN i.()Tal~ SUM!nEeLAAJb ~E'I COYE A/J[)/77()N~~ SUN/IfJEeLAAJ/)KEt FL. &CALE /"~ at)' ~ I~ '!f ~ C.K_He ~ - 11-/Ui SlIeET /oF4 Q - V PURPOSE. Prevent erosion channel. DA TUM: Petsche survey & G '.u ~ " ~ o -J ~ DRAWING SHEET ~lQ'~ ' '~ oJ' f l4i~ " ~ . ,~ ~~...... v~ ....... ~"U (}S~ .. o ~ N ..... ~ " ....... II ... ... tV.. "*0 - '.u .J ct \) If) o ---------~ -.J - ~r 4l~~ ~. ~ , ~ , ~ I t-. ~ ... ... o ... , ~ "I ~~~ " Iii " I '\J I (Q~ ll~ ~1Il ~~ . ~ V) .... ~ ~ ~ ~Vl \tJ ~~ - ~V')~ ~ ~~ ltJ~~ < ~VJ ~JCll ., ~ I.. ~ ~ ~ 'ok "IJ~\.3....J .p ) liJ ~ ~ I ~ ~. Q I, ")._ ;) " "~ I ',t V ~\)~ ~~ i ; : I I J: \!) ~ -J ~ ~ ~~ i! I I ~~ ~ I..' <l ~o h I \ ~ I .J...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~vi 111;/' :1: .~~ -$.~~ ~~~ II I i / \ ill I I ~ w -i ~ \J l.ij ::W,:~,\~Q ~..~~ ~~~ . II "'-I/o ~k & provide access to Atlantic ocean .J ~ ~ \b ~ ' - ~ III ~ ! ~ I'"~ ~. llJ: ..J ~. Ui --- -- "" onsite survey by C. Kobe IN . Adjacent Property Owner.. 1. Dan B. White AT 2. :.T;;;, E B c. (1 D UJ S \:::"'T: COUNTY Dr Monroe STATE Fl. APPLICATION BY. C. Kobe SHEET 2. or4 DATE DEft ror. 17-1.20) 1 Errective Nove.ber lO, 1982 "'~ ~ 141 - ~ ~ ~ ~ -r ..~ \1 ... () ~ C) \!1 J ... ,.. \J ~ l., )( 'a ~ ..... lu ~J ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ V'1-J ~q \Q - ..... ~~ Q", () ..J \J ~ a ?'llQ I ~ ~ \JC\ ~" .... )a~ Yl V' :t ~ Ii. ~n - ~" ~ en ~ ~ J ~M ::J ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ .... ~ .....~ N ~!.l.~!~ - Cf). ~ ~\) ~ ~~ ~iJ ~ ..... , .. ~ ~ ~ \0 ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ V) U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ () ~ ~ -J ~~ ... << ...... <= ~..J~~ ~ II ~ 'll~~ ::~ ~ ri ~ \() ~ ~ ~~ ~~ IaJ ~'t . ...J ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ - ({) ::r ~ sr ~ SI-IEET3 OF 4 ~.7-." C.K6.!JF ~ ~ r'\ ~ ~ ~'" ~ () ~ ~ ~~ ~ VJ · .... ~ )(~ q: ~ <J l.l CQ , 'f1 () ~ cf.I \0 ~ CQ It. S I~ '~ c::1 --J .... ~ 0 3: \u \J l1J ~ \J --. ~ ~ > )... ~ ..... ... ..... u .. () ~ ..( ...... ~ " &I) - ... ~ ,. ~ ~ ...J CW) \u ~ I ~ ... ~ (II ~ ..... \.I ~ J ,!.') - ~ 'to: tu . 4 ~ ~~ :::t:...; s~~ET4 OF"' 4 ~~ ~- 7-e4 C.KoSE ., ..' ..,"r~':" . ::~ Ji~. ~~,;~1ft . .'.' , I , . . ~.~ - or.... ,. II,' " I it~- . . . r I ::~~if~~:':'" ", ' . 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I:::'OBE b-/J-8~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950-9359 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY August 15, 1984 Mr. George P. Schmahl Monroe County Building Dept. 5825 Junior College Rd. W. Key West, FL 33040 Re: Monroe County, File No. 440883695 Retaining Wall, Dock & Boat Ramp Clyde M. Kobe Dear Mr. Schmahl: Attached is a copy of the Department's biological appraisal for the referenced project as per your request. A hydrographic survey was not required. Si ncerely, ljWtkf4.JJt1 Richard W. Cantrell Environmental Supervisor RWC/jh Enc 1 . cc: Clyde M. Kobe Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life .... .u_~_....~ __,... _ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL .,.... -,....;- -"'~"\ .....,..,,0 r ',. --. ".J::W'l: u ~ ~'.,\~-~::~:.ii 'J _ f< J .:. File No.: 440883695 County: Monroe ffU~-t>O FBi' AJI~ISm:Cr Da 1;~H..-Wt.lI 'lItf;~~_ Applicant Name: Clyde M. Kobe Address: lOl4 Bay Breeze Terrace, Largo, FL 33540 Agent (if applicable): NA Address: Location of project: Section(s) 35 Township 66S Range 28E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Lot #26, Summerland Key Cove Water Body: Atlantic Ocean (Sumrnerland Cove) Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: NA Outstanding Florida Waters: National Key Deer Wildlife Refuge On site inspection by: T.A. Kranzer Date of Inspection: 7-l7-84 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0 (Rev': 6/79) ~ KOBE, CLYDE M. #440883695 Monroe County - Summer land Key Poge Two A. Applicant proposes to construct 48 l.f. of retaining wall and 840 sq. ft. of private dock at a future residential site on the Atlantic Ocean. The dock surface will be an open lattice decking design. The proposed activities will require a total of 37 cu. yds. of limerock placed landward of MHW, and 5 cu. yds. placed waterward of MHW. Total area to be filled is .Ol6 acres. The project in- cludes 7.2 cu. yds. of riprap at the seawall toe (in a 5 ft. wide zone). Also proposed, is a l2 foot wide x l4 foot long concrete boat ramp for launching the resident's boat. Construction techniques are not specified. B. The project site is located in Summerland Key Cove Aadition No.6, a waterfront community on the Atlantic Ocean within the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge (Class III Outstanding Florida Waters). This region is characterized by a network of manmade canals and channels providing access to Kemp Channel to the west and Niles Channel to the east. Substan- tial alterations have been made along the shoreline, including bulkheads, docks, and ramps. A deep navigational channel is found immediately offshore with sheer side slopes. . Adjacent to the project site, a riprap wall and concrete block dock were recently completed to the east (Permit #440750925). The adjoining lot to the west has been recently filled (landward of MHW) . C. The project site consists of an undeveloped parcel of property with 60 l.f. of water frontage on Summerland-Cove (Atlantic Ocean). The rubble shoreline currently exhibits sparse vegetation, including buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera), and beach elder (Iva sp.). The historically filled upland lot is bordered by a lO ft. wide(+) littoral/sublittoral zone to the north of the excavated channel. Dominant submergent vegetation includes scattered algal growth, Batophora sp. and penicillus sp. specifically noted. Water depths along the rock ledge range from 0 to -l' (MHW). Aquatic fauna noted on-site included periwinkles, horn shells, nerites, needlefish, barracuda, pinfish, and juvenile snapper. ~ ~ KOBE, CLYDE M. #440883695 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Three U. Expected short term impacts include elevated turbidity levels as a result of the proposed construction activities in and adjacent to state waters. An insignificant amount of submerged algae will be directly eliminated by the ramp construction. No long term adverse impacts on water quality or the biological integrity of state waters are anticipated. The dock design should allow for partial sunlight penetration, which should sustain existing submerged floral growth. The riprap is expected to provide a source of habitat. . KOBE, CLYDE N. #440883695 Monroe County - Surmnerland Key Page Four E. I recormnend approval of the project as proposed, in accordance with Chapter 253 and 403, F.S. and F.A.C. Rules l7-3 and l7-4. Turbidity should be controlled at all times. ~~-',: ' l' j,/" , A . /0 ['0_ (, " L'--,_, , ". If "" -T.A. KRANZER; ENV. ~PEC. DATE: READ: TAK/dvo Clyde Koue #440883695 PHOTO #1 view of project site, looking east. photo was taken from westerly adjoining property (non-bulkheaded). Note recent- ly installed riprap wall and dock in background (on easter- ly adjoining property) .